what are the risks associated with easyjet's strategy
Haji-Ioannou said the result was rigged, arguing that the fund companies with Airbus pension business should have been ineligible to vote. (Lundgren declined to comment for this article.). Currently, around 12% of boarding passes issued by easyJet are mobile passes, although this can be as high as 50% for some flights. Background Coronavirus disease-19 emerged in December 2019. Also, only one type of aircraft is used, in order to minimise maintenance costs. This needs to be updated constantly as this will be a live system. WebWhat are the advantages and risks associated with low-price strategies? Create a retirement strategy that diversifies your assets and manages risk. A no frills strategy is often associated with low cost airline companies like EasyJet. And, finally threats of any takeover bids from national airlines. Transfer the risk. Managing for value involves managing both value activities and cost drivers. This time, he succeeded in scheduling a showdown vote for May 22, 2020. The strategy has four strategic priorities that will build on easyJets structural advantages in the European aviation market, helping easyJet move closer towards its destination of being Europes most loved airline, winning for customers, shareholders and our people. (EasyJets fellow European budget carrier, Ryanair, announced this week that it had lost about $1 billion in the preceding 12 months. Risk 2: Geopolitical instability. Porter comments on cost leadership as the low-cost producer in its industry must find and exploit all sources of cost advantage (Porter M.E (1980)). Technological Factors. EasyJet is faced with balancing technological advancements, for example, the use of the internet on distribution and cost synergies from industry consolidation, and the risk of rising costs and competitive pricing. Standardisation in its activities as an airline leads to both economies of scale and a simpler product, which is cheaper and easier to distribute. This form of strategy combines a low price, low perceived service benefits (no free lunch) and a focus on a price-sensitive highly competitive market segment. Bills will pile up, suppliers will need payments, and your employees will be expecting their salaries. EasyJet announced it had lost more than $1 billion in the 12 months through September 2020. As it turned out, it wouldnt need those flights. In terms of support activities, EasyJet takes advantage of technological developments in order to reduce costs. easyJet holidays is on track to meet the medium-term target of 100m+ PBT. These are flight simulators that recreate the exact cockpit of an Airbus A320 aircraft. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. WebWhere risks produce outcomes that adversely affect EasyJet, it is crucial that these risks are either eliminated (if possible) or minimised. Our mission to make business better is fueled by readers like you. Since March 2020,European governmentshave provided more than$32.2 billion in bailouts to the airline industry,through a mix of grants, loans, and debt-for-equity deals, according to a report from HSBC. Procurement and firm infrastructure as a support activity does not add much extra value. Effective use of digital and data tools to underpin growth and deepen customer relationships. These are set out below: easyJet has a strong network of leading number one and number two positions in primary airports, which has proven to be amongst the highest yielding in the market. A Balanced scorecard approach is need to effectively conclude a balanced perspective on EasyJets resource capability in order to ensure that the low cost strategy is supported and is. Johan Lundgren, the chief executive officer of EasyJet, one of Europes largest budget airlines, is a fan of Flightradar24. Having fought off Haji-Ioannou, Lundgren and EasyJets C-suite faced other foes they couldnt control. WebAs seen, both prioritizing an organization's needs and risks is an ongoing process especially during the planning, writing, and implementation stages in a strategic plan. EasyJet through its use of an overall cost leadership strategy can use internet-based technologies to reduce value chain costs in a variety of ways: On-line bidding and order processing to eliminate the need for sales calls and decrease sales force expense. Opportunities in terms of worldwide destinations are now popular with holidaymakers and also the growing trend in international business ventures, e.g. For the battered airline, 2020 couldnt end soon enough. This eliminates the need to any commissions to external sales agency. And the company continued to insist it saw the opportunity for wins amid the travel industrys carnage: Europes legacy carriers were hurting even worse than EasyJet, which offered the discount airline a chance to gain new flight slots at key airports in Paris, Milan, London Gatwick, and Geneva. In 2020, it transported a All airline companies within the industry will have similar value chain, which will include activities such as obtaining fuel, designing fare structures, airport facilities, developing co-operative agreements, and providing customer service. The airline began purchasing carbon offsets for the CO2 of all its flights in 2019. Get in touch with us. The company carries out Hopes for an early summer 2020 recovery were dashed when the U.K. government decided that it would impose a mandatory two-week period of self-isolation on all those arriving in the country. The idea of remote working can also The airline resumed flying on June 15, 2020, with limited routes within the U.K. and to France. This will involve retention of best salespeople supported by HR management, engineering support in terms of maintenance of the web page supported by technology development to ensure that web site has the latest prices and route and flight information. In June, the airline found a deft way to simultaneously relieve the pressure from its cash burn and Haji-Ioannou: It raised more than$631 millionto help it weather the pandemic by issuing new shares equivalent to 15% of the companys outstanding share capital. Webcomputing risks Let us look at five different types of risks and how they apply or vary by cloud deployment models. Deliver strong on-time performance, which is consistent with the focus on slot constrained, congested airports. Its also hard to monitor the performance of each individual. In an interview with LondonsEvening Standard newspaper in January, Lundgren sounded down, admitting he missed frequent trips to the Spanish island of Majorca, where he owns a house and where he and a friend also own a recording studio. )Compared to some of its low-cost rivals, EasyJet also owned more of its planes outright. In a vast hangar on the outskirts of Gatwick Airport, one of EasyJets big hubs, sit a row of five space-age pods, painted in EasyJets trademark orange-and-white colors. Normally there would have been close to 100. Balance your retirement plan with your other financial goals. This involves EasyJet retaining funds from operations; hence, a healthy Balance sheet in terms of retained profits. Data security and regulatory risk Data security and regulatory risk can be associated with loss, leakage, or unavailability of data. And they are relentlessly focused on keeping per-seat costs down. As both employees and customers are put under increased stresses, the potential for heated exchanges becomes a risk. Still, it wasnt spared from the industrys general carnage. For an independent carrier like EasyJet, finding money was more complicated, especially since the U.K. government initially balked at providing the airline industry with a custom bailout package. Funding strategies developments is clearly important in that the nature of funding must be appropriate and compliments the low cost strategy of EasyJet, by ensuring that interest costs are low. The sales process is efficient, as EasyJet sells directly to customers, instead of using external sales teams. The 2002/03 annual report reconfirmed this business model of the airline: Another price-based strategy is the hybrid strategy this seeks to achieve an element of differentiation and a price lower than that of competitors. Yield management is a form of risk management and therefore, adds value. It is difficult to co-ordinate the individual employee because in principle they operate independently of each other. By the end ofJanuary 2021, about 1,400employees had been laid off or taken buyouts. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy | CA Notice at Collection and Privacy Notice| Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information| Ad Choices Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UKEssays.com. Supported by innovative and effective advertising. Furthermore, a lifetime history of D Dynamic fares with a simple structure and also ensuring that it are the cheapest fare on the route. The airline couldnt simply abandon it without jeopardizing any chance of a quick recovery when the crisis ended.Lundgren also thought the contract made long-term strategic sense. The value chain analysis will show the total value added by the airline industry and EasyJet. Haji-Ioannou insinuated that this was evidence of the corruption hed long alleged. Upgauging the fleet enables easyJet to improve competitiveness on costs. The company benefits from being one of just four airlines globally thatcurrentlyhave an investment-gradecreditrating, according to Gerald Khoo,a transportation analystwith brokerage firm Liberum. At the end of January, EasyJet announced that it had secured another $1.9 billion through a five-year loan, secured against its aircraft. To what extent does EasyJets concentration on The company has also grown in terms of its acquisitions of GO and also increase in purchases of its own aircrafts. On the other hand, risks which produce 6. Most theories argue that strategic success and improved wealth generation stem from two strategies. Adjust your investments to EasyJets no frills strategy does not only mean a cut in Cabin crew and denial of food, but also allows for a faster pre-flight preparation, thereby reducing the time grounded as well maintaining fare. They can easily shift capacity from Spain to Greece, for instance, to deal with new travel restrictions, he says. We will start by looking at strengths: EasyJet serves diverse ranges of European routes with principle activities in both Leisure and business markets, offering 60 key European routes. Being low cost, driving efficiency and investing only where it matters most to our customers and our people. Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries and over 1 million facts: Get quick analyses with our professional research service. It hoped these measures allow the public to feel confident flying again. All Rights Reserved. But in the past, he says, most budget airlines have fallen down on execution, unable to make package holidays a profit-driver. Just two EasyJet aircraft were in the air, one en route from Londons Gatwick Airport to Lyon in France; another from Belfast to the English Channel island of Jersey. Investments in assets are also key consideration in value creation in that consideration of the extent to which assets and working capital are being utilised. None would fly again until June 15. As a budget airline focused exclusively on short-haul flights within Europe, it had more flexibility than long-haul carriers to adjust its flight schedule, canceling flights without worrying about losing connections or violating alliance agreements. Due to varying update cycles, statistics can display more up-to-date That loan would buy EasyJet some more time. Get the best reports to understand your industry. EasyJet also operates a flat management structure, which may lack a formal discipline that is needed as the organisation grows. Lundgren, who arrived at EasyJet after leading European package holiday company TUI Group, has also tried to expand the airline into the packaged-tour business. Strategical moves like this have enabled it to reduce cost and improve the convenience for the customers. They fly into second- and even third-tier airports, where they control a dominant share of the gates and can drive tough bargains on any airport fees and charges for ground crews and baggage handlers. That move also diluted Haji-Ioannous stake in the companys stock from more than 34% at the beginning of 2019to just under 30%, making it easier for EasyJets board to ignore the demands of its querulous founder. Prioritising slot-constrained airports as these are where customers want to fly to and from and as a result have superior demand and yield characteristics. WebIts evident that EasyJet takes few risks and applies firm business principles while carefully exploring the market. Finally, opportunities may also exist in the area of innovation and alliances, how about a joint venture scheme with Ryanair to maintain and enforce the low cost competitive advantage. Cost advantages might be achieved because of EasyJets efficient use of airports. Marketing and sales will involve making customers aware of EasyJets services are price information and also selling. EasyJet airplanes parked on the tarmac during the official opening of Berlin Brandenburg Airport on Oct. 31, 2020. As opposed to cost leadership, in which businesses rely on reducing costs to gain a significant market share, a differentiation strategy is typically WebThere are two types of strategies taken in account in the Easy jet such as differentiation strategy which is the strategy in which the industry has the particular rules and Facebook: quarterly number of MAU (monthly active users) worldwide 2008-2022, Quarterly smartphone market share worldwide by vendor 2009-2022, Number of apps available in leading app stores Q3 2022. But the surge in new, more transmissible and potentially vaccine-resistant strains of the virus has placed these forecasts in doubt. The fuel-efficient jets could help EasyJet reduce its carbon footprint at a time when consumers and governments seemed increasingly likely to hold airlines accountable for their climate impact. The globalization is also another factor influencing which build up the air traffic as lifelong. Advantages of Choosing In-House. It is also anticipated that Ryanair will continue to lower costs, which will allow it to continue to engage in a price war, by lowering fares aggressively. The threemost prominent firms that advise shareholders onhow to cast ballotsin proxy votesISS, Glass Lewis, and Pircall recommended against backing his proposals. The idea of remote working can also result in co-ordination and control weaknesses. Investing in new generation fleet to replace older types drives economic value, lowering fuel and maintenance costs. Of popular holiday destinations, only Portugal and Gibraltar were put on the initial green list, with no requirement to self-isolate upon return. Advantages: A bigger market share New target market The barriers to enter are higher Predatory pricing Strategic Issues facing the airline Industry 8.2. easyJets future 9. Terms & Conditions. What happens to EasyJet, which had been one of the strongest players in the airline industry before COVID-19, could presage the entire sectors fate: If EasyJet cant come back strong, what airline can? WebOften, this takes place in four major steps: Figure out how much money you need to retire. POLITICAL Following the European deregulation of commercial aviation, a fleet of low cost carriers are reshaping the local airline landscape. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on UKEssays.com then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! An Internal and corporate analysis in terms of strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) will assist in gaining an understanding of where EasyJet is currently in terms of strengths and where improvement is required within the business and what outside environmental threats it may face as well as what new opportunities are available to the company in the short and medium term. Out on the tarmac, a short distance from the simulators, almost a dozen real EasyJet A320s sit idle. This also reduces the marginal cost of incremental growth; increasing scale brings valuable economies (Johnson, G., Scholes, K., Whittington, R., (2005). This will identify its strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. EasyJets revenues in 2019 were $8.9 billion, on which it made$600 millionin profit. Now, at the cusp of a summer season that normally would be the source of the majority of EasyJets profits, the airline and its CEO face what could be a make-or-break season. Given EasyJets cash burn, it needed to raise more moneyand quickly. Haji-Ioannou founded EasyJet in 1995, eventually using it as a springboard to create of an Easy-branded empire that extended from car rentals and pizza delivery to a hemp business. He said he had discovered a secret meeting in Switzerland, arranged by Airbus, between top EasyJet executives and a lawyer who, according to documents revealed in the Panama Papers leak, may have helped clients evade international sanctions through offshore shell companies. Disappointing your customers. The CEO told theFinancial Timesthat Haji-Ioannous campaign was highly undesirable, unhelpful, and a distraction. EasyJet pointed out that the contract contained noforce majeureclause. So having considered the internal strengths and opportunities above, what are the potential opportunities available to EasyJet and what are the threats faced by EasyJet both from within the Airline industry and as a result of the world economy itself. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on reviews.co.uk. With so much uncertainty, leisure travelers are holding off on booking summer flights, prolonging EasyJets pain. The linkages with the value chains of channels and customers which are the essence of EasyJets capability and which can protect its market leadership and maintain cost leadership competitive advantage from competitors. But nothing has been normal for EasyJet since March 23, 2020. easyJets strategy will seek to continue to lead the market in sustainability, working with our partners to achieve our Net Zero Roadmap and the decarbonisation of the aviation industry. WebEasyJets first generic strategy is to achieve an overall cost leadership in the low cost airline industry. The54-year-old Greek-Cypriot entrepreneur hasnt had a formal management role in the airline since he stepped down as chairman in 2002, but he remained a major shareholder, owning more than a third of the company before the pandemic hit. Undertaking market shift to globalisation expanding outside the European market will be key to continuous enhancement of business performance. With Ryanair maintaining high margins despite reducing yields through strict cost management. Many full-service airlines are locked into hub-and-spoke flight networks that limit their scheduling flexibility, BCGs Molenaar says. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? Strategic risk management is the process of identifying, quantifying, and mitigating any risk that affects or is inherent in a companys business strategy, strategic objectives, and strategy execution. EasyJet raised $1.5 billion by selling seven-year bonds, with a 1.875% annual interest rate. The airline cut a deal with a health care company to provide the test at half the normal cost, or 60 per test. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Each stands elevated on hydraulically controlled legs, with doors reached by a short metal staircase. When it comes to choosing between in-house and outsourcing, the organization must first analyze the associated risk and cost that comes along with each method. Thats the day the U.K. government first advised Britons abroad to return home as soon as possible in advance of impending travel restrictions because of the growing coronavirus pandemic. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. The amount of risk is immense, and it's only a business which runs on a profit margin of around 10%, while keeping in mind it's highly dependable on a strong summer quarter. But it was not the same as canceling its contract, and unsurprisingly, Haji-Ioannou was not satisfied. In a sign of faith in EasyJets prospects, the bond sale was almost six-times oversubscribed. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. After overcoming the many hurdles of producing a model with a viable context and associated risk factors, often the user of the innovation is neglected. Protect and build on easyJet's strong brand, Provide an easy and reliable customer experience. It announced plans to gradually ramp up to 75% of its normal capacity by August. And the government has said the second of these has to be a more accurate PCR test, which can cost as much as 219 ($302) per passenger. Difficulties associated with a specific risk are transferred to another party, often insurance companies for coverage like cybersecurity liability insurance.Examples of risk transfer include: buying business interruption insurance to handle unplanned expenses in the aftermath of a cyber attack; reducing the likelihood of project S&P Index data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors. The primary outcomes were anxiety (GAD-7), depression (PHQ-9), risk perception towards COVID-19, interprofessional teamwork attitude, and coping strategies during the Coronavirus disease-19 pandemic. EasyJet also enjoys internal strengths in its operations in terms of efficient use of airports by reducing turnarounds to 30 minutes and below, EasyJet can achieve extra rotations on the high frequency routes. Hover your cursor over an icon and you can see what type of plane it is, which airline it belongs to, where it is flying to and from, even its altitude and airspeed. In addition to that, EasyJet has been offering no in-flight meals, no in flight movies. The price of EasyJets tickets various as a function of the number of seats remaining, the time until the flight, and historical trends. Noting that EasyJet had failed to say exactly how the deferral affected EasyJets cash burn, the founder said that EasyJet might have engaged in market manipulation by failing to disclose such details and by using overly optimistic forecasts for when the companys revenues and profits might recover. Legal and regulatory change. In mid-May 2020, the company revealed it had been hacked. The focus on slot constrained, congested airports about our services as a result have superior demand yield... Lowering fuel and maintenance costs unhelpful, and Pircall recommended against backing his.! Theories argue that strategic success and improved wealth generation stem from two.! His proposals will involve making customers aware of EasyJets efficient use of.... 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