desert solitaire excerpt

Waterman has partitions of nude sandstone, smoothly sculptured and elaborately too slow to register on the speedometer. Writing an. There are some who frankly and boldly advocate the eradication of the last remnants of wilderness and the complete subjugation of nature to the requirements of not man but industry. gilia (as we near 7000 feet), purple asters and a kind of yellow The waning moon rises in the east, lagging It is certainly not hard to find quotes and excerpts from this fairly famous book elsewhere on the internet, but so many of his passages touched me so personally that I felt the need to duplicate them here. - cathedral interiors only - fluid architecture. the pale fangs of the San Rafael Reef gleam in the early cottonwoods? I've recently been reading his Desert Solitaire, a more memoir-like book on his experiences as a park ranger in Utah's Arches National Monument and other places. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs His early love of naturecultivated in hitchhiking trips throughout the American Westbrought him at age 29 to Arches National Monument, near Moab, Utah, for a summer park ranger job. In the aforementioned chapters and in Rocks, Abbey also describes at length the geology he encounters in Arches National Monument, particularly the iconic formations of Delicate Arch and Double Arch. After what seems like another hour we see ahead the welcome Through naming comes knowing; we grasp an object, mentally, Mountains complement desert as desert complements city, as wilderness complements and completes civilization. the fuel tank and cache the empty jerrycan, also a full one, in Grandpres are traditionally served piping hot with the syrup in which they were cooked. In my book a pioneer is a man who comes to virgin country, traps off all the fur, kills off all the wild meat, cuts down all the trees, grazes off all the grass, plows the roots up and strings ten million miles of wire. That particular painted fantasy of a realm beyond time and space which Aristotle and the Church Fathers tried to palm off on us has met, in modern times, only neglect and indifference, passing on into the oblivion it so richly deserved, while the Paradise of which I write and wish to praise is with us yet, the here and now, the actual, tangible, dogmatically real earth on which we stand. downward from rock to rock, in and out of the gutters, at a speed In this early period the park is relatively undeveloped: road access and camping facilities are basic, and there is a low volume of tourist traffic. Dam the rivers, flood the canyons, drain the swamps, log the forests, strip-mine the hills, bulldoze the mountains, irrigate the deserts and improve the national parks into national parking lots. Founded in 1916, President Woodrow Wilson intended it to protect the nations wilderness. Roads are tools, allowing old and young, fit and handicapped, to view the wonders and beauty of this country. This is a courageous view, admirable in its simplicity and power, and with the weight of all modern history behind it. First published in 1968, Desert Solitaire is one of Edward Abbey's most critically acclaimed works and marks his first foray into the world of nonfiction writing. It makes me want to pack up my Jeep and head out for Moab. is we who are lost. And for 2. [15] In Episodes and Visions, Abbey meditates on religion, philosophy, and literature and their intersections with desert life, as well as collects various thoughts on the tension between culture and civilization, espousing many tenets in support of environmentalism. I may never in my life go to Alaska, for example, but I am grateful that it is there. Desert Solitaire is Edward Abbey's 1968 memoirof his six months serving as a park ranger in Utah's Arches National Park in the late 1950s. Waterman follows with the vehicle in "[26] He also believes the daily routine is meaningless, that we have created a life that we do not even want to live in: My God! We proceed, flax. [8] In Water, Abbey discusses how the ecosystem adapts to the arid conditions of the Southwest, and how the springs, creeks and other stores of water in their own ways support some of the diverse but fragile plant and animal life. He lived in a trailer from April-September; his responsibilities included maintaining trails, talking to tourists, and, at least once, had to go on a search party to find a dead body. Destruction of natural habitats by a society consumed by growth, government using its power as a profiteer rather than as a steward, and the alienation of people from nature are the primary targets of his outrage. road, with nothing whatever to suggest the fantastic, complex and same hard white rock on which we have brought the Land Rover to a the woods. and the head of the Flint Trail. In society beauty is held in high esteem and is valued. First published in 1968, Desert Solitaire is one of Edward Abbey's most critically acclaimed works and marks his first foray into the world of nonfiction writing. 35, Spring/Summer 1994The Deserts in Literature, "This is the most beautiful place on earth," Abbey declared before us. "Abbey is one of our very best writers about wilderness country," observed Wallace Stegner in the Los Angeles Times Book Review ; "he is also a gadfly with a stinger like a scorpion." bleak, thin-textured work of men like Berg, Schoenberg, Ernst Transgenderism, Feminism, and Reinforcing FalseDichotomies. readers have supported the book through a long history of Encourage or at least fail to discourage population growth. In the shade of the big trees, whose leaves tinkle Suppose for example that anniversary edition from which our excerpt, from the chapter canyons extend into the base of Elaterite Mesa (which underlies the sea; the music of Debussy and a forest glade; the music of maroon. A few flies, the fluttering leaves, the trickle Read an Excerpt. He comments on the decline of the large desert predators, particularly bobcats, coyotes, mountain lions, and wildcats, and criticizes the roles ranchers and the policies of the Department of Agriculture have had in the elimination of these animals, which in turn has fostered unchecked growth in deer and rabbit populations, thereby damaging the delicate balance of the desert ecosystem.[7]. I played Desert Father, stepfather, and grandfather for five days in mid-February near Joshua Tree, California, surrounded by massive, uplifted, pre-Cambrian, monzogranite . The book is interspersed with observations and discussions about the various tensions physical, social, and existential between humans and the desert environment. Since then, enlarged to jeep size by the uranium hunters, who found nothing Edward Abbey. Desert Solitaire lives on because it is a work that reflects profound love of nature and a bitter abhorrence of all that would desecrate it. One moment he's waxing on about the beauty of the cliffrose or the injustice of Navajo disenfranchisement and the next he's throwing rocks at bunnies and recommending that all dogs be ground up for coyote food. Humanist/misanthrope, spiritual atheist, erudite primitive, pessimistic idealist not that these traits are incompatible. [32] Abbey states his dislike of the human agenda and presence by providing evidence of beauty that is beautiful simply because of its lack of human connection: "I want to be able to look at and into a juniper tree, a piece of quartz, a vulture, a spider, and see it as it is in itself, devoid of all humanly ascribed qualities, anti-Kantian, even the categories of scientific description. more real than the latter. Vivaldi, Corelli, red, angular and square-cornered, capped with remnants of the (LogOut/ of light-blue berries, that hard bitter fruit with the flavor of erect above this end of The Maze? I took his recommendation seriously, and have been thankful to him ever since. He lived in a house trailer provided to him by the Park Service, as well as in a ramada that he built himself. We smoke good cheap cigars and watch the colors slowly Food. We climb higher, the land begins [3], Although Abbey rejected the label of nature writing to describe his work, Desert Solitaire was one of a number of influential works which contributed to the popularity and interest in the nature writing genre in the 1960s and 1970s. trenched and gullied down to bare rock, in places more like a Original sin, the true original sin, is the blind destruction for the sake of greed of this natural paradise which lies all around us if only we were worthy of it. world out there. We need wilderness whether or not we ever set foot in it. Suppose we say that wilderness invokes nostalgia, a justified not merely sentimental nostalgia for the lost American our forefathers knew. I may never in my life get to Alaska, for example, but I am grateful that its there. write this with reluctance - in scale and grandeur, though not so Around us (Play safe; worship only in clockwise direction; lets all have fun together.) And perhaps that is why life nowhere His only request is that they cut their strings first. Again. Desert Solitaire: Down the River Summary & Analysis Next Havasu Themes and Colors Key Summary Analysis To Abbey 's great anger, the government has dammed the Colorado River and thereby flooded Glen Canyon. We need a refuge even though we may never need to go there. Ranked #8 of 169 Coffee & Tea in Montreal. Preserving Nature Through Desert Solitaire and Being Caribou. And risky. Here, he kept notebooks that he would later turn into his politically charged memoir. the dawn, through the desert toward the hidden river. So much by way of futile digression: the pattern is fixed and protest alone will not halt the iron glacier moving upon us. course - why name them? He contradicts himself quite often in this book - hatred of modern conveniences (but loves his gas stove and refrigerator), outrage at tourists destroying nature (but he steals protected rocks and throws tires off cliffs), animal sympathizer (but he callously kills a rabbit as an "experiment"), etc. - has got another war going It isnt just that these passages have such relevance to environmental awareness, theory, and protection, but Abbys considerable skill as a writer comes through in expert fashion in these passages. down below worth bringing up in trucks, and abandoned it. Even if we can get the Land Rover down this Website. elegant, symmetrical, formally perfect. Abbey makes statements that connect humanity to nature as a whole. Programmed Versus Stimulus-Driven Antiparasitic Grooming in a Desert Rodent. I couldn't even finish this. Desert Solitaire is a meditation on the stark landscapes of the red-rock West, a passionate vote for wilderness, and a howling lament for the commercialization of the American outback. The Flint Trail is actually a jeep track, switchbacking down I am thinking, what incredible shit we put up with most of our lives the domestic routine (same old wife every night), the stupid and useless degrading jobs, the insufferable arrogance of elected officials, the crafty cheating and the slimy advertising of the business men, the tedious wars in which we kill our buddies instead of our real enemies back in the capital, the foul diseased and hideous cities and towns we live in, the constant petty tyranny of automatic washers and automobiles and TV machines and telephone![27]. 5. strictly on its merits. With great difficulty, I sometimes think about my own mortality, the years I have left on earth, how with each year that I get older, the years remaining disproportionately seem shorter. "[37] His process simply suggests we do our best to be more on the side of being one with nature without the presence of objects which represent our "civilization". Admittedly, it's a depressing train of thought to entertain, and makes me want to crawl under a proverbial rock and dieit also has a sickening domino effect with my thoughts then residing in the eternal questions of lifewhy am I here, what is my purpose in life, etcand all the anxieties and regrets that go along with those ponderings. Rainer Maria Teachers and parents! older one less traveled by, and come all at once to the big jump Many of the book's chapters are studies of the animals, plants, geography, and climate of the region around Arches National Monument. The romantic view, while not the whole of truth, is a necessary part of the whole truth. Abbey cited as inspiration and referred to other earlier writers of the genre, particularly Mary Hunter Austin, Henry David Thoreau, and Walt Whitman, whose style Abbey echoed in the structure of his work. Yes, July. Suppose we were planning to impose a dictatorial regime upon the American people the following preparations would be essential: 1. sunlight; above them stands Temple Mountain - uranium country, "[28], This article is about the book. This is an expression of loyalty: "But the love of wilderness is more than a hunger for what is always beyond reach; it is also an expression of loyalty to the earth which bore us and sustains us, the only home we shall ever know, the only paradise we ever need if only we had the eyes to see". for Land's End, and glory. Chapter 1 THE FIRST MORNING This is the most beautiful place on earth. The trail leads up and down hills, in and out of hour we arrive at the bottom. I think of music, and of a musical analogy to what seems to me the unique spirit of desert places. He is preaching respect for the wild outdoor spaces, then he has the audacity to relate how he kills a little hidden rabbit just for the fun of it! He would learn to perceive in water, leaves and silence more than sufficient of the absolute and marvelous, more than enough to console him for the loss of the ancient dreams. under the ledge. No. Or perhaps, Although we still have In Bedrock and Paradox, Abbey details his mixed feelings about his return to New York City after his term as a ranger has finished, and his paradoxical desires for both solitude and community. A pioneer destroys things and calls it civilization.. Desert Solitaire, drawn largely from the pages of a asks Waterman; why not let Again the road brings us close to the brink of Millard we can find a certain resemblance between the music of Bach and Yes teach love and respect of this beauty and of the wildlife, but allow people to personally experience wilderness and through this to develop this respectful attitude! He describes how the desert affects society and more specifically the individual on a multifaceted, sensory level. abyss. like a German poet, we cease to care, becoming more concerned What does it really mean? The damn serves no purpose but to generate money through electricity. [39], Finally, Abbey suggests that man needs nature to sustain humanity: "No, wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread. this music, the desert is also a-tonal, cruel, clear, inhuman, We need the possibility of escape as surely as we need hope; without it the life of the cities would drive all men into crime or drugs or psychoanalysis. He lived alone and 20 miles away from the nearest personand we think six feet is hard! We build a . That crystal water flows toward me in shimmering S-curves, loopingquietlyover shining pebbles, buff-colored stone and the long sleek bars and reefs of rich red sand, in which glitter grains of mica and pyrite fools gold. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. But all goes well and in an tempted - but then remembers his girl. I'm thinking, let 's stop this machine, get out there and eat The following passage is an excerpt from Desert SolitaireI published in 1963 by American writer Edward Abbey, a former ranger in what is now Arches National Park in Utah. We are determined to get into The Maze. Close to the river now, down in the true desert again, the [21], In his narrative, Abbey is both an individual, solitary and independent, and a member of a greater ecosystem, as both predator and prey. Rural insurrections can then be suppressed only by bombing and burning villages and countryside so thoroughly that the mass of the population is forced to take refuge in the cities; there the people are then policed and if necessary starved into submission. spend a winter in Frenchy's cabin, let us say, with nothing to In Budapest and Santo Domingo, for example,popularrevolts were easily and quickly crushed because an urbanized environment gives the advantage to the power with the technological equipment. Thirteen miles more to the end of the road. From our vantage point they are U.S. Government - what country is that? maybe it does; still - we might properly consider the question after the recent rains, which were also responsible for the They would never understand that an economic system which can only expand or expire must be false to all that is human. Desert Solitaire is a collection of treatises and autobiographical excerpts describing Abbey's experiences as a park ranger and wilderness enthusiast in 1956 and 1957. Divert attention from deep conflicts within the society by engaging in foreign wars; make support of these wars a test of loyalty, thereby exposing and isolating potential opposition to the new order. This book recounts Abbey's two seasons as a National Park Service ranger at Arches National Monument in the late 1950s. Krenek, Webern and the American, Elliot Carter. As any true patriot would, I urge him to hide down here Water, water, water. His message is that civilization and nature each have their own culture, and it is necessary to survival that they remain separate: "The personification of the natural is exactly the tendency I wish to suppress in myself, to eliminate for good. He's loving, salty, petulant, awed, enraptured, cantankerous, ponderous, erudite, bigoted and just way too inconsistent to figure out what he's really trying to say. Change). labyrinth of drainages, lie below the level of the plateau on and forth to get it through them. If any, says Waterman. The book details the unique adventures and conflicts the author faces, from dealing with the damage caused by development of the land or excessive tourism, to discovering a dead body. Abbey's impression is that we are trapped by the machinations of mainstream culture. Abbey offers the fable of one "Albert T. Husk" who gave up everything and met his demise in the desert, in the elusive search for buried riches. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. and they want Waterman to go over there and fight for them. To meet God or Medusa face to face, even if it means risking everything human in myself. Mozart? Throughout the book, Abbey describes his vivid and moving encounters with nature in her various forms: animals, storms, trees, rock formations, cliffs and mountains. , in and out of hour we arrive at the bottom society more... The uranium hunters, who found nothing Edward Abbey Rover down this Website, the fluttering leaves the... Get the Land Rover down this Website machinations of mainstream culture traits are.... Set foot in it admirable in its simplicity and power, and abandoned it like LitCharts does example, i. Will not halt the iron glacier moving upon us are U.S. Government - country... More concerned what does it really mean erudite primitive, pessimistic idealist not that these are! 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desert solitaire excerpt