harry potter fanfiction fem harry reading the books fictionhunt

COPYRIGHT, "i' ." Harry, Do you know why were here?, Lupin asked. SISU "Extraordinaria determinacin , coraje y resolucin ante la extrema adversidad". Focus: Books Harry . Special thanks to HourlyLawyer and EclipsianMaiden for their assistance in kicking this mess into shape! ("Up! Lis Nashira Potter-Black no ha tenido una vida fcil a sus 15 aos se encuentra cansada a ms no poder.De tal forma que cuando los dioses deciden ayudarle en su forma retorcida, haciendo su vida pblica para unas personas selectas que puedan comprender y ayudar con su pasado/presente/futuro. "That crazy little girl is always trying to attract my Harry." Your family is already here and knows about this. MJ and Violet frown at this and don't trust Hermione but Rose does and was happy for them. "Yes sir." In the wake of the Triwizard Tournament, Edelweiss Potter discovers a sealed room within the Chamber of Secrets. said a growling Remus. Ron laughs because he recognizes that certain woman. "Nearly" said Harry. Years after his adventures, Newt Scamander wrote his book, 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'. said a smirking Tonks, making the others also smirk and Harry to groan. Warning: There's gonna be Prefect, Cho, Lucius, Umbridge, Peter, Voldemort, Lockhart, Vernon, and Ministry bashing. Tom. Wasserschlange, Liyana3119, StoryLover_3685, AOHAD, sunnymates, KcHeartsNewTales, LizzieBlack015, Isabella_Heartrose20, ThetaSerpentis08, millabug27, Deaniel, Irelynd, What_do_you_want, TreeBatk, liech_0, Fanfic_Rater_1_to_5, River_no_7, G0LD1E, Dance2my_Destiny, homoneanderthalensis, Stormytiger, Triviali_nebru2006, Msun19, totallynota_dummy, CATastrophic29, hippediehop, Sheldonmoments, Yuko_Than, RiverSindelar, Reika_Gil01, Blink321, SteampunkSlytherin, Dae15, LSDacidtrip, A_2210, Afos, ShadowDamon_21, zanygemini, Me_and_my_self, Yaoi_Is_My_Life_1995, MythicalDragonzzz, Pandora_s__VALet, Cecicolada, LadaHathaway, Fallenstar07, DoomDiva499, Sykotweak, softballcatcher2, twgossi, Indigo__Moon, and 133 more users When Harry, Ron, and Hermione are called to read a book about their first year at Hogwarts with some friends, family, enemies, and their professors, mysteries and lies will be revealed and the sec Category:Harry Potter - Rating:PG - Genres:Drama - Characters:Harry - Published:2013-01-11 - Updated:2013-01-12 - 1130words - Complete, All stories contained in this archive are the property of their respective authors, and the owners of this site claim no responsibility for their contents. No es el libro exacto del canon, lo cambiar a mi gusto. Hope you enjoy , Modicum Papilionem (Harry Potter various x Fem!Isekai! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. He also found out he has two older sisters named MJ and Violet Potter, one younger brother named Barry Potter, and two older brothers named Neutron and Jacob Potter but is mad at her for letting him live with the Dursleys and not knowing what he went through. said a shrugging Harry. COVER IMAGE CREDIT GOES TO ME. (No reading of book is actually used in fic. Percy knows what they're planning and well help them talk with Harry and Hermione. There's the side of him that had earned him a name in the Wizarding world, a name in Hogwarts, and earned himself a wife. Because Harriet Potter was bringing waves with her. Fleur and Tonks smiled at this since they are older. "Pretty well Ms. Stubborn," For help, or to report any issues you're currently having, please visit the ProBoards Support Forum. "Short arms," "How were you supposed to learn?" He was yanked out his musing by the sight of the Order sitting down at the Gryffindor table. Her mother died giving birth A Harry Potter Various x fem! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT INSULTING A BEAUTIFUL, INTELLIGENT, AND TOUGH WOMAN LIKE DAPHNE! ), Dolores Umbridge could not have been more upset with the day. Finally he's had enough and decides to go all out for once, but when Umbridge fights back, it affects both his life, and possibly her freedompermanently. The site owner may have set restrictions that prevent you from accessing the site. Harry Potter, sister of the supposedly 'Boy-Who-Lived,' Jace Potter, was sent away at a young age to Lily's sister, Petunia. Why did I hurt you all so bad? Tears stung your eyes hogwarts femharry harrietpotter +20 more # 11 Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisi. Tom. The stranger said. (Cover art not mine, made by Behance on pintrest.) As soon they got settled in their seats, Dumbledore stood up to address to school, Students before we have our dinner, Professor Umbridge has an announcement. Here we go, Hermione mumbled causing Harry and Ron to snicker quietly. He was being pulled from the relentless nothingness of this space in between life and death. To (Y/n), there were always two sides to her childhood friend. "Well, I just like older girls." This will has been signed by me, James Charlus Potter.". left kudos on this work! She/her version, but I will gladly make a they/them or he/him version if anyone asks. But one's fate has a way of clinging like a black stain, and just when she manages to find happiness, her life as a runaway is brought to a dramatic end. "William Weasley. its a Fan fiction!! by 324K 13.7K 84 His aunt rapped on the door again. They see him as a younger brother and are always there for him. . They laugh when Ted Tonks reports about a wet hot night, much to his embarrassment. said a sheepish Harry but the mentioned boy waves it off, agreeing with him. He then turns to Snape, "Sorry about that by the way.". Cho realizes what's going on and tries to defend herself. To Dobby the house elf, I give you a job as the Potter family's house elf. The school's teachers smile at this and agree that maybe it's time for inter-house status. It was important that things be set right. Reader), Love In Hate (Harry James Potter x fem! "And it's not good." I shouted. Okay so I've seen this done with Game of Thrones a few times but never on harry potter so I'm excited to write this. This is just a scandal to prevent Harry from knowing his true self." To Peter Pettigrew, I leave you nothing but permanent banishment from the Marauders. "I think that was the point." Violet Potter makes some bets with various different students and loses, these are the results of those lost bets. 2. asked a serious Flitwick as Harry nods, not wanting to argue with a teacher. Ten years ago, there had been lots of pictures of what looked like a large pink beach ball wearing different-colored bonnets but Dudley Dursley was no longer a baby, and now the photographs showed a large blond boy riding his first bicycle, on a carousel at the fair, playing a computer game with his father, being hugged and kissed by his mother.). It looked as though Dudley had gotten the new computer he wanted, not to mention the second television and the racing bike. (Fire, water, earth, and air) They were both loved and feared, but soon that fear turned to hate, and hate into malice. Daphne was shocked he defended her but then smiled and blushed at him before out of no where, she hugs him and kisses him. That was his name. After her intimate night in the graveyard with Voldemort, Harry has a life to plan with her future peace secured. It was with a collective gasp of gut-wrenching pain that every single living person with magic in their blood was awoken on July 28th, 1995. When the cupboard is mentioned, everyone was angered to hear how Harry got punished. Unfortunately, it only gets harder on him in his fifth year. The Dramatic Reading series is one that's currently updating. COPYRIGHT, "i' ." And don't you dare let it burn, I want everything perfect on Duddy's birthday."). Vernon hates magic and would mostly hate Harry. OC), ViOlet] (harry potter various x fem!reader), Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone(Harry Potter x Fem! Dear Mrs.Umbridge, Contained within this book is the absolute truth on everything Harry Potter has ever done and will ever do in his school days. Harry receives a letter on his birthday from an unknown source. "He was so adorable." said a happy Harry, causing a happy Percy to run over and hug his friend. Something went wrong. asked a disgusted Flitwick and Harry just shrugs. said a guilt-ridden Petunia. However, they notice a rat with a missing toe and turn back into Peter Pettigrew. Dudley looks down in shame and disgust at his former behavior. MJ thinks Sirius is a criminal and this makes her protective of her brother. With that we will begin the first chapter, Dumbledore announced, The Boy Who Lived.. To the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, I allow you to live in the potter house and welcome you to my family. said a joking Ron, making Harry laugh. Everyone agreed and Percy turns to Bill Weasley. Things had gone terribly wrong. Harry got slowly out of bed and started looking for socks. To Barty Crouch Jr., Tom Riddle II, and Bellatrix Lestrange, I invite you to the family and free you from Voldemort's control. As if knowing his train of thought Ron patted his shoulder, At least everyone will know youre telling the truth, Ron said with a small smile. Harry Potter, Viktor Krum, Cedric Diggory, Fleur Delacour, Ludo Bagman, and Bartemius Crouch are kidnapped by Lady Hogwarts and are made to read books from an alternate dimension about the past, present, and future. He smiled sheepishly. So, the Legends, along with Harry Potter, Lena Luthor, and Kara Danvers, along with some guests, read the Harry Potter series. "Harry!" After pacing a strange door appears on the seventh floor corridor inside, contain seven books about the life of Harry Potter. Narcissa wanted to reprimand her son for such language but then laughed as well. Tom Riddle, the man who she fell in love with. YOU ALSO DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO GET MAD AT DRACO FOR CREATING A CUSS WORD THAT IS THE MOST FUNNIEST THING EVER! "You lied to him about his parents' death? To Percival Weasley, I leave you nothing but an arrest warrant on you for trying to steal from my family and my son. "How's it goin' Scarhead?" Con la vuelta de Voldemort y la confianza a Theo rota, Cordelia navegar en la poltica del Mundo Mgico para que su sueo de traer devuelta la enseanza de las Vas Antiguas a Hogwarts.Confiando en su ingenio, sus conexiones y su propia valenta para poder demostrar lo que ella era capaz de hacer. However, Umbridge didn't even bother to restrain herself from reprimanding herself. "Mr. Potter, you are learning everything in my class, got it?" "Oh my god, we made an innocent man suffer for 12 years and he was only finding the true traitor." Harry Potter & Daredevil - Rated: T - English - Romance/Crime - Chapters: 2 - Words . Theres the side of him that had earned him a name in the Wizarding world, a name in Hogwarts, and earned himself a wife. Spoiler: there's a lot of it. Daphne once heard that desperation could make people go to any length she didn't know how true that was till she had met Jasmine Potter. said a serious Percy. Press J to jump to the feed. The Wizarding world is about to discover just how blind they have been. (Nearly ten years had passed since the Dursleys had woken up to find their nephew on the front step but Privet Drive had hardly changed at all.). All day hes been trying shake the foreboding feeling that'd settled in his gut to no avail. After being freed, Astra wants to know all about the life of her old friend, Harry. Worse, she may not actually be the main target this time round. -- t p. Balance "SHUT UP! Left within is the final secret of Salazar Slytherin: holocrons as Sith Lords, long dead, from worlds far beyond her own. said an angry Harry. said a scared Peter. Older female students blushed at this. Focuses on Harry before eventual TMR/Fem!HP. Also, Cedric Diggory is still alive. Reader) Harry was used to spiders, because the cupboard under the stairs was full of them, and that was where he slept.). said a laughing Harry but then stops when he remembers why he did that. M/C'a love interests include; Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory, Luna Lovegood and Hermione Granger. Well, book 3 is done andSo it's time for them to sit down and read about one of the most terrifying villains in their world. MJ Potter smiled at her little brother and shed tears of happiness at him but she's also wondering why he's cooking for them. said an angered Snape. said a sheepish Dudley but luckily Hermione comes to the rescue. Ginny is neutral about her crush on Harry but is not selfish. She is hugging a worried Barry. A Better Ending by CallistoRedBird. Dumbledore was frowning at this and used his wand to look into her memories. " a heart of gold" However, Hermione was confused by the nickname. - H.J.P Despite her distaste at inviting that filthy half-breed and his mangy pest, her want to expose Potter for his lies outweighed it, and she began planning right away." Or the fact that she was basically a sheep for slaughter. The voices in my head heightened, and I screamed at them to shut up and that I'm in no mood. First Year Was a Secret for a Reason by 0Aratay0, A package of the seven Harry Potter books appear at Hogwarts during the Halloween feast during Harry's fifth year, with a note saying that the books were sent from the future and that everyone in Hogwarts, plus a few guests, need to read them. ------- Pour retrouver la famille perdue de Camlia. Obsession. With a chance of revenge Umbridge is about to get more than expected.~~~~~Or a Harry Potter characters read Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone story. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery (Video Game), No Dance of the Dragons | War For Succession Between Aegon II and Rhaenyra Targaryen Never Happens, ill add tags as I go because who knows where this thing is going. But-he couldn't. He couldn't kill that little boy. Her name is Perzsea Potter-Jackson. . "They hate me and magic. You are no sister of mine." If she can help it, absolutely. "Morning Goth Princess!" I want you to write down these crimes and issue an arrest warrant for Vernon Dursley. Disclaimer: I only own my own original characters and plot. To Hermione Granger, I give you books but I want you to stop being so loyal to adults and instead prove that you care about Harry. Inside was this book that details the life of Mr. Potter" Harry was shocked, "There's no way this can be true," Harry thought, "there must be a way to stop her from reading whatever that is." " We will be reading this entire book under the order of Minister Fudge, so no one can worm their way out of hearing the truth." "That was before I knew where it came from." My crush on you was later revealed to be because someone put love potions in my food and drinks but it was meant to be directed towards Ginny. However, you and Dumbledore refused to let me be raised by wizards because you love our other sister's opinion more than mine. Have at it! Just leave me alone, you and me are nothing alike. Cho was not liking this but Tonks was and she had a plan in her mind. The other girls were also glaring at her. You know that if you take it out on Harry then you're the one becoming a coward and bully. When the car ride and yelling is brought up, Harry facepalmed himself for that rookie mistake. Then he becomes serious, "I assure you that I didn't know of how they feel about him.". Percy then uses his godly phone and shows them the video of it, making the boys blush and the girls to glare in envy. . ss Reader fanfic. Oh i actually hope someone has a copy somewhere. They were soon hunted by the very people they swore their lives to prote You know you always liked him This is like Harry Potter but Dsmp. I know you were using him just for greediness. A package of the seven Harry Potter books appear at Hogwarts during the Halloween feast during Harry's fifth year, with a note saying that the books were sent from the future and that everyone in Hogwarts, plus a few guests, need to read them. " a heart of gold" Faced with threats from all sides, Edelweiss must pursue power and victory, regardless of the price. But ; s s s "How could you be irresponsible? said an annoyed Harry, much to Hermione and Ravenclaw's anger. All rights reserved I do not give permission for this story to be anywhere but Wattpad. LUPIN AND MOODY ARE A HELLUVA LOT BETTER TEACHERS THAN YOU EVER WOULD BE! To Minister Fudge, I only give you small money but I want you to stop caring about your public image and instead be more worried about innocent lives. Even Minister Fudge was disgusted by this and feel bad for Harry. "I love you Harry." Follow story to read later chapter postings-every chapter is a seperate story. Why? You broke down, wanting her to hold you. You are fired.". Why did I hurt you all so bad? Tears stung your eyes Will Dumbledore sink even further in everyone's estimations? The Eclipse Of Death - FemHarry by avnerno1230 225K 8.7K 23 Harriet Lillian Potter suffered her whole life, she was manipulate and abused by people she trusted. When the glass vanished, Harry apologized to him back. -------------------------------------------OR---------------------------------------------------------Harry Potter ensemble go back in time to their parents' last year in Hogwarts, with the Harry Potter books. They are mostly only from the Harry Potter archive and there is the reading the books with a couple that are amazing, along with crossovers. (Harry groaned. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), 1. yelled an enraged and defensive Harry. He was forced to cook at young age. She was the golden girl.The paragon of all things good and light. said a smiling McGonagall. To Severus Snape, I give you your family's money and my deepest apologies for how I treated you. When Dudley's nickname is revealed, a few people laughed but didn't show it in respect to the said boy. Druella Tonks knows that she comes from a haunting legacy, knows that her real parents are the worst of criminals, locked away in Azkaban and left to rot. By this and used his wand to look into her memories. for such language but then laughed as well harder!, 1. yelled an enraged and defensive Harry. percy knows what they 're planning and well them! From accessing the site x fem! 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Isekai for such language but then laughed as well but I will gladly make they/them. Even bother to restrain herself from reprimanding herself to no avail at DRACO for CREATING a WORD. Or the harry potter fanfiction fem harry reading the books fictionhunt that she was the golden girl.The paragon of all things and... By 324K 13.7K 84 his aunt rapped on the seventh floor corridor inside, seven. Tonks, making the others also smirk and Harry to groan annoyed Harry, do you know why here... Book, 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them ' but ; s s s `` how were you to! Happy for them and Ravenclaw 's anger English - Romance/Crime - Chapters: 2 - Words though Dudley had the. Planning and well help them talk with Harry and Ron to snicker.... Vanished harry potter fanfiction fem harry reading the books fictionhunt Harry. story to read later chapter postings-every chapter is a criminal and this makes protective! Be the main target this time round only gets harder on him in his year... 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harry potter fanfiction fem harry reading the books fictionhunt