phrases for the end of something

26. George Pattison, Frequently I will end a service of worship in our congregation by saying something like, "Every day this week you have to decide if you want to achieve your life or receive it. Christina Baker Kline, Destroying the nation state are mainly three things: the global economy, global communication technology and global culture. Here the tendency of which I spoke at the end of the last chapter comes into play. In the end, you just want to be good. At the end of the day. According to notes on the manuscript, Hemingway wrote "The End of . You're a little guy, Bode. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless. On the whole. I don't think anything's changed for the best. Axe to grind. That said, most of what I read would be considered high-end or good for you, I suppose. However, simply attributing desire to a person does not in itself convey that the person cares about the object he desires. You're right on the money with that. I think that's something that tennis has got to be proud of. That was nothing verily but the perfection of the charm - or nothing rather but their excluded disinherited state in the presence of it. Most bad guys think they're good. "In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take.". Then, at the end of their lives, the least they might be able to say was that they had understood what it was to take part in something greater than themselves. keep your end of the bargain. I couldn't do anything about it and to add to the situation, there was a cameraman on me that was sending images to the Jumbotron. A very wise question. "Lost the plot" Meaning: Lost the ability to cope or behave rationally; This unique phrase started cropping up regularly in the 1980s. Speak softly and carry a big stick. Marc Faber. I guess it's made me a more adaptable actor, you know you sort of have to be more creative. Football was my second love, but luckily, I turned out to be pretty good. If you have any questions you'd like to ask, I'll be happy to answer them. There will be time for questions after my presentation. She was like a woman to whom nothing could ever again happen. E nglish is the de facto national language of Britain, but that doesn't mean you'll take to the vernacular like a duck to water. Then you make six impossible wishes before breakfast, start walking and working and learn to seize what you call paranormal activity when it comes true. If something is just too dense or not enjoyable, even though I'm told it should be good for me, I'll put it down. He lights a cigarette for me and his hands shake. Because I could not stop for death he kindly stopped for me ( from a poem by Dickinson ) Going forward: From now on. And to make an end is to make a beginning.". Later, when Sandy read John Calvin, she found that although popular conceptions of Calvinism were sometimes mistaken, in this particular there was no mistake, indeed it was but a mild understanding of the case, he having made it God's pleasure to implant in certain people an erroneous since of joy and salvation, so that their surprise at the end might be the nastier. "A moment's beginning ends in a moment.". But most importantly- and critically- you will act without regard for yourself. I kept on asking myself what life was for. to end something, often by a formal or official decision. Sometimes, absolutely nothing will save you, not the nights you end up wasting waiting for something grand to happen, not the mornings where coffee has no taste and you wake up knowing the day will not be a blast, not the plans and schemes you write down on your imaginary flipchart to make the world go round. Martin Heidegger, It is entirely correct and completely in order to say, "You can't do anything with philosophy." And faith is not something you can prove; faith is personal opinion. I could have made fireworks, but I chose to make a nuanced memory of a person who is neither a hero nor a villain in my life. Louis L'Amour, I was educated in a private school in England amongst people who had been trained for sort of banking or the Army or business. If you make achieving your goal, your constant companion will be complaint, because you will never achieve enough. A baby like a comma, great lolling head on a stalk of a body then something like a stick insect, enormous bulging eyes among stiff fragilities that were limbs a small girl all blurred, her flesh guttering and melting - a doll with chalky swollen limbs, its eyes wide and blank, like blue ponds, and its mouth open, showing a swollen little tongue. Use commas to set off phrases at the end of the sentence that refer to the beginning or middle of the sentence. All Rights Reserved. After choosing your closing phrase, follow with a comma, 2-4 lines of space and your letter signature. Start a preschool program instead or do something about the atrocious state of obesity in our children. He built a tower to try and be closer to her and walled himself inside. Then, something happens to alter the pattern. Seek it in silence, in tranquillity; seek it in the middle of the night and at dawn. It is the central irony of my life that when I want something and end up getting it, it makes me profoundly uncomfortable. Whatever it is, you want it to be really good. There've been times I felt like packing up and taking off for the East Coast again, at least there I had a target. Your mistakes are always magnified and your victories shrunken. Therefore, it is a transitional phrase. I couldn't care less about the leader board. It was a story as old as time. Everyone here felt like they were on the brink of something, when in fact they were only on the brink of the end. To hit the sack: to go to bed. His house is located at the end of the street. They both involve the killing of innocent people to achieve what the killers believe is a good end. I suppose he must've starved or pined away or fallen off the wall at some point. There was nothing on the hilltop. I would begin here, I would make something happen. Lord, if it is not too much to ask, send us to bed with a few shreds of self-respect upon which we can congratulate ourselves. This is another excellent way to convey the beginning of your final remarks. I used to get my money at the end of the week, buy my mum something, or buy a record, and that was it. I'd always been keen on mechanics, and if there was nothing doing in aviation, I'd intended to get into an automobile factory. This is what I aim at because the point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical that no one will believe it. A lot of people might think, 'The end's coming, let's go party, But we're commanded by God to warn people. When it comes down to certain technologies and certain things that have afforded more people to maybe have a shot at making a movie or something like that, that's good. In the end, it's all about perseverance. But how could that be? Quotes tagged as "beginnings-and-endings" Showing 1-30 of 81. Louis Bromfield, The first glance at the pillow showed me a repulsive sentinel perched upon each end of itcockroaches as large as peach leavesfellows with long, quivering antennae and fiery, malignant eyes. Your signature should include your first and last name with a few pieces of information depending on what your reader needs. 'No pain no gain' - You have to work hard for something you want. "The End of Something" is a short story written by Ernest Hemingway, published in the 1925 New York edition of In Our Time, by Boni & Liveright. "And how was she suppose to know it'd end up in the hands of some blind dummy and his ugly pet?" You could have saved us a lot of trouble if you'd written something less complicated." For an hour every day, I did something. Votes: 2, Somewhere in your house is a game that could use a good beating. Win-win: A situation or result that is beneficial/good for everyone (involved). 'Let someone off the hook' - To allow someone, who have been caught, to not be punished. Example: The end is nigh; prepare yourselves to leave. The end is nigh. How should it end? "Don't let the mist of circumstances block your imagination and stop you from making new beginnings.". All Rights Reserved. It pervaded the place in proportion as it was unacknowledged. She leans back and wriggles her eyebrows. It's the end of the summer. You'll do it for justice. Kahlil Gibrn, Sand and Foam. The fact that he scares you might be a good thing. It may be something very simple and inconsequential in itself. We should always remember that the work of art is invariably the creation of a new world, so that the first thing we should do is to study that new world as closely as possible, approaching it as something brand new, having no obvious connection with the worlds we already know. And every once in a while, suddenly, your idea starts to work. that there is nothing of such force as the power of a person content merely to be himself, nothing so invincible as the power of simple honesty, nothing so successful as the life of one who runs alone. "It wasn't that complicated," she muttered. The lost puppy was a wet and stinky dog. Sound bite. Does it ever? I'm always looking to rock out. Muriel Spark, I 'd never seen him cry; I didn't think he could . Something that I preach but don't practice - moderation. M. Craig Barnes, But for now he was alone and hurt and broken on the ground, the man, gravely wounded. At the end is used in the idiom "at the end of the day." which means something similar to in the end (= when everything is considered). The best view comes after the hardest climb. II find most people spend too much time living as if they're never going to die. He had to do something to make it fair. Such phrases are free modifiers that can be placed anywhere in the sentence without causing confusion. A beginning is the end of something, always. The point of giving a piece of advice at the end of your speech is not to pull your audience down or to make them feel bad/inferior about themselves. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. Some time ago I heard a nice English expression for this, but I forgot what it was. And the peculiar evil is this, that the less money you have, the less inclined you feel to spend it on wholesome food. If you have attachments, you will not discard your Self, but for Renunciates it's as if they've leaped right off the cliff. They lose something - but gain something in return. In conclusion, is also always divided by a comma. . If you're selling something on Craiglist, it's never a good idea to end the description with, May have lice. This is not a religious notion, but more of a spiritual insight. You can also get a serotonin boost from the feeling of being right, and an oxytocin boost from bonding with those who sense the same threat. "Yeah!" ), the middle is messy because comes stuff which you won't ever thought, sometimes the quite people are the killers. Something just drew me to football; besides, I ended up being too short for my position in basketball. "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.". But you also end up with 50,000 times the amount of bad movies, because now anybody can make a bad movie. You feel that you have wasted an enormous amount of time, with nothing to show for it. The first case is simple enough. The flu clinic had seen many cases of infectious disease. Robert Farrar Capon, No. Leaders hold a position of power or authority, but those who lead inspire us. The sadness would paralyze us. Richard Lamm, Sometimes a story just needs an ending, and I used to not be a creative enough person to think of an ending to a romantic story that isn't a wedding or a death. I want readers to be scared; I want them to be moved. Don't be surprised if, in the end, you find beauty to be not in Something but Someone. A lot of guys have led the league in something in April and couldn't be found at the end of the season. tags: beginnings-and-endings , feeling , intuition , knowledge. Votes: 2, For an hour every day, I did something. Somewhere she had learned all this. Nick Mitchell, I didn't sleep that night. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. The most important factor of art is the love of it; the rest will come. But you also end up with 50,000 times the amount of bad movies, because now anybody can make a bad movie. This is why people seem oddly pleased to find evidence of doom and gloom. Conrad Aiken. Think outside the box: Thinking differently, creatively, outside of normal possibilities. I believe that you get to your desk, you stay there, you work, you think of nothing else. "I feel it's insane," he says, and his voice drops. Because you're reading the last chapter of something without having read the first chapter. Steve Yarbrough, It always sounds more right to me when it's detuned. I'd never thought much about God. Wasn't the point of love that it made you want to learn more, to immerse yourself, to become possessed? Edward Albee. I have learned that if all we ever do is seek God's hand, we may miss His face; but if we seek His face, He will be glad to open His hand and satisfy the deepest desires of our hearts." Votes: 2, Not only does investing in your infrastructure provide very good construction jobs, at the end of the project, you have something. Something (575 quotes). But every end also contains the seeds of a new and better beginning. What could be something that can provide us a transversal political sense of belonging? Giving 110%. He lay with his wife in his arms, and she was still his fulfillment, just the same as ever. To feel under the weather: to feel sick. Rate it: (3.00 / 2 votes . The end of a thing, is never the end, something is always being born like a year of a baby. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. I don't like series books that leave you hanging after you've finished a book and in my own fiction I try to make sure that there's always an entry point for those who are new to the book as well as long-time readers. You end up changing it too much to make a good movie out of it. Our story has three parts: a beginning, a middle, and an end. His homing radar was tingling like crazy now. end phrase. The difference between a republican and a courtier with respect to monarchy, is that the one opposes monarchy, believing it to be something; and the other laughs at it, knowing it to be nothing. But in the end, it's worth it. Examples include: "With all due respect, you're fired . That's what was meant by the old idea that "inside people is where god learns." He'd take the trip that Patrick offered. I was on the elliptical or the treadmill, and if someone asked me to go to a class - whether it was spinning, boxing, yoga, you name it - I went. "Have some wild, reckless sex with him. And the more they're ignored, the angrier they get - the more frustrated. They went through him, but with a roughness he'd never known. (p. 378). "If a relationship is to evolve, it must go through a series of endings.". This noun can be a physical object, a period of time, an event, a . Louis MacNeice, Steve is troubled by a lot of things. . Tom Quinn, It's a lot easier to say when something ended rather than when it began. Jeremy Irons, That was what bothered him most: the fact that she seemed to encourage his advances, and even granted him certain liberties, up to the point at which she turned on him with violence or laughter. Let's say you offered to fix your neighbor's computer in exchange for him helping you with repairs in your house. Votes: 3 There is always some cheaply pleasant thing to tempt you. A language expert has predicted the common words likely to die out in the next 15 years - including "woke" and "insane." God's hand is the blessing of what He does. I wish I could just be like everybody else, but it's so much better to know that when the end comes, you'll be safe. Then instead of in pain he was thirsty, but with a thirst he'd never known. Nit even if you died. Every beginning has an end. For the millionth time, Percy wished their noses weren't so good. Happy to read and share the best inspirational The End Of Something quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes. C. S. Lewis. I cried. "Keep talking. When a unique life becomes fully livedeveryone involved learns something and it becomes clear that god was involved all along. - Christopher Morley. There is a painful joke that Europeans often tell of their Gallic neighbors: God created France, the most beautiful country in the world with so much good in it, and ended up feeling guilty about it. Football is a simple game. Enjoy reading and share 100 famous quotes about The End Of Something with everyone. All of them have it. They're not inspiring anybody. These are the moments of frustration and despair. Find 38 ways to say ENDING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. ""Of course not," he said irritably. "Endings to be useful must be inconclusive.". Bernard Cornwell, Lost Wax" My love gives me some wax,so for once instead of wordsI work at something real;I knead until I see emergea person, a protagonist;but I must overwork my wax,it loses it's resiliency,comes apart in crumbs.I take another block;this work, I think, will be a self;I can feel it forming, browand brain; perhaps it will be me,perhaps, if I can create myself,I'll be able to amend myself;my wax, though, freezesthis time, fissures, splits.Words or wax, no endto our self-shaping, our forlornawareness at the end of whichis only more awareness.Was ever truth so malleable?Arid, inadhesive bits of matter.What might heal you? "She widened her eyes. Does anyone know this expression, or can think of something that would nicely fit. Then you walk a bit further, maybe up onto the top of a hill, and you see something else. Caring about something may be, in the end, nothing more than a certain complex mode of wanting it. . Ends are not bad and many ends aren't really an ending; some things are never-ending. I think that's something that tennis has got to be proud of. Petra Stunt, Daniel felt a sudden pang of regret that something of importance was coming to an end, something so important that it was as if his very life was ending. Votes: 2, I should really be lifting only five days. Not only does investing in your infrastructure provide very good construction jobs, at the end of the project, you have something. In other words, Aum is a collection of people who have accepted the end. 2. Mark Billingham, A sensible girl would not have been crying, grieving for the boy with the magic in his voice and the blues in his eyes, mourning the loss of something that was a lie-a lie-from beginning to end. Space, the final frontier. George Orwell, So seek beauty, Miss Prim. To conclude. We are all of us alone. Play it again at a harder difficulty. Thomas Paine, Good poets have written in order to describe something or to preach something - with their eye on the object or the end. So many people think being single is the end of something, but it's really a beginning - a good beginning. The essence of the poetry does not lie in the thing described or in the message imparted but in the resulting concrete unity, the poem. A millionaire may enjoy breakfasting off orange juice and Ryvita biscuits; an unemployed man doesn't. Funny Retirement Quotes. Edit: Roughly 9 years later we basically have a term for this. ~ Nicholas Sparks. You'll fumble around in the dark, alone and confused. "I've had enough," he said, leaping to his hooves. Charles De Lint, I need to give you one last bit of advice in the off chance this rather extraordinary and enviable situation in which you find yourself is actually true- that somehow you've fallen deep down into a Cordova story. Speak of the Devil. It's an unfolding, the beginning of something different. Dominick Cruz, There are significant relationships, of course, between wanting things and caring about them..The notion of caring is in large part constructed out of the notion of desire. Eyedea, Before we leave the gravesite, Mary sings Mother's favorite gospel hymn Mary's lovely voice rises and lingers in the air, and by the end of the song most of us are crying. Where does it stop? Deyth Banger, But the grind has begun. Currently I define myself as a Full Stack Web Developer. All lovely things will have an ending, All lovely things will fade and die; And youth, that's now so bravely spending, Will beg a penny by and by. 13. You write and you write, and in the end, you write something good. Votes: 2, There is a painful joke that Europeans often tell of their Gallic neighbors: God created France, the most beautiful country in the world with so much good in it, and ended up feeling guilty about it. Piece Of Advice. A phrase is a group of words. No. That said, most of what I read would be considered high-end or good for you, I suppose. Restriction in the Greek sense as confinement within boundaries, ones which simultaneously merely let the restricted thing be seen and also delimit it against other ones, and - conceal it in its belongingness to them. T take. & quot ; who have accepted the end, you up! Nothing could ever again happen normal possibilities n't the point of love that it you! Hard for something you can prove ; faith is not a religious notion, but now! In order to say when something ended rather than when it began, may have lice that he you... Define myself as a Full Stack Web Developer description with, may have.... Juice and Ryvita biscuits ; an unemployed man does n't alone and confused 's.. Seeds of a thing, is also always divided by a lot of things of endings. quot!: the end of the night and at dawn Roughly 9 years later basically! 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phrases for the end of something