mansa musa's hajj: remembering the journey answer key

A: Pretty important. Attractive design ideal for your home, office, church . It is my job as a soldier to protect 24,000 pounds of gold being carried by . Which trade-route city was directly east of Timbuktu? The evening performance brought together some of Northwesterns most famous entertainment alumni, including Ana Gasteyer 89, Heather Headley 97, Brian dArcy James 90, Richard Kind 78, Harry Lennix 86,Tony Roberts 61 and, of course, Stephen Colbert 86, 11 H, who hosted the night of merriment. Because it will atone for their sins What percentage of travelers on the hajj were Mansa Musa's personal servants? Ocean, and some historians even believe that Malians reached the Americas. At the end of the third read, you should be able to respond to these questions: Posted 2 years ago. Musa once boasted that it would take a year for a person to travel from one end of his empire to the other., Musa ruled over 40 million people in his kingdom and managed to maintain peace during his 25-year reign. - Yeah thats true, Me from the Past. He left no court emir nor holder of a royal office without the gift of a load of gold. My heart is beating fast because I am excited about going on the hajj; but at the same time, I am also nervous about the trip. Their migration to In what years did Mansa Musa rule there? The Joseph Kuchar family, who spent the first years after arriving in the United States residing in Baltimore, Maryland, is American in the truest sense. About 80 camels carried roughly 300 pounds of gold each. He was also the grandson and successor of Abu Bakr II who, out of curiosity, decided to explore the Atlantic Ocean. pizza, but if I had to go into the past and live anyones life, it would be yours! You can measure distance by placing the edge of a piece of paper along two points on a map. It must be time for the open letter. Says Tschanz: It was the only time in history that one man controlled the worlds gold market.. Along the trip, Musa spentand handed outa lot of gold. Now that youve skimmed the video transcript and taken a quick peek at the video, you should preview the questions you will be answering. We do know Sundiata was powerful and successful. That is the Muslim pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. He went on a Religious Pilgrimage to the Mecca which is required now by every Muslim at least once during their entire life. Egyptian and Moroccan merchants, in particular, traded more frequently in the empire. largest and best-known of which was Timbuktu. and east would give them prestige, not to mention access to scholars and administrators He turned Mail into a wealthy and strong empire by defeating attacks and growing their goldfields'. 1324 . What possible benefits may result? Direct link to ElijahM's post if mansa musa wasn't rich, Posted 2 years ago. The first of these maps appeared in Italy in 1339 with Mansa Musa's name and likeness. - not again! It took more than 12 years for golds value to bounce back. And this tells us that Africa, at least western 5.What kind of mines lay west of the city of Taghaza? Mansa Musa was a monotheistic, Muslim leader who wanted to spread the Islam belief of one god and diminish the polytheistic faith while following the 5 Pillars from the Muslim holy book, the Koran, throughout his religious pilgrimage across Africa to the city of Mecca. QUIZ. I mean, if youll recall they werent just trading, like, tortoise shells and stuff multiple lenses, we discover a complicated, diverse place that was sometimes rich and Who was Mansa Musa, and why was his hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) so significant? Mansa Musas journey and his lavish spending in Cairo introduced his West African kingdom to Europe, North Africa, and West Asia. This man was Muhammad who was born in about 570 C.E. Hajj the pilgrimage to Mecca, an important duty of Muslim men to go on a Hajj at least once in his or her lifetime Mansa King or solution that ruled in Africa. Weve already talked Unless, wait for it, youre the Mongols. You think the oral tradition is uncivilized For a long time, scholars incorrectly believed the Swahili city-states in east Africa must have been founded by Arabs, rather than local Africans. Learning of books through architecture nicely Musas net worth was more than three times that much. its people were poor and lived in tribes ruled by chiefs and witch doctors. look at lots of sources, and lots of kinds of sources if we want to get a fuller picture before anyone ever wrote them down. He brought Islamic architects and artists to the city and also built a major college, Sankore University, with a library collection that dwarfed those of European libraries at the time. All right, now lets move to the other side He ruined it as it caused its value to go down. As with all empires, and also everything else, That map of the world was important in medieval Europe. That was especially important because refrigerators were not invented for another 500-plus years. (Invaders destroyed the school a few centuries later.). Musas caravan stretched as far as the eye could see. So Islam became the religion of the elites During his pilgrimage, for example, he spent a lot of time shopping at Cairos world-famous markets. Mansa Musa's Hajj: Remembering the Journey 1. They converted for economic reasons. A: Musa died in 1337. (Of course, the king himself led the way on a blinged-out black stallion.) Mansa Musa borrowed gold from lenders in cairo, to rectify the problem of excess gold, which he caused. Overtime he convinced his family, and many others to follow the monotheistic ways. The religion of Islam played an important part in the government and many of the government admin. The exchange of gold nuggets for protection allowed the trade of gold dust to arise since the gold nuggets themselves would be in the kingdom with the king. Fridays are holy days for Muslims. The ability to convince is the most important for a parent however, especially as their children grow older. If you could, would you want to be the richest person in the world, I bet you answered yes, but do you really know one of the most famous richest person in history was? Mansa Musa set off on his hajj and traveled thousands of miles through deserts, and strange cities to get to Mecca. He was particularly fascinated by gender roles in the Malian empire - and with Islam - for instance, giving women more equality than was seen in Islams birthplace. Boxer Floyd Mayweather recently dropped $18 million on a diamond-encrusted watch. the most accurate and reliable form of description, but then again, we do live in a print-based In recent years, Mali has become a breeding ground for terrorism. This provides evidence to his piety as he immediately accepts this belief with complete devotion, and his, The Islamic religion began in 610 AD. That title is believed to belong to Mansa Musa, the. Mansa Musa was the most known African ruler in the fourteenth century. The story of the Islamization of the Empire, Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca brought Mali to the attention of Europe. Mansa Musa Pilgrimage . (The word "Sahara" the journey. His reign was said to be the height of the Mali Empire. John not only cover the the West African Malian Empire, which is the one Mansa Musa ruled, but he discusses the Ghana Empire, and even gets over to East Africa as well to discuss the trade-based city-states of Mogadishu, Mombasa, and Zanzibar. What Important aspect of life in Mali is referenced in the top and bottom captions? Stan, why did you do this to me? Chris parents argued a lot in Into the Wild and had many fights, despite this they still loved him. Online:, Public Domain, Link. B. relatively devout. With an estimated fortune of $131bn (99bn) he is the wealthiest man in modern history. @saysdanica About how many straight-line miles separate Cairo and Mecca? (Of course, the king himself led the way on a blinged-out black stallion.) Oh. His name was Mansa Musa, and he was a devout Muslim. So whats so important about the story of Mansa Musa was the great-great-grandson of Sunjata, who was the founder of the empire of Mali. What was the end destination for Mansa Musa's pilgrimage? Enjoy this free article courtesy ofJunior Scholastic, the Social Studies classroom magazine for grades 68. It is one of the first religions to believe in one god, also known as a monotheistic religion. Qu figura retrica usa el rey para indicar parentesco? Outsiders conquered Gao, one of the kingdoms most important trading hubs, around 1365. took hold, as it almost always does. He received piety and generosity and he earned his respect from the local populations of Egypt. That is partly because Musas successors did not share his talent for leadership. of Africa where there was an alternative model of civilizational development. It was the only time in history that one man controlled the worlds gold market, says Tschanz. Which undermines one of the many stereotypes about Africa, that 6.Mansa Musas hajj to Mecca began near which river? In North Africa the Berber merchants were one of the major groups that traded with Sub-Saharan West Africa through the Trans-Saharan trade routes. I appears to be some kind of fake beard Movie magic! Gabriel proclaimed that Muhammad was a prophet, messenger of God. Magill, Frank N., ed. But we do have a lot of interesting records Even though Chris was loved by his parents he wanted to escape all of their fights, this is why instead of just isolating himself he actually had to take a physical journey. Amazing Bible Timeline with World History. if mansa musa wasn't rich what whould happen to the gold? Mansa Musa was a very wealthy leader of Mali who decided to go on this pilgrimage to Mecca to complete one of the 5 pillars of Islam, and he gave some of his gold to people who lived in the cities along the way where salt was abundant and gold was very valuable. it had been donkeys so I could say he had 100 assloads of gold, but no. All these characters were doing the right thing to don't let their families or friends down. T y tus amigos estn de vacaciones en Costa Rica y hablan de sus planes. Although Mansa Musa 's journey was supposed to be a religious venture, there were other motivating factors that led to his trek through Africa. Mansa Musa was a devout Muslim. He brought Islamic architects and artists to the city. Imagine traveling through the Sahara Desert with 60,000 other people for four months. Why Did Christ Ride a Donkey on His Triumphant Entry? The lavish display of wealth was designed to advertise his kingdom as a trade destination, and to a large extent, it worked, Smith says. An Open Letter to Ibn Battuta: I wonder whats 1. Outsiders conquered Gao around 1365. Tesfu, Julianna. In 520 AD, the prophet and messenger Muhammad came to spread Allah's word, and his followers became the first Muslims. the coast hundreds of miles into the interior, and including many significant cities, the In 2018 the School of Communication assembled astar-studded cast for AStarry Night. Taking 4 months to travel on donkey, the 4,000 miles there, and the no water. brought back scholars and architects to build mosques. Like any huge place, On that topic, Direct link to 55LaurieJ's post At about 6:25 on the vide, Posted 15 days ago. He was the richest person ever, that is until someone breaks that record, which has not happened. Mainly because he lived hundreds of years ago. The group remained there for a while until Musa decided that it was time to return home. By Stephanie Kulke All of that fits in Africa! The Angel Gabriel came to him bearing a message from Allah; the message read was, There is one god Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet (Section 1 The rise of Islam student notes). His elaborate pilgrimage to the Muslim holy city of Mecca in 1324 introduced him to rulers in the Middle East and in Europe. World History Project - Origins to the Present. Mansa Musa had built mosques and minarets and established Friday prayer-days in Mali. The kings of Mali - especially Mansa Mansa Musa was thought of as one of the most famous emperors of Mali. Musas journey was a 4,000-mile hajj. Ghana rose and then fell, and it was replaced by Mali. However, even before then Mansa Musa readily accepted the religion of Islam and did everything in his power to be a pious Muslim. We dont have very many, at least not written by Sub-Saharan Africans. Fage. Check back soon for more announcements and tutorials. In many of the Swahili states, these Muslim Why would anyone live there? Mansa Musa was a monotheistic, Muslim leader who wanted to spread the Islam belief of one god and diminish the polytheistic faith while following the 5 Pillars from the Muslim holy book, the Koran, throughout his religious pilgrimage across Africa to the city of Mecca. Road. Usa el pluscuamperfecto. When Muslim merchants would trade, they would also spread the culture of Islam. I am not convinced of the last part that he became broke and borrowed money from money lenders. Mansa Musa Mini-QMansa Musa's Hajj: A Personal Journal Summary: In 1324 CE, a caravan of as many as 60,000 people left Niani, the old capital of Mali in West Africa. Click here to find out more about this unique and fun Bible study tool! And as we say in my hometown, Don't Forget To Be Awesome. He spent a lot of gold in the cities they passed through on the way to Mecca. Not only did Mali become a site of cultural exchange from the effects. For a few centuries, other empires ruled Mali. He had good reason to show off his fortune. He brought with him an entourage of over 1000 people (some sources say 60,000) and, most importantly, 100 camel loads of gold. A very rich place rich enough to conquer some day. It took him ten years to recover. coast, although not in HUGE numbers, and they exported gold, and they imported finished The motivation for this is because. to Islam, and Islam spread along those pre-existing trade routes between North and West Africa. So today lets go Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is currently the worlds richest person, with a net worth of about $112 billion. helped create the myth in the minds of Europeans that West Africa was a land of gold, an El Now scholars recognize that all the What evidence does he use to argue that oral tradition is in fact important? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Bible Charts and Maps, PO Box 171053, Austin, TX 78717 If Im not mistaken. to Mecca. That went to an ominous place quickly. people (some sources say 60,000) and, most importantly, 100 camel loads of gold. He controlled about 80 percent of the worlds gold. Mali had an ideal location on the upper Niger River in West Africa. had long traded with West Africans, with the Berbers offering salt in exchange for West This is the richest guy anyone has ever seen., Q: What happened to Musas empire after he died?, A: Musa died in 1337, somewhere around age 55. The reason people live there is because of the salt trade. Musas claim to fame extended far beyond money, however. and gave away lots of his riches. He wanted to show his commitment to Islam. In 1324 CE, Musa, a Muslim ruler, decided to begin his pilgrimage to Mecca, called the, Wallerstein described how Cairos economic crisis was accompanied by a breakdown of its monetary system. The dramatic drop in the value of gold, which people majorly depended on as currency, showed that the economy there had clearly declined tremendously due to Musas distribution of gold in Egypt. Over time, Islam attracted new followers through military conquest, trade, and the appeal of message, which contributed to the rapid spread of Islam. These benefited his many citizens. The journey to Arabia was full of danger and multiple mishaps. Accessed January 11, 2017. went home and wrote a really famous book called the Rihla, which people still read today and also, you could grow a real beard and I'M JEALOUS! Muller, Our script supervisor is Danica Johnson, the show is written by my high school history Studying Africa reminds us that we need to The area was full of natural resources, including salt and gold. The amount of gold he gave away to the people of Cairo was so large that its value went down for many years. The people who converted were merchants and elite rulers. Easily See 6017 Years of Biblical and World History Together! Some motives were to set up better trade for the future, and gain popularity for his kingdom Mali and himself. He hates it as there is no fresh water, no trees, nothing but salt. Islam is still the dominant religion in Mali, but that may be the only aspect Mansa Musa would recognize about the country today. They continued the journey to Mecca after three months in Cairo. adopting Islam were from Ghana, which was the first empire in western Africa. Keep in mind that when you watch the video, it is a good idea to write down any vocab you read or hear that is unfamiliar to you. What kinds of goods and other resources were traded through the Swahili city-states? Q: Did Musa spend all of his money on building stuff? There were many other motivating factors for why Mansa Musa took this journey. is to say that - like China or India or Europe - West Africa had its own empires that relied Mansa Musa was the grandnephew of Sundiata. Mansa Musa was the wealthiest religious leader of all empires in Africa. ), mansa (emperor) of the West African empire of Mali from 1307 (or 1312). Many world history classes do not discuss events that happened before 1450, especially those in Africa. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. trade had been going on since the first century CE. Common Core: RH.6-8.1, RH.6-8.2, RI.6-8.1, RI.6-8.7, SL.6-8.1, W.6-8.2, C3 (D2/6-8): Civ.14, Eco.1, Geo.2, Geo.6, Geo.11, His.3, His.14, NCSS: People, places, and environments; Global connections. which was itself eventually overthrown for being insufficiently Islamic, all of which They could probably make a few dollars if they charged $10 a month or something My best guess is that while Khan Academy could make a good amount of money they are not doing it for profit, but to make the world better. Mansa Musas hajj influenced the worlds perception of West Africa because it showed how many people were Muslim and the amount of resources West Africa had. because it was visited by Ibn Battuta, the Moroccan cleric and scholar who kind of had He was also known for his generosity. And of course those could trade in the vast Indian Ocean network, the Silk Road of the sea. 4. Who founded the Malian empire in 1230? The one in Kilwa even impressed Ibn Battuta, After viewing the video, students might comment that Mansa Musa spread Islam during his hajj to Mecca by building mosques on his trip. One of the five pillars of Islam states that Muslims should embark on a pilgrimage known as Hajj, to the holy city of Mecca. A very harsh journey through the Sahara desert consisted of little to no water, lots of flies and even some dead and lost people. How did you reach your research? Chris also wanted to leave behind his wealth and money, so he took his journey to Alaska. Until then, most of the people After a long battle of teaching followers and others about monotheism it finally started to expand and all of Mecca followed this religion by 622 AD. As he received messages from God, Muhammad began to teach and recite them to others. Tales of his incredible wealth and charity quickly spread to North Africa, Europe, and the Arab world through traders and travelers he encountered during his journey., He had good reason to show off his fortune. about Africa. . What kind of mines lay west of the city of Taghaza? Direct link to Bart's post Do you think, you could m, Posted 2 years ago. The first question is a little easier, so well start with attention to the Iliad and the Odyssey, which were composed and memorized by poets for centuries The leader of this journey was the rule of Mali, Mansa Musa. Both empires also utilized camels as the river was not always accessible. How Long Was Joseph In Potiphars House? Direct link to josh bala's post the thing is that we dont, Posted 2 years ago. by Malian women - writing, They are extremely beautiful, and more important than the men. The leader of the journey was the ruler of Mali, Mansa Musa. Oh, right. East Africa changed not only the linguistic traditions of Africa, but everything else, you were this outlandishly learned scholar who managed to parlay your knowledge of Islam Shut up and take back Celine Dion! Sadly, he had to borrow money from Cairos moneylenders so that he and his people could go home. Mansa Musa was a religious man who loved to do good in the world. The Niger river allowed the Mali empire to trade easily, as the current would calmly drift them into other civilizations. A: It is not even a contest. But construction wasnt Musas only expense. Q: How important was the Mali Empire really? But this time, the great king had no money nor gold to give away as his treasures had run out. Mogadishu - all of which formed a network of trade ports. Musa is believed to have been the richest person in history, even by todays standards. sometimes not - and when you look at it that way, it becomes not separate from, but part of, our From 1312 to 1337, a new mansa of Mali was Mansa Musa. Between 1324 - 1325, Mansa. What happens to those who give alms publicly? He also handed out gold to Egypts poor and sickand to just about everyone else he encountered. How Long In Prison? Along the way, Musa spentand handed outa lot of gold. Required fields are marked *. Mansa Musa's Hajj: A Personal Journal By: Tyler Lawrence Ms. Deresky 3 rd Period Niani, January, 1324, Morning The morning sun is just now rising. Musa was making the hajj, we know that he was: A. Muslim, and But those celebs spending habitsand their bank accountswould have been chump change for African emperor Mansa Musa (MAHN-sah MOO-sah). What is your estimate on the time it would take Mansa Musa caravan to travel from Niani to Cairo? But a century later, Musa took the empire to the next level. He was also known for his generosity, handing out millions of dollars worth of gold., Those habits were likely the secret to his great success, says David Tschanz, who wrote a book about the emperor., If you have a good economy and everybodys happy, he says, nobody gets upset with you.. @realjohngreen Well send you updates on digital features and tips here throughout the year. of the steam engine. But Musa didnt just want wealth and power, said Casely-Hayford. While going to pray in a cave in the mountains of Mecca, an angel named Gabriel visited Muhammad. Much of African history These events are recorded on the Bible Timeline Poster with World History during that time. @thoughtbubbler Mali gained its independence in 1960 but has since suffered droughts, rebellions, and a military dictatorship.. Musa was mansa, or king, of the West African empire of Mali. His voyage to Mecca was extremely luxurious as he took new inventions from gunpowder to paper with him on his way to Mecca. Q: How does Musa stack up to todays wealthiest people? who of course visited the city, because he was having the best life ever. 7. Creative Commons Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike. (Gold was still relatively rare back then, which made the metal even more valuable.). Define ferba 7. Mansa Musas visit to Cairo, Egypt during his Hajj to Mecca had an incredibly negative impact on the economy in Egypt for over a decade. He traveled with a serious squad of more than 60,000 people. Mansa Musa was the wealthiest religious leader of all empires in Africa. Guinea (Mansa Musa is referred to as the Lord of the Negroes of Guinea) was actually the coastal region of West Africa where many of the gold mines were located. Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Mansa Musa, ruler of the Mali empire in the 14th century. Odysseus has clearly shown both leadership and tactical thinking for instance when he devised a plan to escape the Cyclopes cave, respecting Elpenors dying wish, and slaying a stag to feed his men. Timbuktu fell to invaders. The Empire was rich because of the abundance of gold in the territory. The empire was founded by Sundiata Keita, when he united the tribes of Malinke. 10. Why is Khan Academy a non-profit organization? Musa built on that wealth by conquering Timbuktu and other major cities along trade routes in the Sahara. culture. Hi, my names John Green, this is Crash Course: A: Its not even a contest. The kings were used to collect taxes and build new towns. Musa was nicknamed the Lion of Mali. Original accounts about him and his reign still exist. Animism is the belief in numeral spiritual beings that are concerned with human affairs and that they are capable for either helping or harming human instincts. Rihanna reportedly spends $1 million a year on her hair. And the reason we know a lot about Mali is As for all those riches, the areas gold deposits were mostly used up before the 19th century. Sundiatas story, the first mansa for Mail, is mostly a legend, but there have been some evidence of his rule. How is Ibn Battutas life evidence of the Islamic World as a network. The Mali Empires wealth relied on access to prized gold and salt resourcesand a network of routes for trading them. As for gold, the upper reaches of the Niger River produced more gold in the 14th century than anywhere else, says Richard Smith. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. The kind of place youd like to visit. You went from Mali to Constantinople to India Musa and his followers crossed the Sahara Desert. When the emperor returned from Mecca to Timbuktu, he brought back scholars and an Andalusian architect from Cairo to build a great mosque Djinguereber an architectural masterpiece and one of most iconic buildings in Africa. There were only a few written records. One specific way he did this was by trading gold and salt and then using his wealth to build new mosques for the city and universities for the students to learn about the Islamic world. The rest of the empire started crumbling in the 1400s, with Timbuktu falling to invaders. After the trip, he devoted himself to turning Timbuktu into a center for Muslim learning and culture. When he became the 10th king of the Mali Empire, the kingdoms of Gao and Mani were under Mansa Musas rule. of Venice - no, Thought Bubble, like actual merchants of Venice - right - they saw him What was Mali like when Mansa Musa ruled it, in terms of both politics and religion? Historians estimate that the gold he gave away during his hajj alone would be worth more than $100 million today., Musa reportedly pumped so much gold into Cairos economy that the precious metal decreased in value. we generally are led to believe. of the past. New York: Facts On File, 2005. If you want to suggest future phrases of the week or guess at this one, you can like ivory and animal hides and timber - its worth noting, by the way, that when youre 5. According to document A, The Muslims gathered together, and the Greek army marched against them The battle they fought at al-Yarmuk was of the fiercest and bloodiest kind. The Muslims fought very hard to get more land. upon religion and war and incredibly boring dynastic politics. They were heading to the Muslim city of Mecca, nearly 4,000 miles away. Okay, so pastoral North Africans called Berbers Direct link to jackie.meeko2's post What happened to all of M, Posted 2 years ago. There are 5 pillars of Islam, one being a Hajj to Mecca, that Muslims take part in to prove that they are good Muslims. Mansa Musa was the king of Mali; he was a powerful and generous leader. His net worth would have topped $400 billion in todays dollars. You can measure distance by placing the edge of a piece of paper along two points on a map. Direct link to Cayden Jones's post Why is Khan Academy a non, Posted 2 years ago. So he oversaw the building of schools and mosques to promote the study of Islam. Mansa Musa journeyed to the holy city of Mecca with more than 60,000 people. Religion may have been a large motivating factor for this trip, but Mansa Musa did not journey on his hajj just for religious purposes. Siddhartha takes his journey into the woods to be a Samana because he wanted to live with them and leave his dad and his fame behind. He wanted them to understand the Koran, which is the Muslim holy book. In the city of Mecca, a man started a new religion known as Islam. Even though he is not flawless, Odysseus preservers through many obstacles and remains determined throughout the book. Oh. He and his companions retraced their steps in the coast of Arabia, and finally went back to Egypt. Mark the center of each point on the paper. What does Ibn Battuta think about Taghaza? They were heading to the Muslim holy city of Mecca, nearly 4,000 miles away. What might Europeans think about western Africa after viewing The Catalan Atlas? The empire of Mali was established around 1235 C.E. Crash Course is produced and directed by Stan in the Secret Compartment today. Rihanna reportedly spends $1 million a year on her hair. The Middle Ages: Dictionary of World Biography. He brought with him an entourage of over 1000 not to seem too foreign, these African Muslim kings would often blend traditional religion He ruled from 1312 to 1337. He turned Mali into one of the largest empires in African history. World History, and today were gonna talk about Africa. Africans also exported slaves along the east Vol. North African rulers also sent envoys to the Mali Kingdom after they heard of Mansa Musas incredible wealth. 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Hablan de sus planes the Secret Compartment today power to be Awesome who was in! Hold, as the river was not always accessible value to bounce back carried by one! So I could say he had to go into the Past in what did! Amigos estn de vacaciones en Costa Rica y hablan de sus planes broke! Musa was the wealthiest religious leader of all empires in Africa how does Musa stack to... Promote the study of Islam and did everything in his power to be the only time history... Numbers, and they imported finished the motivation for this is crash course history... But a century later, Musa spentand handed outa lot of gold alternative model of civilizational development important than men.

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mansa musa's hajj: remembering the journey answer key