npr voices annoying

Start the answer with a yeah., I love these comments! Argh!!! Thank you Paige for mentioning the accent on the wrong syllable trend. However, Ive noticed a horrible trend, especially on Parcast, to have females doing commercials who sound like babies. This has brought me to believe that uptalk is contrived and not a natural progression of linguistics. If I were paying someone to speak on TV I would insist that they use the correct pronunciations. But many English speakers dont really consider you as plural, because its indistinguishable from the singular, and so they perceive a gap in our pronoun system, which has been filled with a number of informal second-person plural pronouns: yall, you guys, yous guys, you-all, you lot (UK), etc. Change out. The one voice that NPR does have on hand that presents a good marriage of youthful freshness and traditional diction while remaining pleasing and understandable is David Greene, currently on Morning Edition. (And yes, she also hears a lot of feedback on her own voice.). Ask people why they do it (has to be within moments of the list having been sung) and theyll tell you its just a list. Sam Sanders, host of It's Been a Minute, said that learning to write in his own voice was difficult. They are typically found in unscripted, more extemporaneous speech. When he was starting out, he found editors "strip[ping] away [his] character" by removing vernacular and colloquialisms that felt unique to him. The most recent annoying speech pattern to me is the habit of adding an ah sound to the end of a word. Speech patterns seem to trend quite quickly. NPR= National Propaganda Radio Taxpayers should demand their hard earned dollars not be spent on this Lefty Commie Drivel. Like many here, I listen to a good deal of NPR-ish broadcasts and podcasts. Its mostly young females, but some young dudes do it as well. Yet many here dont seem to question their own speech patterns or prejudices. I wonder if they realize they are doing this? HI Joan, Thanks for confirming that its a new thing. This is a great discussion! Its my second or third. Thank you so much, Debbie and Baz! Dont run into nobody! (a parent to a child) very prevalent among high school kids and their teachers. You can read opened up by the person being interviewed by a magazine or newspaper and it makes me cringe. I saw it as SORE-ree. It is not just annoying, it sounds absolutely ridiculous. Allison I have to chuckle at your comment, since just last night, while watching one of the football playoff games, my husband was getting quite annoyed at Tony Romos continuous use of the word right? uptick included, while commentating. I enjoyed reading them and replying as well. Perhaps its an attempt to prevent them from rushing their sentences. Then I grabbed a coffeeeee. One day Im sure Ill lose my job after losing my temper with a patient. While he generally wants to be playful on his show, he said he's since tried to be more sensitive to when subjects require serious delivery. This is certainly not limited to lower social groups; its becoming endemic in very educated middle class professionals. Hansen is a classically trained singer, and has sung with choirs and madrigal groups, in musical theatre, and in jazz and rock bands. Voice. Its an epidemic among millennial actors, hosts, and cable news panelists/contributors. Really finished yet?). Phoebe Judge (Criminal) is also lovely, as is Roman Mars (99 PI). I also get extremely annoyed by these vocal crutch words so Im glad Im not the only who experiences this! This had to have started with someonemaybe a Kardashian? Weirdos lol . I love this discussion! That authenticity is key to NPR's original mission to "celebrate the human experience as infinitely varied." Also, add to The List the pronounciation of the word food as (something like), fee-yood, and potato and soup as, pota-teeyoo and see-yoop. So, tomorrow Ill apply for the job. Not fine. !, as well as misusing words like adulting. I understand that enunciation is a part of the job they do, but to over pronounce a word by adding an extra vowel does not sharpen the words; it dulls the wit. New Hampshire Public Radio and the Warren B. Rudman Center were proud to welcome NPR White House Correspondent Ayesha Rascoe as the next speaker in our Justi. And lets not ignore the disproportionate amount of times speech pattern analysis (even here, in this comment section) is essentially just an excuse to satisfy a societal itch to hate things that are trending amongst young women. I thought it must be a local thing. The pervasive use of hypophora, mostly in spoken media, is more than annoying to me! The T-dropping is especially irritating because it sounds like something a very young kid would do and I HATE when adults talk like toddlers. Now, once in a while I see the dramatic purpose of such a structure, but every dang time, every single dialogue. As far as voice sounds, I do hear vocal fry on occasion and I notice men do it as well as women but women are more often chastised for it. e.g. Listening to our local news reporters causes so much stress! No, sorry. The biggest for me, though, is the epidemic vocal fry combined with a high-pitched voice, or sexy baby speak, among the majority of women, and many men now (Ira Glass, Im looking at you). Finally, the other habit that seems to be spreading is the use of the schwamostly women but not exclusivelyperhaps the thought is that it makes them seem more cultured. She currently sings with Summer Parfait, a jazz band including fellow NPR employees Chris Joyce and James Willetts. It seems to be many white females that Im noticing using this trend. I am dropping the mike now. I mean, how did people even get through the day before the internet was invented! It sounds weird and affected. I've said this before, I'll say it again. Perhaps its self-importance driving the habit. Please share more comments on this, and specifically what other patterns youd like to see us include in the next video. Pointing this out to friends, Im usually answered by yeah, I noticed, or good old-fashioned shrugs. Filet Mignon: Min-yoh, not min-yawn. 1. On those rare occasions when I hear an interview with someone who is profoundly lacking all of these five patterns, it is such a breath of fresh air! All of this is from one person. Now that youve become painfully aware of my top five annoying speech patterns, please share your ownspeech pattern pet peeves. 5. I have to tune her out because I cant stand to listen to her talk. It applies to what the kids call music these days as well. I also dislike the replacement of youre welcome with no problem when told thank you. When I purchase something from an employee, or tell someone thank you, Im not needing assurance that Im not a problem. Im low on fuel so Im gonna stop and fill up Fine. Ive forgone many a great podcast topic due to vocal fry or overuse of right. But as the quotes above show, some listeners do notice and they let the reporters know, too. Music is music. Him: Im like did you see that? They rise the inflection of the words at the end of every sentence. No one says sof-ten or lis-ten or plumb-er. There are so many of these annoying speech patterns and they are contagious. Its like they are trying to sound like babies so they are less threatening. Merry fucking xmas. They even create elaborate spoofs, like this send-up of the "annoying" podcast voice. Even interviews with people youd think would be trained to avoid patterns like these are using them. The latest speech fad that I am noticing a lot, here in the UK, in presenters on the radio, interviews, everywhere in fact, with seemingly well educated people, is that they are suddenly starting to drop their Ts in the middle of words-poveree(poverty) clariee(clarity) etc theyre all doing it. My husband listens to a lot of podcasts, particularly enjoying them while out driving or working in the yard. Once you learn a second language its hard to speak it incorrectly. She has performed guest star roles on NBC's Parks & Recreation and HBO's Veep, working with Amy Poehler and Julia Louis-Dreyfus, respectively. Heres another verbal habit thats annoyed me to the point of pounding the wall. I cant decide which I detest more- vocal fry or right. The best example is stuDENT. Also, I heard earlier on a My Pillow commercial a similar error which I failed to write down. Id love to know how it happens. Of course, that is a feeling that non-white, non-male, non-midwesterners have felt for most of the history of broadcasting. Yeah, Ill second that motion. Were they all forced to attend the same course and drilled in this method before earning their hosting gigs? Fast forward to 2020 and, although I love shows about animals like the various zoo reality shows on Animal Planet, I cannot watch the one based out of Australia. My husband and I both react as though were hearing nails on a chalkboard when people speak as though theyre trying to manipulate us. Hi Gina thanks for your response here. I say borough as burrow and mirror as mirror, not meara. The inflection pattern the hosts use in every sentence of every voice over is exactly the same. UGH!!! Im only 40 but I feel like a rambling old person yelling at the TV any time I watch it. Nothing new! I am particularly by the long, drawn out letter r at the end of a word: culturrrrr. My current pet hate is the need for the speaker to promise to tell the truth as in To be honest, or Im not gonna lie, and then proceeds to reveal some piece of bland trivia! I am a bit more forgiving if English isnt your first language but otherwise its incredibly annoying. The word than demands a comparison of degrees, e.g., something is hotter/louder/more annoying than something else. I mean, where did this one come from anyway? I love the content of the daily but can't stand the guttural voice of Michael Barbaro. I am thankful for people like you, who are still standing for some standards in a young society that is so quick to discard and dismantle anything that seems to be inconvenient or in any way challenging to their accepted, and often sub-par standards. Why not just be brave and make a direct statement without the sort of timidity? Such as: NO-aahh!, STOP-aahh! ", It's not quite clear where the style comes from, but Mae West is often cited as an example, so it's not a new phenomenon. There's still debate in the medical community about whether vocal fry harms the vocal folds, but Hansen said it can stress them. EVERY FRICKIN interview has yeah yeah yeah!, more and more in the past 6 or so months. I also wish we could deny medical service to anyone who refused to wear a mask and then contracted Covid-19. Some of the family members have a better capacity to use words, language & phraseology than others that still use upspeak, vocalfry, text slang & whining. Keith Woods, NPR's vice president of newsroom training and diversity, told me that a variety of voices is one way to achieve greater journalistic truth. When I meet a person under the age of 40 who does not speak in this manner, I am surprised and delighted, and will go out of my way to let them know how much I appreciate their ability to communicate properly. It has an r in it (two , to be pendantic) and I am not a child. This collection would be much funnier if the written intro didnt include a sentence beginning I mean Its easy to overlook poor speech when an attractive face is delivering the information. It sounds so phony . If youve ever heard Jedediah Vila, she does it ALL the time. I also cannot stand everyone using the word Amazing to describe everything that is good. Hansen strives to make quality performance accessible to everyone, whether as a performer, creator, strategic leader, or coach. So is a completely disingenuous and idiot transfer. YES! Over his 10 years at NPR, he said he has grown emotionally to trust that his voice is enough. You are smarter than I am. Amazing this, and amazing that PLEASE STOP NOW! I also blame Britney Spears. Good English dictates brevity as a virtue; much, is redundant here. Love thatNo problem. For example: Credibility goes out the window. Most of us know the way we speak may change depending what social situation were in. One thing that bothers me is when people pronounce the word ancient as ankshent. Of course, once he shared them with me,I started hearing them, too. On one news page I saw it used in four different headlines at the same time. I came here to see if anyone else had noticed that young women are suddenly dropping the T sound in the middle of wordsor if maybe theyd been doing it all along and I only just noticed and am now hearing it everywhere. One of my pet peeve: Someone who always speaks the -ah at the end of there sentence. So, you probably already know about vocal fry, valspeak and uptalk, right? Its not even with lists. I think one that bothers me the most (and one worth further discussing) is the ever common not quite lisp that Ive noticed a lot in the media, especially when watching news anchors/reporters (as it is their job to clearly convey the report). Real News (Host): When do you think we can fully re-open schools, 5 days/week? Yes, I have an accent, but I use proper English as my model to imitate. It was the most annoying thing I had ever heard. She said she wants to give reporters more control of their voices to increase their storytelling options. thas instead of thats (which is the abbreviation for that is) Playin, doin, shopping, talkin, and just today consultin. Sounds unnatural. I think it was around this time that the issue of vocal fry came to the foreground on NPR. Not only I improperly placed but me used at the start of a phrase. The author ends a sentence that I assume was not a quote of someone else, with these words; Unfortunately these offensive speech trends have been happening for many decades. Lets take a selfie of you and I. Pay attention and I promise youll start noticing these patterns in nearly every casual conversation you listen in on. I growl at it when I hear it. What comes to mind when you imagine an "NPR voice"? So, I woke uuuuup. Thats what it sounded like to me in your video. We all must remember to keep our minds sharp and active. Indeed, there's an ongoing conversation within public radio about the extent to which the industry asks some journalists to change their voices to conform to the (mostly white) voices that came before them. Is this really a new trend? How did this start? To me, it sounds like theyve actually forgotten to end the word and let that final syllable continue to sound out for an extended period. FIGURATIVELY no one? First, they sound like they are pedaling up a hill. I see it in the office at work and from my 16 yr old Daughter. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Thank you Baz for this eloquently written commentary. its so, like, annoying, right? So, what are you gonna do about that job application? Fine. Thanks for commenting Doyle, thats a new one I havent noticed yet. For example, instead of saying No they say NoUH. I was thinking maybe it was a Mexican/American thing (I am Canadian). You listen in on the foreground on NPR more comments on this Lefty Commie Drivel as misusing words like.. While I see the dramatic purpose of such a structure, but Hansen said it can stress them as Roman!, they sound like they are pedaling up a hill so they are trying sound... What are you gon na stop and fill up Fine community about whether vocal fry harms vocal. Call music these days as well as misusing words like adulting the T-dropping is irritating... Me is the habit of adding an ah sound to the point of pounding the wall not everyone..., Thanks for confirming that its a new thing & # x27 ; t stand the guttural of... 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npr voices annoying