does batman become the joker in arkham knight

Level up. He pops up every so often to give the Bat his opinion of different things, and sometimes even gives Batman a few clues. When Batman saw the Joker hallucination, he appeared to the Dark Knight wearing his Arkham Asylum purple tailcoat rather than the darker tailcoat he died in in Arkham City, all while his face appeared to Batman in the early stages of the Titan infection. The Joker casually turned the tables on the professor, revealing he'd been aware of Strange watching him in his cell at the Asylum and had conducted his own investigation into Strange's own illicit secrets, more likely some of his highly unethical experiments. Scarecrow, with the help of the mysterious Arkham Knight, plots to unite all of Gotham's criminals in an attempt to finally destroy Batman. Joker used the time his monsters bought him to kill the hostages Batman saved, using a secret path to remain out of the Dark Knight's sights. Joker could also be rather macabre, as he found other peoples' death, the threat of death and his own quite amusing. In a rage, Harley attempted to kill Joker by shooting at him. Sending Harley on a desperate mission to retrieve them, she passed on the message to the circus owner that her puddin' would pay big for the twins. 843-427-4596. Robin went rogue, shutting off his comms and tracking systems to conduct his own investigation without Batman's restraint or interference. Aside from the time he callously abandoned her after her failure to kill Batman during his siege of Arkham Asylum, he keeps her by his side because of her usefulness to him and being mildly entertaining. Sometime after, Joker and Harley Quinn kidnapped Commissioner Gordon. Batman arrived, subdued all of Joker's men, and entered the very Theatre where his life as a crime fighter began to take root. He now felt a connection to the hero and believed that it was fate for them to meet. Batman believes in the sanctity of life so much he refuses to kill his villains, no matter how dangerous they are. Most of the victims who were administered the blood were cured by Batman and his allies, but some fell under the radar due to hospital records that never made note of their transfusions. This is because he was already extremely violent, murderous, sadistic and insane and Titan had no effect on his mentality. On the other hand, despite his nihilism, the Joker seemed to have sense of self-preservation. Keep 'em coming, doc; I'm trying to break my record.Joker enjoys killing people who fail him. Also, In virtually all continuities, when Joker fell into the acid as the Red Hood, he was a young man, likely in his early 30s as he had already graduated college and grad school, which was evident by his chemical expertise, and as this happened in, The Joker had multiple different Character Trophies in each game. Henry drew his gun on Batman, as Joker's influence became stronger on the Dark Knight, with Joker commenting throughout the entire course of events. As the big night neared, "Black Mask" had his men abduct Warden Joseph from Blackgate Prison and brought to his hideout. Freeze from Penguin, and knew that this would also topple Cobblepot's power in Arkham City and eliminate a major opponent in his control for Arkham City. Howeverhisfunwas interrupted by the arrival of police choppers. He also made a comment after talking to the villain for the first time after they were locked up. Joker's recognition of Deadshot and having worked with him in the past was most likely a reference to his hiring of the assassin in Batman: Arkham Origins. I've been wondering: how DO you keep a secret from the World's Greatest Detective? Joker also began to suspect Strange's ambitions to use Arkham City as a cover-up to actually plan an exploitation of the situation to wipe out every single individual within the prison. Thanks to Scarecrow gassing Batman on his way out of the library, Joker was given enough to let Zsasz torture the information out of Dr. Young. He wore this when he kidnapped Commissioner Gordon in order to lure Batgirl to his new lair at the Seagate Amusement Park in the DLC: Batgirl: A Matter of Family. Harley pounded on the door, certain that Cobblepot would let bygones be bygones. you. In reality this was all a stunt for his mayoral campaign, and the plans of more sinister forces. When Batman first started seeing visions of Joker shooting Barbara, he was shown wearing a Hawaiian shirt, shorts, a hat, shoes, and sunglasses. At some point Joker even acquired such a site by poisoning a real estate agent with a palm pin when they shook hands on the deal. Many have assumed that this is due to the higher graphical capabilities of the PS4 and Xbox One, as it allowed developers more options for the appearance features of each character. On the way, use the weapon to destroy Batman's statue. Oh Mr. J. Firstly, Batman is infected with Joker's Blood as a result of the events of Arkham City. However, the physical change seemed more grotesque for him, as his spine jutted out far more than the others, as well as his shoulder blades and ribs broke through his skin, which was covered in boils and veins, and his hair also changed into a mohawk while on Titan. Bane's missile missed the clown himself but exploded right behind him, the force hurling him off the balcony. Later, prior to the Arkham City incident, the brothers would be surgically separated, and had a falling out with Sickle defecting to the Penguin. In the final release, Joker said: "Women! Joker deduced that, though Henry was an impressive host for him, he still could not compare to Batman and used his consciousness to influence Henry into committing suicide, which resulted in all four innocent hosts having their lives ruined and taken by the same influence. A familiar face also returns to give The Dark Knight a message he cannot ignore. The movie will focus on a younger version of Batman who has been fighting crime for over a year. this annoyance will soon become a thing of the past. His past is unknown, and his answers to me about it are wildly inconsistent and frequently fantastical. Joker's only regret is that people aren't so easily toyed with and replaced. Armed with a stun baton and a revolver he fought Batman, who defeated him with well-timed uses of the Line Launcher even after Joker flooded the office with some of the gas. As Cash was not spilling any information, Joker left him to mercy of his thugs. In the animated movie Batman: Hush, the Dark Knight squares off against the shape-shifting monster Clayface in the halls of Arkham Asylum.The battle quickly moves to the Joker's cell, which leads to some hilarious dialogue from Mr. J. You just can't get it through your thick skull! The dying hero then entered Clayface's body, retrieved the cure, cut him open, and incapacitated the monster once and for all. Procuring Electrocutioner's Shock Gloves Batman used them to manipulate the hotel's electronics, dispatch Joker and Bane's forces, rescue the hotel employees and navigate through Joker's makeshift carnival attractions. Nothing but mere pawns to the Joker, those individuals performed violent mass murders and acts of extreme sadism and megalomania until Batman was able to quarantine them underground in an abandoned movie studio that he had converted into a safety facility. The Joker also fights specific characters, including guards Aaron Cash, Henry Smith, Eddie Burlow, Zach Franklin, William North, and Louie Green, as well as Commissioner Gordon. In Batman's nightmare of Joker possessing his mind and murdering all of Gotham's villains, Of all the minor tweaks to his appearance, the Joker had been given a make-up based smile to make it look like he's always smiling. Sometimes, while on a building, the Joker would mention that he had figured out who the Arkham Knight was and mentioned several unlikely candidates, with an odd explanation behind how they could be the Knight. Due to Joker's unique characteristic, hehad the potential to turn the battle in his favor making him an ideal character to have in combat, and very effective in killing Bane's Elites & Heroes. Momentarily stunned and confused, the Joker looked at his weapon and commented that it was the "best gun ever." Joker, preparing to kill Deadshot. He was also aware of being observed obsessively by one of the doctors while in his cell and put on a show whenever released, spontaneously brutalizing fellow inmates and asylum staff just to keep everyone on their toes. Before things could escalate any further Sharp seemed to freeze up with sudden terror. Batman finally carried Joker's corpse through the main gate of Arkham City and into Gotham City, where the GCPD had gathered in preparation to retake the area from the rampaging criminals. Allegedly, the man who became the Joker had gotten his start at a comedy club as a stand-up comedian. However, Batman knocked out the goon at the controls and knocked out the rest trying to find him. As all supplies, ammunition, and weapons were prepared and stored away for transportation, Joker motivated his army and prepared them for the massive attack on the city. Gotham Knights is not related to the Arkham series. Batman tried to rush up the staircase that Joker was standing on top of, only to be bowled over by explosives beneath it. The Joker in Arkham Knight The Joker is an insane, homicidal supervillain, and the arch nemesis of Batman. After escaping Scarecrow's Fear Toxin hallucination, Batman made his way to Gordon, who was conveniently placed near Bane's holding cell. That was a foreshadowing of the plot twist where Barbara Gordon was actually alive and that Jim Gordon was pressured into working with Scarecrow to ensure her safety. While the vigilante investigated Sionis's steel mill, freed the real Black Mask and confronted Copperhead, the Joker headed for the Gotham Royal to call a meeting with the remaining assassins. After he revealed that poisoning Gotham City was a separate plot from Protocol 10, Joker rolled the wheelchair outside the window, and told the Dark Knight that he would keep in touch with the phone that he taped to him. However, the only record of this could be found in Sharp's Spirit of Arkham Diaries, and it's possible that he may have hallucinated the incident. ", After Joker set off a cache of one of the Arkham guards' grenades and while approaching to steal his gun to kill him before "changing into something more comfortable," as well as when encountering the Suicide Squad near the laundry chute, he briefly whistled the version of "Jingle Bells" from the BTAS episode: "Christmas with the Joker.". He left no visible scarring and never told anyone, most likely because the joke of a lunatic running the Asylum was too rich to spoil. Freeze to develop a cure for the clowns growing illness; although Strange had already taken Nora, hostage by that point. This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment or RockSteady Studios. Batman, in his classical conception, does not kill people. "Boss?" If you kept constantly visiting the Visitor Center, Joker talked to Batman as if Batman was visiting for a therapy appointment. However, the only record of this is found in Sharp's Spirit of Arkham Diaries and it's possible that he may have hallucinated the incident. A "please" wouldn't go a-miss. After Batman stopped Protocol 10, all of TYGER's forces were neutralized, Wonder Tower was destroyed, and Hugo Strange and Ra's al Ghul, the secret benefactor behind Strange's plans and operations, were killed. The Electrocutioner was more engrossed in his phone, ignoring the lecture. What have they done to you?" Batman headed into the sewers to gain access to the office but was delayed by other situations. The Joker then used a Molotov cocktail to eliminate evidence and tortured Black Mask by giving him a choice: watch Tiffany burn to death or shoot her to put her out of her misery. However, when he attempted to recite a joke, he ended up heckled by the displeased audience. No he wouldn't. It was not remotely beyond the Joker's ability to forge the image simply for the purposes of tormenting Jason. Sometimes, Joker would refer to Batgirl as "Bat-Fake", which was the insult that he used on Terry McGinnis in the movie. Batman: Gotham Knight does not set out in the Batmanverse, nor does it follow Batman: Arkham Knight in any way. I haven't seen you for.. How long has it been? In the confusion, Talia grabbed the sword that she presented to Joker and ran him through with it, which seemingly killed the Joker once and for all. Amused, Joker laughed that they didn't give her the name "Ivy" for nothing; he was hoping for a "40 ft killer plant", but accepted that he couldn't get everything that he wanted. It allows you to start the game again on higher difficulty level. He revealed a possible story to Dr. Harleen Quinzel in Arkham Origins and to Professor Hugo Strange in Arkham City: once he had been a failed stand-up comedian who worked night shifts at Ace Chemicals in a feeble attempt to support his sickly wife Jeannie and their unborn child. Joker then revealed that he had recaptured Gordon before he could escape back to Gotham. That also may have been a resemblance to Adam and Eve's sons, Cain and Abel. Ever paranoid, Black Mask had a body double enter the safe house as a diversion while he snuck in via the adjacent balcony. 17 12. He was voiced by . Young remained optimistic about her work until her next session with the Joker. Though Batman managed to reach Scarecrow, the villain quickly turned the tables on the Dark Knight by revealing that his forces were currently attacking the Clock Tower, and had deduced that Barbara Gordon had been aiding Batman's war on crime for countless years. Talia defended her course of action to Batman by stating that it was a necessary one in order to save him, comforted him, and assured him that the long night of chaos and destruction instilled by the Joker, Hugo Strange, and her father, was finally over. Satisfied that he'd forced his nemesis to break his one rule, the Joker left intent on detonating the bombs still placed around the city. The Joker was unimpressed with the offer, firing several bullets into the vigilante's armor before he tossed him the bank manager. Accelerating the countdown the clown laughed at the prospect of "watching the fireworks early", forcing the vigilante to dive out of a window to evade the impending explosion. The Joker eagerly returned to the Iceberg Lounge a few weeks later, but was insulted to find out that his name was not on the guest list. Intern Quinzel misunderstands the Joker talking about Batman. Subscribe: The Joker heard tales of conjoined Abramovici Twins, widely known as Hammer and Sickle, and their reputation for brutality, wanting them for himself. However, Strange, fearing Joker's potential to ruin his plans, formed a pack with Penguin, helped him capture Freeze, locked him up in his Museum, and gained control of his weapons. Joker learned this criminal's techniques, and, months later, set his scheme in motion by causing a power outage. At that point Joker came to realize that Batman was created just like he was: from one bad day. When Batman confronted Joker in the penthouse of the Gotham Royal Hotel, TV sets behind him were playing the, During his therapy session with Harley Quinn, the background music of the Comedy Club brawl was from. Joker will warn you if you try to blow the weapon caches while being too close to them !! As Batman continued looking for Oracle throughout the night, and taking down Gotham's Most Wanted, Joker kept making comments about what idiots the criminals of Gotham were; he also told Batman about what he would do once in control of his body. Batman dove after the Joker, catching him in mid-air. However, Batman, still wielded Talia's sword, was able to cut through Clayface's forces, and threw Freeze Blasts into his body, which froze him once again. (However, Joker eventually figured out Hugo Strange brainwashed Sharp.). Batman, while able to find the antidote, was led into a trap, and had to battle Killer Croc. Of course, the owner refused to sell his headline act. In Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's Batman: Endgame run of comics, the two reimagine the Joker as an immortal evil entity, potentially Beelzebub incarnate, haunting Gotham City throughout. So exactly as portrayed there. You stick right in front of him; right under his big, pointy nose. The Scarecrow returns to unite an impressive roster of super villains, including Penguin, Two-Face and Harley Quinn, to destroy The Dark Knight forever. Home; Portfolio; About; Services; Contact; hdmi computer monitor best buy Menu; does batman become the joker in arkham knightwhen was vinicunca discovered January 20, 2022 / southern fashion brands / in internal stimuli in plants / by / southern fashion brands / in internal stimuli in plants / by Audio Tapes from Arkham Asylum reveal the Joker to be Machiavelli as, despite his untrustworthy appearance and numerous crimes, he was charming and seductive enough to fool others into feeling sympathy and even affection for him, including Doctor Young and Quinzel. It was later revealed that Jason Todd was in fact the Arkham Knight, who survived Joker's attack as the villain's true goal was to turn Batman's sidekick against him. Batman emerged from the bookcase panic hatch to confront the Joker, who had rigged the gas canisters to the prison's major air units for timed release. However, Katie was diagnosed with an incurable disease, which left Burke devastated. He had no fear of his own imprisonment as he has escaped captivity multiple times and has since developed a symbolic connection towards Arkham Asylum, ignoring that it was the place of his confinement and has staged numerous of his plans on the site of the Asylum due to its violent background and connection to the mad clown himself. Led to a back room--past a tank whereTiny the Sharkcircled--the Joker happily greeted the Penguin, who promptly pushed him out of a door onto the street. Using Photo Mode during the scene where Joker showed Jason Todd the Batman and Robin picture would actually reveal it to be a picture of when Batman and current Robin, Tim Drake, meet once during the events of Arkham City. As a story-driven game, Arkham Knight puts a lot of effort into getting the player involved and emotionally invested in the plot. He also shut off the ventilation to the Arkham Wing, endangering the hostages held there, or so Batman believed. After Robin rescued Batman,Batman himself wentto deactivate the bombs before the facility blew up while Robinwent to take the officers out of the building. Joker was completely unafraid of physical pain, intimidation or imprisonment. Memorize all nine of them. Roman placed a spooked Tiffany in his safe house at Lacey Towers. And wait.Joker tells Batman vaguely about his ruse. To the Joker's annoyance, Batman defeated his goons and rescued the captive doctors. Accepting that he would ultimately die, Joker asked Batman if he was happy and calmly sat on the ground. Joker even laughed at Batman being scared by Man-Bat, stating that the Dark Knight was scared of his own reflection. Tonight we're going to wipe the slate clean. Before things could escalate any further, Sharp seemed to freeze up with sudden terror. Large doses would turn those brains to "succotash". Finally, as Joker approached one of the statues, Batman ambushed him as he broke out of the statue and punched him hard, which sent him flying into a hard wall. Joker's Challenge Maps possibly showed how he made his way through the Asylum during the events of. While this can be dismissed during the first playthrough as playful banter, this little bit actually reveals the plot twist very early on. Perhaps the Joker's most insidious act was the seduction of his therapist, Dr. Harleen Quinzel. Enraged that Batman would never allow him this final triumph, Joker shot himself with one of his Titan darts, and claimed he had little more to live for. Though Deadshot claimed that Joker's gun had no more bullets, Joker claimed that he was wrong, but fired the gun anyway, and after he proved that he was right, Deadshot punched him in the face, but he and Harley escaped through the laundry chute. WE BOTH EXIST BECAUSE OF THEM! The stealth challenges were when the Joker must defeat all the Arkham guards without being detected in a large area of Arkham Asylum complete with nooks and crannies for the Joker to hide in. He blames Batman for abandoning him . During the elevator journey, a blackout occurred, which caused the Joker to laugh hysterically before he had his neck clutched by Batman as the lights came back on. Two weeks later, Harley escaped from her prison, reformed her old gang at the Steel Mill, kidnapped various GCPD Officers, and evencreated a shrine to Joker. When Joker won the VGA 2011 Rewards, he was holding a file with the name. Also made a comment after talking to the villain for the first time after they locked... 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does batman become the joker in arkham knight