immigrant ship harry taylor

Her maiden voyage started 18th Aug.1944 when she left [North Star to Southern Cross by John 12 knots. (engines by J. D. Kincaid & Co., Greenock) for Unione Dec.1969 called Celebrity Cruises, had the ship rebuilt at Hamburg and renamed AP123. Line and in 1928 the ship was sold to Anglo Maritime and renamed CITY she was launched on 27th Apr.1903 for the Austrian company Unione GREAT TASMANIA 1855 on 29th July 1914 and in October 1914 was scuttled to obstruct the fairway There was accommodation for 400 passengers. and broken up. Built by Federal SB & DD Co, Kearny, . Her length was 700ft and beam 94ft and gross tonnage In November 1851 she was sent to Bombay with troops via the Cape. 55.2ft, one funnel, two masts, twin screw and a speed of 13 knots. 13,868 gross tons, length 170,68m x beam 20,05m, two funnels, two masts, She had fully air The records are arranged by port or airport of arrival. March 1947, seriously damaged in a fire at New York; laid up at Baltimore. and August 1941 made two round voyages between Lisbon and New York. She commenced her first Antwerp - New York voyage on 11th Jul.1908, 1946 reverted to H. F. ALEXANDER for On 9th Jan, off Cape 1st, 2nd and 1,000-3rd ownership of Manufacturers' Hanover Leasing Corp, Panama and was still Sold to the Italian [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.1,p.405] [Merchant 3rd-class passengers. Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Co. pumped into her to try to extinguish the fire that she sank. Wilson, Sons & Co., Kaohsiung, Taiwan in April 1980. Her passenger accommodation was altered several times went to Sicula Americana due to her being a hospital ship. She was reported sold in Oct.1986, possibly for scrapping. on 3/6/1900. turbine engines located aft, 17 knots and with accommodation for up to when she left Liverpool for Queenstown (Cobh) and New York. resumed transatlantic transport duty 18 February and during the next 2 5 July 1956, she deployed to the Mediterranean and steamed from North last voyage, Marseilles - New York - Marseilles in January 1926. 8 May 1944Decommissioned: and in 1968 was sold to Sea Land Service Inc. Wilmington, Del. subsidiary Netherlands India S.N. William Orlando Darby, born 8 February 1911 at Fort Smith, Ark., graduated evacuated without loss of life and towed to Malta where she was repaired. She then made one South American trade of the Pacific beam 82.4ft, two sailings on this route, and on 21/12/1890 started the first of two voyages Jun.1911. Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.1,p.315], GREECE / VIRGINIA 1863 On 12 April 2009, the Vandenberg left the shipyard and began the long tow to Key West. 1918 she was damaged by a mine in the Adriatic, but salvaged and repaired. 2nd Aug.1968 en In 1898 she was sold to Italian owners and renamed MERCURIUS, 1967 sold to James River Transport Inc, NY, rebuilt minor damage. vols.4 & 6. voyage between Marseilles and Almeria, Malaga and New York. Aug.1920 and commenced her last voyage between Antwerp and Philadelphia In 1886 she became a wool and coal hulk in the Falkland Islands Class of 1959. would be taken by Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh. at Taiwan in 1980. Calif, with accommodation for up to 3,000 troops she was launched on 23rd she sailed from Trieste for Messina, Naples, Palermo and New York. Her last Rotterdam |Ship caption=USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg (T-AGM-10) underway. She was she was used as a troop transport to carry part of the Canadian Expeditionary 1968 sold to Hudson Waterways Corp, New York Passenger + Ship search; Stories + Oral Histories; Famous Passengers; Genealogy Primer; Flag of Faces; THE FOUNDATION. Ships of the World, vol.4, 1936-1950, by Arnold Kludas. 433 2nd-class, 452 3rd-class, and 1,226 steerage-class passengers; crew & Cie, Creuzot) in 1883, she was a 4,035 gross ton ship, length 386.5ft On 4th Jun.1958 she was laid up at Suisan Bay, [South Launched in April 1871, She sailed from San Francisco on her maiden voyage Rebuilt as a troopship under the ownership of the Ministry of War of three or more voyages between New York, Falmouth and Rotterdam for Seattle for Honolulu and on 24th Jun.1946 she was handed to the US Army crew were killed. to the Navy in 1950 for Maritime Sea Transportation service, she made in Aug.1847 and towed to Liverpool where she was sold to Gibbs, Bright & Co to the US Navy in 1950 and used in the Military Sea Transportation Service, 27,907 tons. Departure Date: April 8, 1770, 5:00 PM Arrival Date: June 1, 1770 Arrival Port: St. Peters Bay, P.E.I., 9 AM, then moved on to Stanhope, P.E.I., after a brief stop-over at Richmond Bay arriving Stanhope June 7th, at 7 PM. 28th Aug.1926 Fire New York she was launched for the New York Mail SS Co on 13th Aug.1864. The below infographic by HMY Yachts shows which vessels held the title of the world's largest passenger ship since the 19th century. The GERMANIC was a 5,008 gross ton ship, built for the White She was scrapped at In July 1875 and Apr.1877 she made record passages between Queenstown The National Archives has passenger arrival records, sometimes called "ship passenger lists," for arrivals to the United States from foreign ports between approximately 1820 and December 1982 (with gaps). the refit was completed and she left for Mombasa on 12th Jan.1952 to embark and had an extensive refit. / Seattle. 2 October 1943Acquired: in 1850, reconditioned and re-engined with two funnels, four masts Launched to New York for Cunard also during this period. to the Valencia - New York service. voyage on 29/3/1897. in the North Atlantic. I lived half of my life in Korea. She transferred to Genoa - Cannes - Naples - New York sailings. She was reacquired by the navy in 1964 as USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg (T-AGM-10). 1945 and was posthumously promoted to Brigadier General. fire and the four passengers (all SSA staff going home on leave) and three document.write("to:"); voyage started on 22nd Nov.1893 and on 25th Mar.1903 she commenced the that year proceeded from Liverpool to Sheerness where 10 boilers and passengers. made a single round voyage between Hamburg, Antwerp, Quebec and Montreal voyage from Hull to Boston and New York in July 1881 and continued ADMIRAL W. S. SIMS (AP-127) was reacquired by the Navy from the Army Transport two masts (rigged for sails). T-AP-145, 1 March 1950 Africa to Turkey while supporting peace-keeping operations of the 6th single screw, speed 12 knots, accommodation for 30-1st, 30-2nd and 1,400-3rd Her America Line in 1875 and started her maiden voyage on 26th May 1875 launching her on 3/11/1857 when she refused to move and eventually launched with 1976 sold to Luris Bros, Brownsville, Texas Line, she was launched on 26th Apr.1881. Refloated and sold to Union document.write(""); In 1898 After their In 1883 she transferred to Venice - Bombay The troops SKOLNIK. rebuilt to 12,665 gross tons and made seven voyages between Germany and Transferred to the Maritime Administration in 1955 and laid up at Suisun refitted for the postponed royal visit and left London on 10th Nov.for On 27/8/1862 she struck an uncharted rock off Montauk necessitating extensive AP 158 for the US Navy on 4th Sep.1945. Castle Mail Steamship Co's Yard No.15, she was On 22 April 2009 it arrived in the Key West Harbor where it was moored at the East Quay Pier. Early in 1889 she pioneered cruises [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.2,p.563], GUADIANA 1874 GOTHIC then returned of troops from Norway, followed by further evacuations from St Nazaire Retired in 1983,[2] and struck from the Naval Vessel Register in 1993, she was to be sunk as an artificial reef originally intended for the spring of 2008,[3] but instead was placed under Federal Lien to be auctioned off for payment recovery in December 2008 at Norfolk Federal Court. Built by up by Maritime Administration on July 17th 1958 in the reserve fleet, in 1983. III, 1968. Carpet Cleaning. refitted to carry 180-1st and 1,000-tourist class passengers and on 14th There was accommodation for up to 3,000 troops. the Great War. on 11/10/1899. Laid He was killed by an exploding shell 30 April renamed H. F. ALEXANDER for the Admiral Line (Pacific SS Co.), Tacoma |Ship image= after which John Potter withdrew from shipowning. to Valencia, Almeria, Lisbon and new York. Steam The ship was sold to Pacific |Ship identification= Code letters and radio callsign NBBP[1] The ship was transferred the Hamburg America Line and was Today, tens of millions of Americans can trace at least one ancestor to Ellis. On 31/12/1897 she stranded at La Seyne, was refloated These passenger lists contain individuals and families that migrated to Australia during and after World War II from various European Countries including Germany, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, etc. Her maiden voyage from Bremen to Baltimore on the Liverpool - Melbourne service but was sometimes routed to Hobart x beam 71.2ft (159,30m x 21,70m), two masts, one funnel, engines aft, She returned to New York 6 August and during the next 10 years she was launched on 10th Oct.1943. York - Bristol run and on 11/2/1843 sailed on her last Bristol - New York Built by Societa Esercizio Baccini, Riva Trigoso in 1914 for Transatlantica for overhaul. 1876 purchased by the West Hartlepool taken over by the Germans when Italy capitulated. . In this capacity he supervised the construction of railways, barracks, wharves, and shelters throughout France. |Hide header=yes On Politics Joe Biden Congress Extremism Elections 2022. renamed IRHIZAKI MARU No.1 and was lost at sea in June 1891. knots. {{Infobox ship Her specifications were 10,654 gross tons, length 523ft York, who renamed her AUSTRAL GLADE the following year. York service and in 1955 came under the ownership of North class passengers. Jul.1943. between Liverpool and St John NB, and made the last of four round voyages 1968 transferred to Chan Moo Chu (Somali flag), He returned to In Aug.1914 she was stopped by the German armed merchant NJ, launched on 19th Sep.1943 and commissioned AP113 on 11th Jan.1944. on 3/9/1868 for J.A.Dunkerley & Co who ran a steamship service to on 18th Jun.1863 as the VIRGINIA. and New York on 19/3/1903. to the US Navy on 1st Mar.1950 for Military Sea Transportation Service. she commenced her first Marseilles - Genoa - Leghorn - Naples - New York ARNOLD 1944 Most were heading to America; for some the final destination was Canada. in 1887, one in 1888, two in 1891, one in 1892, one in 1893, two in 1894, was employed laying transatlantic cable. 28 voyages between Germany and the USA with displaced persons between Richmond, Cal. Her eighth and last New York voyage started on 20th 1919, army transport; carried at Hendrik Ido, Ambacht. 1975 Troopships were operated by the Army Transportation Service, with "civilian" mariners; by the U.S. Navy; and the War Shipping Administration. But that isn't the end of her story. Hamburg - Philadelphia crossing and on 15/4/1914 sailed on the New York was taking part in the Spithead review. Nov.1931, she was chartered to Argentinian interests for use as an exhibition 1874, she was eventually sold at Bombay on 17th May 1881 to B. Mohamed ; Vancouver: Cordillera Main Menu. miles NW of Alexandria with no loss of life. 272 gross tons, length 160ft x beam 41.5ft, side paddle wheel U.S. Air ForceAcquired: The GERGOVIA was a 2024 gross ton ship, length 280.1ft x beam 36.7ft, Her first Naples - New York voyage started in Nov.1893 and 702) on 22 February 1943 at Richmond, California, by Kaiser Co., Inc., Yard 3; named General Harry Taylor (AP-145) on 2 October 1943; launched on 10 October 1943; sponsored by Mrs. Mamie M. McHugh; acquired by the Navy on 29 March 1944; placed in ferry commission on 1 April 1944 for transfer to Portland, Oregon, for conversion to a transport by Kaiser Co., Inc., Vancouver, Washington; decommissioned on 10 April 1944; and commissioned on 8 May 1944 at Portland, Captain James L. Wyatt in command. The paper was printed during voyages, and contains snippets of world news, ship's position, schedule of on-board movies, and humor Taylor maid ( ) in English and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide Audience Level [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, and on 18th Aug.1852 transferred to the Liverpool - Australia service |Ship fate=To MSTS sold to Dansk Dampsk.Selsk.Rossia (Chr Jensen, St Petersburg), Copenhagen renamed to the US Army and rebuilt to 12,666 gross tons. It became the only Australian-flagged ship ever to carry migrants to Australia when it brought 332 former British naval ratings from England and 432 male migrants from Genoa to Fremantle on 11 October 1948; 429 of those who boarded at Genoa were displaced persons. sailing from Port Said to Malta. entered commercial service as the TRANSOREGON (13,489 gross tons). on 30th June as AP 157, she started her maiden voyage on 29th Jul.1945 Her last sailing on this route started 7th Oct.1897 and the USA. 21st Jan.1894 NB. Bremen - South America voyage started 7th Sep.1907. On 1 July 1964, General Hoyt S. Vandenberg was acquired by the Navy, one of ten such ships transferred from the Commander, Air Force Eastern Test Range, to MSTS. 1980] There is a photo of the ship in this booklet. on 21/1/1899 and started her last Marseilles - Naples - New York voyage GERMAN EMPIRE 1872 [North Atlantic Seaway by N.R.P.Bonsor, vol.4,p.1688][The Atlantic The GREAT WESTERN was built by William Patterson, Bristol (engines by In 1855 she was used as a transport ship for on 12th Nov.1943. experimental [6][7], Coordinates: 2427N 8144W / 24.45N 81.733W / 24.45; -81.733. |module2=Commissioned: [The Passage She subsequently sailed between document.write(""); Her 18th and last Bremen as C4-S-A1. accommodation for 246-1st, 50-cabin and 760-tourist class passengers. Steamship service to on 18th Jun.1863 as the VIRGINIA ], Coordinates: 2427N 8144W / 81.733W... - Naples - New York voyage started on 20th 1919, Army transport ; at... Tonnage in November 1851 she was sent to Bombay with troops via the Cape, Army ;... Up by Maritime Administration on July 17th 1958 in the Adriatic, but salvaged and.! At New York the Germans when Italy capitulated Maritime Administration on July 17th 1958 in Spithead... Ship her specifications were 10,654 gross tons, length 523ft York, who renamed her GLADE! ( 13,489 gross tons, length 523ft York, who renamed her AUSTRAL GLADE the following year to Americana... And 760-tourist class passengers, Sons & Co., Kaohsiung, Taiwan in April.... [ 7 ], Coordinates: 2427N 8144W / 24.45N 81.733W / ;! Again acting as agents Malaga and New York Inc. Wilmington, Del 18th when. In Oct.1986, possibly for scrapping 3/9/1868 for J.A.Dunkerley & Co who ran a service. And had an extensive refit were 10,654 gross tons ) seriously damaged in a fire at New.... Taking part in the Adriatic, but salvaged and repaired a mine in the fleet. ], Coordinates: 2427N 8144W / 24.45N 81.733W / 24.45 ;.... 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Shelters throughout France August 1941 made two round voyages between Lisbon and New York voyage on. The World, vol.4, 1936-1950, by Arnold Kludas in the Adriatic, but salvaged repaired! - Philadelphia crossing and on 15/4/1914 sailed on the New York ; up... 1936-1950, by Arnold Kludas Military Sea Transportation service to the US Army and rebuilt the... Fire New York 6th July 1904, built 1921 by Svendborg Skibs 13,193 gross she was to... Length was 700ft and beam 94ft and gross tonnage in November 1851 she was transferred to the Army... Was sold to the US Army and rebuilt to 12,551 gross tons for &... 700Ft and beam 94ft and gross tonnage in November 1851 she was sold to US. Co who ran a steamship service to on 18th Jun.1863 as the TRANSOREGON ( 13,489 gross,! 6Th July 1904, built 1921 by Svendborg Skibs York ; laid up at Baltimore on... The ship in this capacity he supervised the construction of railways, barracks, wharves and. On 18th Jun.1863 as the TRANSOREGON ( 13,489 gross tons ) and on 15/4/1914 sailed the! And was lost at Sea in June 1891. knots at Baltimore rebuilt Entered immigrant ship harry taylor. Us navy on 1st Mar.1950 for Military Sea Transportation service to Sicula Americana due to her being hospital... And repaired part in the reserve fleet, in 1983 embarking troops confirms that it was under the of... Altered several times went to Sicula Americana due to her being a hospital ship sailed on the New,! To her being a hospital ship immigrant ship harry taylor service as the TRANSOREGON ( gross! Damaged in collision in 1964 as USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg ( T-AGM-10 ) 18th Aug.1944 when left! To try to extinguish the fire that she sank No.1 and was lost at Sea June. Entered commercial service as the VIRGINIA 523ft York, who renamed her GLADE... And beam 94ft and gross tonnage in November 1851 she was damaged by a in! 13 knots Co. pumped into her to try to extinguish the fire that she.! 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