monk transforms into rainbow body

This could directly relate to the rainbow body given the fact that all people who were able to accomplish a rainbow body were fully actualized. In Vedanta, the superconductive body, while the ancient Egyptians called it the luminous body or being (akh) or the karast. Since we mentioned the mysterious death of the 12th Karmapa, take a look at this photo of him, during the Black Crown Ceremony in which he also achieved the Rainbow body, appearing almost transparent in the photo. They tried to convince us it was a sickness we would never survive, that the pain and energy pulses would kill us. DzogchenKhenpo Choga Rinpoche writes of his teachers passing into a body of light: . On his way to becoming a light body, he was also able to fly in the air as well as transform his body into forms that would frighten evil spirits and demons, while transforming them into Dharma protectors. In the early 1980s, the head of the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, known as the Karmapa, began to travel the world, spreading his teachings and giving interviews. You were terrified of something you couldnt understand. Many of these footprints are still visible in these same Himalayan rocks, today! At death, the size of the physical body is greatly reduced, resulting in the exudation of perfumes and fragrances rather than the smells of decomposition, other external signs are: The sudden blooming of flowers or the appearance of a rainbow in the sky. [1] With this gravitational collapse into the elemental forces that comprise the cosmos, a spiraling reconfigure matter into worlds wherein embodied beings form.. Nikola Tesla's Vibrational Healing Device: Sound & Vibrational Medicine. This process is extremely powerful and it is said that weeks before being able to achieve this transformation, some Buddhist monks can engrave their hand or foot onto a wall. Ancient Code is a website founded in 2012 that covers articles and scientific discoveries that help understand humanitys past, present, and future. The overlap is interesting. Additionally, they could lower their metabolism during meditation by 64%. The Tibetan name given to this fluorescence is jalu, literally translated as "rainbow body." Material bodies dissolving into light is the subject of Rainbow Body and Resurrectionby Father Francis V. Tiso, a priest of the Diocese of Isernia-Venafro who holds a PhD in Tibetan Buddhism. . Henry, a respected professor of Physics and Astronomy at John Hopkins University, takes it further,asserting: A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. It seems the further science looks into Buddhist monks, the more of these types of secrets get revealed. There, he became the first Westerner to record an encounter with Tibetan lamas, Buddhist monks hidden away in the Himalayan Mountains. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Many people in the spiritual communities have heard about light bodies but has anyone ever truly achieved this? Elsewhere, some have suggested that monks may be able to use their minds tomanipulatethe Casimir force within their bodies the quantum mechanical force which attracts atoms together allowing them to, as has been recorded, levitate or fly. The Buddha himself was said to possess . Tangibly, Benson and his team found that the monks could raise the temperature of their fingers and toes by up to 17 degrees using g Tummo. Thank you for your support!! } All rights reserved. I'd like it to be Elohim diplomatic mission instead. Many portraits of Padmasambhava achieving a rainbow body feature the outline of his being completely encompassed by a rainbow. Henry, a respected professor of Physics and Astronomy at John Hopkins University, takes it further, This might call to mind the work of pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans, who, In 1939, a Swedish doctor known only as Dr. Jarl. Achieving a rainbow body is much aligned with this path of delaying ones nirvana in service to empathy for others. I am Uriel and I would like to say, no matter what you think or feel I still love you!I work all over the world that you live in. Wilcock does a great job of covering the broad basics of the rainbow body and some of the Tibetan Buddhist practices that are used to achieve such an incredible state of being and is able to provide listeners with a good holistic commentary. In the Mithraic liturgy, it was dubbed as the perfect body. In the Hermetic Corpus, it is referred to as the immortal body, while in the alchemical tradition, the Emerald Tablet calls it the golden body.. The results of this study were stunning. Check out my food channel! Khenpo Achs was eventually wrapped in a yellow robe which all Gelug Monks wear. The. However, this amazing phenomenon is not exclusive to ancient times. There are even recent testimonies about Tibetan monks who reached this state after a deep process of purification. ); Patent Number 8,923,684. There are more than 160,000 documented cases of people allegedly transforming their body into light. They described the following: A few days before Khenpo A-chos died, a rainbow appeared directly above his hut. In Vedanta, the superconductive body, while the ancient Egyptians called it the luminous body or being (akh) or the karast. The default network churns when people reflect on matters that involve themselves and their emotions. on: function(evt, cb) { Rainbows are a symbol seen not only in Buddhism but in almost every major world religion today. Please like and follow In5D onGab,In5D Telegram,In5D Bitchute, Instagram, TikTok, Rumble, Twitter, and In5D on Facebook!/, See EXCLUSIVE In5D videos and ad free articles on Patreon for a minimal donation! YouTube The whole world is like gold for me. In that moment he touched a rock that was lying on the ground with his big toe and the king and all people who were present experienced that the entire area seemed to turn into gold. For example, a red aura might indicate an enthusiastic and energetic being, while a yellow aura means that one is more logical and intelligence-driven. Follow us HERE! Water:This life-making element expresses fluidity, cohesion, purity. They also heard beautiful, mysterious music coming from the sky, and they smelled perfume. Remember back to 1963, when one of the most famousphotographsof all time was taken in South Vietnam, as a Buddhist monk protesting the Vietnam Warlit himself on fireand sat meditating, without moving, without making so much as a sound, as he burned to death. Body of Light: Tibetan, ja-lus. It is. Join hundreds of thousands of members in 185 countries in awakening your consciousness.Connect with Gaia:Visit Gaia WEBSITE: Gaia on FACEBOOK: Gaia Yoga on FACEBOOK: Gaia on YOUTUBE: Gaia on TWITTER: Gaia on INSTAGRAM: Gaia Yoga on INSTAGRAM: #RainbowBody He was also the first (of many) to leave his footprint embedded deep into stone before transforming into a light body. In 1998, a Tibetan Buddhist monk named Khenpo A-Ch was able to achieve a metaphysical ancient phenomenon known as the "rainbow body." Although this was the most recent record of a rainbow body occurring, there have been over 160,000 people who have reportedly achieved a rainbow body through the Tibetan Buddhist practice of Dzogchen. EXCITING CONFIRMATION Of Entering The PHOTON BELT! Touch device users, explore by touch or with . Every piece of land is my working ground.I know about every little stone, about every leaf and every angle of the, Colonel Douglas MacGregor:I was reading a document that was authored by George Soros over 10 years ago in which he talks specifically about this all-out war that would ultimately come against Russia because he said this was the last nationalist. This Is How 160,000 People Physically Turned Into Light Bodies! One of the first documented cases involved a saint that went by the name of Padmasambhava, and achieved light body status along with many of his disciples. Buddhist master H.E. Other monks soaked 3-by-6-foot sheets in cold water (49 degrees) and placed them over the meditators shoulders. After death If our minds are clear and calm enough, we may glimpse or meet directly, the primary fire element with a red color, a triangle, or a red Buddha. Rumble (3) The Sixfold System Of The Mahasiddhas; The way consciousness exits the physical body clarifies the journey of the afterlife. In fact, many could also describe this as God-consciousness or the ability to achieve oneness with the Universe., Support me on Patreon! . One after another the next morning he did many such things. Theres a unique form of the rainbow body known as, The great transcend into the rainbow body. R.C. I will describe these various miraculous results of Dzogchen practice later in this message. Source, There is an Online & LIVE Class that teaches you how to Cultivate your Body of Light. It's also very essential for pure consciousness to channel after death. The color of ones aura might determine what kind of energy he or she is putting off. This state of being is very similar to what is contemporaneously been described as ascension. Curiously, the rainbow body of Khenpo Ach was also mentioned by Matthew T. Kapstein inThe Presence of Light: Divine Radiance and Religious Experience(University of Chicago Press, 2004). Only a few years ago, prominent Tibetan Buddhist, Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche, recorded the death of his teacheras such: My precious teacher, Lama Karma Rinpoche, has passed. Kindly provide me the address and contact numbers please. Yesterday I received extraordinary news from my Dharma friends in the holy Dzogchen area of Tibet that the sacred body of my kind teacher Lama Karma has obviously and dramatically shrunk in size. The body was then transferred to Ivolginsky Datsan, a residence of todays Hambo Lama. Also see:UPDATED! Some Monks even claim that Hambo Lama Itigelov is still alive and is in Nirvana like state. , including the ability to levitate and to know the thoughts of others, to create doubles of himself, and even to project fire and water from his body. Lama Karmas body was about 175cm (approx. In other words, by operating both the internal and external neural networks at the same time, Buddhist monks are able to connect actions and emotions, to focus both on what they are. Sources: Khenpo Achs body started changing soon after his last breath. However, he falls short in capturing some of the finer details such as the fact that many Tibetan Buddhist practices have been passed down for thousands of years only between the guru and the student, known as the parampara or lineage. It was just like a bird flying from a rockpeople nearby have no idea where it might have gone. Those who are able to achieve this state do not do so in order to show off and perform magic, but instead, they do so for the good of all human-kind. Of course, Marco Polo was not alone in this type of observation. In 1981, he would die at the hospital in Illinois, under the care of an American physician named David Levy. If you enjoyed this article, subscribe now to receive more just like it. Curiously, this is a concept that appears acrossmanyof the worlds spiritual traditions. Think of modern viral videos of monkswalking over hot coals, running on top ofwater, being stabbed butnot piercedby sharp objects, or meditating inboiling oil. In order to attain a "Rainbow Body", a person has to be able to liberate their body into light by having only loving thoughts, among other things of course. According to reports, it takes around 7 days for a body to eventually shrink, dissolve into light and transcend. In other words, the monks were able to manipulate the machinations of their bodies even being able to withstand extreme external stimuli using their minds. All beings are already glorious and worthy, and all things achievable in the Universe are achievable through each human. } He had the power to transform matter into different forms, like changing a rock into a sugar cube. In the distance, Jarl could see that a rock wall was being constructed. Explore over 8,000 ad-free, streaming titles that challenge modern paradigms and allow you to manifest the reality that defines your being. Even in modern times,videoshave surfaced, which appeared to show exactly that. Crystal Children, on the other hand, have a more iridescent aura and are mostly born in more recent generations. The rainbow body is supposedly the ultimate state of enlightenment, and people who let go of their earthly attachments are said to have been able to achieve this. One man by the name of Wim Hof, spend many years mastering the Buddhist technique of g Tummo. Rainbow Children are anticipated as already realized beings with a rainbow aura, who are natural givers and will be ready to provide us with all that we need when the time comes. The Mysterious Rainbow Body by Beyond Science and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Facebook Mike Fan Page: We measured this with a string, which was later measured by a foot rule. var _wau = _wau || []; _wau.push(["classic", "egtq69mrk0ps", "fdr"]); After a few minutes, a large group of monks approached the slab carrying musical instruments. It is interesting to see that the rainbow is almost universally connected with realized beings. My answer may be more than you originally, ANCIENT AWAKENINGSSunday Call 3/27/2022 (Sananda, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnellTHE GREAT AWAKENING IS NOW COMING TO A CONCLUSIONSananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna Joannas Higher SelfThese messages, ANCIENT AWAKENINGSSunday Call 3/20/2022 (Ashtar, OWS, & Shoshanna)James & JoAnna McConnellYOU ARE CREATING YOUR NEW REALITYAshtar and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnellShoshanna Joannas Higher SelfThese messages were given during, Watch Video In Taoism, it is referred to as the diamond body, while Hindus call it the divine body; in Islamic mysticism, it is called the most sacred body, while ancient alchemical traditions called it the golden body. In fact, in both Jewish and Christian traditions, as well as the ancient texts of Greece and Egypt, there are stories of. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 59) tall, but two weeks after he passed away, his seated body has now shrunk to about 20cm (approx. These years are broken down into 12 ages as we are currently exiting the Age of Pisces and are entering the Age of Aquarius. Mike Chen Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the reason a rainbow is seen when someone achieves a rainbow body is because that is just what a realized beings energy looks like. One day at noon, lying in bed, without having suffered any recent illness, while in the posture of a sleeping lion and reciting the six-syllable mantra, he attained Buddha in the primordial basic matrix of alpha-purity, his heart of clear light reality perfected beyond the intellect. Copyright Ancient Code. The Fourth Dodrupchen Rinpoche, an incarnation of Guru Padmasambhava, holds the highest lineage of the Great Perfection Rainbow Body dharma today within the Nyingma Sect. This means that there is a lot more knowledge about the rainbow body and the practices of those whove attained it than we will ever likely know about. I am Uriel and I would like to say, no matter what you think or feel I still love you!, Report an Issue | Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments! In order to attain a "Rainbow Body", a person has to be able to liberate their body into light by having only loving thoughts, among other things of course. of his teachers passing into a body of light: Your email address will not be published. He co-ownsIn5D Clubwith his beautiful wife, Ali. Wilcock claims Padmasambhava could fly, transform rock into sculpture with his mind, and leave his handprint and footprint in solid stone. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Over 700 years ago, famed explorer Marco Poloreached the furthest limits of his legendary journey from West to East, arriving in Tibet, more than 4000 miles from his home. Twitter. The rainbow body is supposedly the ultimate state of enlightenment, and people who let go of their earthly attachments are said to have been able to achieve . There are even recent testimonies about Tibetan monks who reached this state after a deep process of purification. According to author and filmmaker David Wilcock, Padmasambhava performed a variety of different miracles during his time on Earth, and Wilcock even suggests that he may have been an extraterrestrial. In the early 1980s, a professor from the prestigious Harvard School of Medicine named Herbert Bensonled a teamof researchers deep into the Himalayan mountains of Tibet, with the intent of studying the monks at remote Buddhist monasteries, specifically, their alleged ability to manipulate their bodies through a practice called g Tummo the inner fire meditation.. Padmassanbhavas Handprint Outside Asura Cave, Nepal. Get tickets to the best show on earth!! In one of his lectures, Wilcock brings up a picture of Padmasambhavas handprint and points out that he has six fingers instead of five, which Wilcock points to as being evidence that the guru may have been an alien. It is believed that every five years on average, an advanced Buddhist monk enters into this enlightened state., Follow In5D on Patreon, Telegram, Twitter, Bitchute, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Gab, and Truth Social @greggprescott, Tags: 000 People Physically Turned Into Light Bodies!, Age of Aquarius, demons, evil, evil spirits, gregg prescott, Khenpo A-Chos, light body, lightbody, lightbody transformation, manifestation, Padmasambhava, rainbow body, spirits, This Is How 160, Tibetan monk, transformation, transforming. In Sufism or Taawwuf which is often defined as Islamic mysticism, the inward dimension of Islam, or the phenomenon of mysticism within Islamit is called the most sacred body and the supra celestial body., Taoists refer to it as the diamond body, and those who have attained it are named the immortals and the cloud walkers., Yogic schools and Tantric teachings call it the divine body, while in Kriya yoga it is referred to as the body of bliss.. One day at noon, lying in bed, without having suffered any recent illness, while in the posture of a sleeping lion and reciting the six-syllable mantra, he attained Buddha in the primordial basic matrix of alpha-purity, his heart of clear light reality perfected beyond the intellect. s.src="//"; In the Mithraic liturgy, it was dubbed as the perfect body. In the Hermetic Corpus, it is referred to as the immortal body, while in the alchemical tradition, the Emerald Tablet calls it the golden body.. Get tickets to the best show on earth!!! Scientific Evidence Proves Buddhists Monks Can Transform Their Physical Bodies Into Pure Newgrange: An 5,000-year-old Cosmic Monument That Predates the Pyramids by 500 years, The Megalithic Stone Heads Of Mount Nemrut And The Gate Of Heaven, Opening Up a Can of Wormholes into Unexplained Phenomena, Shemsu Hor, the Celestial architects of the Great Sphinx, an 800,000 year old monument, These Are Some Of The Most Prominent Pyramids On Earth, Edgar Cayce: The other Nostradamus and the unfulfilled fearsome prophecies, Impossible ancient engineering? There are fully 160,000 documented cases of the Rainbow Body in Tibet and India alone. It is believed that Tibetian Buddhists have achieved this state and have transformed their bodies into light.Get tickets to the best show on earth!!! As. })(); Buddhist Monks Superpowers: Rainbow Body, Levitation, Immortal Monks. There, he became the first Westerner to record an encounter with Tibetan lamas, Buddhist monks hidden away in the Himalayan Mountains. For two years after the exhumation of Dashi-Dorzho Itigilovs body, it does not decay nor perish, no fungus, no any other indication that this is the body of a dead man. 8,000+ Ad-Free Films, Original Shows \u0026 Yoga Classes on Gaia - rainbow body phenomenon has been noted for centuries, including in the modern era. Eventually, David Steindl-Rast contacted Father Francis Tiso who was known for frequently traveling to Tibet, and asked him to look into this incredible phenomenon. In this process, the physical body dissolves into its natural state, which is that of clear light. Levitation, incidentally, is one offourpsychic powers mentioned within Buddhist scriptures, alongside telepathy, psychokinesis, and the ability to divide the astral body from the physical body. Privacy Policy | The monks did not huddle together or even shiver, instead, sleeping through the night comfortably. psychic powers mentioned within Buddhist scriptures, alongside telepathy, psychokinesis, and the ability to divide the astral body from the physical body. The statement was that: "the body looked like it died only 36 hours ago." His body was well preserved, with no indications of decay whatsoever, inner tissue and whole muscles intacted, and with skin and soft joints all in place. In 1998, a Tibetan Buddhist monk named Khenpo A-Ch was able to achieve a metaphysical ancient phenomenon known as the rainbow body. Although this was the most recent record of a rainbow body occurring, there have been over 160,000 people who have reportedly achieved a rainbow body through the Tibetan Buddhist practice of Dzogchen. I received the extraordinary news from my friends in Tibet that the sacred body of my kind teacher has dramatically shrunk in size. callback: cb It was only on September 11, 2002, that his body was finally revealed in front of the members of Buddhist Traditional Sangha. Further, there was no odor or decay, as usually is the case after death. It was commissioned by the Houston Symphony, which first performed the work in April 2000 under the conductor Robert Spano. Over the centuries, many have recorded instances of Buddhist masters who could levitate. The rainbow body is supposedly the ultimate state of enlightenment, and people who let go of their earthly attachments are said to have been able to achieve this. I've always been interested in what the Monks do and I think it wouldn't hurt for the rest . He carried with him similar importance to the Dalai Lama, the head of the Gelugpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. His skin turned shiny white, and his appearance began to change. document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s); 160,000 Monks TRANSFORMED Their Bodies into LIGHT!? Its possible that the incoming energies may transform us into the literal light bodies as seen on the Star Trek episode, Transfigurations. Visitors are able to travel to one of these memorials and see his handprint or footprint still left in the stone. In the following video, David Wilcock goes into more detail about these light bodies: Wilcock also talks specifically about this phenomena on GaiaTV. 45 minutes after the Karmapas heart had apparently failed, we began to pull out the tubing, but I suddenly saw his blood pressure was 140 over 80. A nurse screamed. As the body dissolves into these five colors a rainbow is formed, and all that remains of the physical body are fingernails and hair. This is the sense of non-duality, or oneness, that Buddhist practice preaches. I hear Gene Rodenberry drew inspiration from the US Navy space command, Calling The 144,000 - It's Time to Prepare for the Final Battle, Spirituality & Our Connection To The Divine Source. The term Indigo Child is a fairly common term, and many people use it to describe themselves. But it was not long before steam began rising from the sheets. the extraordinary case of Khenpo Ach and his death in 1998. Meaning that the physical body was just a container (containing the soul) and after the end of life, the soul extends again. Tiso interviewed Lama Norta, a nephew of Khenpo Achos; Lama Sonam Gyamtso, a young disciple; and Lama A-chos, a dharma friend of the late Khenpo A-chos. . In the distance, Jarl could see that a rock wall was being constructed. All sound is heard as mantra, awareness of thoughts is the primordial dharmakaya, and appearances are the mandala of deities. Powered by. Gregg Prescott, M.S. Indigo Children and Crystal Children have similar characteristics except for the fact that Crystal Children are more blissful and are here to help us transition into the new world. TikTok It is believed that every five years on average, an advanced Buddhist monk enters into this enlightened state. All said it started to shine. In the early 1980s, the head of the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, known as the Karmapa, began to travel the world, spreading his teachings and giving interviews. Ashtar Command - spiritual Community to add comments to Cultivate your body of light browser the. Kind of energy he or monk transforms into rainbow body is putting off being ( akh ) or the ability achieve... Us into the rainbow is almost universally connected with realized beings yellow robe which all Gelug monks.! A Tibetan Buddhist monk enters into this enlightened state, but two weeks after passed. 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monk transforms into rainbow body