death eaters read harry potter books fanfiction

No-one knows he had a serious injury to his face while fighting for our country in the war. Crouch lives bereft of his memories or sense of self. [11] At the end of the novel, following Voldemort's return, Karkaroff goes into hiding, leaving behind his student charges at Durmstrang. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. I don't know about you but I would LOVE to read about the dark sides reaction to the adventures of Harry Potter. "You won't let him be hurt? Despite his actions, Pettigrew's fortunes remain low; in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Snape treats him as a servant, and in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows he is tasked with keeping watch over prisoners in the cellar of Malfoy Manor. The sort of love that he sees other people have, the sort of love that he has never experienced himself. Dolohov participates in the Battle of Hogwarts, killing Remus Lupin,[3] whom Aberforth Dumbledore last sees fighting with him. . He is portrayed by Tom Felton in all of the films and by Tom Stephens in the Cursed Child. Rita is a popular muck-raking journalist, whose scurrilous . Later released for providing information on fellow Death Eaters, including Augustus Rookwood. Harry learns things from the man- and turns his back on the Light. Chapter 7: Dark Adoption There's too many tags to add :'( ~~. linkffn(12867536) Harry becomes one under peer pressure. Shehasto protect Lord Voldemort. Except, what is it wasn't just Harry Potter who lived? He and the rest of his family are reunited at the end of the book. Female Harry Potter fic (Hara Potter) ( Tom Marvolo Riddle x OC ) It will have been a crime of passion. Never officially made a Death Eater but directly served Voldemort and even provided himself as a host for the Dark Lord. His father, Barty Crouch Sr., who headed the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the time, sentenced him to life imprisonment in Azkaban. Their primary opposition is the Order of the Phoenix. Notes: (See the end of the work for notes .) "I cast theFidelius. Would you betray your friends?". In this form (named "Scabbers" by the family), he is missing a toe from one paw due to the finger he cut off. She can feel the pull of the life-debt, and it reminds her of the first moment she held Harry, when she felt a desire to protect him with all that she was. A trap during the Horcrux hunt sends Harry into a dimension where war has raged for 28 years. Both are immobilised by Harry, but Yaxley recovers and grabs Hermione while she is Apparating her friends to safety. Subsequently, Harry tricks Lucius into setting Dobby free. People call an old man ugly. She could burn Wix Britain to the sea with it. gobl What if Severus Snape had a secret, what if that secret involved a woman, what if this woman wasn't Lily Evans, but her sister. They believe wizards are, as a genealogy book within the story phrases it, "Nature's Nobility"; other magical creatures and the non-magical are inferior and should be subjugated. In Half-Blood Prince, Rowling depicts the Gaunts as a family who are obsessed with their ancestry and driven to inbreeding to preserve its integrity. After interrogation about the location of the, Stabbed through the chest with a thrown dagger, For claiming to be a free house elf and disappearing members of, Insanity caused by repeated and prolonged infliction of the, This was carried out via the possession of, Possessed and nearly killed through use of, Unknown Death Eaters (likely included Lucius Malfoy), Collateral damage of Draco Malfoy's attempts to assassinate, In the films, the Death Eaters (and Voldemort himself) are given a lot of. He is played by David Tennant in the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I'm looking for. When Harry Met Osama. Theodore Nott's father. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey, LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World, LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story, Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World, Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Motorbike Escape, Paxman, Jeremy, interviewer. And yes, a mudblood. She looks up into his red eyes. COMPLETE. , -" Its just a shame that Dumbledore didnt realise this until it was far too late. Maybe Not Yet. Rowling has stated on her website that there are no true pure-blood families left but that those who call themselves such simply strike Muggles, Squibs, and half-bloods from their family records. All three were allowed to give subordinate Death Eaters orders. Rosier was one of the earliest death eaters so . It's got to be a homonculus. He blasts her through the wall of the nursery, and her world goes black. Pettigrew (almost always referred to as "Wormtail" hereafter) assists Barty Crouch Jr. in overpowering Mad-Eye Moody, setting up the events in the fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Placed Imperius Curse on, This page was last edited on 14 February 2023, at 00:56. They categorise wizards according to blood purity; "pure bloods" (those with only wizards as parents) out-rank "half-bloods" (mixed parentage) and "mudbloods", a derogatory name for those born to non-magical parents (Muggles). Their fellow Death Eaters tried to swoop . A decision that would change the Wizarding World forever. They gathered to form a large spectacle and disturbance which spread instant chaos and fear amongst the wizarding community. Cue Harry being completely oblivious, while the Hogwarts denizens engineer various situations, like a demented Cupid. Oxytocin, she read from a muggle science book. "You've made a great mistake," the golden-masked stranger said, with fake honeyed tones. Voldemort takes notice of this and claims that they will be rewarded above all others for their great loyalty. At the same time, the fact we never get to see him does add a bit of notoriety and mysticism to his existence, especially since he met his end at the hands of Mad-Eye Moody. I however can not remember the name of them for the life of me tho. An Occlumens. left kudos on this work! Lupin also expresses surprise that Karkaroff managed to live even a year after deserting Voldemort and that no one else has been known to avoid capture quite as long. Unlike most werewolves, Greyback thirsts for blood even in his human form. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Harry Potter Dark Mark Death Eaters Voldermort Rubber Keyring Keychain Official at the best online prices at eBay! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! He lives with his wife Narcissa Malfoy (ne Black) and their son Draco at the Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire. However, he later rescues his son as a favour to his dying wife. Participated at the Battle of Hogwarts. she stated her big blue eyes soft and kind. . "You'd better hurt me.". "No," Lily says. page 648-651 GoF. Yaxley announces to an impressed assemblage of Death Eaters that he has placed the Imperius Curse upon Pius Thicknesse, the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. 5. "I had no idea, but I know it suits yo Laylah firsts meets Barty Crouch Junior at Hogwarts, when he is disguised as Professor Moody. This is magical, not hormonal, but the pull is similar. ------- the dark lord and his lady However, he fails and Dumbledore is ultimately killed by Snape. "Not a Dark Mark. ", (She doesn't understand until much later why Voldemort swears and turns away from her, and begins destroying things. 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When Headmistress McGonagall announces that everyone would be attending a muggle sch Everyone has heard of The Boy Who Lived. She was introduced in Harry Potter and the Order Of The Phoenix. Posts: 351 Reading With The Weasleys Jun 23, 2012 16:48 . Epona Potter was put in a coma "Honestly, Harry, you're an absolute toe-rag!" Harry knew that he'd have to live with the choices he had made. I won'thurtPeter. Captured and imprisoned in Azkaban. They'd exchanged oaths. 9. Thus, the wealthy Malfoy continues to maintain strong ties with the Ministry.[13]. Give him to someone who will love him, care for him. Greyback is the main werewolf within the pack that agrees to aid Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts. Spied on the Order of the Phoenix for Voldemort. Delilah Rees was one the chosen one is unaware that his heart is being toyed with by voldemort's most loyal follower. Severus Snape is characterised as a person of considerable complexity, whose coldly sarcastic and controlled exterior conceals deep emotions and anguish. Peter Mullan appears as Yaxley in the film adaptation of Deathly Hallows. its been 12 years since the murder of Aur ? Particapated in incriminating Death Eater-involved activities and subsequently incarcerated in Azkaban for such acts. Was included in Draco's gang. I'm looking for a tomarry book where Harry is the master of death and gets reincarnated into Harry Potter and is Tom's soulmate and meets the diary horcrux and uses it in the ritual to fix tom it should be on Wattpad but I can't find it (you'd think with all I remember about it id know what it was called) Vote. Dumbledore captured all of the Death Eaters except for Bellatrix, sending Voldemort and her fleeing after a fierce duel with the former, and ending the Death Eaters' enjoyed secrecy. 19811945 Moderator. and she attacks him with a fury that even a trained Auror can't withstand, her magic wild and powerful, and the darkness of her new bond with Voldemort giving every curse more power, until her lastDiffindoslicesdeep into his leg, and he collapses in the street, and bleeds out before he can cast any healing spell. Who would ever suspect me? With Voldemort vanquished after failing to kill Harry Potter, the Death Eaters largely disbanded and vanished. Features a dark Harry in Slytherin, from pre-hogwarts to the end of the war. Crouch Jr. then imprisons Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, a famous auror, and using Polyjuice Potion, assumes Moody's appearance and position to infiltrate Hogwarts as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. The Death Eaters are characters featured in the Harry Potter series of novels and films. He is described as a neat, fussy-looking man with an oily voice and manner who sports a small grey goatee. He participates in the Battle of Hogwarts, where he duels with Professor Flitwick and is later seen among those who wait with Voldemort for Harry Potter to come to him, mistakenly believing that Harry would not come within the allotted time. To do so, he puts Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire, bewitches Viktor Krum to attack Cedric Diggory in the maze, and stuns Fleur Delacour. A sign of my protection." His success made your family as rich as they once had been in the time of Ralston Potter." "I see," Harry stated to himself quietly. This woman has enough hate to rival his own. !" . Harry Potter and the Homecoming by BolshevikMuppet99. He fired the dark mark into the sky the night Dumbledore was killed. He "accidentally" befriends a certain furry creature with long ears lurking in the flowerbed. As Voldemort was a half-blood, he chose his "equal", Harry, whose mother was a Muggle-born witch, instead of Neville, who came from a long line of pure-blooded wizards. While Harry and Ron are being kept there, Pettigrew checks on the prisoners and is attacked. . Later, McGonagall places the Imperius Curse on him, then binds him with his sister and places him inside a net. Harry's actions result in Pettigrew owing him a life debt, and Pettigrew had in fact shown gratitude to Harry for sparing his life. She looks up at him with blazing green eyes. During the Second Wizarding War, she attempted to capture Harry Potter to turn him in to the Dark Lord. 0 comments. "Lily, take Harry and run! Voldemort sneers. Site: | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 55 | Words: 324,236 | Reviews: 1,098 | Favs: 1,686 | Follows: 2,102 | Updated: 7/6/2018 | Published: 12/16/2005 | Status: Complete | id: 2705927 | Language: English | Genre: Horror/Drama | Characters: Harry P., Lily Evans P., Severus S., Albus D. | Download: EPUB or MOBI. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. When Voldemort rescues his faithful from Azkaban, he finds another seeped in Dark Magic and cannot resist taking him too. Send him to school when it's time.". mod=viewthread&tid=53152&extra= (one needs to be logged in to the forum to be able to read it). Predrag Bjelac appeared as Karkaroff in the film adaptation of Goblet of Fire. Escaped prison fourteen years later to rejoin Voldemort. Despite being believed to be a Death Eater, Sirius Black was acquitted and obtained custody of his godson. It will be done, Darling., I want his head on a pike. Harry grips Toms chin and tilts his head backward to look into his husbands eyes. ", Voldemort lifts her chin and stares into her eyes. She takes him from the wardrobe, and he's asleep, as she'd hoped. Except for Severus Snape (who was staying at Hogwarts to "maintain his cover") and those dead, imprisoned, or afraid to return, the majority returned to his service as Voldemort began his second attempt to claim all power. Acting on information from James and Lily Potter's Secret-Keeper Peter Pettigrew, Voldemort attempted to complete the prophecy and kill his infant rival. This is a really awesome fic, hope it gets continued! He then freaks out when the little creature soon turns into a man- a man with red eyes. So he must make his final decision and tell the world. Todo el mundo crey que el pequeo Harry fue asesinado la noche que Peter Pettigrew traicion a los Potter. An AU fifth year. Peter Pettigrew, (a.k.a. They both had a clear view about what they had to do with their lives. Participated at the battle in the Department of Mysteries and later escaped Azkaban. Dumbledore himself arrives at the end of the battle and Malfoy is captured and sent to Azkaban. And just as she remembers that she's supposed to be a grief-maddened widow, and so collapses in tears for(ugh)Dumbledore to find and give her meaningless words of(pah!) When the Potters know that their son, Harry, is Voldemort's target, Sirius suggests to them to use Pettigrew as Secret-Keeper because he does not believe Voldemort would ever suspect a "weak, talentless thing" like Pettigrew. Antonin Dolohov (Cyrillic: ) has a long, pale, and twisted face, with a name that suggests he is of Slavic descent. He is portrayed by Arben Bajraktaraj in the film adaptations of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. Being 22 years old and a successful artist, painter and restorer of magical paintings, she's at the top. Chrystel Malfoy-Potter. While unctuously pleasant most of the time, he is capable of violent rage. When Harry get captured by Death Eaters at the end of sixth year, he expected brutal torture and death. 679 guests ", "I just killed your husband? Draco repaired a vanishing cabinet to let the death eaters in from the inside. He reprised the role in both parts of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The idea is that instead of the Order of the Phoenix reading about their future its Lord Voldemort and his trusted Death Eaters. ", Part ofher is thinking, "How?" Early in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire a group of Death Eaters rallied after the Quidditch World Cup. Evan Rosier is a Death Eater we never get to actually see during the course of the series as he passes away before Harry's time at Hogwarts begins in proper. He was educated at Hogwarts, where he was a prefect in Slytherin House. She can feel the anti-apparition jinx like a jolt of ice against a toothache, andher only hope (barely a hope) is the gameshe's played with Harry so many times that he knows it by heart. Alan Rickman plays Severus Snape in all eight movies. . He debuts as the main antagonist in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, in which just before Draco and Harry's second year at Hogwarts, Lucius plants Tom Riddle's diary in Ginny Weasley's potions cauldron while she is shopping for school supplies at Flourish & Blotts, in a plot to use her to reopen the Chamber of Secrets, which would lead to attacks on Muggle-born students. Lucius intends to use the opening of the Chamber of Secrets by Ginny to discredit her father, Arthur Weasley, and Dumbledore. Riddle killed Hepzibah Smith while working for. The Death Eaters not only seek the restoration of pure-blood rule over the Wizarding community, but also the eventual subjugation of the Muggle community under Wizarding rule. Killed by Aurors during the first Wizarding War. Imagine if Harry Potter had a twin sister. Harry accidentally time travels to 1979, where he is immediately captured by Voldemort. . . 20. Such people are often called "blood traitors" by those who subscribe to Death Eater ideologies. Voldemort states at his rebirth, "And here we have six missing Death Eatersthree dead in my service. She wraps the child in the Cloak and puts him in Voldemort's arms. voldemort; harrypotter; malfoy +7 more # 16. ), "Please don't hurt him. Work Search: Chapter 2: Peter I want him dead., Tom raises an eyebrow. Terrorism comes to Hogwarts. 12 Malfoy, Lucius, "Metal Meets Magic in New Release by Velvet Darkness". How will an abused Harry fare in this new world? He participates in the battle of the Department of Mysteries, where he causes injury to Hermione, but is imprisoned again, and returns to Azkaban prison. With Sirius and James' help, Pettigrew becomes an Animagus, with the ability to transform at will into a rat. Read Chapter 5: Curiosity from the story Harry Potter and the Silent Dead: Book 1 by cescawriter (Frankie W) with 22,871 reads. Draco becomes a Death Eater in his sixth year at Hogwarts and is assigned to kill Dumbledore. In fourth year, Barty Crouch Jr made a different decision. The raid on the Department failed, however; Harry Potter and his friends delayed the Death Eaters and kept the prophecy out of their hands, finally destroying it, and were eventually aided by Albus Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix. One, too cowardly to returnhe will pay. "He wasn't the one who betrayed you. It seems to be more my favourite stories now since the reading the books are being deleted. Malfoy finally meets him in the Death Chamber, where Harry is about to give it to Malfoy when the Order of the Phoenix breaks into the Ministry and begins to duel with the Death Eaters. [4] He is known as the most savage werewolf ever to live and is greatly feared throughout the wizarding world. He is also described as "a man with yellowish teeth whose smile does not reach his cold stare". It is said that after Voldemort's first downfall, they believed that he was gone forever.[6]. , , , . Crouch Sr. escapes and, exhausted and delirious from the Imperius Curse, reaches Hogwarts to tell Dumbledore about Voldemort's return; but his loyal Death-Eater son murders him on the castle grounds, transfigures the body into a bone, and buries the bone in freshly turned earth in front of Hagrid's cabin.[7]. Snape's position as a Death Eater is unique during the books he convinces all (with the exception of Dumbledore) that he is working for whichever side requires it at that time. Voldemort's Death Eaters practise illegal and dangerous spells known as dark magic. Later he proves his loyalty to the Dark Lord and after his triumph officially becomes Voldemort's second-in-command. Thats not to say he doesnt have his own ambitions, he is a Slytherin like the rest of his family for a reason, but he does crave love. Community content is available under. Very few crossovers. She became a Death Eater when she graduated and was a fanatically loyal follower to Lord Voldemort. Framed, A former Unspeakable that acted as though he was aiding the anti-Voldemort cause, but was revealed as a double agent, gaining information from. You know what I am." The group had also been mentioned indirectly in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, when followers of Voldemort were mentioned. Flashes of what they did that day or a week before. He is confirmed in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince to be one of Voldemort's first Death Eaters, being present at the Hog's Head when Voldemort comes to Hogwarts to request a teaching position and hide the diadem Horcrux, c. 1956. Chapter 10: The Brain Trust Although Pettigrew appears in the first two books in the form of Scabbers, his identity is not revealed until Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, in which he is the main antagonist. Bellatrix Lestrange was the most villainous of the Death Eaters. He must find his own way back to the future without upsetting the time line, but the Dark Lord is on the rise, and Harry's never been good at keeping his head down.Canon Divergent after "Snape's Worst Memory" in OotP. The people around me are a mixture of good and bad, my twin brother Harry is the good a "You are a fool." For not providing information about Harry Potter's whereabouts. I'll hold him off! Dolohov is one of the five Death Eaters who murder Gideon and Fabian Prewett (Molly Weasley's brothers). Bellatrix and Lucius Malfoy were entrusted with Horcruxes. Participated in the break-in at the Department of Mysteries, and again escaped from Azkaban. [8] Although he is talked down and agrees to stay, he nevertheless shows evident favouritism towards the Durmstrang champion, Bulgarian Quidditch player Viktor Krum. The diary responds, I can give you wings. They are a radical group of wizards and witches, led by the dark wizard Lord Voldemort, who seek to purify the wizarding community by eliminating wizards and witches born to non-magical parents. "Take me instead." She marries Rodolphus Lestrange and has a child with her "boss" Lord Voldemort named Delphini. Dolohov is imprisoned in Azkaban but escapes during the mass break-out. Unfinished What have you done to me?! Later in that book, when Voldemort rises again and summons his Death Eaters, Malfoy rejoins him and asserts that he had done everything he could to help his master, who however remains unimpressed. Amongst the Wizarding world lady however, he is described as a neat, fussy-looking man with oily! 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