i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog

How on earth was I supposed to know that someone was going to treat their dog like an infantile god-being? Oh my goodness this is similiar to my story. If wed go somewhere in the dog house truck, shed sit by him while I sat by the window. Scared she would get ran over.. Then it gets cold and I couldnt do it Kids would beg for her to come in and it was hard for me to sleep of a nite shutting the door for bed knowing Bailey dog wanted inside!!! Professional training has to happen and if you dont have the money for it dont consider getting a pet with considering the likely hood youll find a significant other one day who might not like pets or want that responsibility even if he or she can tolerate them. The beauty of a human beings love toward another is when it is not for the gain of the one giving the love, when it is altruistic and they see all of the things that you inherently bring into the world. You would be cruel to the dog, and still have an irresponsible ah for a boyfriend. We were the owners, the dogs did what we wanted no ifs ands or buts about it. She grabs chargers or cords. Firstly, she has a medium sized dog that is a complete house dog. So my bf decided that Fido would continue sleeping in the bed, against my wishes. Dogs are great for narcissists; they put their human on a pedestal, revolve their world around the human, and never object. I mean , they have their own beds, just like I do, and its not going to be mine. Ill be ****** having a kid and a dog that acts like he needs the same attention. He tried keeping his dog in the pen with my dog but I stopped that bc his dog was peeing everywhere in the pen & would lay on my dogs potty pad! So sorry for what you going through. In your own situation, step back and ask yourself why you are still living with him? Im happy as can be. Our fighting is bad parenting in front of the dogs and we cant continue like this. Enough to break the marriage? The moment I say something about the behaviors, my wife instantly defends the dog and states that its my fault this dog is like this. Sadly, our girlfriends do not know or are aware of how they are being played. Had I known it would be like this Im not sure we would be together because Im just not into dogs the way she is. That wont change. This is just the latest example. And my poor dog is outside at 4 a.m. As long as an animal isnt being neglected or abused, your significant other always comes first. I have had my dog since he was 4 months old. Then we decided until she was potty trained fully, theres no sleeping in our room. HOWEVER..my partner has suffered a brain injury and cant help but whine about and insult my dog. We have a baby in the way, I am 30 weeks pregnant and very worried about the added stress and chaos the dogs bring to our lives and household.. Now he reacts this way mainly because he has a bad ear and the barking is like a knife inside his head. One day he would allow her to jump on him, the next he would scold her. Hitting an animal is never acceptable a puppy is just like a baby it needs love and attenion he learns from play just like children. It violates their commitment to their dog. he once told me oh no oh my you dont know dogs at all. I would know considering the fact that Ive studied psychology and am well acquainted with about half a dozen theories. In fact, it will lead to so many arguments down the line. If it has gotten to that point, it really isnt about the dog, it is about the relationship. If he would just simply work on training them, wed literally have NO issues. When Fido dies in 10 years, what have they left? I dont think anyone willingly lets their dog stay in the bed while having sex with their partner I do agree that if the dog is taking up too much space, compromise is in order. My bf make excuses for the dog. If the dog is a grown one, the house training needs to be done again! Perhaps you should forcus less on your bitterness regarding people like us. And focus on finding your own. No amount of vacuuming keeps the hair at bay. Like I said it would be one thing if they would get up off their rears and help, but they dont. Like you said, there has to be some give and take and thats what youll have to do if you want to be with him and vice versa so you both and can happy. And I say that as an animal lover, and have had animals my entire life! He just said to his wife, Now you know what Jake went through. Just wow! These dogs have done $8,000 to my brand new home and this has destroyed what should have been a great time in our lives and a time of healing. He is a wonderful husband and father to our two kiddos, I love him dearly, but this is important to me at a level that I dont think he understands. If he would offer to take the dog out once in a while, it would help. My SO goes to take the dog out before we go to bed and finds the dog in its kennel with the lights out and suddenly Im this evil person because and the dog is scared. Dogs behave the way we TRAIN them to behave. However, My boyfriend sets ZERO boundaries for his dog. Thought if I could help train, it would turn out okay. My pup does chew but not on her things like she use to do. Playing with the kids, running along as they rode their bikes? Thanks, My husband got a dog this dog is always up his a%s so one nite I told him he should of married the dog he give that dog a lot of attention and yes it get old. Why? She doesnt know the meaning of no and in general sucks. He was taught to stay off the furniture and we did not feed him from our plate, so he never begged for food. Being vexed with the husband/boyfriend isnt a solution. Wow. Eventually I get the, OK, lets talk about something else now, or, this is upsetting me; I really dont wanna talk about this. So once that happens there isnt much I can say or do. Then continue with the training. I think it is going to work perfectly. This guy sounds ije a jerk. I asked him to get rid of her more than once. Dogs are dogs , they should take commands, listen and respect their position and Of course the owner needs to be respectful in their roll as well. For example, every time shed drink water, she would use someones legs as a napkin. As stated before I just believe in general moat dogs need that training and need it before its too late and if you cant fork the money up to pay for its training then youre really at a crossroad just like me. Im sorry for all that youve gone through and are going through now. It feels so annoying when you hear heavy barking for long hours, even at night. I find I get up in the morning and I am happy. I said the same verbiage with my ex, discussing someone else, and she thought that sounded like I hated dogs even though Ive owned in the past! Our cat is still yowling at me because of what the dog did. I actually love our dogs. It use to chew anything it could get its mouth on, pee/poop in anywhere except outside, sleep in her bed (it would also pee/poop there), etcpretty much anything that, I believe, any reasonable person would be infuriated by. For instance she thought one had eaten rat poison around my chuck coup miles away from anywhere they would wander, but the vet charged several hundred dollars each just incase they had in injections fees, its not funny, im in big trouble. My husband gets upset with me for yelling at the dog when he snarls at me and it drives me crazy! If he is not begging to be played with, he is begging to be petted or when we eat, he hovers over my girfriends plate waiting for some scraps she gives him. Its just not working. I did not want another dog. Im getting so tipped to the edge about all of this i need help :( x. Ive been in a relationship with a dog nut and you get so frustrated because they just dont get it and never will. Just recently I traveled to where he was staying with our travel trailer and working. People like you are IMPORTANT in this world. We are talking about moving in together and everything else besides the dog is great, but Im thinking about not moving in with him because of the dog. I wanted to develop a close, strong emotional bond with her but I believe her dogs were a distraction to her and hindered the growth of our relationship. I have been in love with the same woman for over 15 years but my fear is she will leave me because of our difference of opinion with her dog sleeping in our bed. We got a puppy at the beginning of last summer and he had gotten quite large by now. Run! What is the glue that is holding them together? 6. My first dog was older when they met and therefore very sedate, the second dog was not into people, other dogs, she was very reserved, so having a puppy around freaks him out. This can be the reason why your husband/boyfriend needs to get rid of the dog. I have one, and he is likable tabby. I got rid of my dog because of the agreement we made but he still has his dog a year later. All rights reserved. This is getting out of control & is affecting our intamacy & having a healty happy relationship. It seems reasonable to need a bit of adjustment time. If the dog tends to pee or poop everywhere and shedding issues, its better to restrict the critical areas in your house like the dining room, living room, bedroom, etc. , i thought that if 2 people really truelly love eachother they do whatever they need to to be together right?..i just dont know what to do, i told him also that people have mentioned well why dont you just get rid of your beagles for a good life , i said why should i give mine up if he doesnt have too?i dont think so! (He used to tell me on our early dates (together four years), that were dog oriented, how people looking at us giving glances were checking out his dog (not me). Leaving my work, school, friends, and family behind to follow him and his new job in Texas. When she arrived she was on the couch. As for human loyalty. I recently got very upset bc his dog peed on some VERY expensive furniture & my bf told me I need to drop it bc hes sick of hearing me complain about his dog & hes tired of it being an issue. Do you ever just feel like ending your relationship because of this issue? (I was sick of that too that I started putting my foot on her and saying, Thats enough. Hi. Some people on this site will say you are the problem or you hate animals and thats simply not the case. When I dont stay over for a day or two and return I can see the dog has been sleeping on my side of the bed. She was put to sleep 8 months into our marriage so yay no more cats. He says I cant understand how he feels because I dont like dogs. It went something like this: I was looking at brochures to get decorating ideas for the babys nursery. Its constant begging is telling them that the dog can assert dominance and our girlfriends will give in. Please treat them as such. The last thing you want is a reluctant dog owner to witness a fight. My dog is a puppy, hes now 6 months old and hers is now around 1 and a half years old. The saddest thing to me is that I miss having a furry friend (pet) but fear if another was brought into this household, my nightmare would start all over again, so pet ownership for me will not happen as long as this man is my husband. But now I am being kicked out because of the cat that we both agreed to adopt from a shelter roughly a year ago. When dogs misbehave its usually the owners fault. Oh when I was gone for those two weeks I guess he left the dog outside when he went to work and she ended up chewing the door frame :\ its like she HAS toys out there why would she want to chew on the house!! he kept insisting that the dogs had to be on the bed, there was black dirty, a TON of hair and even drips of pee on the sheet! They also fart constantly and I dont need to smell dog fart while Im eating either! Originally the dog was obtained at the recommendation of a therapist for the dependent brother to increase his physical activity (going for walks) and to give him something to focus on other than himself. I mean, it is that too but it isnt. The kids are starting to resent her and the fact is that this is taking a huge toll on our marriage. Such a well behaved dog. And she was sleeping under the covers in the bed with him. In the end, it didnt work and we broke up recently. The sh$t stains in the bed, waking up in the middle of the night stepping in pee and not to mention peeing on my $200 sneakers was the last straw!!! They are not. Tell your husband that the dog is not housebroken, that it is not your responsibility, and that he or his brother must immediately make alternate arrangements. You are most likely just wasting your time in that relationship (or should I say what relationship?). No amount of medical evidence is able to change his mind he is adamant. I was a woman, just remarried, deeply hurt by my husband whom treated his female Labrador with more value, more affection, more it seemed, everything than he did his new bride. Im not a villain for not wanting to live my life covered in fur, and your statements are purposefully attacking people who dont side with your opinion. Youve already closed your mind before you started. He says Beau always has to be outside. A poster above said humans are not naturally monogamous. Mid January, we adopted a shelter dog. This is something personal to me. I also hated it when the dog would sleep on my pillow or by my side of the bed and it was also joked about when I mentioned it. Improving my relationship and building it is already work so I do not need a dog who will not listen and act out. She freaked and bit me. So, it should be done gradually and piecemeal. I need advice pls! But your dog is your responsibility as well as a loved member of your family. I truly in all my heart believe that people who choose animal relationships over human ones need therapy. If the dog lays on the bed, remove the separation anxiety and start taking the steps to end the problem for the sake of your relationship. I dont want to hurt my partner but I know if I say anything the solution may possibly be me moving out. A bed is a place for a married couple to bond and have intimate times, not a place for animals. I got the two cats for my girls. We have cat shelters for the stray cats outside and a huge backyard with a tall privacy fence and there is no reason why she can not go outside. ie, Sorry, I cant go out, I have to let my dog out. My bf hasnt traveled in 5 yrs, and barely leaves the house all due to his dog. As everyone agrees, this small nip never gonna draw blood. I may have said some misunderstood and vulgar things but frustration can do a lot of things to the mind. Is he a narcissist since he has isolated you from friends and now your furry friends? There are no kill shelters, or maybe you can post pictures of the dog on social media and give him away to a loving home that will make the appropriate time to work on training him. Wouldnt you have seen it if you stayed for the weekend at his place? I strongly disagree and when I said this, he got really angry at me. A muzzle doesnt help either, because my wife hates the stigma attached to dogs with a muzzle on, and she wants people to know what a loveable creature that piece of s*** is. We cant agree on where the dog can sleep, how much the dog can stay inside or even how much food to give the dog. As a comic, Ive managed to tell stories about him that are funny to other people and only in hind sight. And if youre the one resenting your partners pet, be clear about what you need to feel better. Weak minded as they are chose to side with my ex because they believed his lies about my bruises. Turns out theyre the ones who took your steak eh? Im just overwhelmed w it. But apparently it was too much to ask, because we have had so many massive fights about it. Quite high and mighty of you to push your own agenda of what you consider to be normal. On these dog nuts. Simply because it was how you were raised yet by nature humans are in no way monogamous creatures and thus we are not bound by our instincts to stay together. I am not at all angry with him, and am grateful that he let me go. My three year old son has been bitten twice also with bleeding wounds. Which I usually dont. Try daycare. Doesnt see our grandkids anymore. That would make it an activity for both of you together and she may see and have a better understanding of what constitutes poor dog behaviors people enroll in the training to create boundaries. But once its time to sleep she is right in my face panting and pawing. Going to dog training as a couple (although the dog owner should pay for it, lol) is a priceless experience and will change your life. My husband despises the dog, to the point that he came home from work one day to find me holding him in my lap and petting him because he was sick, and he went bizerk. I adore my lady. What happened to compromise and communication? This dog has caused so many issues! We have argued over this several times and after reading these comments, I realize that there is probably no middle ground for people like us. The comprehend tone of voice and can learn tricks, but that is far from having a legit conversation with a person. For myself, as a child my family had dogs, cats, birds, fish, and even a turtle. It hasnt even been a month and things have gotten worse. Therefore, they dont want her dog staying over too late because it stresses them out. I asked her about it and she said she never wanted the dog in the first place, that she knew she would never be happy (I wish I would have known this) because I thought even though I knew she wasnt a fan of dogs that by getting one it would warm her heart, a cuddle play buddy. 5 yrs, and have intimate times, not a place for a boyfriend can... Scold her many massive fights about it oh my you dont know dogs all. Barking for long hours, even at night to witness a fight taking a huge toll on our so! Step back and ask yourself why you are still living with him control & is affecting intamacy. I say what relationship? ) animals and Thats simply not the case to off. Old and hers is now around 1 and a half years old too I. Help, but that is holding them together through and are going through now the glue is... Most likely just wasting your time in that relationship ( or should I say that as an animal lover and. 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i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog