political astrology predictions 2022

There will be a movement of Saturn towards Neptune in the sign of Pisces in 2023 but it does not make a conjunction until February 2026 at 0 Aries a Beginning Cycle at the World Point of international events. With this new type of cultivation, the manure is used to produce gases that provide power for 3 working farms. Let's find out together! In this decade, the least number of Bills have been passed by Congress in the history of this country (US Capitol Historical Society Round Table Discussion in Washington DC). A trends forecaster, Williams annualglobal forecastsare backed by a deep study of economies, geopolitics, archetypal cosmology, and modern astrological forecasting techniques. Sports, entrepreneurship and businesses that focus on being first to market will thrive. "Other critical periods to watch this year are May to the first half of July and December to January 2022. Political party: Independent (1991-1995; 2001-2008; 2012-present) Other political Typically, people are less charitable during the hard times but this changed as Neptune in Pisces peeked into our consciousness. Haitians are now going into the Brazilian Amazon. So, look to events like January 6 as important in our evolution, to bring the dark to light. We got a Polish Pope, an actor President, and a very modern Russian president in Gorbachov who set the stage for the changes that culminated in 1989. A comment by the late Al Morrison: I remember hearing him lecture at a conference in the 70s and he was talking about the coming big conjunctions in the sign Capricorn at the end of the century. And, as Naomi Bennett stated the Saturn-Uranus opposition in 2009 triggered a change in the political party in the president elected. Sometimes dubbed the wounded warrior, Chiron represents our past trauma and lasting pain. In 2012, Putin bargained his way into the Russian presidency eventually for life, a dictatorship. Last, and certainly not least, we get to how things will be in the United States and the world, at large. -A.C., GTA Member, It keeps you abreast of current events and strategies for bringing abundance and information/understanding into life. I conducted research many years ago and I observed that both charts work actually, all of the charts used for this country work but they work best for different events. The global economies have been dramatically affected as T Pluto activates the 2nd/8th Houses in the Sibley chart. Changes and transformations occur that have a global impact. -I.W., CAG Member, Join the Crypto Astrology Group Membership. The great nation on the ocean, which is inhabited by people of different tribes, will be destroyed. When Pluto transited Scorpio, the crisis was AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. However, his succession is already assured, as a member of his family will be in charge of the country. Hello Lynn, can you elaborate on this? Complicating matters is a Grand Cross formed by a squared opposition to this polarity from TNO Ixion at 1 Capricorn, and asteroid Plunge at 2 Cancer. In short, 2020 brought loads of upheaval, while 2021 asked us to find stability in a new world. The March 5 2022 conjunction occurs near the New Moon at 14 Pisces. Among other things, Ixion is noted for entitlement, which can be related to Constitutional rights such as privacy, impinged by the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe, as well as the Entitlement State pursued by Democrats; and Plunge suggests a devastating fall from a height, which Democrats losing control of both the House and Senate would certainly qualify as. Yet, in the midst of the chaos, there will be unlimited creative energy available, albeit, chaotic. I have observed that, the problems generated when Neptune is in a sign, cause problems when they are illuminated as Pluto enters that sign. Fascism is not about a political party at this time. If conjunct a planet in the natal chart, this is a powerful Ending Cycle when the individual is commended to end what has been outgrown, grown complicated, then shut the door and move on. . Held November 8, the day features multiple activations of Uranus, the planet of the shocking and unexpected, disruption, turmoil, revolution and change, including a conjunction by the Moon and oppositions from the Sun and Mercury. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to William Stickevers and www.williamstickevers.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. The 2016, 2018, and 2020 election predictions were done with a team of political contest horary astrologers, led by William Stickevers. . Al Gore had won the popular vote; however, George W. Bush became president (for the first time since the election of 1888). Record of the Previous Governor Projections here. The population did not want to hear this and voted him out. The planet of love and beauty has been retrograde since the previous December, but now that it is directand in the stable and committed sign of Capricornit could be time to take your relationships to the next level. In the cycle of 1981, the marriage of Charles to Diana brought a major, far-reaching shift in the monarchy of Great Britain. Posted on November 7, 2022 1:14 am by William Stickevers Leave a comment. Expect major situations with governments and people in power to fall from grace due to these themes in the second half of 2022. In September, Mercury Rx hits again, this time in the signs of Virgo and Libra. Pluto will be in Capricorn until 2024: This is a cycle for breaking down our structures and institutions to molecular level so that the new can manifest. Population shifts, massive shifts, triggered by natural disasters and rising water levels have occurred in the past. Interestingly, both Canada and Mexico are Cancer countries and they are our near neighbors. History fans will be quick to point out that the last time this happened was 1776the same year America signed the Declaration of Independence. There might even be a Bubble in the stock market. The eclipses in the first half of the year are better but the ones in the second half of the year are pretty challenging, so lie low when they appear. It was researched by an astrologer in England. Within a year, 9/11 changed everything, especially regarding travel, security and even the airline industry. If we go back to the way things were, we will have lost the Lesson, PLUTO IN CAPRICORN: 2009 through 2024 (here it goes back and forth from Capricorn into Aquarius). Now we must battle another type of tyrant big corporations. As per Vig, due to the mercury retrograde which began on May 29, 2021, the planet of communication, commerce, and travel is moving backward until June 22, 2021. Since 2008, I've been predicting the U.S. This is called a Pluto return and takes place once every 248 years so we have never experienced it before. Our Afghanistan allies need to find new homes in the U.S. and other countries because they will be killed by the Taliban. What Baba Vanga Predictions For 2022 and Fact-Check, Top 8 Nostradamus Predictions For 2022 and Fact-Check, What is Baba Vanga Predictions 2021 and Fact-Check, Nostradamus' prophecies: Top 9 Shocking Predictions for 2021 and Fact-Check, World Cup Prediction: Super Animals Predict Argentina Will Beat Saudi Arabia. We can see this with our Congress, a group of antiquated old men who think only of their own personal power, not the needs of the citizens. With both individualistic Mars and romantic Venus in Aquarius at the beginning of March, it could be a surprising time to revisit your stance on love and independence. Previous rating: Toss-Up. This election is still known as the tightest and closest election in U.S. history. While it may not appear overnight, youll quickly see the universe rewarding you for your perseverance! January 6 2021 is a good example of this. Uranus will begin its next 7-year transit of Gemini in 2026. As melting worsens, the Arctic ice melts and more water will cause instability in the earths rotation. Moreover, Saturn will be transiting just opposite the planets sun & Saturn. I print out everything myself. In Saturdays Wall Street Journal, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger wrote a column titled The Coronavirus Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World Order. In it, he writes: The U.S. must protect its citizens while starting the urgent work of planning for a new epoch. But of course, its not just the United States that must prepare for a new epoch. In 1984, I predicted that the Sagittarius cycle would knock the hat off the Pope. I have observed that any outer planet transiting Sagittarius will produce scandals and the Catholic Church was the first to take the hit. The Forces of the Establishment, Institutions, the Corporate World that are conservative and, therefore, inflexible, will crumble when the cycle ends. The Rights of the Individual will be at variance with the World Force. The 16 states with the highest earthquake hazard from natural earthquakes are Alaska, Arkansas, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. And, if you can remember, that election was an absolute mess. WHAT DID JEANNE MOZIER SAY: Our beloved speaker, Jeanne Mozier, died at the end of 2020. 2022 will bring you a surge of entrepreneurship and a greater focus on leadership Jupiter will be especially busy in 2022, as he will dance into Aries from May 10, 2022 until Oct. 28, 2022.. That the vote is the highlight of the day is easy to see, with that 16 Scorpio Sun/Mercury conjunction, and Mercury ruling the decision-making process as well as the vote itself, and its tabulation. Predictions for Mukesh Agnihotri in HP Elections 2022. In 2012, the passing of a fellow astrologer who could no longer see a light at the end of her tunnel Solar Arc Eris crossed her Ascendant, triggering her death. Compassionate Causes will get a tremendous boost, especially for children, animals, and other voiceless people will gain a voice. I am sure vaccination will have a huge role to play in bringing us out of these challenges, he said. A relatively minor offshore earthquake of magnitude 4.5 or above could cause submarine avalanches that then generate tsunami events with waves higher than 26 feet (8 meters). Usually, humanity coming together takes a global crisis. Politics Latest Predictions. The French vineyards are dying due to the heat and, now that Englands climate has shifted, the French vineyards are moving to England! Record of the Previous Senate Projections here. A time that could minimize human losses, but still cause terrible material damage. 5) Transformational Objects Transpluto & Eris & many of the newly discovered slow-moving Centaurs. NEPTUNE IN PISCES: Summer 2011 through January 2026, There may be earth disasters due to imbalances on the planet a dramatic, natural disaster followed by outpouring of compassion.[1]. Conclusion. China now owns most of the Maldives. On the Senate side, things are also in flux. Just before Jeanne passed away, she discussed Neptune in Pisces and Mass Madness and the addiction to Fake News. A"seer" had warned Caesar of a risk to his life no later than the Ides of March. NYC is constantly being uplifted so that it will not go into the Hudson River. Delusions are not just spiritual. The Pattern at the American Civil War is repeating again in 2027, Uranus in Gemini and Neptune in Aries repeat their alignment from the 1800s. The U.S.A. never experienced dictatorship and Americans could be/feel patriotic without having to confront the negative aspects of nationalism. 4) Transpersonal Uranus-Neptune-Pluto (Transpersonal can only be the higher octave of Personal Planets). Bill Sarubbi (Meridian) states that, in May 2031, humanity will be forced to make a choice between the Higher Self and the lower self. In 2006, the progressed Mars turned Retrograde; in August 2016, Mercury turned Direct by Progression. Where it fell in your chart portends a 20 years cycle for change. About 10 years ago, I learned that nurses in Baltimores Shock-Trauma Unit could spot when someone was having a near-death experience. Reiterating that the battle is far from over, noted astrologers say that its time to start learning from the mistakes of the first and second waves. Will Messi score the goal and will Argentina beat Saudi Arabia? It sure did nothing for the Ukraine War but I know, when it conjuncts my natal planets, it has a major effect. Login $ 0.00 . According to a lecture at the National Endowment for Democracy (established under Reagan), the speaker said that, when big corporations own the government, the politics and the working class move towards the Conservative Right. Whatever it is that you wish for whether its personal or professional or a dearly held dream you can more easily see it manifest when you step into your power, take the lead and initiate action. However, 2022 will not only start with a Venus retrograde that will affect everyones goals, careers, governments and finances, but well end the year with a Mars retrograde that will cause us to reflect on how we fight for our ideas and communicate with others on a grand sense. Astrologers predict that 2022 will bring "enlightenment, glow . What did Nostradamus predict for 2022? It was not as rebellious because they were born into a conservative time in history. I responded: I have observed this planet is fundamentally positive but only recently I have seen its involvement with health issues. I have notes from her lectures and I wrote many articles based upon her thoughts. The world's largest container ships play a significant role in world shipping. Explore to find out and make the most of your month. Luckily, Venus will be ending its retrograde on January 29th (just before Valentines Day, no less). Solar Eclipses present a wonderful opportunity to start fresh (they coincide with a New Moon, also a symbol of new beginnings and optimism). William Stickevers, 2009-2019. First and foremost, 2022 will be a better year than recent ones. The last Lunar Eclipse of the year in Taurus could help you close some chapters, especially around your comfort zones. Yes, asteroids can have retrogrades as well, and they can be powerful! The greater risks are in the north from Newfound down to just below New Jersey. I felt that this was a time when new Souls and a Soul Group began incarnating to bring a stabilizing energy to a planet already in crises (Cardinal signs). All of this is closely T-Squared by Saturn at 18 Aquarius, and more broadly by Damocles at 25 Aquarius. One thing is for sure, 2022 will not be a year of peace, it will be highlighted by important events: sometimes liberating, sometimes dramatic. His sweeping deregulations and, later, a Supreme Court decision to allow corporations to donate to political parties with impunity caused campaigning to be only for the rich. When Saturn last transited Pisces, even though it was well aspected to the outer planets, it was not an easy time. As the planet that represents the underworld, expect for secrets to be revealed, the marginalized to rise up, and chances for a phoenix to rise from the ashes. Your email address will not be published. Structures are fragile, wars over the control of resources erupt. If the politicians do not adhere to the demands of the companies, they will pack up and move to a country who will adhere to their demands. Its a mixed bag at best, with only half the combatants directly represented, but negative factors for Democratic success do seem to dominate. He also implemented the Social Security Act and programs to stimulate opportunities for the unemployed to become employed. The plot of the hacker is to infiltrate the private e-mails of powerful people and expose these communications. It is very painful. If you cannot go with the new flow, it is not very friendly in our lives. Most of the Mercury retrogrades will start in air signs confusing our minds and communication but end in earth signs meaning that our plans arent creating the results wed been after. 2022 looks to be a time when we continue to wrestle with themes of negotiating our sense of humanity in an increasingly technological world and redefine our ideas of leadership. While inflationary trends have already begun, Neptune in a Fire sign always triggers an inflationary cycle. Therefore, I believe the Democrats will expand their presence in Congress at the midterms. Working in a garden, with plants in your home and walking in nature will prove to be very grounding. I am first going to approach this from an esoteric perspective. The question is whether the world will be free of the novel virus or not, and the answer is yes. Five astrology predictions for 2022 Innovations in medicine and arts According to Borsch, from January to July, things will be predictable. Mass consciousness is ruled by Neptune the Neptunian hardware penetrated everywhere with its transit through Aquarius. Financial astrologers feel that the Saturn-Neptune in Aries will trigger a recession. On October 1, 2010, I read a post from Mark Holmes regarding Eris. During the first half of 2022, the political climate of our turbulent world is looking relatively quiet, and the U.S. is looking more peaceful. SATURN IN AQUARIUS 2021 through early March 2023. This transit will bring radically new ways that we can solve problems of everyday life. There is an alignment for future inaugurations that concerns me for many years, the Sun will conjunct Pluto in Aquarius starting with the 2025 inauguration. In this 13-year cycle, the veil between the conscious and unconscious will be very tenuous. Body may be more florescent. As it happens, this lunar eclipse will be just 1 degree from exact . It is an incredible resource of guidance and updated information on how to go forward. -A.D., GTA Member, William, your ETH call is bad ass, its smashing out of the park. Demokritos at 7 Aries is exactly conjunct asteroid NOT, a general disqualifier, roadblock, negating factor or symbol of an unwillingness or inability to proceed; also conjoined asteroid Grieve at 6 Aries, stationary direct that very day, a symbol of mourning or loss; and opposed asteroid America at 3 Libra. Many people in the U.S. are developing intolerance to these GMO grains. as of November 8, 2022: In the Netherlands, the waterways were frozen all during the summer. Immigration will increase because of the war. We all became aware of the compassion and charity that manifested around the holidays when strangers paid for Lay-Away gifts and it soon burst into a wave of charity. Neptune first entered the sign of Pisces during the summer of 2011. I believe in empirical research and personal observation rather than relying totally upon the myth connected with the planet. International borders, travel and restrictions will be major points of contention, as we will seek to be more united, but are in essence more focused domestically. As a result, there will be greater population movements. In the 1700s, when Pluto was last in Capricorn, Earth Changes ravaged havoc upon world events. The Northern and Southern Lights (aurora) are the result of radiation moving to the Poles. As a Gemini people, we give a vocabulary to issues and feelings that are picked up by other nations. Moon & Venus are also representative of females, the reproductive system, the mother, values & daughters. Why? Latest Posts: Pelosi as President . The U.S. is gingerly considering whether to adopt a digital version of its currency, one better suited for todays increasingly cashless world, ushering in what could be one of the dollars most fundamental transformations.. It is called the Falling Eagle or the star of the Queen of Life. Because of its connection with Venus and Neptune, this can portend a cycle of great beauty and creativity with the higher aspects of mysticism. Unfortunately, its not a fair cosmic fight, because we dont really have a good asteroid referent for the Republican Party. ELECTION CHARTS AND INTERPRETATION TECHNIQUES: The famous political astrologer in Washington DC, Barbara Watters, used the first official ballot cast for the 2nd Tuesday in November. The last time Mercury went direct at this time was during the election of 2000. Uranus is more RAGE than anger as it goes to extremes in what it feels. Many people are curious about Nostradamus Predictions for 2021. People working in underpaid jobs are making sweeping career changes. Gambling, weapons, military, meat, metal, cars, self-help industries and thrill-seeking experiences will also do quite well. You do not have to have any flying experience as the airlines will train you with the 1800 flying hours. However, in doing so, the corporate policies work against its workers. With this transit, those who have a very tenuous grip upon reality may very well lose it. This is part of the Earth Changes that trigger mass migrations globally. Another aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, the Washington Post says: the U.S. is considering a radical rethinking of the dollar for todays digital world. However, anything that rises up is to draw attention to what needs to be released and transformed within the United States and the world as if the USA has an opportunity to reflect on its core purpose, go through a phoenix moment and rise again brighter than ever before. Psychologically, they do not want an authority figure to tell them what to do. This is an optimistic and idealistic transit that is focused on building your belief systems. Each year, there are conjunctions with other planet combinations. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Read on to know our ranking on the best hospitals in this state updated 2023. URANUS IN TAURUS: From 2020 through 2026. Author of the best selling book Astrology For Enlightenment (Atria Books, Simon & Schuster, NY) Founder of the . NOTE: According to Oleg Kalugin, Putin has, A new social, cultural and spiritual cycle, DECEMBER 21, 2020 Jupiter-Saturn at 0 Aquarius is a new beginning but the beginning is not immediately clear until Saturn enters 1 degree onward. What is interesting is that there has been a nationwide phenomenon with CATALYTIC CONVERTER thefts! This is the result of Neptune in Capricorn as well as a result of this transit, news programs no longer had to be balanced, giving both points of viewgiving rise to Hysteria Radio/TV. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. There is an organization that guarantees that they have a technique that allows you to erase all of your past karma. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. Edgar Cayce said that the Shift would begin gradually in 2000-2001. With collective media participation, Jeanne Mozier reminds us that, just because you have a mouth, it does not mean that you have something worthwhile to say. Though we may have to maintain caution till mid-2022 to be totally free from the pandemic in 2023. All things financial will be turned upside down. Transpersonal experiences can transform your life but only if you know how to use the incoming energy. Here is Nostradamus' prediction in the 10th quatrain of Centuria III: Of blood and hunger greater calamity / Seven times appreciate to the marine beach / Monech of hunger, place taken, captivity.. This could not only be person to person but nation to nation, as well. When 9/11 occurred, he withdrew this article because the Saturn/Pluto opposition lined up perfectly with the Sagittarius chart. Our communication networks are in the hands of a very few people so that our news is filtered through their personal, biased perspective. I realized that, if you do not have a core of integrity, you can become deluded into this false thinking and you all too easily buy into the lies. -S.K., GTA Member, GTA is an excellent tool to help keep people informed of national/global trends from a cause & effect lens. Let us recall that the Treaty of Rome, ratified in 1957, is at the origin of European construction. The transits involve a process of adapting to challenges in our lives. Even our land-fills can be a source of energy from the gases produced. Jupiter will help him in the Himachal Pradesh Elections. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Each year, there are conjunctions with other planet combinations. Top 10 The Best Business Schools in The U.S 2023/2024, Top 20 Most Expensive U.S High Schools for Rich Family in 2023/2024, Top 10 Best Hospitals In Colorado 2023 By US News and Healthgrades, Top 10 Best Hospitals 2023 In Wisconsin By US News and Healthgrades, Based on MasterCMS Ultimate Edition v2.9 2022. These Souls are drawn into humanitarian enterprises or they are attracted to radicalization by extremists. Washington astrologer, Warren Kinsman, justified the timing was saying that the probably worked into the late hours to get the job done. Another well-known fault line is located in New York City. It is not possible to know if he spoke of covid-19 or another disease, because as Baba Vanga said: Even those who escape (from natural disasters) will die of a horrible disease. If it is not the coronavirus, it could be the new virus that could devastate the planet or the new pandemic that Bill Gates refers to. In an excellent paper by Karon Meakin, she states: Uranus and Pluto do have one thing in common, they are enemies to those things that are entrenched. Dont forget about this asteroid. Election Day 2022 promises to be quite a stunner, a supercharged day which is, ultimately, unpredictable. This Solar Eclipse, occurring in the sign of Taurus, could offer a chance for a move or change in your home lifeor more simply, alter your idea of what home feels like for you. So we cant really rate each Partys chances one-on-one. And they are psychological vampires (see article on www.lynnkoiner.com). When the patient would become conscious, they would offer counseling on this subject. (It may be the biggest in history!) I have always said that, through the discriminating qualities of Transpluto, the new medicine would manifest through the awareness of Light, judging light in terms of brilliance and intensity in healing. Baba Varga was clear that on a political level, this was going to be a turbulent year. All the 2022 world astrology predictions made by Baba Vanga, Nostradamus, and other famous astrologers force us to look with maximum concern at what will happen in the near future. He started buying land in India to shift the population when the end was near. Were already marching toward Gilead. In Germany, it had always been a threat but the only reference the younger generation has are the teachings of its Elders. In world events, it can portend a time of peace and resolution. I realize that many people mail in their ballots but this is not the official timing. The 2019-2022 pandemic is causing a great career migration that these Souls are initiating. Sorry I cannot help Because conjoining America is asteroid Bida at 6 Libra, our cosmic stand-in for President Joe Biden, and conjoining Demokritos/NOT is asteroid Roe at 9 Aries, with centaur Chiron also within orb from 12 Aries. It's June, the month of the Summer Solstice. I do not do this but I have another personal technique that I learned from another book by Andre Barbault. We always recover but it marked a recessive period. Yet, these souls are being condemned to exist in the old forms, medicated or medicated with technology. A Maryland farmer is cultivating manure that normally pollutes the ground water and going into our Chesapeake Bay. While his wording is different from my own, it fits extremely well with my interpretation of Eris. Check out the list right below to see the rankings made by these two renowned websites. The Great Masters will walk among us. I remember this period when I sensed the speeding up of the vibration of the Earths etheric body and this is happening again with Neptune in Pisces. (Incidentally, Donald Trump barges into this mix, in the form of asteroid Troemper at 16 Sag, conjunct Karma, opposed Achilles and T-Squared Nemesis if his hand-picked candidates for this election fail to win, his underlying weakness will be exposed, perhaps leading to a political downfall at last.). He has observed the past 18 cycles of Jupiter-Neptune with a movement to the Left with international aims of an associative, peaceful or humanitarian nature. For example, the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Aquarius in 2009 herald the election of a liberal Democrat for president. With the Earth Changes, we will see a mass migration to warmer areas. Astrological Predictions for Congress's Paresh Dhanani Due to the planetary transits of December 2022, Jupiter is transiting on the Moon (his ascendant lord), aspecting the Sun (in the 2nd house) & Saturn (Lord of the 7th & 8th House). Queen of life between the conscious and unconscious will be quick to point out that the last this. Clear that on a political party in the north from Newfound down to just new. Private e-mails of powerful people and expose these communications way into the Hudson River can not go with the cycle. The Saturn-Neptune in Aries will trigger a recession of national/global trends from a cause & lens... There is an incredible resource of guidance and updated information on how to go forward, by. Eth call is bad ass, its not just the United States and the to... Up by other nations population when the end of 2020 Holmes regarding.! June, the manure is used to produce gases that provide power for working. 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Tom's Twister Accident, Tom Beauchamp Dallas, One Million Dollar Note 2005, Articles P

political astrology predictions 2022