should i be a cop or firefighter quiz

Though there have been great improvements in reducing these exposures over the years (with SCBAs, fire rehab, diesel exhaust cleaning/collection), it is still a very real risk. Now count how many points you have. You like working with plants, animals, and real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery. Learn how your comment data is processed. Maybe you'd like to be. If a big purchase is coming up, I try to cut back on other expenses. You like starting up and carrying out projects. window.campusexplorer1405525554256 = new CampusExplorerWidget("campusexplorer1405525554256", { roes, rushing onto the scene in the big red fire engine, that deep resonating horn blast announcing to clear the way. Take this quiz and we'll tell you which your personality is most like. To protect themselves, firefighters wear heavy, protective gear that can be very hot and uncomfortable. When it comes to public service, one of the most important and dangerous professions is that of a firefighter. If there is a big fire or a serious medical emergency, the firefighter is better trained and equipped to handle it. Don't get involved, this is not your business. Are you comfortable with heights?Many firefighters are responsible for climbing ladder trucks to access the upper floors of burning buildings. Both these jobs help you serve your country with honor. Jul 22, 2013. Are you ready to be a firefighter? There are 3 answers to each question: Dislike, Okay and Like. Great police officers have respect for the community they serve and the other officers in their department. Here is what a typical days work for a Police Patrol Officer looks like: Find out more about what Police Patrol Officers do at work. Your feedback is helpful! There are 3 answers to each question: Dislike, Okay and Like. Shift Schedules Examined. Exposure to high temperatures can cause serious burns, and being close to flames can also cause fires to ignite the clothing firefighters are wearing. The less obvious risks are the exposure-related dangers. My site is dedicated to helping answer questions people have about the fire service. What do you do? After youre done counting your points. When buildings collapse, the rubble can fall on firefighters, trapping them or causing serious injuries. Yes, being a firefighter is a good career path. Structure in your life 3. Additionally, if the fire trucks havent arrived yet, police officers must determine if there is anyone in need of rescue. Firefighters also have a great sense of community and they are able to work together as a team to help keep everyone safe. "https://www" : "http://widget") + ""; Pass Your Firefighter Ability Tests eBook. The physical agility test is designed to ensure that the applicant is physically fit enough to perform the duties of a firefighter. Introduce myself and find out something about them. If you have trouble following instructions or working within a hierarchy, a career as a firefighter might not be right for you.5. Deciding on a career path is a big decision and it shouldnt be taken lightly. Good luck on taking the quiz. During a fire, there is no room for error. Answer Dislike if you tell yourself Ugh Sounds boring or Im not sure Please consult a legal expert to address your specific needs. Every firefighter needs to be able to follow orders perfectly in order to ensure the safety of everyone involved. and firefighters are a special kind of career that requires a specific type of person to be successful. Firefighters have the responsibility of cleaning up spills and debris after the scene of the accident has been cleared. It's not that bad. Tell him you don't want him to go to jail, and unless he puts the wallet back you'll report him. Uses real statistical data. In this career quiz, there are 10 questions that will give you a pretty good perspective on whether the career of a Forest Firefighter is right for you. Researchers determined through rigorous testing that the ideal. Fire Academy vs. Police Academy: Which is Harder? Learn More: Should I be a surrogate quiz? Most importantly, firefighters must have a strong sense of teamwork and communication. How fit are you?firefighters need to be in excellent physical condition. People who always strive to do their best make great firefighters. Entering a burning building or rescuing someone from the icy waters of a river requires a hig. Police Patrol Officers patrol assigned area to enforce laws and ordinances, regulate traffic, control crowds, prevent crime, and arrest violators.. The training process typically takes place over a period of several months to a year, and includes both classroom and hands-on training. For example, in San Francisco, California, the average salary for firefighters is $86,000 per year and some firefighters make up to $208,000 or more! It gets kinda expensive. The average week is 56 hours per week. What do you do? When responding to an emergency, firefighters are exposed to a variety of risks that can lead to serious injuries or even death. The studies also show that cops have a shorter life expectancy compared to firefighters. Stress. A rookie firefighter can expect to make around $25,000 per year. You get to work together with other firefighters in order to save lives. var ces = document.createElement("script"); ces.type = "text/javascript"; ces.async = true; Firefighting is a team sport. area_of_study: "41826B55", Police officers are on hand to determine what may have c. aused the accident. Police can also make much more than the average. Some departments schedule the standard 8-hour day, five days a week. I like having a group of friends I know and trust. What should you do? You may also be required to participate in training exercises, which can also be conducted at any time of the day or night. Everyone needs to work together in order to be successful. At the scene of an automobile accident, firefighters are the ones called upon to check the occupants of the vehicles for injuries. Maybe you'd like to be. Being a police officer requires the ability to see life from other peoples perspectives and remain flexible in their thinking. From towers and high-rises to schools and office buildings, firefighters are responsible for keeping people safe and sound. Image: copyright Dan Reynolds Photography/Moment/gettyimages. It is also important for firefighters to have a basic understanding of how things work including how buildings are built and the materials used to build them. This means that they are on the front line of fighting fires and are responsible for control of the fire as soon as possible. Sure, when all hell breaks loose, firefighters are expected to perform at a super-human level (you try wearing all that gear that shots up your body temperature, inside a building thats like a billion degrees, crawling around, chopping and swinging and cutting at stuff, dragging out bodies, etc.). Someone walks by from your neighborhood that you haven't met, what do you do? They take down the facts to determine if any infractions occurred. There's just an allure to the job: the risk and challenge involved, the camaraderie of the firehouse, the respect of the public at large. Most firefighters have at least a high school diploma, although some jurisdictions may require firefighters to have completed some college coursework or have an Associate's degree in Fire Science or a related field. A study of 2500 police officers from 1950-1990 found that police officers had a significantly shorter life expectancy than the general population. Firefighters usually work 24 or 48-hour shifts (though not always) based at a fire station. })(); Salary $56360 Becoming One Medium Education No degree required Job Satisfaction Very High Job Growth Average I talk about how I rectified my mistakes. They spend most of their shift patrolling in their car, by themselves or with a partner. In 2019, there were 57 firefighters who died while on duty, down from 64 the previous year. They are known for their self-sacrifice, putting the lives of others before their own. See this article for a graph that depicts the decrease in police deaths over the years. Here is a list of averages by state. Home Stories Quizzes Create Profile. Free civil service guide. These days, definitely firefighter! Career Quiz. You can read more about these career personality types here. When not on an emergency, they are responsible for cleaning and maintaining the station, apparatus, and equipment, completing reports, inspecting businesses, frequent training, and drills. test your knowledge with firefighter quiz questions, But if you do have what it takes to be an officer of the law, spent a lot of time with the FD, protect property, there are all sort of things that you have to be able to handle and do as a police officer that a lot of people wouldn't want to do in a million years, priorities, and feels strongly that society's laws should be enforced . Finally, firefighters can be trapped in burning buildings when floors or roofs collapse. Good luck on taking the quiz. Fire fighters commonly develop hypertension, heart disease, chest pain, and arthritis. Which of these traits do you think a police officer should have? Do you tend to have a lot of bias toward people you don't know? Answer Like if you tell yourself Yes, Im interested. Being a firefighter holds great expectations from c. o-workers and the highest of standards from the communities they serve. Benefits and Job Security 7. Lawyer, accountant, marketing executive unlike most careers, if you're in law enforcement and fire protection being good at your job can mean life and death for you or someone else. Firefighters are important because they are the first responders to fires. Based on these numbers, being a police officer is definitely more dangerous, though neither are the safest profession. People Love You (High Job Approval) 6. The hours for firefighters can be long and tiring, but they are also very rewarding. Firefighters also face increased risks for diagnosed medical conditions such as hypertension, heart disease, chest pain, and arthritis. ces.src = ("https:" == document.location.protocol ? Are you a firefighter? This way you can make a better career choice for yourself and what you are comfortable with. Police officers and fir. Additionally, many careers in the fire service offer retirement benefits, such as a pension plan and health insurance. I have been a Firefighter in Northern California since 2012 and a Paramedic since 2008. Curious to know if cops and firefighters get along? You dont mind risk taking and dealing with business. I have some gambling debts I need to pay off. You have to be in good shape, both mentally and physically, you have to be prepared to spend hours doing nothing at all and then burst into action at a moment's notice. One of the most common risks firefighters face is smoke inhalation. After youre done counting your points. In 2019, there were 57 firefighters who died while on duty, down from 64 the previous year. In this article, we will compare firefighting and police work as career choices. When not out on a call, firefighters eat, sleep,exercise, and relax during any downtime at the station. Hepatitis B and C should I become a FDNY firefighter as as! In addition to formal education, firefighters must also complete several months of on-the-job training. If you have trouble working with others or prefer to work independently, a career as a firefighter might not be the best fit.6. Not only do they need the strength and endurance to battle fires, but they also need to be able to carry heavy equipment up and down stairs.2. source: "sa-F3FC4435", 3. There are a lot of crazies out there, don't talk to them. There are 3 answers to each question: Dislike, Okay and Like. Being a firefighter or a cop (police officer) can both be great career choices, however, neither job is better than the other. Most importantly, would you feel sexier dressed as a cop or a fireman? Stan T.April 28, 2020Career, QuizLeave a Comment. (function() { You are interested in relevant equipment, policies, procedures, and strategies to promote effective local, state, or national security operations for the protection of people, data, property, and institutions. work schedule for police officers is a 10-hour day, four days a week. We can not guarantee its completeness or reliability so please use caution. I choose not to talk about it, it's nobody's business but mine. So, lets compare the statistics. When it comes to responding to a building fire, police officers are entrusted to keep the area clear of onlookers. Who makes more money, firefighters, or police officers? Both firefighters and police officers must be able to demonstrate ethical and professional responsibility, relationship building, critical thinking and compassion, just for starters. 2) You can be part of the team Being part of a team is one of the best things about being a firefighter. The quality of work-life was found to be highest for those working the 10-hour shift and lowest in those working the. With a precleared path, firemen can quickly connect hoses to fire hydrants and raise ladders for rescues and fire fighting. Mental agility is an important part of police work and aids in problem-solving. What are some of the downsides of being a police officer or fire fighter? I like them, but I look for exits in case I want to leave. There are a few things to consider when looking into a career in the fire service. Some of the topics that are covered in training include fire behavior, fire science, building construction, fire suppression, rescue operations, and hazardous materials. A few police departments may use a longer 12-hour shift 3 days a week with adjustments made to make up the other four hours. What kinds of things do post on social media? This site was created to help anyone with an interest in the fire service and it is where I share everything I know and have learned about being a firefighter. While there are many similarities between police officers and firefighters, there are several traits unique to each profession. Helping evacuate people Also read: Can Firefighters Carry Guns? Some of the benefits you will receive while being in the fire service include: These are the officers who stay up-to-date on trends and patterns of behavior in order to recognize criminal behav, Detailed storytelling paired with clear and accurate details is essential in police reports where wording can make the difference between admissible and inadmissible in a court case. window.CampusExplorerQ = window.CampusExplorerQ || []; There is someone walking around the neighborhood disoriented. Day in the life as a Firefighter. Exposure to hazardous materials can lead to skin irritation, respiratory problems, and even cancer. Copyright 2020 CivilServiceHQ/Black Box Business Plans LLC. The Camaraderie 4. Search burning buildings to locate fire victims. In the United States, most fire stations use the 24-on-48-off system. If you have a fear of heights or are uncomfortable with being high up off the ground, a career as a firefighter might not be right for you.3. How many calls a fire station receives during any given shift varies greatly by location and often fluctuates throughout the year. This is what makes being a firefighter such a rewarding career. Both jobs also involve a lot of downtime, where you sit around and basically do nothing, but you still have to be prepared to face an emergency. You are expected to maintain your composure while handling whatever situation you encounter. In addition, they should possess the skills to help others manage their emotions, especially in highly charged confrontational situations. Though not everyone is happy when they arrive, they usually are and they are overall more well-liked. Most people arent usually happy to see them. n-48-off system. Answer Okay if you tell yourself Umm I think I will be okay with that They know the importance of both competency and reliability because lives are what can be lost if the team fails. You will most likely wear a bulletproof vest, but that only offers a certain amount of protection. concentration: "CFC5BA8E", A firefighter who is also an EMT or Paramedic will typically make more than a firefighter who is not certified as an EMT or Paramedic. And a firefighter with 20+ years of experience can expect to make $70,000-$100,000+ per year. If the sight of blood or injuries makes you squeamish, a career as a firefighter. Should I Become a Police Patrol Officer (One Minute Quiz) Career Quiz and Most Suitable Personality Police Patrol Officers Police Patrol Officers patrol assigned area to enforce laws and ordinances, regulate traffic, control crowds, prevent crime, and arrest violators. Let's be real. They are the ones w. ith the equipment to extract trapped individuals from unrecognizable wreckage. Cops have to quickly assess the situation and then act accordingly. Do you have what it takes to be a firefigher? Aside from being physically fit, another benefit of a career in the fire service is that you will have plenty of opportunity to work with others. It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends., "Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Learn More: Which spiderman are you quiz? And when it comes to police, firefighters seem to get the short end of the stick. Free civil service guide. Heat and flames are also a major hazard for firefighters. Firefighters adhere to a more rigorous work schedule than police officers. Only one-third of the emergencies firefighters respond to are structure fires. Changes are always occurring which requires co. Answer Dislike if you tell yourself Ugh Sounds boring or Im not sure Review facts of incidents to determine if criminal act or statute violations were involved. Camaraderie and support from other firefighters. What Does A Municipal Firefighter Do (including Their Typical Day at Work), Should I Become a Municipal Firefighter (One Minute Quiz). People who can read the scene, take notice quickly, and pick up subtle clues are vital to police work. CampusExplorerQ.push(function() { As firefighters deal with dangerous situations both on and off the job, it is vital that they have strong discipline and a clear sense of priorities. A firefighter with 10-20 years of experience can expect to make $50,000-$80,000 per year. Position is also a factor in firefighter salaries. Both of these jobs have a lot in common, and to do either you need to be brave, heroic and ready to put yourself in danger at a moment's notice. Also read: What Is The Role Of A First Responder? ", "Tough times don't last, tough people do. Should They? A reliable firefighter is one who can be counted on to do their job and asks for help when they are struggl. You are also required to live at the fire station during your shift. You like work that includes practical, hands-on problems and solutions. They also need good eyesight, cardiovascular fitness, strength and flexibility. Rescue victims from burning buildings, accident sites, and water hazards. For instance, to be a firefighter or police officer you need to take a psychological evaluation that covers the core values, priorities, underlying attitudes and behaviors upon which real-world performance lies. You can't unsee some of the things you see. While firefighters dont regularly deal with blood and gore, it is something that they may come across from time to time. The average salary for a firefighter is $45,600, but salaries can range from $25,000 to over $100,000 depending on experience, position, and location. Find out where they are living in the neighborhood and see if we have anything in common. Below are some reasons why being a firefighter is a good career path: Municipal Firefighters control and extinguish municipal fires, protect life and property and conduct rescue efforts. Bought by Nick from United Kingdom (UK) Police officers use skillful communication and negotiation tactics to find solutions and solve cases. That I can fix most anything, I'm kind of like a jack of all trades. When lives are on the line, firefighters need to be able to think clearly and remain calm under pressure. These risks include smoke and hazardous materials, heat and flames, falling debris, and being trapped in burning buildings. 1. window.CampusExplorerQ = window.CampusExplorerQ || []; Besides this evaluation, you'll have an interview with questions regarding impulse control, bias, attitudes towards sexuality and other personal beliefs. Ability Tests eBook, prevent crime, and arthritis can quickly connect to... Or a fireman the general population as soon as possible to time or rescuing someone from the icy of! To work together as a pension plan and health insurance, cardiovascular fitness, strength flexibility! To follow orders perfectly in order to be able to follow orders perfectly order! I like them, but that only offers a certain amount of protection that requires a hig Dislike. To quickly assess the situation and then act accordingly officer should have though neither are the ones ith. The safest profession their thinking of career that requires a specific type of to! 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should i be a cop or firefighter quiz