luke 9:28 36 explanation

Achtemeier, Paul J. and Elizabeth R., Proclamation, Epiphany, Series C (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1973), Barclay, William, The Daily Study Bible, The Gospel of Luke (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1953), Bock, Darrell L., The IVP New Testament Commentary Series: Luke, Vol. The Gospel of John in particular speaks of the cross as Christs glorification (John 12:23; 13:31-32). (28-36) An evil spirit cast out. Being exposed to the glory of God is an awesome and even terrifying experience. Having both of them appear on the Mount of Transfiguration seems to be a neat way of coalescing the whole Old Testament into Jesus ministry. English versions of the Bible vary widely in how they translate that verse. Even Peter keeps his mouth shut. Out of the group of 12 disciples, these three were ones Jesus focused even more on. Yet we are told that for a time during this epiphany of glory, the disciples were sleepy! 37It happened on the next day, when they had come down from the mountain, that a great multitude met him. But that is not to be. Maybe this reminds us, as we in this Year C Lectionary cycle are on the cusp of the Season of Lent, that we need to listen really closely to what Jesus says from the cross whenhaving given the last full measure of his own devotion to this broken worldhe cries out, It is accomplished!. WebLuke 9:28-36 - Matthew Henry's Whole Bible Commentary HomeCommentaries ReaderRelatedVerse Bible CommentsHomeCommentaries The Transfiguration. In an excellent book called The Incomparable Christ, author Oswald Sanders said, The presence of Moses and Elijah would be to them the pledge of their own immortality. We think it would be a cool experience to see God, perhaps like meeting a famous athlete or musician. Its honestly hard to explain and understand. The cloud was the symbol of the presence of God at Sinai (Exodus 24:15-16; 34:5), and it symbolizes Gods presence for these three disciples. Shortly before the Transfiguration, Jesus revealed to the disciples that The Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and the third day be raised up (9:22). This is at the heart of our Christian faith. Its not like Moses had gotten his face onto the $1 bill or that Elijah had had his visage plastered all over the place in Israel the way we Americans do with Abraham Lincolns face. I write these lines just after hanging up the telephone. Christ shares Gods glory. And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. Many prayers and much supplication. It would be too much for us. Copyright 2007, Philip McLarty. The glorification? We see Moses and Elijah, and we are strengthened to know there is life after the grave. They cannot encourage Jesus to stick with what they dont understand (and would resist if they did understand it). Jesus exodon (death/resurrection) is the great salvation event of the NT, freeing believers from bondage to sin and death. The truth is that Jesus did not need visibly to glow to display glory. III. The wonder of it. As we listen for Gods word in the sermon this morning, Id like for us to take a closer look at this second story the transfiguration of Jesus and, in particular, Id like for us to think about the radiance of God: What was it about being in the presence of God that was so apparent to the others the Israelites out in wilderness, the disciples up on Mount Herman? And they kept silent and told no one in those days anything of what they had seen. (See on [1610]Mt 16:13). With no human or earthly voices available to encourage Jesus, his Father steps in to provide new voices in the conversation. My head with oil thou didst not anoint: but this woman hath anointed my feet with ointment . 9:29 And while he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became dazzling white. Luke, the first-century physician, describes the problem as demon-possession. People seek inner peace, and they try all kinds of things to achieve it anything that will promise much, but demand little. They expect him to conquernot to die. Scripture says they were heavy with sleep butwere fully awake.(9:32) Another way of saying it is that they were in a stupor. The Jewish people expect Moses and Elijah to return to usher in the messianic era. Here we have Jesus at the top of the mountain being transfigured, receiving the visits of Moses and Elijah and they are talking Continue One example: Moses on Mt. Hed come to Sunday School and church every Sunday with his wife and kids, then, without warning, hed be gone. Indeed, by their very demeanor and words, they are actually tugging Jesus another direction! Not for nothing are they called Mountaintop Experiences! God the Father and his Son and even the angels have a glory about them. 29. The other gospels suggest that this took place six days later. A resource for the whole church from Luther Seminary. ; Cana : Jean 2 :1-11 inclut les Noces de Cana comme le premier miracle accompli par Jsus [21], [22]. Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep (v. 32a). The World English Bible is based on the American Standard Version (ASV) of the Bible, the Biblia Hebraica Stutgartensa Old Testament, and the Greek Majority Text New Testament. There is hardly anything else quite like it in the entire Bible. So weve looked at this surprising, once-in-a-lifetime story. Accounts of Moses as having gone to heaven are not in the Old Testament itself, but in Jewish tradition (Josephus, Ant, 4.326). 30 Suddenly they saw two men, Moses and Elijah, talking to him. Its real. From some frightening experience, we said or did something and we later wondered, Why did I do that?. The Third Readings: The Gospels (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2001), Fitzmyer, Joseph A., S.J., The Anchor Bible: The Gospel According to Luke I-IX (New York: Doubleday, 1970), Gilmour, S. MacLean & Knox, John, The Interpreters Bible, Volume 8. Peter never forgot this moment when he had a brief glimpse of the coming glory of Jesus Christ. 9:30 Suddenly they saw two men, Moses and Elijah, talking to him. Ascribe to the Lord, O families of the peoples, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength!. WebThe Pulpit Commentary - Luke 7:46. In the Bible, when a story takes us up to a To look on Gods face is to die (Exodus 33:20). Along its mighty forest-avenues, until the grass grew fair with the mountain lilies, his feet dashed in the dew of Hermon, he must have gone to pray his first recorded prayer about death, and from the steep of it, before he knelt, could see to the south all the dwelling-place of the people that had sat in darkness, and seen the great light - the land of Zabulon and of Naphtali, Galilee of the nations; could see, even with his human sight, the gleam of that lake by Capernaum and Chorazin, and many a place loved by him and vainly ministered to, whose house was now left unto them desolate; and, chief of all, far in the utmost blue, the hills above Nazareth, sloping down to his old home: hills on which the stones yet lay loose that had been taken up to cast at him, when he left them forever" (Ruskin, "Modern Painters," iv., 374). Peter will also link the Moses prophecy with Jesus in a sermon shortly after Pentecost (Acts 3:22). 35A voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son. The appearance of his face was alteredHis clothing became dazzling white.. Hymn Lists. Mark 9:6 says, he did not know what to say, for they were terrified., We might say he was out of his mind. Some of us might relate to this. The committee interviewed several candidates, and each made a positive impression. a mountainnot Tabor, according to long tradition, with which the facts ill comport, but some one near the lake. For Moses died 1400 years earlier, and Elijah was taken into heaven 800 years earlier, and here they are now in front of Peter, James, and John alive and in glory. Luke tells us that Peter did not know what he was saying, something which is quite evident. All that is within Luke 9:31-33 is distinctive. At this Transfiguration, God confirms that the new Moses-like prophet is Jesus, saying, This is my beloved Son. In that instance, they will actually fall asleep. (Nashville: Abingdon, 1995), Evans, Craig A., New International Biblical Commentary: Luke (Peabody, MA, Hendrickson Publishers, Inc., 1990), Farris, Stephen, in Van Harn, Roger (ed. They must be metamorphosed. In this case this stunning revelation of glory took place well out of the public eye and then, even for those human eyes that did take it in, there was a mixture of confusion, sleepiness, and then reticence to speak of it in the future. saves me time (retirement is just as busy as full time ministry) saves me money..(how quickly our libraries are dated!). For a few days, hed live on beef jerky and chewing tobacco. Either expression, as Stephen Farris points out in The Lectionary Commentary, could be the loose equivalent of saying about a week later. Yet, as Farris also suggests, in Lukes context the eighth day could be a prefigurement of the resurrection as well. And heres a warning: If any of us have not believed in Jesus Christ, we should tremble. And we must be resurrected, for 1 Corinthians 15 tells us that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. No restraint! Its easy to find a time-lapse video of this strange looking caterpillar forming a chrysalis, and then a couple weeks later opening up to display this butterfly. The temple was constructed on Mount Zion. Later, after the resurrection, he will make it clear that his death was necessary so that he might enter into his glory (Luke 24:26). Only 3 disciples went with him. More importantly, it marked a renewal of Gods covenant with Israel. Third, how can it be, following on one of the most dazzling visual spectacles that ever took place on this planet, that the bottom line from God the Father is Listen to him. Listen? My wife and a few friends are reading a book trying to describe the grandness and majesty and transcendence of God. And likewise, we can have greater assurance that the words of the NT are from firsthand eyewitnesses. He was an eyewitness to the majesty and glory of Christ on that mountain. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai (Exo. Go on and at least try to establish an earthly kingdom. Mark 14:33 and Matt 26:37 tell us that they will also be present at Gethsemane. Sometimes he says something beautiful, like earlier in Chapter 9 when he confesses that Jesus is the Christ. Nothing has worked. 28. an eight days after these sayingsincluding the day on which this was spoken and that of the Transfiguration. It builds faith, that all weve been taught is absolutely true. They went up onto the mountain to pray (v. 28c). Moses face shone so brightly that he found it necessary to wear a veil to shield people from the glare (Exodus 34:29-35). And for the worshiping congregation, Lent begins on the following Wednesday. This future glory of Christ when he comes again to earth soon is displayed for a short time on this mountaintop experience. However, these words are directed to the disciples rather than Jesus (as at the baptism). Yes, Jesus is going to suffer and die. And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, and James, and John his brother, and leadeth them to a high mountain apart; 2. His face was altered. WebLuke 9:28 Context Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers (28-36) And it came to pass.--See Notes on Matthew 17:1-13, and Mark 9:2-13. I am come unto Mine own and Mine own receive Me not; I am become a stranger unto My brethren, an alien to My mother's children: Consider Mine enemies, for they are many, and they hate Me with cruel hatred. 28 dNow about eight days after these sayings he took with him ePeter and John and James and fwent up on the mountain to pray. And while this looks a little one-dimensional compared to the computer-generated graphics were so accustomed to, its meant to represent their holiness. Abraham offered his son, Isaac, as a sacrifice to God on Mount Moriah (Gen. 22). Amen. So we may speculate a bit about why these two men appeared. WebLuke 9:28-36. Another possibility is that the proposal to build three booths equates Jesus with Moses and Elijahdiminishing Jesus unique status as the Messiah of God (see Peters confession in v. 20). 36 And when the voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone. WebThe transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-13; Mark 9:2-13; Luke 9:28-36) Jesus transfiguration took place on a high mountain, possibly Mount Hermon, which was not far from Caesarea Philippi. Jesus himself metamorphosed into some radically different. Though it may be more difficult to read a few words in this Gospel account and be similarly astonished, Jesus transformation here is more astonishing that anything weve ever witnessed. An experience the disciples never forgot. 30 And, behold, there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elias: 31 Who appeared in glory, and Strange. The word glory is used in the Bible to speak of various wonderful thingsbut it is used especially to speak of Gods gloryan aura associated with Gods appearance that reveals Gods majesty to humans. 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2. But in our smallness, we think God might be like us but only a little better. In parallel accounts of this we are told that Jesus tells them to keep it under wraps but not here: they just dont say anything. Dont disregard him. Here Peter strikes out. Lets make three tents: An action-man needs to act! 1. We do not want to face him without having our sins paid for by him. On one side of the bookshelf weve got Moses going up on Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments. Bring your son here., All Rights Reserved | 1997-2023 Richard Niell Donovan. In his prayerful agony, as he felt the weight of his impending suffering on the Cross, Jesus sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. There was a young woman in our church several years ago who, whenever she got up to speak or sing, had a certain aura about her. The story ends with the self-imposed silence (9:36), whereas in the parallels it is Jesus who commands the three disciples to be silent (Mark 9:9//Matthew 17:9). one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah (Luke 9:33). You shall listen to him (Deuteronomy 18:15). But then I read some of the biblical accounts when angels would appear in glory to Gods people, and those people were typically terrified. To me, its one of the more remarkable biological events. Scott Hoezee. We have here the narrative of Christ's transfiguration, which was designed for a specimen of that glory of his in which he will come to judge the world, of which he had lately been speaking, and, consequently, an encouragement to his disciples to suffer for him, and never to be In you I am well pleased (3:22). When Peter came to his senses and realized the significance of the moment, he said. Hed come back a different man revived and ready to go back to work. They were to do this that your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt. (1-2) Jesus calls them and sends them forth. The disciples will also have a problem with sleep at the Mount of Olives (22:45). WebA GLIMPSE OF GLORY Luke 9:28-36 From some aspects this was the highest point in our Savior's earthly career. To have Jesus entire body and clothing lit up like the sun, and to see two ancient biblical heroes appearing out of the past.well, whats the only response but amazement and fear? They were silent, and told no one in those days any of the things which they had seen (v. 36b). WebLuke 9:28 And it came to pass, about an eight days after those sayings About a week after he had declared the above things, at, or near to Caesarea Philippi. And was transfigured before them: and his face shone as the sun, and his garments became white as the light.3. The story of Elijahs going to heaven is told at 2 Kings 2:11-12. The story begins. Jesus reproach says that the disciples failure is due to their own faithlessness and perversityimplying lack of faith. This feature, which is also present in Matthews account (Matthew 17:2), is missing in Marks account, in which it is said only that Jesus was transfigured (Mark 9:2). Loud cries and tears. In the preceding section, Jesus was with the larger group of disciples. And the people should listen to him. WebLuke 9:28-36 The Radiance of God Dr. Philip W. McLarty The scripture lessons from the Old and New Testaments this morning are like bookends. And finally, to what extent is the radiance of God visible in your life today? The scripture lessons from the Old and New Testaments this morning are like bookends. We can go home today and live for Jesus and work for him because its all true. Powerful. As Jesus prepares to make his final trek toward Jerusalem (see Luke 9:51), he is talking increasingly about suffering, betrayal, and death. Prayer is a Lets make three tents: one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah, not knowing what he said (v. 33). when, however, they had thoroughly awakened, And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. 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luke 9:28 36 explanation