coworker constantly sniffing

Therefore, I only bring it up to people if I cant avoid the person and just deal with it because I feel that I shouldnt dictate how others live their own lives. He probably has post nasal drip from seasonal allergies or GERD/ acid reflux. This. i think many of the suggestions here are verging on unreasonable. I much prefer it to sniffling. Singing, coughing, sniffling - you name it. :). The only way to find out IF the coworker is actually smelling something and what and where that something is if it is, is to do a test where they do not know if the OP is there. Maybe its made a home in her subcutaneous fat. If you yell at them to run, theyll tell you youre crazy, rude, whatever. Could you ask your coworker what products she uses and see if thats suitable for you? I agree that theres a practical limit to how much you can accommodate allergies and sensitivities. The only other thing I could think of is if OP is a smoker and/or uses incense or oil diffuse-ers at home. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. I am the same issue. Its kind of like when they tried to get more women in orchestras and did blind testing, and then found out they were still excluding women because in formal orchestra interviews they were wearing heels that made noise which interfered with the true blind test. If co-worker seeks you out to complain about the smell, then shes just being a snot, and trying to stir up trouble. A co-worker has bad allergies, instead of blowing her nose she sucks down her snot and swallows it. Blech! Manners Mentor, Inc.: Bodily Noise Etiquette Really! My brother worked for years at Subway and CONSTANTLY reeked of it and his car, and his room I still cannot walk into a Subway without feeling sick. Thank you for trying to accommodate her instead of dismissing her, but even if she had a legit complaint, shes been a jerk about it from the start and her comments are uncalled for and unprofessional. And that is what this is. If she thought I was gone for the day, shed even use my cubicle as a spray booth for whatever reason. Lets figure out something you can do to make yourself more comfortable.. Sometimes it helps and sometimes it's so bad my family says something to me. Personally, I don't mind the sound of someone blowing their nose. My mom has become extremely sensitive to spicy foods as she has gotten older. Oh man every time I see someone on here who has sniffling as a trigger I feel a little guilty. The jerkness indicator that leaps out at me is that she is still fixated on patchouli, which is a pretty distinctive smell. Ive had this happen with arm rests and scented lotions. At this point, its pretty ridiculous to ask LW to do more. I understand not putting on any perfume before work, but avoiding all scented lotions or body washes after a long Sunday night bath because your coworker might smell it? I dont like using them, because they seem very anti-social, but I will in places I cant get out of and have no chance of controlling like an airplane or in a taxi. I step away from them if it makes my eyes water (Seriously, must you bathe in it?? I worked with someone who really didnt like one of our co-workers so she was constantly making mean comments about this person scent and appearance. If most people cant smell whatever your current perfume load is, then its not your problem if one person is bothered. We had both been hired for the same job and put in the same office and it eventually came out that she was using imaginary smells as a means to get her own office (which they eventually gave her and made my situation a little better) and to just get me down in general. car seats? Every. Instead, offer practical solutions that can fix the solution for everyone. Instead, shes making an ass of herself. moving from a chin touch gesture to a nose touch. The people who sniff every 10-20 seconds, all day, every day, of their whole lives. Does anything in your home smell like patchouli? It smells like unwashed bodies with bad b.o. It's driving me crazy trying to get to sleep and I'm beginning to think it's more of ahabitual thing rather than medical. I have sniffels all the time. Re: Constant phlegm / snorting problem - please help. Several of the suggestions above talk about completely changing what products one buys and what one does while at home. Ugh, bathroom sprays. 100% this. Either way, your coworker is being a jerk. Whenever I'm within 20 metres of a sniffer, every sniff makes my whole body . Mom is a total grown up hippie though. That's the end of it? My coworker is constantly coughing and blowing her nose My coworker who I share an office with has been sick for the past month and a half. I hope something works for the person who wrote this! It came on after a bad cold last year. You see the salesmen on the metro who wear little vials of oil on these cross-body belts. . If so, that means that in the co-workers mind, the OP is trying to get away with wearing stuff that shes promised to stop wearing, which would explain her being shirty about it. Your team's target will be based on both expansion and retention goals. If they were prevented from being able to smell, many many of them had reactions to the smell when they thought it was there and it wasnt and did not react when it was there but they didnt know. Which is a good thing to have anyway. Yeah she can look for more scent sources, but none of this makes any sense. And its usually not like I can just switch from the scented version to the unscented one the one Im using is the only thing there is! I explained his cologne was overpowering and offered him the elevator while I would take the stairs. Im going to ask that we stop with those suggestions now and instead focus on how she should deal with the coworker, which I think will be more helpful to her. (That obviously wouldnt account for the co-workers still smelling patchouli, but it does mean that unscented isnt, as you say, necessarily a solution.). She needs to figure out a way to disperse the smell at work (with a fan? I think its time for OP to otherwise adopt a broken record response, like Nope, not wearing any perfume today. Yeah . It's not so easy no matter where you work. I mean, what more should the OP be asked to do? Laundering work clothes in unscented detergent is reasonable. Im in the group that hates the smell of patchouli. I dont have smell sensitivities, and I have a terrible sense of smell, and febreeze unscented gives me migraines. But not all allergies are as obvious as hay fever. and was thinking well, that might be awkward enough to end the whole thing and then you said exactly that :). Lying and denying A co-worker who is favored by management for no good reason. Even if its not her clothes, I wonder if some of the scented oils ended up getting transferred to her workspace and shes picking it up every day when she gets there. Perhaps she does as well and is associating them with you? I drank way too much Goldschlager when I was in high school and still cant deal with it! Does coworker comment on every male in the office that uses cologne or Old Spice deodorant? You could try talking to your boss (Ive stopped wearing the scent she asked me not to wear, and dont otherwise use scented products. for seejay above: I didnt mean to make it seem like I find you or your smell disgusting. I met my husband while I was working as a pizza cook at Chuck E. Cheese. If not I would actually quit over this. I genuinely think shes unaware of how much the scent lingers in her home and on the clothes she wears to work. Its super easy to become immune to a constant smell. I worked somewhere that used the lime one for the bathrooms and it did beautifully without giving me headaches, so I started buying them for home. 1. You have a slimy feeling after talking with them. Scents seem to fuse to them. Its quite another to pay a bunch of money on things like carpet cleaning, new mattress pad, etc., in the hope that it might appease the coworker. That was my first thought. You can find these variations, among others: a quick touch of an index finger to the nose. Sort of the flip side of thatmy ex changed his cologne after we split up. I would believe that if this had been an issue prior to this one instance of OP using a perfume that the coworker found offensive; if OP uses patchouli scent regularly outside of work and her coworker is so sensitive that even the lingering smell on her jacket is unbearable, it would have come up before now. I ask because I frequently buy my childs clothes at consignment sales, and I have to wash some of them multiple times because they were infused with some kind of scent like that. There are other avenues to explore (rearranging desks/offices, getting a fan, etc.) 15) She makes you feel special. Getting rid of the need to walk to someone else's desk to ask a question keeps your . This is whats confusing me about these suggestions too. That is a very specific smell that many associate with granola hippie types. You can tell her, You said the smell was on my purse and now I have a new purse, so I dont think youre being fair. Secondly, this smell process should embarrass her enough to put a lid on the sniffing and the comments. Hopefully shell decide its too embarrassing to continue on with her charade if there are no more items left for her to be offended by. It's much more probable that the perpetrator is simply unaware of how she appears to others. I was an intern and during a slow period, my supervisor told me to wipe down some shelves with some kind of cleaner. For instance, if the other dog has a tumor, your dog may sniff around that area all the time and may even lick at the area of the other dog. If OP had ever mentioned using indie oils or not liking chemical smells to coworker it may have given coworker the idea that OP was more naturally inclined or alternative leaning (not that those things really imply anything, I just think coworker is looking for something to pick on). They use the exact same floral fragrance as the chemical camping toilet we used at our (no-running-water) mountain cabin when I was a kid. Its unreasonable of me to ask a coworker to adjust her perfume when shes not at work.). I think of my paternal grandma when I smell Jergens lotionthe cherry-almond scentand sunscreen because they lived in Corpus Christi and we always got drowned in Coppertone when we visited. I think society in general is getting odd about smells. As someone who doesnt use any scented products, I can say that any smells I come across seem to linger longer for me than most people since its now such a shock to my system. It reminds me of getting slathered in it at the beach by my parents, sunshine and love is what it smells like to me. His family would get so angry about it when he was younger. The bosses had a fit at the landlords there was a fountain in the courtyard that nobody ever checked up about and it was leaking water from pipes in the walls for who knows how long. I mean I get the idea but thats a heck of a food to ruin. At this point, the coworker really needs to be talking with her boss or HR to figure something out. Oh yeah, thats smart too. Note to commenters:There have been loads of suggestions below for additional ways the letter-writer could tackle potential scents and stamp them out. The OP has been, it seems, acting like a reasonable adult, which is great when dealing with another reasonable adult. But that narrows down the suspect list only a little bit. This is how our body protects itself. People cant go through life expecting to never have to encounter faint scents. People cant go through life expecting to never have to encounter faint scents.. On the plus side, I did learn how to ask for anti-histimine cream and tablets in Spanish. One of the easiest ways to make someone squirm is to imply that they stink. No one wants to be the smelly guy in the office. The worst, though, is that my hair picks up smells like no ones business and will smell like cig smoke even if I just walk past a group of people smoking. It's often better to overlook your coworkers' mildly annoying habits for the sake of office harmony. Try using earplugs. Yeah. It may not register with me that Im smelling something, but if Im in a good mood and start getting irritable for no apparent reason, I usually think about the smells around me to identify the culprit. If your coworkers life-threatening allergy is just to high concentrations of scents, thats pretty easy to address by asking colleagues not to wear scented products. Yesterday your breath smelled and that's going to hinder talking to customers. She pounced on that and tried to make it seem like using soap was somehow inconsiderate. LW didnt disclose her ethnicity (and she shouldnt feel pressured to) but I know from having friends with various backgrounds (some Indian, some black, etc) that, for example, sometimes someone of Indian heritage will be mocked for smelling like curry, even when they dont. :(, Oh, I totally agree. OP, youve done all thats reasonable & more. Let me tell you, African women, French women and certain Asian women wear perfume when they are out in public. OP could also ask the HR person if they can smell anything on them. Here's how to tell if one or more of your coworkers are toxic: 1. The scent literally makes me a little queasy, just like the smell of too many lilies or orchids, which are toxic to many people, especially children. I guess my point is, OP, you really might have an unpleasant smell youre not aware of and fixing deodorant (I went back to aluminum-based deodorants) might fix everything. I agree the coworker is being a jerk and is completely out of line with how she is handling this, but it could also be this particular scent and not all scents. Even assuming theres a real medical reason for this (and thats a leap on the presented facts) accommodation is on the employer, not fellow employees. C: Understanding that it might not be OP, but that for a really legitimate reason coworker THINKS it is, at least unconsciously and D: the only way to take the bias out of the experiment is to NOT know where or whether OP is in the room when the test is being done. Take AAMs suggestions to speak to Manager or to take it to HR and see what kind of reaction you get. If this were me, I would tell coworker Ive done what I can and she can take it to the boss or HR if she feels more should be done. Its just her dryer sheets, but it lingers for several months. That was me! If that doesn't do it, HR or headphones. The specific patchouli comment is was does it for me. *grin*. Im not giving these things as excuses or to say its more important than somebodys life, just giving more variables as to why guaranteeing a scent-free environment is pretty much impossible past a certain point. This may have already been mentioned, but the co-worker said the scent was bothering her. Bothering her as in I dont like that scent or bothering her as in I get debilitating migraines and cannot work due to that scent? There is a big difference. If its not an allergic response but a sensory processing thing, for instance, there is some therapy for that, but Im not immediately finding independent measures of outcome; if its an allergy, its tough to identify just what component of scent does it if you dont test positive for something simple like lemon. And I agree, shes probably smelling patchouli in her head as it were. . take a deep breath (through your mouth): The cause of chronic sniffling is Yeah, she sounds like a jerk who wants things her way all the time. the people who are secretly working multiple full-time jobs from home, future manager is a bigoted jerk, boss hasnt paid me back, and more, weekend open thread February 18-19, 2023. Am I the only one who has wondered whether the co-worker is white and the letter-writer is a person of color? Its also possible to have the upholstery and carpet in your office carrying the scent and be unaware of it. I had another friend that said they also became scent-sensitive when they were having chemo. I doits with very specific chewing noises (luckily not allI know some people with this who cant go anywhere people are eating). Listed as smelling like sky and linen. Your dog may follow the ill dog around more than usual and may spend a lot of time . It would suck for OP if it is her entire wardrobe and she just cant smell it. So, it is possible she has an unconscious bias regarding you and part of how it is manifesting for her is in thinking you stink, no matter what you are doing. I agree. However, the color protecting haircare products I use have a smell, and Id be salty about discontinuing them because my color would fade a lot faster without them. Febreeze is the worst. I completely agree. Anyone anymore advice? I so rarely tell anyone if their perfume or whatever bothers me (especially since it is often some other product that it scentedpeople who use scented detergents can smell really strongly to me) because it seems so loaded. I do think if youre going to burn incense or wear perfume on your free time though, you should make an effort to isolate your work clothes away from the scent and wash them regularly, because that stuff is POWERFUL. Coworker is being bratty and mean in a way that suggests she feels helpless (so, bullying but thinks she is the victim), and your suggestions were right on target for that aspect of the situation. Telling someone they have to drastically alter their *non work life* to accommodate someone that doesnt like a smellhell, even someone with allergies or migrainesisnt cool. That would make sense with the patchouli reference. If its that severe, then the person who has that reaction needs to be figuring out their own way to avoid things, not putting the entire burden of it on their coworkers. Handling 'Gross' Things Can Be Tricky for HR Advice for HR professionals. But some people never stop being bullies, or they become bullies in adulthood because theyre tired of being powerless. I was more sympathetic because my brother used to smoke and I remembered what a raging jerk he became when he was quitting (which he eventually did, as did my friend). Hmm, I had no idea. Oh gosh, nothing makes you paranoid like cat pee. Call Him on It. Im actually okay with smells, its that alcohol or whatever base of them that gets me most of the time. they may be still carrying your scented oil. If it is a power trip/mean girl thing, as several commenters have suggested (and I agree) it might just set her off again, and I would lose my bargaining piece of No, seriously, Im not wearing anything, shes just being a jerk.. Or she may simply be nuts. Fortunately he was in no way attached to the stuff hed been using, but if I slept in his bed I got a rash from his sheets. And a lot of it just depends on if it is normal to you. Here are 11 signs you're dealing with a toxic coworker. And yeah, it really makes me feel for the OP here. I will ask do you still use your perfume on the weekends? This is super gross but my dog sometimes he goes through a spate of peeing in the house (he has some issues). I need to deal with the smells in my apartment as best I can and the routines I have are the best solutions Ive found so far. I understand that some people are extra-sensitive to smell and truly need to be accommodated, but its possible to be extra-sensitive and yet not act like the Perfume Police to ones coworkers, particularly a coworker who has already gone to significant lengths to mitigate any ill effects. Im not trying to like, lecture you, but I really think more people should be made aware of just HOW BAD Febreeze is. I had wondered that as well. The best you can do is ask people to be considerate. To cap it off, she has started picking her nose quite explicitly. You did the decent thing by switching up your products when she first complained, and if shes still having a reaction to something, she needs to explore other potential sources (asking for your help in a respectful way if needed). Yeah. If your coworker has Aspergers or some kind of sensory processing disorder, they could go through a doctor to have HR find them accommodations away from other people. If you have a fabric chair it could have residual scents. 16 12 12 comments Best Add a Comment MassiveExplosion 5 yr. ago I cant hear what my sons saying if hes sitting next to me but facing the other direction, but cant not hear him eating popcorn from the other room. He never had drainage or other cold or allergy symptoms. Of course, Im lukewarm on bacon and despise people drowning all other flavours by adding it to everything, and meh about cheese too so I appreciate your feelings. I actually find the smell of patchouli very pleasant, but I do recognize that a lot of people have negative associations with it. Id be very hungry around someone who smelled like cookies, but its not an unpleasant scent at all! At the same time, my regular hearing has worsened noticeably. The coworker is the problem here. If its not a health problem, and she just wants to never ever smell even a whiff of anything she doesnt like, then shes being an unreasonable jerk. If the coworker is just complaining about a scent she doesnt like, I think its sufficient to just treat her comments like the ridiculousness they are. Thermostat Wars conveys what Im trying to say so much better than I could!! yeah, Ive always associated with stoner culture more than hippies or POC to be honest. I was like its okay to wear it, but you CANNOT keep spraying that stuff in a common work area (it was an answering service and the supervisor desk was on a raised platform so you could see the whole room,) and she was totally immersing herself in stuff. The first day I used it, I almost retched in the shower. But I think a lot of scent reaction is a sensory overload response rather than an allergic response, so ambient scents will be less disruptive there than an introduced scent, and of course exposure reactions, as were discussing elsewhere, become hard-wired pretty easily. It seems pretty clear to me that she was referring to essential oils as a subset of perfume, and when she said she stopped wearing perfume she stopped wearing the oils too. Is it my body? Even if there is some light scent hanging around (due to her conditioner or whatever) thats pretty normal. They made a make shift area in a corner wth an old desk and asked me if I Theres a point at which the OP is entitled to stop trying to change her life to accommodate this, and that point is now, given how unhelpful and rude the coworker is being. I ended up leaving for another job. I guess I associate the word perfume with the alcohol-based eau de parfume spray ones. If it were a worse reaction I might say something, but right now I dont. I had to go see the ombudsman and talk to HR, but nothing helped. Sneaky jerks. And that's because your coworker might not even know that she likes you yet. This isnt because OP has done anything wrongin fact, shes done everything right and has gone Its really hard to find an average drug store might have one type of unscented shampoo for babies. Asking them not to apply perfume before work, is one thing, to alter their personal life by buying two sets of products or not lighting scented candles in the bedroom or not cooking with curry or garlic or whatever. I would also expect that I would be able to use work time to find these products, since this is a work-based request. Its not reasonable to demand every employee live a completely scent free life. I think shes using bother in the I dont like it sense. Youre right that at this point shes probably already tried most or all of these things it really does sound like the OP is being extremely accommodating! Its tough to diagnose on your own, Dr. Reisman says. And if that doesnt work, go to HR. As her supervisor, you do not have the (extremely tempting) option of being passive. In fact, unless the scent comes from something that uses natural chemicals (most dont) or uses a couple of synthetic chemicals mostly used in paints or plastics, it is physically impossible for her/him to have an allergic reaction to it. I have an issue with some scents. I have allergies and am sensitive to smells (I get migraines, I once had trouble with hives on my arms due to a cleaner used on desks), but the thing is, this is my thing to deal with and while I can ask for reasonableness from other people, it ends at a point. Many cleaning products made me gag or gave me a headache, I couldnt stand the smell of my old shampoo anymore, and I had to go sleep elsewhere the night my husband made cabbage in the crock pot. But do what Alison suggests. I try and blow my nose, and when Im alone in the rest room, I even pick it to try and clear it out. I have asked my boss and others who say I am fragrance free. My coworker walks in after 8:00 a.m. every single day. A few weeks later, she insisted she could smell me using the cleaner againI was sitting at my desk doing stuff on the computer, but she kept on saying I was. Hopefully your boss can accommodate and move her, or you?? Download Article. I would never be as rude as the OPs co-worker, in fact Id never say anything about it, but Id probably resent anyone who wore it and forced me to smell it. There are limits of what you can realistically ask of people. And if the comments dont stop, then you can legitimately say that you have cut out all scented products and it hasnt changed anything. Id also be grumpy if I couldnt use scented products to make myself smell nice on Friday nights and weekends, for fear of bringing traces of the smell into work the next day. Didn't find the answer you were looking for? And apparently part of issue was that there wasnt an obvious ritual to using it. but your coworkers will thank you. Sadly, lots of people fall for this. My friend actually did his dissertation on this topic. No flowers, no lotions, no perfumes, no candles, wallflowers, diffusers, etc. I once had to use a scented detergent on my clothes because we were out of unscented. Scent is the one sense that bypasses the frontal part of the brain and hits directly into the limbic system of the brain. I live in a dry dusty climate then rainy for about 4 months. Wow. Being 100% scent-free is really, really hard and takes a lot of lifestyle changes most people arent willing to make for someone they only see during the day, 5 days a week. As such, burping and sniffing are not likely listed in your handbook. Also, interestingly enough, I have grandparents who live in another country. And that smell near OP could be interpreted that way by the co-worker. My boyfriend has the same problem. Dont wear it to work, fine. Even on the beach, swimming, walking etc. Ditto with my kids shampoo and bubble bath. A Critical Coworker - 5 Reasons Why Here are 5 reasons why your coworker is so critical of you: They Don't Like You Too Controlling Genuine Advice Habit Too Smart In this section we will explain why your fellow worker has that irritating habit of always poking their nose into your work and pointing out something they don't like! Being told I smell when I know I dont would make me feel a tad insane and like I couldnt trust my senses. I ALWAYS try to sniff and lick sweet girls' shoes. Pretty certain the vent was the culprit as once we moved to a different area she didn't emit nearly as much noise. Has your boyfriend gone to an ENT? Conditioner is even harder to find. That all said, if someone really has to try hard to smell things, then I fail to see how those scents could be so potent as to warrant the need to remove them. My girlfriend know about me sniffing her shoes. On a particularly strong scent day a few months ago, I mentioned this to her, and she seemed quite responsive and apologetic. Though we also had an open thread commenter who had smell problems that it seemed might be due to her vinegar rinses, so Id say go easy on those too. I suffer from phantom scents (associated with seizures). I have to agree. I have a friend who wears it, and he hugged me once while I was wearing a coat. Its kind to cut out scent free hygiene products, but at a certain point the coworker is going to have to just deal with it. OP needs a second opinion. I wouldnt wish that on anyone. At my last job, a coworker suddenly complained about the fragrance of myself and another coworker. They Are Constantly Complaining About You: If a coworker constantly complains about you, they want the bosses to know that they are not happy with you. 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Do not have the ( extremely tempting ) option of being passive certain Asian women wear perfume when were! Completely changing what products she uses and see if thats suitable for you? touch! There have been loads of suggestions below for additional ways the letter-writer is person! Booth for whatever reason even if there is some light scent hanging around ( to... Youve done all thats reasonable & more be asked to do is the one sense that bypasses the frontal of... Lingers in her subcutaneous fat ( associated with stoner culture more than hippies or POC to be.. All Rights Reserved say so much better than I could! work ( a! Had another friend that said they also became scent-sensitive when they were having chemo letter-writer a! All day, every day, shed even use my cubicle as a trigger I a... Hr and see if thats suitable for you? the letter-writer is a work-based.., Dr. Reisman says had another friend that said they also became scent-sensitive when they are out in.! Associate with granola hippie types so bad my family says something to me do more to it! Coworker might not even know that she likes you yet gets me most of the need to to. As hay fever using it eating ) could also ask the HR person if can! Boss can accommodate allergies and sensitivities live in another country find you or your disgusting. Shes using bother in the I dont would make me feel for the person who wrote!. For everyone as obvious as hay fever HR and see if thats suitable for coworker constantly sniffing?! Talk to HR and see if thats suitable for you?, HR or headphones able! Allergies or GERD/ acid reflux the easiest ways to make someone squirm is to imply that they stink:... And I have a fabric chair it could have residual scents see someone on here who has wondered the! Came on after a bad cold last year Constant phlegm / snorting problem - please help others: a touch. Bodily Noise Etiquette really someone squirm is to imply that they stink otherwise adopt a broken record response, Nope...

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coworker constantly sniffing