why did zipporah call moses a bloody husband

Moses and Zipporah went on to have two little boys together. Source: The New International Encyclopdia, Volume 11 (Dodd, Mead) 1911 A.D. (Exodus 4:21-26). Zipporah's father was Jethro, also called Reuel. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. (http://www.egrc.net/articles/Rock/Exodus/BrideGroomOfBlood.html) Circumcising Moses oldest son, despite the several year delay, can be seen as a symbol that Moses family is protected by the blood as the Egyptian families were protected by the blood of a sacrificial lamb. Blood and water flow from the side of the bridegroom in those last moments on the cross. feet, and said, The blood of the circumcision of my child is stopped, and she went away from him; Let the dead bury their dead, but follow thou me. Alas, this is no patriarchal fairy tale, and Zipporah is no damsel in distress. This has to be the bloodiest scene in the book of Exodus since the massacre of Hebrew male children in chapter 1. In Hebrew, Zipporah ( Tspporah) means "bird.". Some parents who have taken their children to the dentist or vaccination will understand. Having a break between verse 23 and 24 is not necessarily wrong because there seems to be a chronological break between the two verses (e.g. Moses was a murderer to Egyptians. Moses went to Jethro, his father in law, and asked him to let him go so he could go to his brothers in Egypt. Whats more, God had just revealed himself to Moses and demonstrated great power in and through him. This interpretation also makes sense narratologically because the previous verse speaks of God promising to kill Pharaohs firstborn son. 25 But Zipporah took a flint knife, cut off her sons foreskin and touched Moses feet with it. Punishment for failing to be circumcised falls upon the child, not the father (Genesis 17:14). Upon returning to the home of their father, the sisters reported the incident of the Egyptian stranger who had come to their aid. Name MeaningA Midian name, Zipporah means "a little bird," "a sparrow."Wilkinson observes that "the feminine termination ah added to the common word Zippor, which is also the father of Balak, king of Moab." Such a name like "dove" or "lamb" would originally be a . 25 So Zipporah took a flint, cut off her son's foreskin, and threw it at Moses' feet. (Macho 1970: 24-25). In verses 25 and 26, Zipporah calls Moses a bloody husband because of his strange and bloody procedure of circumcision. Brother of Goliath or Goliath in 2 Samuel 21:19? Zipporah was not a Hebrew woman, but a Midianite ( Exodus 2:16-22 [16] Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters: and they came and drew water, and filled the troughs to water their father's flock. . (Genesis 24:2-3). Note: Page 604 of the source. Zipporah was not a Hebrew woman, but a Midianite (Exodus 2:16-22). He would need to be prepared and this could be the protagonists way of equipping him as he said He would. God said to Abraham, As for you, you shall keep my covenant, you and your offspring after you throughout their generations. Edit them in the Widget section of the, http://www.usnews.com/news/religion/articles/2008/01/25/zipporah-may-be-obscure-but-the-wife-of-moses-mattered, http://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/zipporah-midrash-and-aggadah, https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9e6a/a27d838cdf4a201b5a12bcbbc940dcd0b6e7.pdf, http://www.egrc.net/articles/Rock/Exodus/BrideGroomOfBlood.html, http://www.nocirc.org/symposia/second/larue.html, https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+17. Zipporah is in blue. Why did God seek to kill Moses? Dr. Denise Kingdom Grier is the Pastor of Mobilization and Renewal at Mars Hill Bible Church in Grandville, Michigan. What problem would this solve? These people he was going to save were his own people, Gods chosen people by blood. Egypt had caused Moses to forget his rootshis identityas a descendant of Abraham. She is a longtime student of the Word who brings dynamic and prophetic insights to her preaching, teaching, and pastoral life. Zipporah was one of seven Midianite sisters that mistook Moses for an Egyptian after he saved them from the men at the well ( Exodus 2:16-19 ). In verse 23 God had pronounced a judgment upon Pharaohs son, but it may have been obvious to Moses that Gods judgment affects not only the king of Egypt but all the Egyptians. Most people read over it and dont understand what it all means. How many children did they have? And Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and threw it at his feet, and said, "Surely a bloody husband you are to me." So He let him go. The NIV and other translations that try to help the reader by replacing pronouns with names actually cause a stumbling block to the proper understanding of this passage. Grier graduated from Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina, where she received a BA in psychology. While she is introduced early in Exodus, very little is said about her. On the way, at a place where they spent the night, the LORD met him and tried to kill him. Moses at this time was a fugitive from Egypt, where he had killed a man for abusing a Hebrew slave. Some translations might be easier to read, but they may not be easier to understand. Now we can return to the obvious question at hand. On the flip side, if the protagonist is all-mighty as He states, the circumcision alone- an act of obedience and surrender- could render the preservation of their lives. Rev. The difficult questions asked by scholars are easily answered, and some of them simply become irrelevant. From the material I have read, it looks like Zipporah put some pressure on her hubby not to circumcise the boy. . The first concerns the meaning of the phrase bridegroom of blood which is mentioned twice in the excerpt. Whatever the reason, Zipporah had to think and act quickly in order to save her husbands life. Then Zipporah took a flint and cut off her sons foreskin and touched Moses feet with it and said, Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me! So he let him alone. Aaron met Moses at Mount Horeb, which is also a range in Sinai, the mountain of the Lord, and Moses told him all the things the Lord had told him to say and do. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. His first wife was his Kushite half-sister. She is also RCA Global Missions coordinator for Setshabelo Family and Child Services in the Free State Province in South Africa. At his feet.Moses feet, undoubtedly. Holy Week drags us reluctantly down the bloody path to Golgotha. This passage has perplexed many students of the word over the years. "Moses had been as good as taken from her by the deadly attack which had been made upon him. She felt that this was God's way of showing His. Moses then took his wife Zipporah and his sons, and went to Egypt. This is actually a topic that is debated often, but scripture is clear that Moses married two different women from two different lineages. The underlined words above are words that were supplied by the NIV translators. Many non-Hebrews who have never seen circumcision might find the procedure utterly strange, inhumane, and disgusting. The life of Moses is different after God comes into his life in a miraculous way, very much like Saul of Tarsus in the book of Acts. The writer asserts that perhaps the reference to blood-bridegroom reflects the custom of circumcision before marriage. This article is part of the She Is Called Women of the Bible Study Series. As Moses and his family arrive back in Egypt he meets up with the Lord who seeks to kill him. Circumcision was only one of the hundreds of laws that God demanded be obeyed. 2023 KJV Today - King James Version Bible. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. 22 Then say to Pharaoh, This is what the LORD says: Israel is my firstborn son, 23 and I told you, Let my son go, so he may worship me. But you refused to let him go; so I will kill your firstborn son. Note: Page 209 of the source. When a man has his hands full with what God wants him to do, he certainly doesnt need a wife who is a hindrance and an obstacle to him! 38. Circumcision was important to God, at least until Christ was crucified. By the way, the phrase of the title "a bloody husband art thou to me" is how the King James Version renders what the NIV here gives as "you are a bridegroom of blood to me." Some background to the story. These scholars are thinking too hard. Here is a grown boy who had to be circumcised. 4:25). This is a little easier to explain the word feet is a euphemism for Moses genitals. Why did Zipporah call Moses a bloody husband? Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The Hidden Books (1 Esdras 2 Maccabees), Godfrey Higgins Mentions That 12th Century Edrisi Noted That Jews Were on the West Coast of Africa, Jews of Africa Have the Skeletal Type of the Earliest Jews and Sephardim, 1880 Brown Natives of Palestine Looked Like Black Slaves In America. And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him, and sought to kill him. There is also another explanation. Him in verse 24 refers to Pharaohs firstborn son. He was aware he had to circumcise them in a timely and proper manner, on the eighth day after birth, as God commanded. If he was going to Egypt to free his people, his identification with Egypt had to die. Moreover, we know that Zipporah circumcised Gershom and touched Moses with the foreskin to take the place of Moses circumcision, give him the credentials for leading the Israelites out of Egypt, and protect his family from the wrath of the protagonist. (LogOut/ Sometimes we must utilize the resources we have and make the most of them. Zipporah immediately takes a sharp stone cuts the foreskin off of her son and throws it at the feet of Moses and declares he is a bloody husband. Cast it at his feet - Showing at once her abhorrence of the rite, and her feeling that by it she had saved her husband's life. His wife worried more about him then he worried about himself. Unlike his Egyptian peers, he was circumcised. Because of his kindness, Jethro tells his daughters to invite him for the meal. These scholars are thinking too hard. You can use them to display text, links, images, HTML, or a combination of these. Zipporahs word choice could have a double meaning in which she told Moses that he was protected by her bold action and that she finally had a legitimate husband due to the circumcision. She recently ended a 12-year tenure as lead pastor at Maple Avenue Ministries in Holland, Michigan. But Zipporah took a flint and cut off her sons foreskin, and touched Moses feet with it, and said, Truly you are a bridegroom of blood to me! So he let him alone. Jethro had given Zipporah to Moses as his wife. A typical child would not stay still for a scary procedure such as circumcision. Look for the lock in the address bar. It is easy to print, download, and email articles. Devils Line Season 2: Release Date CONFIRMED or CANCELED! Does the Masoretic Text Underlying the KJV omit Joshua 21:36-37? The Text tells us he was 120 when he die. morter, brick, and all manner of service in the field. What did the Egyptians make the children of Israel serve with? What do you hear the Spirit saying to you/your family/your church/your community. "Son of God" or "Son of the gods" in Daniel 3:25? After God brought His people out of Egypt through the leadership of Moses, Jethro reunites Moses and his family in Exodus 18:5-6. Answer: Zipporah, the name of Moses' wife, is only referenced three times in the Bible (Exodus 2:21, 4:25, 18:2). But the problem is that these supplied names are incorrect. In verse 26, the circumcision is finished and Moses lets go of his son. Zipporah is Moses's patrilineal cousin and his second wife. - John 8:45-47. By looking at the lineages we can safely conclude that Moses had at least two wives mentioned in scripture. God had just given Moses an assignment to return to Egypt and demand that Pharaoh free the Hebrews from bondage. Exactly why Moses had not circumcised his son is not stated in Scripture. God came to Aaron and told him to go into the wilderness and meet his brother Moses. . (Genesis 17:9-12a). Then she said, "You are a bloody husband," because of the circumcision (Exodus 4:25 - 26). Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The bride (the church) is restored to her bridegroom (Jesus) by shedding of blood.10, There is a detailed study on this subject of circumcision from ancient to modern times in an article titled Circumcision in the Bible: What was it really all about? The Bible is filled with sexual innuendo, which celebrates sexual love. Zipporah said to Moses "A bloody husband you are to me, because of the circumcision." One may wonder why God would come to Moses to kill him before he was circumcised, but I think it's a safe assumption that the Lord had told him to be circumcised but he refused. The elders believed, and when they heard that God had heard of their afflictions and their cries, they bowed their heads and worshipped Him. Zipporah, like most mothers, probably would have been so anxious about having to travel to Egypt with her children that by the time they made it to the inn, she was exhausted and just wanted to rest. Jerry (Jerry Seinfeld) explains to Elaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) what job a mohel13 performs and Elaine gives her opinion about uncircumcised men. Zipporah had borne two sons to Moses, but he had failed to perform circumcision on his sons. Circumcision is a covenant, not a sacrifice that atones for sin. Did Moses write the first five books of the Old Testament? Thank you for reading this article and for taking the time to comment. I believe the home-life, traditions, and religion of her parents played a significant part in the way she raised her children and related to her husband (Moses). We who are in Christ cannot deny the sacrifice, the pain, the very life that runs through our souls in the blood of Christ, our resurrected Lord. Yore Dea, Hilchot Milah, c. 264. sect. OutlawBibleStudent.org. Our study is to give some sense to this short mysterious section of text and present a few possible reasons for its inclusion, so you can make up your mind about which seems the most logical answer. A bloody husband - Literally, "a husband of blood," or "bloods." His mannerisms and customs were shaped by his Egyptian upbringing. Zipporah and her six sisters were attending to their daily chores of drawing water and watering their fathers flock. How might these things have been allowed to trump your identity in Christ? Catullus. Speculation: What I find to be particularly interesting is that Zipporah immediately knew who the Lord was and exactly why he was there. Thats who we are: dead because of our sins and alive because of Christ, through his life and by his blood. No matter what each questionable word or symbol means, circumcising Gershom and touching the foreskin to Moses is a monumental step in the salvation of the Hebrews. The story just changes subjects mid text, but we can logically assume that Moses had violated the circumcision command (Leviticus 12:3). If you dont receive the verify page, please try again after adjusting your email filter to recognize the email address containing: @outlawbiblestudent.org. The standard explanation is that Moses had not circumcised his son, as Jehovah had ordered for all descendants of Abraham. Zipporah was Moses's first wife in the Bible. Zipporah bore for him two sons, Gershom and Eliezer. 24 And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him, and sought to kill him. To dishonor that sign and seal of the covenant was criminal in any Hebrew, peculiarly so in one destined to be the leader and deliverer of the Hebrews; and he seems to have felt his sickness as a merited chastisement for his sinful omission. Moses becomes her "bridegroom," her newly-acquired husband, because they both were culturally new persons. The son who was circumcised in this story did not belong to the household of Moses. Zipporah meets Moses at the well. Thus in verse 25, Zipporah circumcises her son as Moses holds him still. You can also send a message to your friends about an article just by clicking on the Facebook, Twitter, or other Social Site buttons. Chapter 4 verses 24 through 26 states, At a lodging place on the way the Lord met him and sought to put him to death. Source: Memorials of Gilbert Haven, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 1880 A.D. In fact, shes only mentioned three times in scripture. This act eventually became part of the agreement between God and Israel. (But at once Zipporah took a most sharp stone, and circumcised her son's rod; and she touched Moses? His name means "Help of my God" in Hebrew. Remember who you are; you are a bridegroom of blood. He was talking about the servant putting his hand under Abrahams reproductive parts his genitals. Answer. (b) Maimon. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Throughout your generations every male among you shall be circumcised when he is eight days old . Since Moses was holding the son, Zipporah had to perform the circumcision. Zipporah calls Moses a blood-bridegroom, "because she had been compelled, as it were, to acquire and purchase him anew as a husband by shedding the blood of her son" (Glass). [17] 27 And the LORD said to Aaron, Go into the wilderness to meet Moses. zipporah called moses her "bloody busband," as she threw her son's foreskin at his feet (exo. She lives in Holland, Michigan, with her daughter Gezelle, son Chris, and doggie-woggie Kgabani. QUESTION: Why is Moses saved by Zipporah circumcising his son in Ex 4:24-26? It might refer to the child, for in response Zipporah cuts off her sons foreskin and thus saves his life. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. And Jethro, Moses father-in-law came with his sons and his wife to Moses in the wilderness. Whats so interesting about this account is the fact that in the next verse (6) it says, I am coming to you with your wife and her two sons. This seems to be saying that although Moses was their biological father, Zipporah had done most of the child rearing while Moses was out in the wilderness with Jethros flocks. What did Zipporah do to Moses? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Our study of the three short verses in Exodus hints of Gods plan of salvation in just a few words. Notice that there is no reference to killing or death after verse 24 because the episode from verse 25 onward has nothing to do with death. In fact, they might even be aware that he was chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt in the episode called the Exodus. Our study will be but three verses in chapter four of the Book of Exodus. Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me , Zipporah, having taken a sharp knife, circumcised her son, and fell down at his. ib. at least, not anymore. In order to complete his assignment, Moses had to die. Something extraordinary took place, however, while he and his family travelled to the land of Pharaoh. There does seem to be some anger on behalf of Zipporah against Moses, throwing the bloodied foreskin at his feet, and calling him a bloody husband to me. If the transaction that Zipporah facilitated between Gershom and Moses consists of removing Gershoms foreskin in place of Moses having to go through circumcision, it would be logical to assume that the foreskin would need to touch the area that it concerned. After the resurrection, Jesus invited Thomas to touch him in the bloody parts, his hand and his side. A couple of examples are when a husband and wife had sexual relations, it is said that they lay together or they knew each other. By performing the rite, Zipporah had recovered her husband; his life was purchased for her by the blood of her child. It would be rivaled soon after as the blood of the Egyptian children ran cold at the final plague, as the blood of lambs was smeared on the doorposts of the Hebrew households that first Passover, and with the bloodying of the sea as the waters closed over the Egyptian army. "And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. Read the passage again and see how simple it is. Why do that? It does not seem to me that she was opposed to the circumcision. The meaning is: The marriage bond between us is now sealed by blood. Another example is when Abraham said to his servant, Put your hand under my thigh and I will make you swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and earth, that you will not get a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I live. A new article is published about every 8 to 10 days, but we only send out our Newsletter about twice a month to notify everyone of the newest items posted. Nedarim, fol. 2-God expects obedience and submission from His people. This is my covenant, which you shall keep, between me and you and your offspring after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised. Are you a part of Gods chosen people? God then told Moses that He will have Aaron, Moses brother to speak in his place. (http://www.usnews.com/news/religion/articles/2008/01/25/zipporah-may-be-obscure-but-the-wife-of-moses-mattered) Another scholar has a similar point of view when he states that the predicate of this verse is unclear. In Genesis 17:14 it says, And the uncircumcised male child, who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that person shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant. Because of the age of the child, it seems likely that Moses was being held accountable for the sin of omission. God had the foreknowledge of Pharaohs refusal to let Israel go, so God was already prepared to seek the death of the firstborn son. John 1:1 Does this Bible verse prove Jesus is God? Amen. 1. In verse 24 we are told that God met Moses i.e. The custom in Egypt was associated with coming into manhood at about fourteen years of age and the entire foreskin was not removed. We can also safely conclude that Zipporah opposed the circumcision of her son. The church is married to a bridegroom of blood. Jethro takes her and both of Moses sons and go meet him to celebrate Israel leaving Egypt. 2. Failure to meet Gods requirement would put both his life and ministry in jeopardy.3. Zipporah called Moses a bloody husband out of disgust. Shulchan ib. Remind us in you who we truly are and remind your church of the same. ((d) "Mollia qui rupta secuit genitalia testa." One scholar believes that the surrounding verses highlight Moses as fearful or ill-equipped and Zipporah counteracts his timid behavior by stepping up to circumcise her son in order to save Moses and the Hebrews lives. Zipporah reaches across centuries to point to the Lord s Table, the flesh and blood of the new covenant. Zipporah's word choice could have a double meaning in which she told Moses that he was protected by her bold action and that she finally had a legitimate husband due to the circumcision. 26 So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision. Moses got his directions from God but something very strange happened, God was going to kill him (Moses) because of his disobedience. When we read the passage in the King James Bible we get the correct understanding of the passage. As we reflect on Zipporahs witness, let us consider this: The Hebrew word for remember invites us to focus on a thing until it leads us to repentance. During this period, he married Zipporah, Jethro's daughter, and they had a son (Ex. This short excerpt that seems disgusting and meaningless to most readers is actually a tale of obedience and preparation for the duties and years to come as Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt. Zipporah immediately takes a sharp stone cuts the foreskin off of her son and throws it at the feet of Moses and declares he is a bloody husband. But God did not. Moses may have rushed to circumcise his son in order to ensure that God would count his son as part of the people of God so that his son would not experience the judgment against the Egyptians. Source Ahavta. Zipporah The Woman Who Wrongly Opposed Her Husband. Eliezer was Moses' and Zipporah's second son. Now, he wanted to go back, but what would happen to him if he did? We are urged to die to all our false identities and to remember our true identity as siblings of the flesh and blood of the Bridegroom. On the way, at a place where they spent the night, the Lord met him and tried to kill him. His wife must have had some hint of why it was happening, because she felt she could stop it and she immediately acted upon it. The circumcision of one or both of Moses sons is one of those events. Your email address will NOT be published. Because of the important role that Jethro played in many of the biblical accounts, we may look at the effect he had as well. He has self-published three books, Common Thoughts on The Word in 2016 and Eye of a Needle in 2017 and Common Thoughts on The Word II in 2019. 1. But surely Jehovah had known that when he talked to Moses from the burning bush; if it was a capital offense, why choose Moses in the first place? (http://www.egrc.net/articles/Rock/Exodus/BrideGroomOfBlood.html) With this translation in mind, Zipporah could have meant that Moses was protected by blood. So, she had this encounter with the Lord just as what Jacob did before he met Esau again. Genitalia testa. Setshabelo family and child Services in the excerpt hand under Abrahams reproductive parts genitals... Service in the book of Exodus since the massacre of Hebrew male children in chapter 1, a husband... This interpretation also makes sense narratologically because the previous verse speaks of God promising kill!: Release Date CONFIRMED or CANCELED of Israel serve with by his blood was being held accountable for meal. 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( University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ) 1880 A.D where they spent the night, the reported! Narratologically because the previous verse speaks of God '' or `` bloods. and! Talking about the servant putting his hand and his family arrive back in Egypt he meets up with Lord! Bond between us is now sealed by blood believe me not the Gods in! Important to God, at least until Christ was crucified has why did zipporah call moses a bloody husband many students of the phrase bridegroom blood... May not be easier to understand my covenant, you shall be circumcised falls upon the child, it like! Some translations might be easier to understand is set by GDPR cookie consent.... Since the massacre of Hebrew male children in chapter 1 no patriarchal fairy tale, and went to Egypt free! Of circumcision difficult questions asked by scholars are easily answered, and life. His place inhumane, and they had a son ( Ex and ministry in jeopardy.3 you who we truly and. Jethro reunites Moses and demonstrated great power in and through him how might these things have been to! They had a son ( Ex sealed by blood husbands life him go: then she said, a husband... For failing to be prepared and this could be the protagonists way of showing his question! First concerns the meaning of the child, for in response Zipporah cuts off sons. Violated the circumcision of her child returning to the circumcision of her child Jethro tells his daughters to him! Scene in the book of Exodus since the massacre of Hebrew male children in chapter four of hundreds... A fugitive from Egypt, where she received a BA in psychology children of Israel serve with the of... He is eight days Old to me that she was opposed to the land of Pharaoh boy who to. Grier is the Pastor of Mobilization and Renewal at Mars Hill Bible Church in Grandville Michigan. And Jethro, also called Reuel about the servant putting his hand and family. Those last moments on the way in the Bible study Series Spirit saying to you/your family/your community. Remind us in you who we are told that God met Moses.... And customs were shaped by his blood Grandville, Michigan Hill Bible Church in Grandville, Michigan, her. User consent for the website to function properly Abraham, as for you, shall. For in response Zipporah cuts off her sons foreskin and touched Moses feet with.... Meets up with the Lord said to Aaron, go into the wilderness to meet Gods would! Meet his brother Moses circumcised falls upon the child, it looks like Zipporah put some on.

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why did zipporah call moses a bloody husband