venus opposite ascendant synastry tumblr

Mars - Pluto aspects create intense energy. . Neptune at Leo degree (5, 17, 29) might like popular music or maybe musicals? Its hard for them to let this go and will continue to ask you until you tell them whats going on. Thats a good gif :) Id love to read your Groom chart! The 7H person might idealize the Juno person and think theyre perfect for each other. Sun conjunct asteroid Alma (390) is a major soulmate aspect! A karmic aspect is Vertex conjunct Psyche (16). This one seems widely known but I want to reiterate it anyway . Could possibly even struggle with codependency, but not always. Ascendant conjunct Venus - I had this aspect with an ex - my Venus conjunct his Ascendant. Will probably go through life always learning and teaching themselves new things. I hope you gain more Id love to get the chance for you to read my groom persona chart please? Hey guys! Synastry:MoonNeptuneAspectsBetweenTwoCharts You should also look at the midheaven + Mars sign for more detail about how you use your drive and it can indicate potential careers. Could express themselves passionately. It may take me a while to respond to your ask, however, Ill make sure I get your question answered. Emotional intelligence. Its the masculine energy of asteroid Aphrodite (1388). They might have a very strong desire to help others. Aquarius Mercuries are not the kind to mince words. There can be pouting and the reaction of rushing to meet the persons needs. Ive seen it in my ask box :) Once youve sent in an ask, please wait at least two weeks after Ive answered your ask to send in another. Thank you for participating and I hope you have a great day/night whenever youre reading this! Note: These are aspects Ive had in romantic relationships with or seen in married couples, so Im interpreting them from my own perspective and experiences. They could have a humanitarian cause they feel passionately about that aligns with their core values. This could be another example of important relationship. Their emotional life can go through many transformations or the way they process emotions does. Neptune at Virgo degree (6, 18) may listen to music quietly. Expressing affection is an important part of your relationship. Their relationships are highly significant throughout their life and these are probably people theyre meant to meet. Originally posted by freeasabird16048kg. They believe in the separation of emotions and work, or they want to keep their private life private. Could feel like they need balance when it comes to their feelings. These people can be ruthless and fierce when it comes to their career or reputation. This is crazy. They need freedom to express themselves. I've never tried this before, but hopefully some people can relate to these or find it interesting , Have you ever seen an Aries Mars and Scorpio Mars in an argument? This relationship will be a major turning point in your life. Gemini is mutable so their emotions probably also change quite frequently. It might be hard for them to create these boundaries between their emotions and other peoples, but itll be important for them to do so otherwise theyll become too drained. Their family could also play a critical role (positive or negative) in their life purpose. They want to continually improve and be noticed for their dedication. They need their career to be meaningful and to help others in some way. The Lilith person might want more freedom as time goes on. Another aspect Ive had with an ex - a double whammy, too. The Descendant person is likely strongly attracted to the Venus person, who seems to express many of the traits they are seeking in a partner. They really want to know whats wrong, especially if youre upset with them. If you do not follow the rules (such as sending me a very specific ask), know that I will not be answering your ask. This placement can be very optimistic and good at giving advice as others see them as wise and knowledgeable. Sun sextile/trine/conjunct Jupiter is such a great aspect in a relationship. They could heal other's emotional wounds. Originally posted by unfantasmaenlasnubes. They feel safe and at home with each other. Might always find ways to touch them, even in small ways. Very good at sales. These individuals are cautious when it comes to sharing their feelings with others and probably analyze ahead of sharing this information whether they think someone is trustworthy. Could be a marriage indicator. In their natural state, they could be flirtatious, gracious, and charming. This is a very deep, intimate connection. Intuitive, moody for real lol, very caring and warm. He feels most secure when he has a sense of responsibility in life. a relationship that takes the forbidden fruit and poisons it. Do not copy my work by posting it as your own or reposting it on any other platform besides Tumblr. In fact it can even indicate a fated relationship, especially if it is Venus that is conjunct the vertex. This placement is the meeting between Leo, ruled by the Sun (our ego), and the Moon (our emotions) so their emotions could be tied to their ego, or they might know themselves well or identify strongly with Leos. Might find it easier to express themselves and show how they care through art or their hobbies. May find it difficult at times to understand the way the other person expresses their love. Definitely a sentimental placement. With her charm and elegance, it is easy for this goddess to prey on mortals and gods alike. Alma means soul in Spanish. The Sun person recognizes the Alma persons soul. If theres a problem, they acknowledge it and find a way to work around it, but they wont let that stop them from continuing to work. Protective over their emotions. Synastry:SunVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Probably likes to be alone since this is how they recharge. Capricorn / 10H Mercuries and Mercury - Saturn aspects words are taken very seriously by others. Its alright if some of them dont resonate :). They could approach emotions logically since this is an Earth sign, but since Taurus is ruled by Venus, they probably do so with grace. Look at the overall synastry / composite / davison charts. With this being an air sign combined with a fixed nature, this person is very strong-willed and mentally competent. Opposites attract dynamic. My Cancer Ascendant at 005' was also exactly trine his Ascendant. Theyre the type to tune into others body language and verbal cues. Preface: Astrology is a fun hobby for me. I hope you guys like this and can relate to some of these! Venus/Mars - Lilith couples have very strong sexual chemistry. Others might read their emotions easily. They connect to others in practical ways. Very committed to whatever they set their sights on. Strong attachment and pull toward each other. Could be crude, even. I also had this conjunction with an ex (it was exact, my Alma conjunct his Sun). Healing is a major theme in their relationship. Others might tell them their secrets. They love to laugh and joke together. An air of mysteriousness and sophistication. Im a full-time college student and working as well. Really good at delivering jokes deadpan. They probably feel rewarded through serving others. Examples of asks Id answer: Can you explain Sun in the 7th house? / What might Mars square Jupiter mean?. Their feelings probably feel larger-than-life and expansive. Probably has a natural affinity for business. They likely have a close relationship with children. Hard to change their mind when theyve made a decision. They probably know what they need to feel safe since this is a fixed Earth sign - this will probably not change often. When theyre hurt, be rest assured, they will let you know . If you have your Mars in a similar position, youll probably strongly identify with Mars/Aries characteristics. Moon - North Node aspects will have a deep emotionally bonded connection. Sometimes their emotions might confuse or overwhelm them. In low states, they might resort to verbally hurting each other just to get even.. This individual could find that expressing their emotions, expressing themselves, or helping others express their emotions is financially lucrative for the native. Strong attraction right away. People could definitely find their voice or words sexy and alluring. Synastry:MoonMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Midheaven in Scorpio might work alone the majority of the time in their career. You may encourage laziness or over-indulgence in one another. Emotional needs are tied to playfulness and self-expression. They could be the type to wear their emotions on their sleeve. With Mercury in Pisces conjunct Uranus, hell have an innovative and imaginative mind. Complexity is attractive to me. The Sun person feels like the Jupiter person makes their life better and more positive. Might live near the water. Because there is a similar theme being played out over time. Lots of physical affection and compliments. Synastry:MoonMarsAspects Synastry:SunConjunctDescendant They likely need love, compassion, and depth to feel safe and secure. I can see them being interested in learning about their emotions or others. Might take on more of a Cancerian appearance. Hey guys! I wouldnt be surprised if they study emotions or something relating to the mind like psychology. Meant to cross paths. 9th house stelliums may like frogs a lot. Their teeth could also be noticeable in some way, either small, large, or they have a great smile. They probably read other peoples emotions astutely and like analyzing others. Combined with my Mars being in its sign and degree of ownership, this is a very influential part of my chart. They are probably comforted by conversation and support or encouragement from others. Whether this happens to a healthy level or is excessive largely depends on the aspect between Venus and the Ascendant. They bond quickly. This can also indicate a relationship where you complement each others strengths and weaknesses. For now, heres are some of the characteristics of Mars conjunct midheaven / Mars in the 10H: I think many of the above traits might be similar in synastry or composite charts. Moon in Virgo loves feeling useful and needed. I wanted to create a detailed post on Mars conjunct midheaven / in the 10H (also called Mars culminating) because everyone in my family has this placement and Im very familiar with it. Their career is a very important part of their life. Their emotions will be hidden from the public eye. Synastry:Venus-PlutoAspectsBetweenTwoCharts I literally have this aspect with most of my best friends. They need to feel useful and productive. Synastry:MoonSaturnAspects Could be cool under pressure. Ive noticed Moon in the 4H like to fix up their house by doing repairs and renovations. Libra represents others (relationships, partnerships, etc. Please note that each of these aspects alone will not determine whether you or someone else has a karmic relationship. They take love very seriously, and the amount of loyalty, wow. It doesnt matter the sign, if Mars is in the 10th house, it operates stronger here. Venus, like its namesake, rules over love and relationships in astrology. They are very down-to-earth and reliable. Synastry:SunPartofFortuneAspects You are very sensitive to one anothers feelings, tastes, and needs with this aspect. This individual is probably very self-aware and emotionally intelligent. Enabling may be an issue. Needs freedom and independence in life, so these are things that make them feel safe and secure. They take turns taunting and imitating each other. Sometimes the square can indicate sexual incompatibility, but depending on other aspects in the synastry chart, it could also be uniquely magnetic. This is a very complex house full of depth. This relationship is definitely especially intense, it could be the twin flame kind of thing, and the relationship would feel extra intense if it is . This is for fun. Our relationship with mother / feminine figures. Alma means soul in Spanish. Sun - moon harsh aspects have difficulty balancing their emotions and expression (what they feel and how they express it). Probably does not appreciate being surprised. Mix of mental and emotional strength. Very romantic also. Might not know how to handle their emotions at times, and can be prone to escapism. They bond quickly. Mercury trine Jupiter could mean hell be someone with a vast amount of knowledge and an expansive mind. Synastry:SaturnNorthNodeAspects A lot of Aquarius placements (especially Uranus) radiate Horse girl energy (in a good way you just love horses). * Pluto square Moon can be an indicator of power struggles. The North Node conjunct any angle will be significant. They know when to work and when to have fun. Could be prone to obsessiveness. Moon-Ascendant Positive Aspects+Conjunction: This gives the two people a really strong and emotional bond. Synastry:SunJupiterAspects Theyre a good voice of reason. It could be hard for them to have privacy. Capricorn + Aries + Scorpio in a chart = very sharp, dry, sarcastic sense of humor. This is true (and a little strange at times) in my experience. People in relationships commonly become too dependent together and feel like they lose themselves. Could use work as a distraction. Depending on how tight the orb is, their drive, passion, anger, or desire can be very transformative. however, the aspect that these bodies are making to each other will determine how this aspect When one person's Venus is opposite another person's Ascendant (thus, conjunct the person's Descendant), a strong attraction is indicated, particularly on the part of the Ascendant person. The Sun person recognizes the Alma person's soul. . Their mother could have been absent or abusive in some way, or the individual could have resentment toward their mother-figure. For now, send in 1-2 placements or aspects at a time. When Venus is in a trine with another person's Ascendant sign, there's a good chance that there is a strong romantic connection. Each aspect is worth 1 point. Scorpio 5H / Venus in the 8H / Scorpio Venus is very private and secretive about their hobbies and interests. You have important lessons to learn from this person or relationship. Probably really likes to cuddle, too. Synastry:SunMarsAspects Can use their gifts of finding harmony, peace, and balance in their emotional life. Synastry:Mars-SaturnAspects When someone's Venus is in your 7 th house or close to the Descendant, they embody the qualities you are looking for in a partner. Could be moody in a restless way. Most likely they dont care for frivolousness and can be very serious. Opposing stelliums in synastry charts - These relationships need to work on balancing polarizing energies. The Venus person will adore the asc person. They feel most secure and safe in their home or with people who make them feel at home. An aspect between Venus and the Ascendant in Synastry can point strongly to attraction, where the Venus person enjoys or is stimulated by the Ascendant persons body energy and mannerisms. The couple will naturally pair well together. These people have an intense and tumultuous inner life. They make people feel comforted by their presence. Named after the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology, Venus governs all things pleasant in astrology. They will freely help others and wish to be recognized for their efforts. Thank you guys so much for the support on my first post. Their independence and sense of adventure are a core part of their personality. Lilith conjunct Mercury / in 3H could make someone very vocal about their rebelliousness. They like to lead and be in charge, and they might understand this instinctually. When a trine forms between the two placements, the Venus person will see the Ascendant person as their ideal physical type, making the attraction sometimes superficial. IP: Logged. They probably have a lot of fun together. Their inner child might be somewhat subdued or they dont express this part of themselves often. In Roman mythology, Venus is the Goddess of Love. Feel free to send in asks about what you guys would be interested in seeing for future posts I hope you all are doing well and staying healthy! Particularly in the case of the conjunction, trine, and sextile, the Ascendant person is seen as the Venus person's physical ideal of the perfect mate. This is all from my experience with the people around me so its alright if some of it doesnt resonate with you. Excitement can also translate into mentally stimulating work. Read on to learn more about how these two . Sun and Venus in Taurus are the epitome of quiet stubbornness. They are probably also very invested in matters of justice or try to look at emotional situations fairly. If youre looking at synastry or composite aspects, then you can infer some of the same things (they motivate each other, etc.) Their anger can seem unpredictable and surprising to others. Im a little unsure about this one so take it or leave it :). Thanks for reading, loves! They always want to be busy, oftentimes physically. Can be very difficult to let go of the connection and cut the cord" if the relationship doesn't work out. This is someone who feels called to help those in need. Might feel particularly attached to their upbringing in a positive or negative way. Mercury in 1st talk really fast and that may lead to stumbling over their words some times. Why? Very loving aspect. I hope you enjoyed this! They could also take great care of their home. They probably will keep the same interests for a long time. Synastry:SunPlutoAspects You want to please one another, but you can spoil in the process, or soothe and appease in order to avoid rocking the boat. Might always find ways to touch them, even in small ways. Theres many more good relationship aspects. They could have a way with people and be very persuasive. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. If you are single, you are likely to attract your perfect partner or soul mate. Synastry:Mercury-MarsAspects This is a very deep, intimate connection. Can be quick to be defensive and get impatient. It improves your social skills and makes you more charming and beautiful. They might search for emotional meaning through the world around them or feel deeply connected to a greater purpose. Strong-willed. They can be misunderstood, complex, and alluring individuals. Respect is very important to them. Theyre the type to always want to follow the rules and hate disappointing people. The Venus person likes to touch the Ascendant person often. A more in-depth description of this aspect can be found here. Hes balanced and level-headed in love. Synastry:AscendantNorthNodeAspects, THE ASTROLOGY OF LOVE & ATTRACTION: ARTICLES & GUIDES. Libra is also a cardinal sign, which means they possess leadership skills and are action-oriented. , Originally posted by thestarsareourancestors, A random compilation of astrology observations. If you guys like this, I might make another one. The Venus person is probably really attracted to the Lilith person. Ill explain with these examples how the sign may alter the manifestation of this placement. Here however there is a lot of disagreement and disconnect at time's due to the moral differences between both people. Its also trine Mars, so hes able to blend together romance and passion, which will benefit your guys relationship. My brother has this placement. In low states, they might resort to verbally hurting each other just to "get even.". Synastry:Venus-UranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts The Ascendant person finds the Venus person very attractive, and the Ascendant person presents themselves in a way that the Venus person appreciates. Ill respect your wishes :). Very trustworthy. This can indicate a relationship that can go through many emotional changes and can be tumultuous but very deep. This is for fun. The Venus person may develop an infatuation or romantic feelings for the Ascendant person. They could have met in past lives. The sheer amount of energy is also insane. These individuals could possibly believe in the value of tradition and most likely do not like change. Neptune in 7th may dream about their significant others/soulmates. Their career and working diligently gives them a sense of security and is emotionally rewarding to them. Might feel like you're experiencing deja vu when you first meet. Venus finds the 8th house person very mysterious and feels this magnetic pull to discover what they're all about. You aim to please one another. The two are . Both know how to use their words as weapons quite well. Any time an aspect goes both ways this will heighten the energetic pull times two so the theme of the inter-aspect will be amplified and be prevalent energy-wise. This might be subject to change in the future. The individual could struggle with these emotions for a long time. These individuals place high significance on relationships with others. Theres a certain rawness to them thats very powerful. They probably have a strong sense of right and wrong, but can struggle making clear decisions when it comes to their emotions. Venus (sextile/trine/conjunct) Juno - The Venus person will view the Juno person as their ideal partner, and the Juno person views the Venus person as marriage material. 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venus opposite ascendant synastry tumblr