gymnastics flexibility exercises pdf

The aim of this study was to review the tests used to measure flexibility in gymnastic disciplines. gymnastics flexibility exercises pdf gymnastics flexibility exercises pdf. I do not mean to imply that every report of pain should be panicked over, and that simple muscular strains are not a common occurrence. So, what are some solutions to maybe moving away from aggressive stretching/ankle weights but still developing beast like leaps/jumps? 132 146, Sands WA, McNeal J. Place your left arm across your chest to the right side. The hip is a bit opposite of this, having a deeper socket with more joint congruency. I will take a few paragraphs to explain the current body of research on stretching, outlining some important studies that have been done. 2016. Conflicting Research on Foam Rolling and Other Soft Tissue Care, Why Movement Assessments Are Key For Finding The Root Problem, Components of Splits and Handstand Flexibility, Not Feeding The Fire with Strength and Physical Preparation, How to Help Working In Complexes vs Just Stretching, Points for Knee/Elbow Hyper Extension and Ankle Toe Point Safety. The gymnast is depending on those static stability structures because they probably have issues related to their muscles and nervous system not being able to assist withdynamic stability. A systematic review. Neurological vs Mechanical Effects of Stretching, Why We Must Change Certain Stretches for Safety. This creates a huge range of mobility for the shoulder joint, but in exchange for inherently less stability. This allows for more inherent weight-bearing stability but may limit the natural mobility the hip can achieve. 30-60 seconds per targeted muscle group, no more than 5/10 discomfort level. Konrad A, Tip M. Increased range of motion after static stretching is not due to changes in muscle and tendon structures. exercises, and stretching exercises are the only kind you are able to do, do them at least 3 times a week, for at least 20 minutes each session. Everyone in gymnastics should understand that there are many subcomponents of split, overhead handstand, or behind the back patterns that must be worked on. The ability of the good quality gymnastics are based. This is not always the case, but the vast majority of young gymnasts fall into this category once you move past the recreational level. If you are more curious about learning the medical side of hip injuries in hyper-flexible athletes, I highly recommend reading these articles. Just as we must reverse engineer each of these technical issues to why a gymnast is unable to make a giant over, we must take the same approach to flexibility training. Before kicking this off, please keep in mind that I wrote an entire book chapter on gymnastics flexibility, which you can download and find for free here. We want to make sure we are not over-stretching or overstressing passive structures like the shoulder ligaments and capsules. For the most part, these structures cannot change too much unless surgery of some nature is performed, or through adaptation across many years as is seen when children grow or participate in overhead throwing sports from a young age. Its not always because they are not trying hard enough. They measured ankle range of motion and end range stiffness before and after these stretches. I have seen what was thought to be sore shoulders turn into rotator cuff damage and shoulder instability, requiring surgery to correct. The farther the loadis away from the joint, the more force it will haveon it. 2018. Then brainstorm how to divide out the group of gymnasts who may or may not fit, and who may need an alternative exercise based on their issues. Many people want to know what the best approach is, either static or dynamic, if they should be aiming to increase range of motion, what are the best drills, and so on. 2017 Apr;21(2):446-451. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2016.11.006. Many people say how easy their jumps and skills feel after taking them off, but I think this is a short-lived neurological trick that may not have the best long term carry over. Most gymnasts in general (and especially people with chronic ankle sprains) tend to hang out in this position at rest. It has been great to see so many great surgeons, healthcare providers, and strength coaches share their thoughts and describe what still needs to be considered. Jumping and landing athletes are already at a huge risk for ACL tears, not to mention the even higher risk for young developing female athletes. A paper by Weppler / Magnussun in 2010 (find it here, A paper by Ben / Harvey in 2010 (find it here, A reduction in the amount of stiffness or compliance within muscles (viscoelasticity), although likely transient, An increase in the length of contractile units within muscles (sarcomeregenesis) especially if eccentrics are used, Increases in the water content, blood flow, and temperature within muscles acutely, A 2018 systematic review by Thomas et al (, The issue is not with use of stretching. doi:10.1007/s00167-016-4342-4, Kalisvaart MM, Safran MR. Microinstability of the hip-it does exist: etiology, diagnosis, and treatment. A rolled ankle or inversion sprain is definitely among the most common for gymnasts. Background Anatomy and Understanding Hypermobility, Beightons Testing and Links to Capsular Laxity. Because exercise can shorten your muscles, skipping your post-activity stretch can decrease your mobility over time. Not only do they happen quite a bit as a first time injury for a gymnast, they seem to keep popping up as re-occuring injuries for many gymnasts leading to cumulative issues down the road. In Wilk KE, Reinold MM, Andrews JR., The Athletes Shoulder: 2nd Edition. Now after saying that over split training is not inherently dangerous or going to create injury automatically, we all must realize there are severe consequences for not approaching split flexibility correctly. Phys Ther. It is not always about the length of the muscle at one spot like the hip or shoulder that makes everything goes right. As a result, they have more ability to positively increase an athletes overall amount of shoulder or hip flexibility. This is where the third layer of dynamic stabilizers and muscles comes into play. This is a central concept to the work my mentors Mike Reinold and Lenny Macrina teach their patients about, due to how much it changes their mobility. Hip impingementrefers to the femur bone and pelvic bones make contact with each other at extremeranges of motion, most times causing pain andpossiblydamaging the soft tissue in between. The effects of myofascial release with foam rolling on performance. I am not responsible or liable for any negative consequences that come from applying the ideas below. However, the rationale for this is in a different context. In Cardinale M, Newton R, Nosaka K,Strength and Conditioning: Biological Principles and Practical Applications. The glute muscles, deep hip rotators, other surrounding hip muscles, and core are essential for hip safety and performance. A growing body of research refutes these mechanical theories, suggesting instead that in subjects who are asymptomatic, increases in muscle extensibility observed immediately after a single stretching session, and after short-term (3-8 week) stretching regimes are predominantly due to modification in subjects sensation. (18). Some naturally flexible gymnasts have a bony alignment where the hip socket is not as deep. *Readers Note This gymnastics flexibility guide is a very long and in-depth blog post. Moving from here, I will start covering specific joints and ways to help. These are just anecdotal experiences, but they are in line with what the literature outlines. Self-soft tissue work refers to using foam rollers, lacrosse balls, tennis balls, or other implements to help massage different muscular areas of the body. In a research study by Ben and Harvey (9), thirty healthy adult individuals were compared to 30 people in a matched control group to see if regular hamstring stretching would. By using a variety of drills that include the basic movements (hip extension, shoulder flexion with rotation, etc.) This stretching exercise improves strength, stability and flexibility of the entire body. When used in the right context, it can augment the flexibility needed for advanced leaps or jumps, inbar skills, and tumbling mechanics. Its my opinion that the sport of gymnastics has yet to use a systematic, individualized, science-based system to flexibility methods in training. Surrounding the ball and socket of the shoulder is something called the joint capsule as well as ligaments. Am J Sports Med 2011 39: 85S. Also, aggressively pushing a gymnast down in a split or not taking the time to break down why someone is limited can also lead to serious injuries. An important note is that some athletes may have different bony morphology of their hips in which their femur or hip socket is more rotated forward (anteverted) or backward (retroverted). Im not saying all the stretches or flexibility approaches we use must be discontinued because they are dangerous. I know there is a large spectrum of positive or negative views on soft tissue work. Examination, treatment, intervention, and rehabilitation for athletes should only be performed by a licensed medical professional. Within a few days of modification, advice from a qualified medical provider, and time to heal, issues may resolve quickly. eccentrics, or skill training, is mainly what causes changes in the muscle tissue itself. Within all these studies, there were undoubtedly methodological issues that need to be considered. More research is needed, but this concept of natural boney adaptations in gymnasts is a central idea I feel will emerge in years to come. If a gymnast is already very mobile and lax, pushing further on the ankle joint my only be making it worse. Beam, Parallel Bar, High Bar Technique Drills for Handstands of Behind the back motions (male gymnasts), When this circuit approach is done with an idea of consistency over intensity, followed by proper gymnastics technique or strength programming, I think it has a substantial effect on long-lasting. They include rope, hoop, ball, clubs, and ribbon. Increasing muscle extensibility: a matter of increasing length or modifying sensation? This allows for more or less inherent flexibility, but as always many other factors contribute. Dr. Dave Tilley DPT, SCS, CSCS Keywords: gymnastics, stretching exercises, flexibility, balance 1. In its most basic form, stretching involves taking a muscle to its end range of motion, and holding the elongated state for a period of time. Arabesque - a body shape on one leg with the other leg extended behind the body To help clarify, many use the analogy of the sleeve of a shirt to visually highlight the joint capsule. In conjunction with this, due to the gymnasts underlying lack of static stability from the ligaments and capsule, they will need absolutely pristine strength, physical preparation, and dynamic stability from their muscles around the joint. When correctly applied certain stretches into this position can augment skill development. Doing a high volume of these movements may create ongoing stiffness in these areas, and as a result further contribute to the persistent loss of overhead mobility. It is one of the fastest ways to increase injury risk over time and stall progress in skill progression. 21, 788-792., https://, https://www.ncbi.nlm. J Athl Train 2004;39:254-8. These two things often happen together in very flexible gymnasts, theoretically as the contact of the femur on the pelvis creates a fulcrum type point for the head of the femur to lever against contributing instability. Healey KC, et al. The traditional model of gymnastics typically involves twenty to thirty-minute time periods where static stretches are held, active flexibility drills are done, or specific exercises are repeatedly done in high volume to gain range of motion. In this setting, we are looking to ramp down the body and assist in recovery (known as facilitating parasympathetic tone). Effect of self-myofascial release on myofascial pain, muscle flexibility, and strength: A narrative review. So I know this has been an absolute beast of an article. In particular, the knee and elbow joints can be areas that if overly stretched, can become problematic. Lastly and most importantly, this complex approach tends to create much more engagement from gymnasts, as the longer static holding of flexibility can be very prolonged and monotonous. Active Flexibility in New Range of Motion and Eccentrics Slowly stretch into the desired position, as far as possible without pain, and hold the stretch for 15-60 seconds. They outline, as do many other great researchers, that correctly performed stretching bouts of 10- 30s that move to tolerable discomfort can be effective. Soft Tissue care, specific stretching, and eccentrics can help male gymnasts get where they need to be. Without the ability to assess these various factors, it can be very challenging to make progress in flexibility. This is unlike the hip joint, which due to having a deeper hip socket (remember hips are built for weight-bearing while shoulders are not) has more inherent stability with less mobility. Im glad you asked! It is common to see many gymnastics strength programs that train a high volume of pull-ups, leg lifts, rope climbs, and push-ups. By the end of a few months, they usually just throw their hands up and say he/she is just unflexible, they have bad genetics. This site is oriented to my opinions and thoughts regarding the subject matter. I would suggest that these very mobileof gymnasts need more work learning to control the motion they have both with basic movements and with complex movements that involve higher forces and fast reaction times. Hip and shoulder flexibility limitations are one main contributor I see clinically to wrist, elbow, shoulder, lower back, and hip injuries in gymnasts. For choreography or specific drills, this may be very appropriate when not pushed quickly to extreme ranges of motion. I feel this issue comes up during fast dynamic movements like jumps, kicking drills, leaping, running, mens pommel work, and so on. If you took the time to read through everything, a major kudos to you. Beardsley C, Skarabot J. significant difference (p > .05). Readers are encouraged to only operate within their scope of practice. Trying to aggressively push through that bony or ligamentous limitation will only lead to pain and headaches for all involved. Journ Sport Rehab, 2015, 24, 286 292, Nelson RT, Bandy WD. (41-42, 44-45). the increased range of motion could not be explained by the structural changes in the muscle-tendon unit and was likely due to increased stretch tolerance possibly due to adaptation in nociceptive nerve endings.. The research in the world of hip micro instability, labral tears, hip stress fractures, and other injuries commonly seen in gymnasts has been rapidly developing in the last decade. The physical examination of the glenohumeral joint: Emphasis on the stabilizing structures. Unfortunately, this leaves the gymnast feeling very defeated as if something is wrong with them, not to mention still struggling with skills and possibly at an elevated injury risk. Kalichman L1, Ben David C2. When this is the case, there may be a more optimal approach based on the anatomy of the shoulder joint. J Bodyw Mov Ther. Like in the shoulder, natural mobility of the hip allows them to move through a greater motion. The analogy I use with people from a coaching background is to compare it to the giant swing and the necessary components to complete the skill. In terms of stretching induced neurological changes to the muscle tissue, the majority of the articles theorize that the main reasons behind this include, All of these mechanisms may be occurring as people stretch consistently over a long period of time. It may very well be a minor strain. Hipinstabilityrefers tothe hip moving into to those same endranges of motion without strength/control, causing the head of the femur to partially slide out of the hip socket. With this mobility comes the huge need to be strong, have very good technique, and have exceptional muscular stability. Many great studies have outlined how hip ligaments and labrum may get strained at very end ranges that are unprotected or repetitively subjected to high force (as seen in several gymnastics skills). 10 Minute Gymnastics Flexibility Circuits, Download SHIFT's Free Gymnastics Pre-Hab Guide, I usually start any discussion that I have with coaches or gymnasts related to flexibility on some basic anatomy. The Layer Concept, Determining the Pain Generators, Pathology, and How Structure Determines Treatment. Flexibility 5 Flexibility In addition to the strength/conditioning program, the coach must also provide training for the enhancement of flexibility. The Approach to the Evaluation and Surgical Treatment of Mechanical Hip Pain in the Young Patient. It may help reverse the hypoxic or acidic environments that occur during challenging workouts. In the most basic sense, I dont think oversplits are inherently bad for gymnasts. I think the more accurate way to describe them is that over splits may be bad for a particular gymnast at that moment in time. This is why I now mainly approach flexibility in larger complexes. Helpful or Not? clinbiomech.2014.04.013. Between coaching, treating, and consulting in gymnastics around the world, offering advice on flexibility has become a staple in my work. Zollner AM., et al. Please keep in mind that application of this material is a personal choice, and in no way is the author responsible for those choices. Clinics in Sports Medicine July 2016Volume 35, Issue 3, Pages 435-447, Weber, et al. I am incredibly grateful for all the research they have conducted. Int J Sports Med. Clin Sports Med 30 (2011) 349-367. PLOS, 2012, 7(10): 1-10, Kubo K., Kanehisa H., Fukunaga, T. Effect of stretching training on the viscoelastic properties of human tendon stiffness in vivo. Why Do So Many Gymnasts Struggle Even When They Stretch Daily? Approaching this goes back to the chapter on why an interdisciplinary approach to the future of gymnastics is needed. In all cases except two, (Janot et al., 2013; Peacock et al., 2014) there were no changes in performance measures following any of the SMFR protocols used. I think that daily soft tissue care is one important piece of the puzzle. Dynamic flexibility is often the focus during warm-up exercises. This can happen withhip flexing movements (think front leg high kick or leap) as the front of the femur bone makes contact with the front of the pelvis (impingement) and then the contact acts as a fulcrum for thefemoral head toslide out the back of the hip joint (instability). One example of this would be replacing a commonly used shoulder stretches for overhead handstand flexibility in training. 1) improve range of motion and (7-9, 17). Many gymnasts with stiff hips could benefit from a bit less squatting and jumping, and repace those exercises with glute and hamstring work. Click here to read our full privacy policy. Again, these are just my thoughts. Tissues most commonly targeted are the latissimus dorsi, teres major, and pec muscles. They accurately outline that areas like muscular strength and joint control must be trained in parallel with stretching. Draovitch P, Edelstein J, Kelly BT. They concluded, that both Hold Relax Stretching and Static Stretching can increase end range of motion, which may be because of the decreases in muscle stiffness and modified stretch tolerance during the stretch application. When an athlete reports hip or shoulder pain, far too many people are jumping to the conclusion and assuming that these reports of pain are just pulled muscles. ISJPT 9(6) 2014. Harvey L, Herbert R, Crosbie J. In spite of a fairly Download My New Free 10 Minute Gymnastics Flexibility Circuits Send Me the Circuits! Without a proper movement assessment being done first, the application of regular stretching and other flexibility exercises may fall short of revealing progress. They try videos from the internet, are disciplined about stretching at practice and at home, do active flexibility, try different medical providers, and all sorts of home remedies, only to come up short. As mentioned above, the research mainly leans towards changes in perceived discomfort through neurological mechanisms over changes to muscle tissue, especially in the short term (41-42). I urge people to not automatically push splits or pull shoulders open when they see a gymnast with limited range of motion. A very useful research review on this topic was performed by Weppler and Magnusson titled, Increasing Muscle Extensibility: A Matter of Increasing Length or Modifying Sensation? (18). Its my opinion that other aspects to physical preparation like strength or skill training, cause more structural changes to muscle tissue due to their higher force and volume nature. Sometimes in such a high force sport, these bumps and bruises are inevitable. However, more recent research has supported the idea that foam rolling and properly designed dynamic warm-ups prior to training appear to have no significant negative effects on performance, may enhance it, and also positively impact the range of motion in various muscle groups (49-50). The reality of flexibility training is there will be some discomfort that is associated with it. They can easily perform flexibility drills, achieve tumbling or bar lines, create basic gymnastics shapes and proceed through lower-level skills. I strongly suggest people who may be unknowingly pushing knees down more in oversplits, or feet elevated pike stretches stop and think about why they chose to certain stretching interventions. 3556). It consists of two upper-body sessions, and two legs and core sessions, hitting each muscle group twice per week. 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gymnastics flexibility exercises pdf