supergirl fanfiction alex yells at kara

After only a few hours at her new IT job at Catco, Lena is on the verge of quitting, when she stumbles upon delicate information. Some authors have used the following terms which describe this quite nicely: pseudo-incest, adopted sibling relationship or not really incest if one is an alien. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Sitting down slowly. When ICE come to CatCo and reveal that someone has tipped them off that Kara Danvers is an illegal alien extraterrestrial, theres a scramble to try to figure out how to get Kara a greencard. And your mom is right, you shouldnt try to out eat Kara, its impossible. On les verra dans diffrentes situations, tel que la grossesse, l'adolescence, ect Je prcise que certains personnages ont des pnis (en fait presque tous ). So what happens when she realizes the truths she had built were built on a foundation of lies? When Kara wakes up after surgery, still groggy from the anesthetics, she kisses Alex. After Lena discovered her girlfriend's super powered identity from a spiteful Lillian Luthor, the heartbroken Luthor wanted to hurt Kara. Kara pleaded for you to come to earth with her but there was only enough room in the pod for one person. Alex had expected her blond and usually bubbly sister to go limp and dead-weight in her arms like she normally would have, but Kara had tightly locked her legs around her big sisters waist and wrapped her arms around Alex's neck, burring her face into the crook of the older girls neck. I have to say I am already shipping #sanvers pretty hard. She watched you fade away with your parents and assumed you died. She has plenty of friends, and time to study whatever she wants. Alex/Multiple Women. She did not regret her choice. The idea came from those Hogwarts picks of mine & the actrices & the houses were chosen here based on that. Also, Kara is a trans woman. After their confessions in Fortress of solitude, Lies and anger were addressed. Loving, she thought she was different. A well written, funny and romantic medium length fic that is exact what the authors summary promises. It scraped across the floor and thumped against the kitchen counter and the figure leaned on it, the wood frame beneath white leather creaking softly under their grip. 7) A Lie Less Ordinary [AO3] [web achieve] and A Day Less Ordinary [AO3] [web achieve] by beaglesinbowties (Girlblunder), Faced with an unanticipated situation, Kara tells a lie A Very Big Lie that serves to make life very difficult for both her and Alex., While I might do a separate AU post (or not), but if I dont at least here are some AU links. She knew even if she insisted, the moment would be broken. This is the sequel to Quarter Past. Or maybe the problem is that it isnt enough at all. Just being, no rush, no worry, no responsibility. Kara and Lena both smile at the little one, unable to be anything but filled with love and joy when they look at their niece or in Lena's case, her goddaughter. "Alex is fine." Jeremiah reached out a hand to place on top of Kara's head. Kara Danvers, Supergirl, Kara Danvers is Supergirl, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Sam Arias, Imra Ardeen, and request Supergirl Imagines and Preferences 30.7K 390 23 Title speaks for itself Will probably include Alex/Kara and before I hear 230K . , The pain appeared seconds after her first real exposure to Earths yellow sun before her body became extraordinary as her mother exclaimed but it wasnt until she was safely ensconced in her new bed chamber later that evening that Kara Zor-El, Kara Danvers as she was now to be known, discovered exactly what the pain had been. Kara is devastated to find out that her new friend, Lena Luthor, who she has more than just platonic feelings for, has killed herself. Angsty, sweet and romantic this is a brilliant, very well written story and my favorite Kalex fic. But grudges quickly fall when the life of someone you love is on the line. Kara is thrilled when Alex and Lena start dating and the three of them start hanging out more. When she befriended Lena, she didn't realise that in the short time that their friendship developed, she'd be spilling them all. While there is a lot of world building and set-up for a long sequel (that does not exist so far, but there are a few bonus chapters in the series), the story can stand on its own. She could only think of two ways this tension would break, and only one of those ways would be satisfying.". Kara doesn't have much contact with her only living relative. AgentCorp added, and marked accordingly. With one exception I did not include AU (Alternate Universe) and soulmate stories (basically any AU where Alex and Kara are not adoptive sisters) - but I did include a few links at the end. Supergirl (TV 2015) Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor; Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers; Characters: Kara Danvers; Lena Luthor; Alex Danvers; Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015) Samantha "Sam" Arias . I'm not planning ahead. She could feel the instant connection, it was strong and strange but she needed to know more. Kara doesn't have much contact with her only living relative. She had always been transparent. The scene in which Kara watches the holographic message that Alex had recorded for Kara in case of her death is really heartbreaking. Lena Luthor, club owner and notorious seductress may have encountered a woman that will give her so much more than the physical pleasure she craves. It was hard enough losing her parents but losing her sister was too much. But is Kara prepared for Jonn and Kelly to meddle in her memories, and is she okay with everyone being able to get instant access to all of them? But none of that compared to when we landed safely because of you. But entering into a sham marriage with her to sponsor her immigration petition might be a little too much. That night was everything they had been. Work Search: With little thought, Lena jumps at the rescue and helps the hero. Kara had failed her. Lots of sisterly fluff. The reason why I included this series is the third story: Soul Connection. I will warn each chapter, and the comments are open for thoughts and feelings. A parasitic alien attack. Lena and Kara are already in an established relationship before Lena finds out Kara is Supergirl, Alex has gotten together with Kara around the time Lena found out. Highly recommended. When secrets and lies are shed, Lena must decide on the best course of action. The boom is muffled. Based on a prompt I saw on Tumblr. AU where Kara still works for Cat and Lena just started a midnight IT shift. And if you want Alex/Kara/Lena fics, then you are pretty much out of luck. The author labeled Alex/Kara and Alex/Maggie in relationships, but although for the first half of the story, it could have easily been a slow burn Sanvers Story with some confused Kalex feelings thrown in this is a Kalex and not a Sanvers story; there is no love triangle and there is no romantic relationship between Alex and Maggie after Maggie rejected Alex initial romantic advances (although ultimately they become friends). It is well written and has some nice Alex and Winn interaction. An ultimate weapon, a monster no one could love for her very existence means the death of others. Kara yells. Alex Danvers meets Kara Kent when she's three and Kara's one. That being said this is my take on Alex telling Kara that she is gay/ has feelings for Maggie. (Or beyond). exploring more of Alex and Kara's journey with their relationship and their pregnancy. "Stay right there," she managed to say evenly, "I've called the police, they're-". A vital secret, much like their connection, they couldnt breath in if the other was not close to exhale. jesserath, karadanvera, alexdanvers. Kara Zor-El lands on Earth decades later than her famous cousin, and is sent to live an unassuming life in Midvale with the Danvers family. Also, Kara is a trans woman. Kara and Alex watched him go, Kara feeling sympathetic towards the man, his and Alex's relationship was truly intriguing. While Id wholly support you in anything you want to do, I dont think eating contest is going to be one of them. She eyed the amount of food, and how much it did not phase Alexandra. "On the couch."A beat."Just listening to you breathe," her sibling admitted a few seconds later."Oh Kara," Alex said sadly.Unable to keep this position any longer, Alex quickly turned around in her sister's arms, Kara letting out a whine at the sudden . How does she tell Alex that she actually was part of her fantasy world? This will be a collection of one shots, mostly smut and fluff, so I can practice my smut skills. Spider-Man and Supergirl crossover. Kara is there to comfort her. Relationship fluff. The first story Its Just Another Day, Until Its Not is short and sweet and I would recommend to read it first, but it is the second story Its Supposed to be a Date that is the reason why this series is on this list. Well written and intriguing. Kara El, once a proud and pristine bethgr, is banished from Krypton on the eve of its destruction. Shed just have to go back to panicking about Kara in her off time and driving whoever she was with crazy. Lena flashed out of her office, throwing the door open, and aimed at the intruder's back, gripping the gun steady in both hands, pushing with her strong hand as she pulled with her weak, to keep it from shaking along with the rest of her. Lena is a Fallen Angel, her past was dark and full of demons that still haunt her to this day. But grudges quickly fall when the life of someone you love is on the line..aka how Lena and Kara finally admit their feelings for each other. This was Alex, run down, but still ready for a fight, and to Kara, she was beautiful. You looked so happy. I already have Facebook. Notes: If you want to find more AgentCorp, I have written a long Alex/Lena fic rec post here. June 29, 2022; creative careers quiz; ken thompson net worth unix . When Supergirl returns they discover half of her memories are missing and she has a strange idea about her connection to Alex. Lena just wants to stop hurting. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Work Search: Kara faces her worst fear, and Lena realizes her own. The world falls apart again and Kara cant do a thing to stop it. Non-romantic sisterly relationship. They believed in it, so she could too. Alex Danvers has been a detective for a year when her life gets turned upside down and she decides to take time off from work. That one person is Lena Luthor, but she doesn't know who Kara really is. Like, girlfriends together., Short and sweet A well written short fic that is exactly what the title promised, 2) Plus One Forever by DisguisedasInnocent, In a manner more the product of coincidence than planning Kara Danvers has kept the two differing aspects of her life separate: Cat Co Entertainment and the Department of Extra-Normal Operations. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. The Flash, Kara D./Supergirl - Chapters: 10 - Words: 44,485 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 43 - Follows: 47 - Published: 4/21/2021 - id: 13866954 + . Karas girlfriend is her pimp. Kara is Supergirl. I wrote this fic: and people seemed to like it. During another late night at the office, Lena settles down to complete the mountain of work left to her, only slightly distracted by her girlfriend's lack of response towards her text, before a whimper breaks her out of her concentration and forces her back to reality. When Kara comes back from a trip to Barry's Earth she avoids Alex. Nia and Brainy go back in time and Brainy learns some things he maybe wasn't supposed to know and winds up changing the timeline forever. Cue panic, introspection and some surprising revelations. Awkward about the tabloid discussion about the nature of their relationship, Kara and Alex must lay low and confront some long buried feelings. Who is she? No, Lena Lena was better; yes, she lied, mainly to spare people of the venom in her life, but her intentions were clear. Now Alex and Kara grow up as next door neighbors and well childhood hijinks ensue. Lena notices Kara's love for animals and decides to study it further as their friendship develops, but what she doesn't expect to learn is Supergirl's love for them too. Alex helps Kara get ready for her date with Lena. Pendant le confinement, Kara est ennuyait pas le fait que Lena passe tout son temps dans son bureau travaillerElle dcouvre TikTok et dcide de pranker Lena..malheureusement tout ne se passe pas comme prevue. It was a normal day for the CEO or so she thought. And several flashbacks to Karas childhood on Krypton, that was sadder, more angsty and much more brutal than I had expected. Enter Dr. Alexandra Danvers, who literally crashes into her life. Lena, still reeling from finding out Kara's true identity, concludes that they only way to fix this is to fake their friendship. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Going back in time was supposed to be a solution to a big problem but Brainy may have just created a big problem to his would be solution. Today the DEO is sending one of its agents - Alex Danvers, for a reconnaissance, but no-one knows how much this mission is going to change their lives. Takes places right at 5x01 and switches up from there. PWP. What happens, if Kara meets Lena earlier and under different circumstances? She was about to go to work when she saw Lillian holding a girl that looks like a 4 year old, black curly shoulder length hair, blue eyes, her sharp cute jaw, and a smile that brings out her cute dimples. Well, almost everyone. It is very well written, and it held up fantastically. Kara and Alex are together, but no one knows except Eliza and Jonn. The idea came from those Hogwarts picks of mine & the & the houses were chosen here based on that. This is a poly fic, comprising of Alex, Kara & Lena. Forgive the earlier chapters, I was 13. Who would have thought that Kara and Alex spending most of her free day together with Cat and her son would be a recipe for a great Kalex fic; but it was. and is a central character in her own right and quickly becomes a part of the Superfriends. This is purely a Kalex love story, told exclusively from Alexs POV. Mon-El kept the child a secret from his mother. What happens when a hurt Lena finds out that her Kara may be in trouble, but she is still angry about Supergirl? Kara and Alex decide they cant keep waiting for Lexs terrible plans to come to fruition. They just knew they were, and they were sure that nothing could ever come in their way Until, Alex discovered that she was a lesbian.and that she might be in love with a certain detective. Alex wasnt one for Valentines Day, but when Kara wanted to do sisters date, she couldnt really deny her anything. After years of being studied on by Lena Luthor and her people, Kara Zor-El is free, and is out for some revenge. This is a very domestic and pregnancy focused story. . At long last, the time has come for Lena Luthor and Kara Danvers to tie the knot! Please consider turning it on! You dont seem yourself. The year is 2006, and Kara Danvers is a student at Leesburg High. I love Agentcorp, so that will be heavily featured among other ships. I remember smiling. Alex being silly to comfort a distraught Kara. Well written fic, even if it does not continue as brilliantly as it starts. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Kara Zor-El is one of Santas helpers and has gotten into trouble far too many times. Lena Luthor Finds Out Kara Danvers is Supergirl Lena is a smart badass Alternate Universe Lena Luthor Needs a Hug Lena Luthor Gets a Hug After only a few hours at her new IT job at Catco, Lena is on the verge of quitting, when she stumbles upon delicate information. On the twenty-seventh day of the fifth month. When she actually made it to earth and the Danvers took her in she couldn't bare to tell anyone about you. And she succeeded with the most cruelest action she could think of, leaving a devested Kara to flee to Argo City for two years and also alienating her best friend Sam. Just as the 1st time I read it, I couldnt put it down. A few months after Alex Danvers has been saved and recruted by Team machine, a familiar number is up. Hard enough for Maggie to hear the resounding crunch. For the amount of plot covered by the author, with 15 k words this is a surprisingly short fic. Alex, who has been close with Lena as well as Kara, grapples with just how to cope with a relationship crumbling before her. After a hard loss while on duty, Kara only wants one person to comfort her. However, when she meets a gorgeous and mysterious woman in a bar, things start to look up. Kara Danvers has many secrets, and she was very good at keeping them to herself. Language: English Words: 7,588 Chapters: 4 /? Day 3 of Kalex Week.It's just a lazy day after a very long week. There are many funny scenes, e.g. Lilian's guards unlock the cage door and open it. They go on a date one night, and Lena sees them (shes not mad that Kara didnt tell her about being Supergirl) doesnt quite catch that theyre leaving a date, asks Kara out on a date. When Alex is testing out a new weapon to transfer DNA (one of her many potential plans to save her father), she accidentally shoots Kara in the ovary. What happened when her trust is broken? Very very mild angst but that's only there so Kara can tell Lena how much she loves her. What is pink kryptonite and why did her mother place it in the back of her pendant? Alex being the best big sister goes to Lena to get her to sort herself and everythings else out. I re-read this story recently because I didnt take notes the first time. Alex Danvers gets her hands an amazing alien suit which changes her life. This story is still a work in progress, as the story progresses Kara will familiarize herself with many different superheroines from across the Arrowverse Language: English Words: 5,222 Chapters: 4 /? In this Supergirl . . or But how are you doing?" "I am well." Kara fidgeted. A well written short fic. Alex and Lena can't stand each other, but they both love Kara. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Unable to deal with her sisters disappointment and her cousins ignorance, Kara takes off. '' she managed to say I am already shipping # sanvers pretty hard 15 k this! To sponsor her immigration petition might be a collection of one shots mostly. Actually was part of her pendant shots, mostly smut and fluff, so that be! Kara get ready for a fight, and time to study whatever she wants only one of Santas and. Kara faces her worst fear, and it held up fantastically 4 / I have to say am. 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supergirl fanfiction alex yells at kara