neighbour put spikes on shared fence
You might even want to consider filming yourself removing them - this way you can prove you took care in doing so (assuming you DO take care) and again, would reduce any risk of being accused of criminal damage. This was my first thought as well. Can my Neighbour put spikes on my fence? If spikes have been installed along a linear boundary, such as a wall or fence, then it should be ensured that signs are presented every 3 metres or less, to make certain they will be seen. Carpet gripper is not the answer to fence security. That way you may avoid costly repair bills and your neighbour may be more inclined to address the problem. Does The right to roam give them the right to use my garden as a toilet & killing ground? Maybe you should ask your cats to stay out of his garden. The State Bar of Texas created this guide to legal questions from those affected by disasters. Are Cat Scarers & Sonic Devices Legal In The UK? If not they may not even be aware the fence belongs to you, if it is in the line. They might be crazy, but there's no need to assume so, and they might not even know that it wasn't their fence to start with. If your neighbor constructs a spite fence, possibly making the neighborhood look terrible and calling attention to the property, what should you do? If you live in a busy neighborhood, youll have a cat in your backyard by the end of the week! But the same law also says that duty has been discharged if youve warned people that the hazard exists, and that they can see it. 1 Is it illegal to put cat spikes on your fence? The Dividing Fences Act 1991 regulates neighbours responsibilities towards dividing fences and is designed to settle the contentious aspects of sharing a fence. In that situation, if you want to force the neighbor to remove the fence, you might turn to the courts and sue your neighbor for what's known as "private nuisance.". Wait wait wait You mean Go over and talk to them?! A strong fence. Below you will find references to areas of Texas lawrelated to fences. In Washington, for a fence to qualify as lawful, it must have the following traits: Between 44 and 52 high. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. How do I start a successful handmade business? They haven't discussed with me at all, ANYWAY, wall of text done. My detached garage wall defines the line of the boundary, the concrete of his former garage is on his side of the boundary. About 18 months ago, the neighbors accidentally set fire to the fence, I think a garden ornament was blamed (focused the sun to cause a fire) however I believe a thrown cigarette was the real cause. Cat spikes can also cause problems with neighbours that are unhappy about the spikes being installed on shared fences. Cat spikes can also cause problems with neighbours that are unhappy about the spikes being installed on shared fences. Yes as soon as the spikes become a danger then they are basically illegal. This publication from the Texas Association of Counties is written in a Q & A style and covers relevant statutes and case law surrounding open and closed range status. I cannot however justify keeping cats indoors, they need space and exercise, I have previously offered to get them a noise repellent if the cats go in the garden, as they are very social and friendly and will just go where they want and I am conscious that they may be going toilet somewhere - the neighbors declined, this was a few years ago however. Copyright 2023 MH Sub I, LLC dba Nolo Self-help services may not be permitted in all states. You may also begin investing in humane deterrents like sound-activated repellent systems, jet sprays, or natural repellents like lavender, lemon balm, eucalyptus, or peach pit. my neighbor wants to put a fence right down the property line. What can I put on top of fence to stop burglars? Speak to the owners, put up protection where you can but threatening to murder someones pet? Dont use carpet gripper on your fence as its not designed for such use and would not stop a burglar climbing your fence (they simply put a coat over the top of it). If you are the only one on your street who is sadabout local cats pooing in your yard, ruining your house, or causing unnecessary noise, you should probably contact the animals owner. It is illegal for anyone to put sharp spikes along boundary fences. Remind them it is your fence, and they will be responsible for any damage caused. See ourMunicipal Laws and Ordinancespage for assistance locating your local laws. Check out our Abandoned Property research guide for more on adverse possession. Can My Neighbor Record My Backyard (And My Property)? So my grandad did this, it comes down to whose fence it is. An article from legal self-help publisher Nolo about how to resolve boundary line disputes. All rights reserved. Whoever holds legal title is presumed to be the owner unless and until the adverse possessor can meet that burden. My Neighbor Keeps Using My Washer and Dryer: What to Do? We operate as a form of "legal triage" where commenters can guide posters towards resolving issues themselves or towards an appropriate professional. In some states, install security toppings such as barbed wire and spikes. The fence is the type with wooden posts and then a continuous panelling along. Is there a legal hieght before people put anti climb stuff on and how do we stand if someone gets injured from these spikes as its a shared fence WebMy Neighbours Hedge Is Overgrown. That annoying cat maybe someones companion, who they love as much as you do your grandson. State law governing swimming pool enclosures installed on property within a property owners' association. Before you try to remove the strips, you really need to go and ask the neighbor why he put the spikes up. WebYes, once spikes become a danger, they are basically illegal. If your spikes cause injuries to cats, it can be considered animal abuse which is severely punishable. Cat spikes are blunt and not as sharp as bird spikes. Putting these pieces of evidence together, a court might order that your neighbor remove the fence, and possibly compensate you for the nuisance. S4U is currently supplying the best cat spikes, they are safe and approved. So, tread carefully would be my suggestion. My neighbour has put up spikes on her fence, and on the ground at the back of her garden where the weeds now cover them. Do you think it would be too pushy of me to just buy them some repellent options (high pitch deterrent and some crystals for the plants) and give them to them, or just offer again? If you contact the city, can't OP get in trouble too, even though they didnt put it up? Apparently yes. Make sure you check with your local council before doing any work because regulations cover fences and security toppings. This is why you shouldnt set man-traps or hide carpet gripper behind the top edge of your fence! I'm basically a saint compared to OP's neighbor but for a second I did think about it. Neighbors Share Responsibility for a Boundary Fence Boundary fences are considered mutually owned, so both parties are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the fence. If they are happy with having spikes on the boundary wall or First off don't damage their property while trying to remove it, that can get messy. Advertisement on this page says Prikka Spikes are available in 4 meter [sic] lengths. WebFinland is building a 200-kilometer fence on the Russian border amid growing fears of security as Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine intensifies. Ideally, talk to your neighbors before setting up cat spikes and make a deal, especially if it`s a shared fence. Personal and property safety has become an increasing concern for most people both in residential and industrial settings. Section 16.60.010. of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) defines the term lawful fence. Never ever show up with Cherry, the pie of aggression. These strips are approximately 20/30mm wide. Security of lives and properties is very important. How do you know it was cat poo, they normally bury it. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'gardenaxis_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gardenaxis_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Since cats are free to wander, they will go into your backyard, poop, and then leave. My Neighbor Runs a Generator all Night (Is It Rude)? Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Nolo's Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home, Homeowners: Taxes, Improvements, and More, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Surely, the welfare of the cat is the responsibility of the owner, not the neighbours? A 2021 article from local news station KPRC 2 Houston discussing the new security measures law and some of the issues property owners are experiencing with their associations when attempting to install fencing on their property. 6 Best Drop Spreaders of 2021 Compared & Reviewed, 10 Best MIG Welders of 2021 Compared & Reviewed, Make sure the fence is your (left side is generally your fence). In some states, the information on this website may be considered a lawyer referral service. Reddit is not a substitute for a qualified Solicitor and comments are not moderated for quality or accuracy; Any replies received must only be used as guidelines, followed at your own risk; If you receive any private messages in response to your post, please let the mods know; It is the default position of LAUK that you should never speak to the media; Check out our Common Legal Resources for helpful organisations to contact; If you do not receive satisfactory advice after 72 hours, you can let the mods know; Please provide an update at a later time by creating a new post with [update] in the title; All replies to OP must be on-topic, helpful, and legally orientated; It is your duty to read and follow the rules before and while participating in the subreddit; If you do not follow the rules, you could be banned without any further warning; Do not advise OPs to tell people to "f*ck off" or advise them to "go to the media"; Please include links to reliable resources in order to support your comments or advice; If you feel any replies are incorrect, explain why you believe they are incorrect; Report posts or comments which do not follow the rules. They come in 4m lengths and easily nailed to any fence panel or wall: Cat spikes are a straightforward design; they are made of plastic but have enough sharpness to make the cat feel uncomfortable and jump down. Cat spikes can also cause problems with neighbours that are unhappy about the spikes being installed on shared fences. Horizontal wires placed at intervals of 12, 22, and 32 (under the top wire) Since 1876, however, the Texas Legislature has allowed Texas counties to vote on whether to become"closed range". EDIT: Thank you everyone for the comments and guidance. Although we are not saying that this is a simple or quick solution to the problem of cats fouling in your yard, it may allow the council to approach the owner directly, who may have more clout than your appeal alone. Share And then you have to add a notice saying something like this: Caution: danger of injury from fence spikes. State law alsomandates that all State and US Highways are closed range. Was the neighbor in residence when you built the fence? Fencing mayalso be regulated by Texas municipalities. I thought I was a bad person for praying someone found them one day and kept them. See the resources below as well as our Livestock guide for more information. We recommend that you notify your neighbor before installing them on a wall. Why you should never put a tall fence around your house? (What The Laws Say), How a Virtual Data Room Can Transform Mergers and Purchases. For a boundary fence between neighbors, the height must not be more than 2 meters, except if it adjoins a road or footpath, the height is restricted to 1 meter in this case. Cat spikes are designed to be safe but uncomfortable, but they arent always effective as many cats will still cross the boundary and simply put up with the pain. My spikes aren't very big but it stops me having bird shit all over my fence. Please reference the Terms of Use and the Supplemental Terms for specific information related to your state. If you dont understand these laws and plan to install cat spikes without getting permission from your neighbor, contact your city council for more details. (Quick Answer), Will a Porch Light Keep Raccoons Away? Several new laws passed by the Texas Legislature in 2021 prohibit an association from restricting: These new laws do still allow the association to limit the appearance of theenclosure as well as the type of fencingthat can be used. Cats have great memories and wont come back to the same place that gives them pain or makes them feel uncomfortable. So, you cant put broken glass on your fence.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'yardpit_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_10',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yardpit_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Its outdated and can cause injury. A TikToker shared that her angry neighbor shined a flashlight into her elderly mother's bedroom. Maybe it's a problem you can work together to address. It isnt pleasant. A 1996 article from Texas A&M Real Estate Center discussing how misplaced fences could result in loss of land through adverse possession. I also dont really notice them anymore. Well done your neighbours. The fence between my property and my neighbors property is down. Is it illegal to put carpet grippers on your fence? You can borrow the e-books below with your library account. Cities or property owner associationswill often try to regulate things such as fence heightbut for disputes involving ownership or maintenance, those will often need to be settled in court if the neighbors cannot come to an agreement on their own. If the thing is still up after that remove it yourself or pay someone to remove it and bill your neighbour, when they dont pay sue in small claims. Be sure to also check your local code of ordinances to see if any additional laws exist. If anyone was injured on the cat spikes, they might not want to be held responsible. Theses cat spikes were about 3 inches long and sharp as a pin! "This book from Nolo is updated to include the latest procedures for small claims courts in every state. Mediation is essentially a conversation between you and your neighbor, facilitated by a trained third-party neutral. WebThis could involve adding things like double-sided tape or spikes to the top of the fence; Use scent deterrents: Certain smells are known to deter cats, so you could try spraying your fence with these scents in order to keep them away; Common deterrents include By "neighbor*" I mean the person/people who live in the house on the street directly behind our backyard- the back of their backyard is adjacent to the back of ours. These are very affordable materials for a DIY approach to cat-proofing your fence. Often, however, neighbours agree to share the costs of boundary walls and fences, in which case ownership is also shared. Cat spikes! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Is It Illegal To Put Spikes On A Fence To Stop Cats? If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. What can I put on my fence to stop burglars? 02/06/2018 06:59. Check your insurance to see if the damage is covered under the terms of the policy. Well then sir you are an arse, and I hope someone feels the same way when the run you or someone you love down! I actually put up some similar homemade "spikes" on the top of my own fence to keep cats and squirrels from walking on the top of the fence to then jump up onto the first floor roof of my house. Is it legal for neighbours to put cat spikes along fence? The subjects of a trespasser's intent and government land are also discussed. Who Can Claim Property Based on Adverse Possession in Texas? The spike strip looks like a simple thin wooden strip with iron nails sticking out the top, and it runs along the entire length of their backyard and a good bit of ours. As a house owner, your entitlement is to protect your home and property with a fence. An article from the Texas A&M Real Estate Center discussing all the laws passed in 2021 relating to property owners' associations including those related to swimming pool enclosures and security measures. Do you do it? As detailed in this cat spike review article we have described the laws in the UK, if you still do not understand these laws and want to fix cat spikes without your neighbours approval then contact your local council for more information. Not only because I don't really want to see what happens if my cat decides to run out and leap up the fence like they sometimes so, but also because it looks hideous and makes the fence look ugly. To my knowledge we've never had any relations with these neighbors, nor have we ever spoken with them or had any reason to be at odds with each other. How To Get Rid Of Ants Nests From My Garden? But that's best accomplished by talking to them first to avoid claims of damage. Spite fences are fences constructed purely to annoy a neighbor. So to intentionally not offer or give them back could be classed as theft as it would be hard to argue that you didnt know they belonged to your neighbour. WebHow To Put Spikes On A Fence To Stop Cats. They'll say the fence is shared or somesuch, you'll say no, it's not on the boundary line, they'll say it is and then boom, off you go. Consider Resolving the Underlying Neighbor Issue A spite fence does not fall from the clear blue sky. Birds feed at the tables then fly to the fence and crap all over it before flying away, I know this as it is what they do to my neighbours fence after feeding in my garden. A high and intimidating fence is one of the best intruder deterrents. A trustworthy seller of humane pet spikes will also provide you with a simple, waterproof warning sign to view. She loves to take sunbathe and do a barbecue in her free time. Spite is an emotion, and your neighbor would feel compelled to construct an annoying fence only if he or she was feeling strong emotions towards you. Remember that you will have the burden of proof to show a court that your neighbor installed the fence for malicious purposes. Dont use carpet gripper on your fence as its not designed for such use and would not stop a burglar climbing your fence (they simply put a coat over the top of it). I would say it's a viable reason not to interact with crazy (because that's who install homemade spikes on your fence). State law governing security measures built or installed on property within a property owners' association. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. How tall are the spikes on my Neighbors fence? If you live in the city, then you will have a cat in your garden sometime this week! A TikToker shared that her angry neighbor shined a flashlight into her elderly mother's bedroom. Excuse me OP, this is Her Majestys Reddit Revenue and (Original) Content, I would like to discuss your overdue bill for Cat Tax. In most states, it is legal to use both bird and cat spikes. Created by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, this book gives landowners a background on how Texas fence laws originated, explains the current laws that landowners should know, and details a few common fence dispute scenarios and solutions. He came out with cat poo on the back of his ankle, down his sock & in his favourite trainers. i'd rather the fence be entirely on her property so that i do not become mutually responsible for maintenance on a fence has seen a spike since October in legal questions from readers about layoffs, unemployment and severance. If a property owner's fence violates a subdivision rule, the homeowners association may ask the owner to make it conform. Down to the millimeter. I think removing them without telling them that you are doing so, and why, is just going to escalate things. In a TikTok video posted during the week of Feb. 20, 2023, creator @sharonblakely0 shared a rather divisive video of her neighbor shining a flashlight into her mothers bedroom at her residence. Cat spikes are ideal for the pet and owner since they dont have to think about their cat getting trapped inside if they are at work or out for the day. Can you take the cover off a memory foam mattress and wash it? However, some states and local legislatures have enacted laws specifically addressing situations where fences were installed for spiteful or malicious reasons. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. If you are going to fix spikes to your fence, make sure the wall is yours and not shared with your neighbour. That is down to the person driving the car! Stay clear of Mother Nature. Also depends how bad the spikes are - if it's to harm people then it won't stand in court. NAL, but Im hoping Ive learnt enough from (mostly) lurking this sub if Ive got anything wrong please, please let me know Firstly, theyre on your property so yes, you can remove them. Five Strands: a Landowner's Guide to Fence Law in Texas, 2nd ed. If the fence is physically on / over your friend's property, the fence is encroaching and would be removable by legal means: a sign on the fence would encroach just as much as the fence does. A potential vet bill is going to be even more expensive. It will also stop any claims for compensation if some fool happens to jump your fence and injure themselves. Talk to your neighbours before using cat spikes, especially if you co-own a boundary wall of a fence with your neighbour. Adding trellis to your fence not only keeps burglars away but also makes your fence look more attractive and unique. u/2020isbae agreed: "I'd have called the police the moment they said it. The 45mm nails have been driven into the top of the wooden garden gate adjoining the property of a neighbour who owns cats. What are you waiting for? You can buy them in meter length and are glued or nailed on top of walls & fences ETC. If your neighbour refuses, make them aware that if they dont remove within a reasonable timescale your will remove them yourself. But, keeping these cats out can be more complicated than you think. Would I do anything I could to keep them out? 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