fanfic prompt generator tumblr

And btw the fastest way is definitely discord since Im not always logged into tumblr but I will do my best to be logged in more often during the event! ), In a dark, dark wood there was a dark, dark house and in that dark, dark house I think we should get drunk and fool around. We are all born over and over again, they said, in many different forms and situations and to families with whom we have strong karmic connections. Character A and Character B, sworn enemies, are chosen to prepare the company Christmas Party. (The futures so bright. At least theyre common enough that most may have an idea what youre talking about at the mention of pinecone.. Not every character or scene warrants a creative description, either. These prompts can be completed any day after its assigned. Follow. No way. Somehow, someway Technology has been lost. Don't disappoint me.". The only words I know are lost inside your body. Whether in the form of fluff, recovery, post-whump, or all of the above, its a ton of fun and really heartwarming!! I'm just a fan of multiple things with so many ideas and open to more, but I can't do any of them! (Look at you. Posts. Welcome to the fanfic maker. I WANNA READ WHAT YOU CREATED! One is a simple greeting, ahello orits nice to meet you. load more 3. JD | He/Him | Message me anytime for prompts or just to chat!! "I had to change. Yukihira Souma doesn't knows if he would like to know why Erina's father made that Face when he saw his father. This all changed once they met a lovely couple one day, talking and laughing and finding their company warm enough to feel like home - and when they looked at their wrist after, two new marks were there, leaving Person A breathless in wonder. Unlike regular fanfiction, which generally remains within the boundaries of the canon set out by the author, alternate universe fiction writers like to explore the possibilities of pivotal changes made to characters' history, motivations, or environment. These prompts are simple, character-centered base ideas that can be taken in any direction you want. The mixing of a ghosts powers and human life grow to create powerful results.). Imagine your OT3 or OT4 celebrate a mix of holidays during winter. Still, be mindful when you get creative with your character descriptions. The world is black-and-white to everyone with vision when theyre born. Here are some romance writing prompts to get your epic tale of crazy love started. His brain doesn't work like anyone else's, but he learned to fake it. mellow. Fanfiction Prompts and Ideas. And any and all subjects. Your prompt: Made by Leo Have fun! It was a bit difficult to find flowers to my liking that didnt have a 20 character name or wasnt called something like chocolate silk so these are the finalists. Y: Yearn - What gesture, person or thing do they desperately want, but would never actually ask for? To those of you who participated last year, welcome back! Talking to people about your characters really is a game changer. Let's Write Some Fanfic. If youre looking to get more specific than brown, modifiers narrow down shade further. They were prepared for monsters coming back to life. Character B poses as As fiance. Everyone is born with a tattoo on one of their arms, the first words (spoken, signed, or written) that their soulmate would share with them marked on their arms. Character A and Character B both sign up for a Christmas Pen Pal project to exchange postcards. P: Please - Have they ever begged for someone to comfort or stay with them? But they settle down. (it is the exact opposite of alone. not supposed to be like yours: passed down from generation to I wanted to make this the best possible resource for you, so I divided up the fanfiction prompts into 13 separate categories: General Fluff Romantic Fluff Platonic Fluff Family Fluff Cute Fluff One True Pairing (OTP) Fluff Winter Fluff Morning Fluff Funny Fluff Baby Fluff At midnight, C arrives. 22 Fabulous Fanfic Prompts to Amp Up Your Writing. With both soulmates in their life, theyre able to experience the full depth of the color spectrum). In which Aang speaks like he was in the past century, the gaang tries to understand what is the kid who speaks with the same words as an old person but without the wisdom is saying and what is a comfort room. Most of them are just puns or song lyrics, because Im pretty terrible at coming up with titles for things that ARENT puns or song lyrics. While romance can pop up in almost any book of any kind, there still is an entire genre dedicated to straight romance. your desired focus, format, style, intended audience and text length. He has to justify his whole life. "I called you all because I want to you to know how to destroy me", Whatever what the superheroes expected it wasn't to see a massive amount of food, alive, attacking an entire city meanwhile there's a kid with a fork and a gun defending the place. The decision is up to the author on that count! info? They couldnt afford a room so can they just bunk up with A? That's what this blog is here for! Fanfiction Prompts past submit By type Resources FAQ credit All prompts are ALWAYS free to use. - the invisible life of addie larue, "come home and shout at me. (No need to restrict oneself to 100 words, of course; there's also a hard mode of five 100w prompts.) Sassy Octopus Drawing face expressions, Drawing expressions, Otp nsfw prompts generator Imagine Your OTP: a fanfiction . OTP Prompts, or works as an OTP prompt spam generator. @gaystarwhales. #if an idea comes without fandom tags it is because is . Here's a list of 300+ fluff prompts to give you ideas for your stories. A Mass Effect au where humanity followed a different approach to space travel; they made brainships. Its usually on the hands, or perhaps even on the shoulder. Since October is my birthday month, and fall is one of my favorite seasons, I made a prompt list for all to join. "How much pain do you have to go through before giving up is okay?" 2. The OT3+ enjoys video games - but most are for 2 players only. Of course theres some unique ones, but there usually isnt much variation. Welcome to this place! fanfiction-prompts asked: Adam Ellis/Reader, the reader shares an office with Adam and Joel. Or an ambulance. Posts. "None of you are even remotely fit for this job, but you're all I have. In the eyes of the Buddhist, therefore, your mother and father may well have been your parents in a previous life, or maybe even your son, daughter, uncle, cousin, close friend or enemy. You'll start saying things about them you didn't even know you knew. Character B is looking for a Christmas present. Again Im new so if you have any constructive criticism feel free to tell me! (please do. F: Fight - Are there circumstances under which they would not accept treatment or care? 2. This is a perfectly fine description that, while not providing the most detail, works well and will never become clich. Keep a pen and notebook handy for those ideas . As the saying goes, give the devil his due. To the Tibetans, however, rebirth was a certainty. What they don't know, is that the most of them are just trying to live, fight wasn't originally in their plans. for when you can't decide on an au. Character A works as a Santas helper. And the potential for hurtful words thought about you, but mostly the migraines.". Please refer to our FAQ . give me orpheus, on the road back up from the underworld begging us to make sure eurydice is there, to tell him she is safe. He has one opportunity to make his case for the jury. Person A comes across someone with the same name as person B. Your prompt: generate at your own discretion. This is how you know whats going on inside your villains head throughout the entire novel., What exactly was going on in those unspoken exchanges about previous identities, no-one with ordinary perception could possibly tell, especially the average Westerner, to whom reincarnation remains an enigma. Pictured above: Black, Brown, Beige, White, Pink. Then the bed breaks and A has to awkwardly pay for the damage whilst everyone else tries to sneak out undetected so it doesnt look super obvious that 3+ people all slept in As tiny room. A is sick and B stays home from work/school to take care of them. After getting a call from a nurse that had apparently gotten a black eye, Person B realizes having A take their kiddo was a bad idea. We wish you all the fun! give me orpheus turning when the audience stays silent. When the ghosts became something of common knowledge Damian Wayne didn't expect to find a green dog, or kind of adopt it in the process Now he has to hide it from his family and the superheroes because ghost are known as the worst news right now, and the ghost king seems to be determinated to find something in the living world. Maybe write a poem or a short story. 741 . Get to know your world as if you were in it. The thing I think is maybe happening which I have no idea how to check or prevent: Exits my Google Doc covered in blood not to imply I have been killing off or otherwise torturing my characters, but to convey that my WIP is currently lying on the operating table with its organs in the process of rearrangement. (mistakes arent always regrets), If they invented a way to actually have sex over the internet you and I could use that glorious technology for internet hugs. Top 140 Tumblr Writing Prompts TABLE OF CONTENTS Writing Prompt Generator Some Tumblr Writing Prompt Blogs to Get You Started OTP Imagines Writing Prompts Witter Writing Prompts Drop Kick Writer's Block Find Others The Top 140 Tumblr Writing Prompts Dramatic Tumblr Writing Prompts Romance Tumblr Writing Prompts Romance Template Similar to Spring Hole, it offer a series of specific generators depending on what you want to write and the writer's block you have. All prompts from the SFW generator are here. You do not need to ask permission or give credit if you use any of the prompts posted here to inspire your writing. The choice ends up being easier than he expects. as best i could." Arms wrap around Hero's body. Mod also wanted to say were sorry for the lack of new prompts as of late. Angsty Hurt/Comfort Prompts for Anon. Calla lilies? It can be used here: Tropes *cue spy music* That's right, they're undercover as lovers for a secret mission. OTP Prompt 23. This all started to change when the door handle to a building they were entering was decidedly yellow. - finale, "i will find you again in the next worldthe next life. Character B is thir neighbor and can help. ), I think Ive got fireflies where my caution should be. Youll definitely want to avoid purple-prose here. This challenge is open to all fandoms and its open to all forms of art, not just fanfiction. Dialogue and prompts for all your whump/illness/hc needs, "Don't- don't touch it, please, it hurts-", "Alright, just a little more, take it slow-", Cowboy Medicine: Whiskey Internally & Externally Applied, Being Carried; Bridal, Firemans, Two-Person, Doesnt Matter- Being Carried, Coughing, or, God-Forbid, Sneezing, With Broken Ribs, Blankets/Shirt Collar Shifting Just Enough To Have Bandages Peeking Out, Dramatic Irony Injury Reveal (Audience Knows About It But Other Characters Do Not). Feel free to use, but please dont remove my watermark. Do you have a shed? i love him. It can be very short, but it gets me going. university I designed this prompt generator for me to draw my characters in a comic strip or a drawing. Most of these are shipping, but some are general fic prompts. # prompt # first sentence. Why is it comforting to them? (Participation medals of the heart. ), There should be a word for a threat that is also a promise. These prompts are here to give you ideas for your next fanfic, and can be changed or interpreted however you see fit. He is grateful he is a good actor. ), To thine own self be wicked sexy. (All 31 Themes + Prompts, Event Information and FAQs are posted below the cut!). - that moment where he realises something isnt right: Does anyone else think its warm in here?, - the world seeming unreal and shimmery, his vision blurring with the heat, - a character whos been running a low grade fever for days, never enough to justify going home, but enough to make him feel pretty uncomfortable, until someone notices and forces him to go home, and tucks him in bed and feeds him drugs and water and its only then that he realises how bad hes been feeling, - another character inadvertently touching him, and exclaiming in shock: Youre burning up!, - temperature taking: someone elses hand on his forehead (palm cupped for intimacy; the back of the hand of there are walls up between them), - an old-fashioned thermometer in his mouth, - trying to take his own temperature with the back of his hand, but his hands are also too warm so its easy for him to dismiss it as nothing serious, - being forced into a cold bath (or jumping in himself): the violent shock, water so cold it hurts, shaking so hard he cramps up, - being soaked in sweat as his fever breaks, and suddenly being as weak and trembly as a kitten, all of the delirium-born strength gone, - recurring fevers, where he knows that any respite is temporary (and especially if his temperature climbs a little higher each time), - pushing through a fever, because its not that big of a deal, and hes busy, but it wears him down over time until his body reaches its breaking point and he finally collapses (I will never not love this), Welcome to Whumptober 2021! OTP prompt generator. So they thought. I dont suggest using a comparison just cuz you can but actually being thoughtful about what youre comparing your character to and how it applies to your character and/or setting. They learned to restrain their longing to build in cleared areas. You can also use writing prompt generator on our website to get detailed story ideas with word count and theme. Were all doomed eventually. can someone explain the alignment chart for me but in like, the simplest wording possible lmao, lawful good: i want to do the right thing, and following societys rules is the best way to do that, neutral good: i want to do whats right, and im willing to bend or break the rules as long as no one gets hurt, chaotic good: im willing to do whatever it takes as long as its to do the right thing, lawful neutral: following the rules of society is the most important thing, and that matters more to me than doing whats right, true neutral: i just want myself and the people i care about to be happy, chaotic neutral: i want my freedom, and i dont care what i have to do to keep it, lawful evil: to impede the protagonists (in whatever evil way) is my primary goal, but i follow my own code of morals even when its inconvenient, neutral evil: to impede the protagonists (in whatever evil way) is the my primary goal, and while ill do what it takes to achieve it, i also wont go out of my way to do unnecessary damage, chaotic evil: i relish in destruction and want to do as much damage as possible while i try to achieve my primary goal. 1. But before Hero can take a single step forward, they're tackled. And remember to use the alt prompts if any of them make you uncomfortable or if you dont want to do them for any reason! I: Isolation - How do they soothe themselves when no one is around to soothe them? Because the person in charge is lazy, both boy and girl group generators may include prompts specifically for the opposite sex. (Tomorrows just a day away. So Ill just keep pretending that nothings wrong. The AI story generator is a specialized AI writer dedicated to AI assisted story writing. Character A vows to do something nice for a stranger during the Christmas time. Character A accidentally drops an entire bucket (or more) of paint on character B. Please refer to our FAQ which will continue to be updated as the event grows closer, but feel free to message us on this blog, or our personal blogs @yes-i-am-happyaspie and @obsessionoftheday if you have any further questions! You didnt let me finish. Physical character description can be more than skin tone. If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the place for you. We are so excited about this event and hope to have lots of participation! Prompt 597. Paranormal & Weird Event Generator. This years AO3 Collection can be found here. Kaito Kuroba is not a normal person. My goal is to have prompts that can inspire writers for all fandoms without forcing them to wade through prompts they cannot use. Cookie-wise. Please use the #comfortember tag when you post so all the fics will be in one place! # and reblog to your own blog!! But it doesnt tell you how some people with seizures are wary of holding sharp objects or hot liquids. fanfic prompt generator when u don't have inspiration to write @_@ length: oneshot | type: fluff | tropes: cyberpunk, rivals to lovers, everyone lives/nobody dies randomize This was created for my own personal use, so it does not have *all* the tropes. twenty-four-seven-angst-prompts: Here's some dialogue I had in a draft. I hope you like them!! Found a few individual videos of people detailing how their seizures usually played out. That's what this blog is here for! Person A has two tattoos (one on each arm or one right beneath the other on the same arm). I thought I really killed you" Villain sniffs. What you are getting at is their motivation. Character A and Character B meet in the ER on Christmas Eve. Character Driven Romance Writing Prompts. ?. Undertones are the colors beneath the skin, seeing as skin isnt just one even color but has more subdued tones within the dominating palette. ), You are the love of my life so far. Bonus for OT+: Peoplejust keep showing upneeding a bed and it gets progressively more ridiculous. It will also be the place where we showcase the fics from this challenge. Cue the odd one (s) out trying to distract/seduce/sit on the players or offer distracting and unhelpful advice. Reblog going this in case you missed Sicktember, or would like something to decompress with if youve already churned out your fics. #if an idea comes without fandom tags it is because is vague enough for a LOT of fandoms. X: Xenas - Do they see anyone as an inspiration in their recovery? These are trickier to use. With that being said, were very excited to see the community come together once more and be a wild, chaotic bunch of creators and consumers of whump. A accidentally breaks a mirror and B pesters them about them not being safe and insisting on being their body guard for like seven years which just leads to B confessing their love, A and B get stuck on a train which is haunted, Playing Cards Against Humanity which leads to A getting really flustered and B just laughing his/her/their arse off and A just getting worse so B has to comfort him/her/them, Texting each other during date because so into each other that they can barely speak, A spouting a huge amount of pick up lines to friends, B getting jealous and confronting A which kind just calls for them making out and skipping/being late for class, A saying sweet things to B in French/German/whatever language, and B google translating them and awe-ing at how cute A is //or something//, A is with someone and that someone happens to be friends with B and welp A ends up falling for be and is having a hard time getting the confidence to break up with that certain someone so A asks B for help //I dunno//, As little sibling forces A and B to have a tea party with them deeming A the princess and B the knight in shining armor, Taking the next step and adopting/having a kid, Ghost A and Ghost B falling for each other and talking about their past lives and how they died + trying to learn how to kiss, A being different and treated like a monster while B gets up the courage to stand up for A which kind of leads to fumbled kisses and slight touches that make their faces burn up //lol//, Staring up at the stars at a bonfire holding hands and listening to friends sitting around them rambling drunk off their heads, Being in band that rival each other but secretly dating. Fanfiction Trope & Prompt Generator Make one of them a lifeguard and the other finds themself in need of rescuing--whether accidentally or on purpose. Just roll with it. For everything else you are welcome to come to our ask box or ask questions in our Discord server here. . If there's a problem it can be quickly resolved. As with some complex colors, the writer will have to get us to understand what most of these look like. Character owns a struggling toy store. give me hamlet looking up during his monologue to see the audience and plead with them for help. This 'story' is an Elsanna prompt generator. (Instead of slowing down, I just shine brighter. (I miss you), We are terrible for each other, and, yes, we are a disaster. Fanfiction Prompts FANFIC PROMPTS 50 A Softer World Prompts sleepy-skittles: Send an ask with a number + a ship. All Ive managed to do is learn how to forget, and unfortunately for you, I really dont think Ill ever forget this.. One character who really doesn't care about fashion wants to impress somebody, be it a date, a co-worker, a boss, etc. I keep getting messages and submissions asking me to, and I dont want you guys to feel like my lack of response is personal or because I hate you or your fic. Examples of writing prompts. Why or why not? - a court of wings and ruin, "i spent half of my time loving her and the other half hiding how much i loved her." (Today is the most exciting day of our lives. (I like you. 45,127 notes. Basically very dangerous people might have red on their left and pale green on their right (it goes white-green-yellow-orange-red-black) (it would look like a makeup . #should I add a tw: death if it's Danny phantom? Please make sure to read the Event Info carefully, most of your questions will be answered there already. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that's what the app is perfect for. L: Levity - What or who helps them take their mind off of the circumstances? I looked to YouTube. and when they get there they find out the princess was fine and she'd just staged it all to look like she was in danger so she could set them up together Why not give us a try! All the demigods have the gift of run in any kind of heels. You can provide input and make suggestions/corrections at any point in the process. B smiles at them as they wrap it snugly around their neck. Maybe not so much. but you were supposed to play a different role." would you choose me still?" ), I do not believe in love at first sight. Person A is a president/prime minister/council member while Person B is a regular citizen/house maid. It's really easy to edit so I don't mind) Follow. When your best isnt enough. For something more specific, you can further choose from genres, themes, and specific topics. Halloween Party in which lots of sweet kissesensue + character A getting sick off the atmosphere, Ranting about annoying things that they both disagree with which leads to kissing and so on, Embarrassing parents forcing them to be friends which blossoms into more, A breaks a promise B had set and gives A the silent treatment leading A to at some point get down on his/her/their knees and begging for forgiveness, Walking in on significant other dancing to a cheesy love song. They show how youll die. Fanfictional Prompt Enjoy! His skin grew tight as electricity wound itself around his bones. They have markings for their friends too. - fevers from illness: flu, malaria, mystery diseases? We hope to get back to making prompts shortly ^^. He was a supernovae waiting to be unleashed, and if he had to go far, far away from Amity Park to do so before it became too much well that was between himself and the open sky. If it 's Danny phantom room so can they just bunk up with a if there & # ;... 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You ideas for your next Fanfic, and specific topics through before giving up is okay? quot.

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fanfic prompt generator tumblr