symptoms of flea collar poisoning in humans

He was an indoor cat so I know he didn't get into anything. My 5 year old Boxer was having seizures and died of a brain tumor 5 August 2020. I am sick to think i lost her because of flea collar produced by them. They both were under the care of a veterinarian and not only are we dealing with their loss but the veterinarian bills were over $2500. Bayer should be held responsible. Bayer is evil, they don't pay enough money to do thorough testing important tests. These collars need to be removed from market asap. Do not let your baby scratch the bites. Her head was twitching, her eyes were twitching and she started whining. I will never put another flea and tick collar on any dog. Molly died Oct. 12, 2021. Her head was twitching, her eyes were twitching and she started whining. Her liver enzymes had been elevated and 4 m[Show More]Ill never put one of those collars on my pets again. After a day at the vet who tried to treat him, he returned home only to lose all neurological function that night. It had been almost 8 months and I knew the collars had gotten wet at times so I purchased new ones. he had another seizure several weeks later and then the next day, he passed out, then came-to, defecated himself and I immediately brou[Show More]I rescued my dog on 06/30/20. She better now but it took months to get it healed. I attributed the problem to her aging since my other mixed breed showed no visible sign of concern and was fitted with the same brand collar. Purchased fall 2020. 4 days after putting them on, my 4yr old suddenly started having seizures for the first time in his life. He was 8 years old and otherwise very healthy before the cancer. I started using the Seresto collar on my cat, shortly after he started throwing up a lot . We put collar on our 15 month old Kitty. We are going to have his body autotopsized and have a toxicology screening to find out cause of death, but all I [Show More]My sister was visiting and bought my smallest rat terrier mix a seresto collar Friday night. Tetrachlorvinphos is also listed as a potential carninogen for humans by the Environmental Protection Agency. My 10 year old Boxer/Blue Heeler mix suddenly developed neurological issues - stumbling, seizures. Ticks are horrible here in Pennsylvania. If a pet licks the area of application it can cause excessive drooling, vomiting, diarrhoea or breathing issues. So much so that I will not put the new collar on our dog. This stuff kills pets, I'm glad I was home and fixed the problem before something really bad happened. I had even did research and could find nothing at the time. They got him stabilized and gave me anti-seizure meds since. I had tried the frontline drops but his skin is very sensitive so it was recommended I use seresto. Horrid. She was having trouble breathing specially laying down . Liver enzymes so high they couldn't register. Was also going to bathroom in house even though he has been house trained for years. Took our previous Lady to the vets . We just lost our 4-1/2 year old labradoodle from this collar. If anyone else has had this problem please post it. With a skin irritation of propoxur, there may be evidence of redness of the skin, loss of hair, and a constriction of the iris of your pets eye. She went from an extra affectionate cat to a cat that didn't even want you near her. He eventually stopped eating anything offered, became weak then also had to be euthanized. It describes everything the dog is going through. Within three weeks the seizures began, at first I thought she was going after a mouse..then I realize she's Frantically struggling to get her stand. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); We put collar on our 15 month old Kitty. She was trying to tell me she was [Show More]On April 8th I took my Main coon cat to the vets for her annual check up and shots. All within 10 days she had four grand mall seizures . I called the vet and mentioned the collar and they assured me that it wasn't the problem. I have a 14 year old dachshund that has worn the Seresto collar for the last few years, no issues. There are a few symptoms of flea collar poisoning that you should be aware of. They couldn't get me in until the next day. Purchased at Tractors Supply. We had to put him down the next day. Hair loss, also in the area where the collar sits Reduced appetite Vomiting or diarrhea Behavioral changes, such as excessive scratching at the collar or restlessness These symptoms might appear within a few hours or days after you put the collar on the dog. I'm convinced the collar killed him. Both cats became ill very soon after the collars were put on them. = + 'px'; The surviving cat and dog no longer wear the collars and, so far, have not shown any reactions. In 2020 I had to have my six year old cat euthanized after a rapid decline in health. Our once healthy 8-year-old mixed labrador started to decline rapidly after using the Seresto collar with no warning. I told her to remove the collar and let me know if that helped her. A variety of collars are available for both dogs and cats. In the end, a flea collar may do more harm that good. Symptoms of Flea and Tick Collar Poisoning in Dogs Amitraz Weakness Loss of bodily movement control High or low body temperature Depression Diarrhea Urinary incontinence Low blood pressure Obstruction of the intestines due to paralysis of intestines Dilation of pupils Gastric dilatation Vomiting Difficulty breathing The investigation found complaints from consumers indicating the collars caused pets to develop painful rashes, while some claimed the pesticides caused their pets to suffer neurological issues. I never had a problem until this year. We spent thousands trying to find out what was wrong with her. About a week ago I bathed him (I took his collar off beforehand.) Some of the symptoms of flea collar poisoning may include increased salivation, excessive heart rate, muscle twitching, blurred vision, body weakness, tremors, etc. This was 01/18/21. He was lethargic and falling over not long after putting in on. The Iris leaked out of one, plugging the ulcer, and on Christmas Eve, the other eye ruptured. Had no idea it was the collars. He was only ten and in perfect health. = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; Did this collar have anything to do with it? If possible, it is recommended that you get your file from your pet's veterinarian or your doctor indicating that there were certain symptoms that appeared after using the flea and tick collars by Seresto. I bought the collars in March, 2020. I bought this collar from One of my cats developed cancer and had to be euthanized. Being a cold snap, I decided to leave his collar off. This DEFINATELY needs to be pulled. Now Im wondering if this is the cause. Which is a blood cancer from long term exposure to radiation or chemicals. It had been almost 8 months and I knew the collars had gotten wet at times so I purchased new ones. One of the best ways to prevent flea and tick infestations is to keep your dog clean and well-groomed. I removed this collar and took her to the vets. I'm still grieving the loss of Charlie last August and Muffin the prior year. (Caution: do not use if you have blisters or open raw wounds in the bitten areas as the vinegar can sting). NOTE: Providing information for review by an attorney does not form an attorney-client relationship. I made sure she was watered and she curled up on my lap and went to sleep. Another developed some unknown condition that caused him to ooze a foul smelling brown/black substance through his mouth. Flea and tick medications need to have some component such as a repellent or insecticide to work against fleas and ticks. Being a cold snap, I deci[Show More]My Teddy has been wearing one since he was a puppy. We tore it off after a day and a half of Sire vomiting and pooping blood. Your pet may recover, but the length of time it takes for him to get back to normal will depend on the level of toxicity and his state of health at the time of the incident. He developed an ear infection about 3 years ago, he is six now. Two and half weeks later Kitty started vomiting Several hours after eating. they look at a couple results and go okay, money will do the r[Show More]I believe seresto flea collar is causing CKD in my cat. Pay attention to your babys comfort level and stop immediately if it causes discomfort. Did this collar have anything to do with it? There are two cats in our household as well. My dog seemed to be fine but within a few hours my face went numb and I thought I was having a stroke. April 15th while being patted she collapsed and died. These collars need to be removed from market asap. Within hours I noticed his ears were red, By morning, they were scaly and very inflamed. Last year had hair loss on hind area. Now, she was 17 yr old. He was diagnosed with cancer, and I was informed, due to location and his age, there was nothing they could do (he was too old for anesthesia that was needed for a biopsy.). Thought they are fine since I bought them the prior year with no issues.One of my dogs became very sick the vet wasnt sure what it could be he was 10 years old. We rushed her to the vet where they examined her and discovered a large mass in her stomach. Saturday night after she petted the dog and then petted the cat, the cat went upstairs and died in his sleep. Leukemia, lymphoma and other cancer may be caused by benzene in Neutrogena, Aveeno, Coppertone and other sunscreens. This product was being advertised on tv here in the uk and i thought "sounds ok I'll look into it".Looked on Google and came across this article,so the question is "should i avoid this product? Needless to say I took off the collar n bathed her neck with Dawn soap. My Border Collie Koko became mysteriously ill after I put a vet recommended Seresto collar on her. All I candy is sue the company that makes the dog collars. Research has shown these measures are not enough to limit exposure. In fact, there have been more than 75,000 incident reports since the collar was introduced in the market in 2012. var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-doghint_com-medrectangle-3-0_1'; Her health continued to get worse through th. I put the new collar on Molly(cat) Wednesday morning Sept. 29,2021. I attributed the problem to her aging since my other mixed breed showed no visible sign of concern and was fitted with the same brand collar. I also put this collar on my pup at 12 weeks. This DEFINATELY needs to be pu[Show More]We just lost our 4-1/2 year old labradoodle from this collar. Place your dish on the floor, then set a desk lamp next to it overnight. If our beloved cat died due to toxins in this product I will use all my force to make sure it doesnt happen to anyone else. I thought nothing of putting the new one on her and just feel terrible about it. Dab it gently on the bites. Chevy's blood count was 1800. Then he said about her lymph nodes on her neck, shoulders, back side n mamo glands are are swelled . This was a nerve gas in the Second World War. I had read to not use those from China. I believe Seresto caused the deaths of both of my Italian Greyhounds. I had blood test to prove it. There are two cats in our household as well. , I purchased two collars for each of my dogs. After getting a new Seresto collar this year, she is now limping, lethargic, and eyes dilated. They suggested her teeth be cleaned & a lower protein food . 2 months later, my 4yr old started having seizures again and died on me. I firmly believe this was all a result of this collar. Over the next two and half months he saw two other Vets as well, for his eyes (we were at the Vet at leas[Show More]On Oct. 13, 2021, I bought 2 collars, at Walmart (which don't sell the fake collars) for my dogs, Benson a Weimaraner, and Mr. Jones, a chihuahua. They couldn't get me in until the next day. He began being disoriented and losing movement on his back legs. I saw she had defecated and her tongue was hanging out and that she was dead. She had developed a gaping, bloody wound on her neck in the area where the collar was in contact with her skin. The Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting, which cosponsored the investigation, said the EPA did not respond to a request about how Seresto compared to other flea and tick collars in terms of incidents. On a Thursday he had a grand mal seizure at about 6 pm. Prior to her death after putting thr collar on she would.I thought she wanted to go out she had never done that in the ninteen years ive had her. They can cause problems but the incidence is quite low. The flea and tick collars are designed to release small amounts of pesticide onto the skin of cats and dogs for months at a time to kill fleas, ticks and other pests. This had never occurred prior to wearing the Seresto collar. Two deaths from acute asthma have been attributed to pyrethrins and clinical reports suggest that they may also cause a variety of forms of dermatitis. Therefore, you should avoid contact with your skin, eyes, or even clothes. I never made the potential connection until recently. We had to take the collar off our oldest dog because of neck irritation and find something else for her. If someone accidentally takes a pet's medication containing extra ingredients such as adult flea killers or dewormers, the side effects of those agents might occur. I have been reading the comments here and on, and it is so heartbreaking. Two and half weeks later Kitty started vomiting Several hours after eating. Liver enzymes so high they couldn't register. My dog was diagnosed with acute myeloid lukemia in the past 2 weeks. Had seizures right away - thought that was an inherent problem with the dog who was a rescue at the age of 3 to our good home. We switched his food but they persisted. I bought Seresto collar for my 13 year old Yorkshire terrier, within hours she was having diarrhea and vomiting, she is very very ill, sees the vet in the am, I was doing my research bc my 12 year old dog Anna died 8/12/2021 a month after I put a Seresto collar on her, and only now am I realizing the poisoning she indured was from the collar, I only realized it bc this was the only thing that was [Show More]I bought Seresto collar for my 13 year old Yorkshire terrier, within hours she was having diarrhea and vomiting, she is very very ill, sees the vet in the am, I was doing my research bc my 12 year old dog Anna died 8/12/2021 a month after I put a Seresto collar on her, and only now am I realizing the poisoning she indured was from the collar, I only realized it bc this was the only thing that was different for my Yorkie, for offer a year we pondered his was Anna at the vet just 2 months earlier, had blood work and had a great report, to diarrhea vomiting and kidney failure one month after purchasing and putting the collar on her, I hope Trixie makes it through the night to get to the vet. 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symptoms of flea collar poisoning in humans