desdemona's propensity for lying and deception quote

She is kind, loyal, an innocent and above all the love she has for Othello is pure. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. Thy match was mortal to him, and pure grief Shore his old thread in twain. Constantly talking about another man to your husband would always bring questionably doubt to anyone even a devout good person like Desdemona. Charles Stross. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! At this time, a woman was expected to show total obedience to the male authority in her life, but Desdemona is now transitioning from loyalty to her father to loyalty to her new husband. on 50-99 accounts. "Oh heavy ignorance! I was obsessed with drama at school, and I studied the play for my English GCSE. That song tonight / Will not go from my mind (IV.iii.2730). The blood of Duncan is upon our hands, with Timon werage against the world, and when Lear wanders out upon the heath the terror of madness touches us. Let Othello subject Desdemona to a lie-detector test; his jealousy will still blind him to the evidence. When Iago 's with Othello he tells him, "look to your wife, observe her well with Cassio. The manner in which Desdemona is murderedsmothered by a pillow Desdemona's intentions for lying were good because Desdemona loved Othello she decided to protect him from getting angry. Iagos plans sets in motion when he suggest that Desdemona put in a good word for cassio so he could get his position back. Desdemona is the part that everyone wants, but Iago's wife Emilia is the one I've always been drawn to. They were seen as possessions rather than being just as equally human and capable of duties performed by men. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on / Commend me to my kind The quote shows that at this point Desdemona feels confident in her relationship and sure that she can persuade her husband to share her perspective. Even though deception is defined as trickery and malicious, deception can be through its intentions. Instead of discussing her domestic problems with someone else she shouldve just been more open with Othello and talk to him about the problem. Though the Duke at first suggests that, Brabantio exits, but not before warning Othello to watch, Because Othello must leave for Cyprus that night, he decides that, Iago and Roderigo are left alone. so powerful. Poor Desdemona! Othello to forgive Cassio. after defending her choice of marriage to her father in Act I, scene Take Othello. They have no doubts, the young, no fear, no pride. (one code per order). Desdemonas virtues becomes her flaws and her deceptive action all contribute to her downfall. This is not Shakespeares version of Othello, although anyone familiar with the Bards take on the tragic marriage can glean right off the bat that things are heading in the straight direction. Quotes 1. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. Desdemona says this line when she realizes she is torn between her father and her new husband. You don't have to be right, you don't have to be reasonable. lord. Do you have a favorite quote about liars? She, not Othello, asks Emilia to put her wedding sheets on the bed, If it is adultery of which she is accused then there has been no opportunity, but if it is more generally alleged that she has had sexual relations with cassio and even with others then we do not know that she has not. Votes: 4, You are my country, Desdemona. Although deception is always meant to deceive, aIgos deception is much more severe. View bestsellers, featured, top rated, classics, hidden gems, and new releases. (one code per order). My Egypt. Nothing in life happens by chance everything has actions that have consequences. Molly Friedenfeld. Desdemona's elopement. Analysis. Jealousy is predominantly concerned with the fear of loss of something one possesses, envy with the wish to own something another possesses. as well. Iago Timeline and Summary. Follow AzQuotes on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Get books for your students and raise funds for your classroom. In the previous four acts, Iago did many insidious things to convince Othello of Desdemona's betrayal. And the third, they were husband and wife. One certainly misses the physical of Iago because he is, after all, one of Shakespeares top three villains easy, but even the specter of Iago is powerful enough to keep him in mind. . Confusion, yes. In this blog post, we will explore the nature of lying and deception through the eyes of some of historys greatest minds. Venetian society brain washed Desdemonas mind due to how she was raised. Like the audience, Desdemona seems able only to watch as her husband You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. But heres my Seriously, though, just in case it was not clear from the title, the central character is not Desdemonas husband. The blood of Duncan is upon our hands, with Timon werage against the world, and when Lear wanders out upon the heath the terror of madness touches us. I wouldn't mind Leanne ending up dead. Desdemonas innocence is part of her undoing because she never stops to think about how her behavior might appear to someone who is viewing it with suspicion. Votes: 3, Or in my grandparents's case, the circling worked like this: as they paced around the deck the first time, Lefty and Desdemona were still brother and sister. is driven insane with jealousy. William Shakespeare and Othello Background. The reliance of the handkerchief is inappropriate in that the play could have dramatically changed very easily if it wasnt lost, and if Desdemona couldve handled that situation better. Its a fact that a persons flaws get noticed more than the good theyve done. " This shows how Othello's mental violence caused him to become verbally violent with his wife. And I loved her that she did pity them., I kissed thee ere I killed thee: no way but this, At least not to those I dont love. Wharton research shows that spillover anger -- not sadness or another emotion -- leads to deception. In literature, a tragic flaw (or hamartia in Greek) is a trait that causes a character's downfall. Take Othello. You are the lord of duty. Poor Desdemona! She denied her father any right in choosing or granting allowance to Othello to marry her. Othello is left with the body of, searches his chamber and finds a sword. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. Like Emilia a battered wife whos gone through much more in life, Desdemona abandons her ability to think for herself. Synonyms for DECEPTION: deceit, deceptiveness, fraud, cheating, deceitfulness, cunning, lying, duplicity; Antonyms of DECEPTION: sincerity, artlessness, guilelessness . Since her first There are no preconditions for jealousy. He draws the curtains back around the bed to hide, Emilia opens the curtains and to her horror sees, almost proudly) admits that he killed her for being unfaithful to him. The handkerchief was the first gift he gave to Desdemona, so it possesses enormous sentimental value to Othello. Iago suffers from envy of the position held by Cassio, to which he feels entitled. Perdition catch my soul But I do love thee! It means doomed." Desdemona Well, right from the opening lines, it is clear that this particular incarnation of Othello's wife is a real "up" person. Juliet singles out Romeo. It made Othello wonder if she can deceive her own father what makes him think she wont deceive him as well. They have no doubts, the young, no fear, no pride. Desdemona thought she had just misplaced the handkerchief, and that she would soon find it, but if she told Othello she had lost it he would become furious. How does Cassio fall from Othellos grace and get fired? Desdemona insists to Emilia that Othello is not a jealous man. words are, Nobody, I myself. They trifle with the best affections of our nature, and violate the most sacred obligations. Desdemona wakens and calls him to bed, but he tells her to pray at once, repenting anything she needs to repent, and he will wait while she prays because he does not want to kill her soul. Had the Vicar been a devout Catholic, he would doubtless have crossed himself, as it was he gave a kind of holy groan, and rolled up his forehead, as he was wont to do when any . The . To be able to convince a man of his wife's infidelity you have to have a strong relationship with him, which is what Iago does. George Crabbe Lying, Deceit, Sacred 72 Copy quote The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions. Purchasing Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. to stone. Good intensions dont always have good outcomes, because due to her deceit her father died. A Highly Evolved Propensity for Deceit. He says that he thinks it likely that Cassio does indeed love, to do, but that he will make sure to see to it himself. If theyre possibilities that what she is being alleged for can happened and has substantial evidence against her then who wouldnt believe it? of having lago "quote almost verbatim" from contemporary antifeminist handbooks when talking to Desdemona, an ideal wife.6 Here I take Heminges's and Condell's advice and the Coleridge-Camden tradition a few steps further to show that II, 1 is a necessary and well-fitted part of Shakespeare's most tightly constructed tragedy, one that moves the . Othello, act 5, sc.2, l.368-9. Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. A mistake Desdemona makes is that she decides to ask Iago for help because she wants him to confirm her fidelity to Othello to the man who condemned her from the start was not a good idea. The pattern of strawberries on the kerchief had been printed with the dye from the hearts of mummified virgins and so its suggestive of a guarantee of virginity. Desdemona Quotes in Othello The Othello quotes below are all either spoken by Desdemona or refer to Desdemona. But the truth is sometimes hidden from us also. Rudyard Kipling, Truth is generally the best vindication against slander. Abraham Lincoln, Telling the truth all the time is not impossible; it just requires more effort than most people are willing to expend. Bill Vaughan, Deceit, flirtation, and manipulation are the skills of a liar. Nothing extenuate, nor set down aught in malice. If she be not honest, chaste, and true, there's no man happy. They have no doubts, the young, no fear, no pride. To you I am bound for life and education. "I'll see before I doubt, when I doubt, prove,/ And on the proof is no more but this: / Away at once with love or jealousy!" 41566526. Let Oedipus triumph over gravity; he won't triumph over his fate. If Desdemona couldve just gave up trying to help cassio because it was clear Othello wasnt listening to her about him she wouldnt have giving him reasons to doubt her fidelity. My life and education both do learn me Renews March 8, 2023 Shore his old thread in twain. In the beginning of the play Iago tells Roderigo that "In following him, I follow but myself; heaven is my judge, not I for love and duty, But seeming so, for my peculiar end" (1.1.60-62) Iago doesn't follow Othello because of love or because of honor he follows Iago for his own reasons. Quotes tagged as "desdemona" Showing 1-8 of 8. 1603-4 Iago. The Duke promises to help Brabantio prosecute the man who has seduced, must go to Cyprus to lead its defense. Lying is usually verbal. | I am glad thy father's dead. Deception is causing to believe something false. Votes: 3, I look forward to the day when indigenous actors can play Hamlet and Ophelia and not just Othello and Desdemona. Space-ships and time machines are no escape from the human condition. In this key passage (2.1.191-254), Iago persuades Roderigo that Desdemona loves Cassio. Take Othello. There is a lot of lack of communication between Othello and Desdemona. Her singing the willow song foreshadows her death, an proves shes given up hope. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% Subscribe now. Thy match was mortal to him, and pure grief Renews March 7, 2023 The moment she lost the handkerchief it caused the exact opposite of the mystical powers of the handkerchief to worked its bad luck on Desdemona. Votes: 4, Othello' was my first Shakespearean discovery. It means ill fated. 1. may be intentional, meant to portray the way Desdemona herself feels Quotes to show she is can stand up for herself, She shows great strength in her perseverance to defend Cassio and when her husband strikes her in public she responds abruptly in defence, I have not deserved this. (Act 4, Scene 1), Quote to show Desdemona will defend Othellos nature to the very end. O, the "willow trees, willow trees they remind me of Desdemona. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. the same chiding, almost mischievous wit in Act III, scene iii, Against all rules of nature., She loved me for the dangers I had passed, Iago suffers from envy of the position held by Cassio, to which he feels entitled. Desdemona unwittingly colludes in the preparation of the scene of her ritual demise, you see how shes change from a young lade to a sexual alert, vivid person to a frozen body. 1603-4 Othello. Though she maintains to the end We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make yourown. thissection. The first way to lie artistically is to tell the truth - but not all of it. Type above and press Enter to search. The word, Desdemona, means misery. More books than SparkNotes. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near." Sun tzu, The Art of War Ours is the white sinlessness of Desdemona, and ours, also, the sin of Iago. Graziano enters to find Othello armed and mourning, takes out a hidden dagger and stabs himself. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. She cannot help being made into a sign, and she cannot determine her signification. If Desdemona just told Othello the truth about the handkerchief and Emilia had decided on another course of actions then Iago wouldnt have substantial evidence against Desdemona. My name is Desdemona. Woman in time depend for their class status from their affiliation with man, and Desdemona throws away that status and the protection is affords when she marries outside the categories her cultures allow. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Let Oedipus triumph over gravity; he won't triumph over his fate. and she asks Emilia to bury her in these sheets should she die first. This quote shows Iago manipulate Othello into making him beware of Desdemona actions. Thou praisest the worst best.". To you I am bound for life and education. He falls onto the bed next to, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. me of nothing". Votes: 4 Connie Brockway Poor Desdemona! Collins complete works of Oscar Wilde, HarperCollins UK, Franny Billingsley (2011). Votes: 3, We become lovers when we see Romeo and Juliet, and Hamlet makes us students. She had a song of willow. Or in my grandparents's case, the circling worked like this: as they paced around the deck the first time, Lefty and Desdemona were still brother and sister. She is too pure and kind hearted but lacks worldly wisdom. This hand of yours requires 45. "It is most true; true I have married her" (Othello) Act 1 Scene 3: Othello explains to the Senate he is not a thief, just a married man. The way the content is organized. I kissed thee ere I killed thee. What she does not yet know is that her own husband is the rogue in question. 1.1 Iago tells Roderigo about Othello's marriage. and at the same time the waters rushing past remind. Desdemona is at fault in her wifely conduct and innocently supplies the evidence that leads to her own death through assertion of her own independence. He was neither right nor reasonable, and Desdemona ended up dead. I wonder why the woman who stood against her father before the venetian senate goes so submissively to her death. Evil to the core he may be, but one has to admit that Shakespeares Iago does bring humor to the tragedy, as black as that comedic sensibility may be. Iago does have a point when he accuses Desdemona of being a clever actress, for she has indeed managed to deceive her father completely, and to go absolutely against his wishes. Juliet singles out Romeo. of her first speech (My noble father, / I do perceive here a divided Desdemona's great fault is the marriage with Moor. Dec. 22, 2008. Andre Malraux. New York: Routledge, 2002. Act 1 Scene 1: Desdemona has slipped out unnoticed. Quote in an aside reveals that she is capable of deception. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! Votes: 4, Poor Desdemona! . Cassio quotes which show Desdemona to be a paragon of goodness, thessential vesture of creation; - part of Gods natural order, Iagos Act 2 scene One soliloquy which presents Desdemona as good, O banish me, my lord, but kill me not!Kill me tomorrow; let me live tonight!But half an hour!But while I say one prayer!. Iago again says that his suspicions are likely false. Wintermonat 1967: Hefegebck Simpel - Horner Rennbahn (als U3) In groe Fresse haben Nchten wichtig sein fnfter Tag der Woche vllig ausgeschlossen Sabbat und am Herzen liegen Sonnabend eon praline bei weitem nicht Erholungszeit und Vor . How does Iago use Bianca to trick Othello? Desdemona and Othello get into a verbal argument and on page one-hundred Othello calls her the "devil. Struggling with distance learning? Iago's Revenge Against Othello Quotes. The ways she tried to convince Othello to give cassio back his position was not the smartest way. However, Iago reveals that he is just looking to make a profit., In Iago's soliloquy at the end of Act 2 Scene 1, we find out why Iago really wants to go after Cassio. Barrier, The problem with being a liar is you can never believe anyone else. Chloe Thurlow, Stop falling for those who wont raise you up in the future. Michael Bassey Johnson, People dont lie to contaminate truth. 15 likes. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Othello and. $24.99 He is overjoyed to see, his second soliloquy. "Put out the light, and then put out the light. I understand a fury in your words But not your words. Tools to track, assess, and motivate classroom reading. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. You are my country, Desdemona. Desdemona claims Othello. lines 6184, when she attempts to persuade George C. Williams's WHY WE GET SICK "This is the most important book written about issues in biomedicine in the last fifty years. Othello suffers from the fear that he has lost Desdemona's love. Sometimes it can end up there. Well, so for much that: Othello is a real up person as well. Yippie ki-yay and all that shit"- Desdemona Fox". PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. William Shakespeare and Othello Background. Explore books by genre, topic, reading level, or series to find your next read. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, p.846, Wordsworth Editions, John Heywood (1867). Iago used several tactics to set up Othello for deception in this case. Self-deception fools all of the people all of the time. On a street in Venice, Italy, Roderigo, a nobleman, and Iago are in the middle of an argument. The handkerchief is used as the one and only piece of major evidence to prove the infidelity of Desdemona. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. Print. If its bad intensions then the person is bad. Why does Othello care about Desdemonas handkerchief. Sometimes it can end up there. The story is still there, but, man, what a slog it becomes to get through. Together they rat out Othello and Desdemona to Desdemona's father. Even when Desdemona does speak out, she seems to accept that Othello has the right to kill her if he wants to. Iago: "It is a common thing - to have a foolish wife" Once he has the handkerchief: "Go, leave me" and she leaves - acts hatefully towards his own wife. Votes: 4 Agatha Christie You are my country, Desdemona. 6. lack of understanding. The Essay Writing ExpertsUK Essay Experts. as stereotypically weak and submissive ignore the conviction and authority Desdemona is extremely nave, but we can believe that she has been faithful and has never thought of straying from her husband. The proverbs and epigrams of John Heywood: with an app. Its understandable that they just couldve sat down and discuss their problems, iagos lies wouldnt work. When Othello demands proof of Desdemona's deception, Iago tells Othello to use his eyes. Every day we present the best quotes! The blood of Duncan is upon our hands, with Timon werage against the world, and when Lear wanders out upon the heath the terror of madness touches us. My hot, harrowing desert and my cool, verdant Nile, infinitely lovely and unfathomable and sustaining. Similarly, critics who argue that Desdemonas slightly bizarre bawdy Emilia is right, this is exactly what has happened. $24.99 Othello give Desdemona the handkerchief as a symbol of his love. Since Desdemona was brave enough to defy her father and marry the man she wanted, that act of independence took away the gender barriers of the Venetian society and it threatened the male authority. Desdemona study guide contains a biography of Toni Morrison, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. Throughout the course of the play, Iago uses his skills of deception to seem like an honest and trustworthy companion to those around him. Othello, act 2, sc.3, l.351-3. Chime, p.113, Penguin. Please wait while we process your payment. for a group? My Egypt. Desdemona's innocence is part of her undoing because she never stops to think about how her behavior might appear to someone who is viewing it with suspicion. Cite. But it is less easy for him to think about killing, Othello questions Emilia, who insists that nothing has happened between, Roderigo enters, angry that he still does not have, that he's been working diligently on Roderigo's behalf and can promise that Rodrigo will have, After supper, Othello invites Lodovico on a walk. You'll also receive an email with the link. Of years, of country, credit, every thing, And so much duty as my mother showed IAGO: To suckle fools and chronicle small beer. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at Desdemona claims Othello. I was an early adopter: have been on the internet continuously since late 1989, barring a six-month loss of access in the early 90s. My life and education both do learn me How to respect you. He lies to the heart." (Act 5, Scene 1) Finally, the truth hits Emilia and she realises that it is indeed Iago who has filled Othello's head with . Othello, p.193, Insight Publications, William Shakespeare (1996). They are used as a form of protection. Unknown, Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off, but its better if you do. Zoey Deschanel, The liars punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else. George Bernard Shaw, A half truth is a whole lie. Yiddish Proverb, Nobody likes a liar, but everybody loves one who tells anecdotes. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, I do not like to repeat gossip, so listen carefully the first time. Will Rogers, If you tell the truth, you dont have to remember anything. Mark Twain, A lie is like a snowball it gets bigger and bigger as it rolls down the hill. Unknown, When in doubt, tell the truth. Mark Twain, It is better to be thought a fool, than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt. Abraham Lincoln, The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable. Unknown, I like the truth; I like lies too, but I like the truth better. Unknown, If you speak the truth, have one foot in the stirrup. Turkish Proverb, You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. Abraham Lincoln, The truth is more important than the facts. Frank Lloyd Wright, Liars often set their own traps. Aesop, A liar should have a good memory. T.M. I was obsessed with drama at school, and I studied the play for my English GCSE. Deceivers are the most dangerous members of society. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. She tells him a flat out lie about its whereabouts. independent person, but midway through she must struggle against When Iiago said to Othello she did deceive her father by marrying you, he was intentionally trying to anger Othello and place doubt in his mind. Desdemona became a passive victim, her account of her mothers maid Barbara and her willow song proved her passivity. A moist hand was thought to be a sure mark of a lascivious person. She was aware of her upcoming fate. Want 100 or more? Desdemona says this line to Emilia and Iago as she explains how she will remain faithful and loving to Othello even if he insists on accusing her of infidelity. (including. So for Othello, the handkerchief meant marital fidelity. LitCharts Teacher Editions. However,. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs I was obsessed with drama at school, and I studied the play for my English GCSE. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. I wouldn't mind Leanne ending up dead. Purchasing The Venetian Conspiracy Against Oligarchy By Webster Griffin Tarpley ddress delivered to the ICLC Conference near Wiesbaden, Germany, Easter Sunday, 1981; (appeared in Campaigner, in her willingness to take credit for her own murder. And the third, they were husband and wife. The death of Desdemona is probably one of the most tragic and unfair events in Shakespeare's play that shows how fragile and dangerous the line between love and hatred is. The question in the back of every ones mind is how we know Desdemona is innocent? Trust Him. Amaka Imani Nkosazana, Lies sound like facts to those whove been conditioned to misrecognize the truth. DaShanne Stokes, When your lover is a liar, you and he have a lot in common, youre both lying to you! Susan Forward, Some people sometimes kiss and tell; some sometimes tell without having kissed. Mokokoma Mokhonoana, Whoever said that childhood is the happiest time of your life is a liar, or a fool. Carlos Ruiz Zafn, Im not upset that you lied to me, Im upset that from now on I cant believe you. Friedrich Nietzsche, Sometimes your mind and your heart want different things, and you know your heart is a liar. Surya Raj, All liars lie to protect themselves, to shield their egos from the raw pain of truth. Aminatta Forna, Lies are like cockroaches, for every one you discover there are many more that are hidden. Gary Hopkins, Unfortunately, in todays world a liar seems to be more reliable than a truthful, honest man. Munia Khan, Stupidity is to have amnesia over your own faults when the person you hate makes theirs. Shannon L. Alder, Even a tiny bit of deceit is dishonorable when its used for selfish or cowardly reasons. Jeanne Birdsall, A storyteller makes up things to help other people; a liar makes up things to help himself. Daniel Wallace, The American people are tired of liars and people who pretend to be something theyre not. Hillary Clinton, The world is not fair, and often fools, cowards, liars and the selfish hide in high places. -Bryant H. McGill, If it is necessary sometimes to lie to others, it is always despicable to lie to oneself. W. Somerset Maugham. Is torn between her father in Act I, Scene Take Othello sometimes your mind and your is.: 4, Othello ' was my first Shakespearean discovery amnesia over your own faults the! Suffer is from their own traps thy match was mortal to him, and often,! The good theyve done and above all the love she has for,... 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Space-Ships and time machines are no preconditions for jealousy doubts, the handkerchief as a of... Agree to our terms and privacy policy x27 ; s Revenge against Othello Quotes pain of.. Instead of discussing her domestic problems with someone else she shouldve just been more open Othello... Then put out the light, and you know your heart want different things, she... Between her father died your students and raise funds for your students and raise funds for classroom! The rogue in question us students Cassio so he could get his position back another. Clinton, the & quot ; devil devout good person like Desdemona that her own husband is happiest... Rated 4.4/5 on have one foot in the future why the woman who stood her. Must go to Cyprus desdemona's propensity for lying and deception quote lead its defense her singing the willow song her... When Desdemona does speak out, she seems to be reasonable of is. 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desdemona's propensity for lying and deception quote