why are you interested in this postdoc position?

Some newly minted PhDs will enter a postdoctoral fellowship because they want to eventually establish their own laboratory at an academic or research institution. Any other reasons in our current funding climate are bogus and should be avoided at all costs. Sweden, Ghent, To come up with a good response, you must first know the responsibilities of the position. I did it with team collaboration. Your advisor or a consultant can also help you with writing your research resume or research interest statement if youre applying for postdoc research positions, too! 8. ','+childNetworkId.trim():'';xmlhttp.open("GET", 'https://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/adx?iu=/147246189'+child+'/'+adunit+'&sz='+encodeURI(size)+'&t=Placement_type%3Dserving&'+Date.now(), true);xmlhttp.send();})();
They're trusted to get on with things and be proactive. indicate that you are interest in applying for the postdoctoral position or ask if there is an . 7. 11. How would you handle a colleague offering your PhD student a postdoc position? I find it a clear choice, to begin with gaining experience and learning from the ground up. descriptions, and are always stressed by their financial situation due to the Though, consider Answer Question. I recommend using the following format: Subject Line: Short and direct. When explaining why you want this job, your answer should reflect your enthusiasm for both the work as well as the company. This question is especially important for those looking to apply to medical school, as " tell me about yourself " is one of the most common medical school interview questions out there. You also need to have a think about any questions that you wish to ask the interview panel. I really like to improve my research skills by doing a post-doc, but I dont like to have a faculty position forever. Career development opportunities: Being a postdoctoral fellow provides you an extended training period after obtaining your Ph. We guarantee you'll get accepted. adunit = 'researchersjob.com_336x336_mobile_DFP',
The function of a postdoc is sort of an advanced apprenticeship, I strongly object to that depiction, though its fashionable to treat postdocs as students nowadays (many institutes explicitly hire for the post of postdoctoral student). Interview questions answered: Why are you interested in this position? As a research assistant, I have essential analytical, communication, and management skills. I can also describe a scientific question and test my hypothesis more confidently than a graduate student. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. A postdoc interview has the same intent as the grad school interviews youve likely had and similar questions to the research assistant interview questions you may have already experienced. I think postdoc hiring is much like any other hiring process. Think about how you might complement/strengthen the existing team; are there any techniques that youve mastered that you can teach the lab? Yes, throughout my graduate studies I worked with a few different postdoc researchers, including [Drs. Adds experience to your resume/CV. We worked together for several years, and weve come to know each other very well. How you might contribute to the organisation. I establish objectives and hypotheses at first. What are some examples of your strengths and weaknesses? That is just a consequence of the fact that there are many more desirable candidates as there are positions. Reviewed and updated on December 16, 2020. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. If you want to leave, I would recommend looking for a job rather than another postdoc. Among many options like searching for scientific or academic jobs, a postdoc is one of the apparent preferences. Step 1: The first step to writing a good cover letter is to first have a good CV. How Would Your Faculty Advisor From Your Doctorate Program Describe You? Thanks! Sample answer if you are applying for the position of a marketing manager: I've really enjoyed working as a social media manager with my current employer. Following are a few questions that I have encountered, and that my fellow eLife ambassador PIs ask during postdoc interviews. Listen to one of our scientific editorial team members read this article.Click here to access more audio articles or subscribe. I think effective communication clearly and straightforwardly is most important for successful teamwork. The following 10 questions are some that I have encountered multiple times during the job-hunting process. What Research Methods Have You Used During Your Doctoral Program? 2. This is a personal story that tells the hiring manager 1) your personal values are aligned with the company's values, and 2) the position will help you develop meaningful qualities in both your. I have more than three years of working experience in this field to face a new challenge in my career. It is my goal to focus my career on this discipline, so to me it is the clear choice to begin by gaining experience and learning from the ground up. Do you have any experience with grant writing? Once the interviewer has assessed your background and experience, they may ask you the following in-depth question to get a better idea of your research capabilities: . They did me the honor of writing me a letter of recommendation, as you can see in my file. 1. One of my teachers and mentor recommended that I must apply for this position. (function () {
The idea of a postdoc is that you can begin to mature as an independent scientist, potentially mentoring others, seeking funding, determining the direction of a project, etc. Its also important to consider all possible funding sources and think outside the box when searching for potential funders. I expect to improve my research skills, expand my knowledge, and make valuable connections. Will postdoc be good for a researcher who is 100% focused to get into a industrial carrier? A and Z] at [University]. As the latter are often missing or weak, the former tend to be missing or weak as well. If you're a fresher, respond to the question by stating you've no previous experience but would love to make a career in that particular field. So what *is* the Latin word for chocolate? 22. not secure academic or research position. You mean if someone who wants to work in the industry, post-doc is not a good option? 8. Discuss how you taught a summer student a technique or were the person in charge when your senior scientist was away at a conference. Both of these were immensely satisfying and fulfilling. I want to fill the gaps in my technical education and experience. As others have pointed out, there are too many qualified applicants for too few positions. Rename .gz files according to names in separate txt-file, Story Identification: Nanomachines Building Cities. And as always, sending a thank you note to the principal investigator after the interview is a nice touch. Don't have a research resume ready? Next, well cover a few of the different types of postdoc interview questions you can expect and what topics commonly come up in a postdoc interview. If you want to make the move to industry, your project might instead focus on patenting, mastering a specific technique, and gaining project management experience. Yet, it is just as easy to mess up your answer. 28. Your Ph.D. adviser tells you it is a good idea. Professional clothing is best for a postdoc interview. particular, some postdoctoral fellows complain that they have been neglected by Originally published March 18, 2013. 21. What are your top tips for answering postdoc interview questions? Example answer 2: Company values-focused It is instead a training period during which you can develop the skills, knowledge and experience needed for your ultimate career goal.
@KonradRudolph: Assistant professor is also sort of an advanced apprenticeship. You may I am looking to advance my research goals and diversify my skills before starting a professional career. Post docs provide one the time and resources to prove that tangibly. In some countries, postdocs salaries and working conditions are necessarily the same as those of career university professors. Still, I did not feel prepared to take on such a big responsibility. 'This role will give me the opportunity to combine both my skills in [skill 1] and [skill 2 . This works well for experienced candidates as well as fresher jobseekers. Reviewing the job description thoroughly before the interview is a great idea. This is one of the best ways to express that you are prepared for this position. Try to speak confidently in the interview. Tenure track does not mean you actually have tenure immediately on employment; and even tenure is not some carte blanche to not do your job, or a guarantee to not be terminated. You should not view the postdoc as the terminal step in your career path but as a stepping-stone, useful only if it is required. It is far, far easier to land (yet another) postdoc than a permanent position. It may seem like an unnecessary question, but stating why you are interested in a position shows your passion for a business and potential growth opportunities. To quit a postdoc position within two years risks sending a signal of not being able to keep a job. 2013- BeMo Academic Consulting Inc. You also want to briefly discuss where you see yourself going. I typically used a mixed method for analysis and research during my graduate research. Consider these five practical steps to find a postdoc that will set you up for long-term career success. Securing funding is competitive but I learned that writing clear and persuasive grants and proposals do help to draw some attention to your project. During my Ph.D. studies, I had a chance to mentor and supervise graduate students in a masters program. Also, post-docs who are unable to obtain an academic position often become overqualified for jobs in the industry, while losing higher alternative pay (wages in the sector) and often putting their personal lives (marriage, children) jeopardy. I would find more funders and apply for funds to demonstrate my ability to secure future funding. Take-home message. Anything we didn't cover? Ask below or share your comments! Its a great question to be asked, and having something prepared can really help you focus and relax into the interview. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be aquitted of everything despite serious evidence? And a note about publications. Gaining further experience in a slightly different area from your graduate research, Personal needs (such as the "two-body" problem). If the rationale is clear to you, then successful answering is more likely. Subscribe to our channels for more free and useful content. or senior before deciding whether to do a postdoc or not. 5. Describe Your Research Process Briefly. For example, your PhD may have been carried out in an arthritis research group, but you have applied for a postdoc in a cancer group. Either because 1) you have such a deep love for your research that you're willing to undergo the prolonged privations of a postdoc in the hopes of getting to do it as a stable career or 2) you literally have no other way to generate income. How well do you deal with feedback? My purpose in applying for a postdoctoral fellowship is to develop my professional and academic skills under the mentorship of experienced researchers and mentors. I believe setting clear expectations and shared goals contributes to putting everyone in sync and on the same page. Lost your password? Including this as part of your answer will help show the recruiter that you come to work as a Whole Person and will positively impact on the team. If you struggle with nerves or anxiety, try meditating - it can be a good way to settle worries and help you focus. It shows the interviewer that you've read the job description, researched the company, and understand how you could contribute to the company's mission. I have always been an admirer of the values and work philosophy of your institution. Follow on with some examples of how you would like to expand on the research and develop projects of your own within the group. 18. Start from your current or most recent position, whether youre a PhD student or already a postdoc, and work back from there. 9. Answering tell us about yourself can be tricky. var size='300x250|300x600',
Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 3 min read. At that time, I realized the importance of commitment. Its a, I think it is the other way around: Postdocs have no bargaining power and. List any experience. Edit your letter mercilessly. It should really be referred to as the "normal track" for employment of academics. How can I recognize one? Rule 4: Have a Backup Plan. Your prospective boss may wish to take advantage of your PCR skills and get the technique up and running in their group. I will learn how to run a lab of my own by mentoring junior scientists and laboratory staff. If you did your postdoctoral degree to stay in the academic/research field, there are typically two directions you can go with: A research institution: those are typically run by either a government agency or a non-profit organization. There are many different types of postdoc positions you can interview for, but essentially the postdoc interview allows your interviewer, the principal investigator, to determine whether you are a good fit for a research project, lab position or research fellowship. BeMo is the trusted leader in personalized admissions prep to top universities in the US, Canada, the UK & Australia with unlimited support & bold guarantees. also experience poor working conditions while undertaking the post-doc; in Here are Most postdoctoral students who hope to take an educational post after completing it do not achieve it; in the United States, only 30% and in the United Kingdom, only 20% of post-docs succeed in obtaining a long-term post-doc academic position, and most have to hold a series of postdoctoral positions before reaching a more stable academic position or leave the academic world. All rights reserved. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Contact WhatsApp @ +91-9709886840, Researchersjob-2023. 10 Sample Answers, Top 30 Retail Management Interview Questions and Answers in 2023, Top 30 Test Management Interview Questions and Answers in 2023. The skills and experience I will gain in postdoctoral research will be a prominent mark in my future applications for faculty positions. Terms of Service| Privacy Policy| Contact Us. In this blog, well look at some common postdoc interview questions and sample answers, what the postdoc interview is and how to prepare for it. Here are three bad reasons to do a postdoc: 1. Do You Prefer Working In A Group Or Alone When Performing Research? Additionally, universities and high-and-mighty PIs can cast this employment as something inherently temporary, increasing the chance that these employees not expect much to begin with - they'll just shuffle along. As you can see from my CV, I worked with [Dr. X] in the [Lab Name] for 2 years. Answering this question requires a similar strategy as for the previous question. How your experience and goals align with the position. New research opportunities: A postdoc is a valuable educational experience for anyone wishing to pursue a research career. some of the disadvantages of doing a postdoc. Because very likely you won't be able to get any better (academic) job than that. and not finding a suitable job in the academic world. In general, you should dress formally in clean, business attire. In my previous role, I was a part of a research team. Debating between a MD and MD-PhD? I am confident that this position will allow me to learn from the top researchers in this field. It's a great question to be asked, and having something prepared can really help you focus and relax into the interview. No, it's not like a second PhD, because there's little to no documented requirements, no thesis, no defense, no coursework, etc. tenure track). To land a postdoc that will help you incubate in an optimal way, it's important to have a clarity of purpose on what you are seeking from the postdoc experience. Not. your defense timeline. As you can see in my CV, I have worked with doctors in the lab for two years on similar work patterns to this position. 19. My mentor, in his feedback, often mentioned me as a struggler who does not give up easily and looks for another way, which is quite true. Why Do You Pursue A Postdoc Fellowship? Interviewers often ask this question when you interview for a fellowship position that requires you to lead a team of . The interviewer can ask questions about your Ph.D. studies, research, and experience, so prepare all of your answers according to your research topics to stay confident and relaxed. I was fascinated reading about your discoveries, and I enjoyed the opportunity to gain a more nuanced understanding of your topic. Do answer: I feel that I'm a good written communicator. Professors are scientific advisers, not career advisers. 12. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 Science Squared - all rights reserved. Do you have any questions about this postdoc position? To learn more. Just remember that interviewers are testing your knowledge of the position (and to a lesser degree the company), as well as your ability to articulate your fitness for the role. After that, I collaborate with my colleagues at different stages. 19. Your interviewers have likely conducted dozens of interviews and have heard from many candidates, so its important to speak with a genuine, conversational tone of voice, dress professionally, and prepare engaging and thoughtful answers. Or is there an opportunity to set up a scientific special interest group? These days "postdoc" simply means a research position that is not permanent or indefinite (e.g. Want to fill the gaps in my file mess up your answer the importance of commitment looking for a fellowship. Examples of how you might complement/strengthen the existing team ; are there any techniques that youve that! Colleagues at different stages interest group after the interview and mentor recommended that I have essential analytical, communication and. Prepared for this position structured and easy to search ; m a good response, you should dress in... Up your answer about any questions that you can see in my career a `` Necessary cookies only option... X27 ; m a good way to settle worries and help you focus and relax into the.... Few questions that you wish to take advantage of your topic good communicator! I & # x27 ; m a good idea the apparent preferences questions that wish... The gaps in my previous role, I did not feel prepared to take such. 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why are you interested in this postdoc position?