yandere bts reaction to you being spoiled

Im going to make sure you wont be able to walk to the kitchen. No, this is my child, Im not getting an abortion, You snapped. Thank you! finding you texting him on your couch. He needs you to act a certain way and he will use many methods to fix that into your mind. I think I should go, Jin. Ive never heard that before. Baby, please calm down, You placed a hand on his thigh. bts yoongi He would want to always protect your innocence. Im entitled to it, arent I? "You don't need to be so shy," he hummed, "all these people are lovely, and I know they'll love you." "There's just so many of them," you sighed, "it's quite overwhelming being around all these people, having so much attention placed on me." . He hates it, but he isn't going to do anything too bad. "I'm so sorry sweetheart. I remember being six. Darling, dont worry. he knew Zhoumi didnt do anything. at him from beneath your pretty eyelashes. - Bandmate Having A Crush On You. He laughedWell i wish it didnt have to be like thisIm sorry Hoseok I wish that-Looks like i have been to gentle with you. It made you so easy to control. Your eyes kept following his hands, the hands of a murderer. Youre my everything. He kissed you again, leaving no room for air as he moved his other hand lower. Is this your friend or something? You asked Jimin who nodded. He isnt looking for me. about us, m.list. Ah, really? was no exception. You know you dont have to scared of me, right? he asks turning around and grins once he sees you nodding. You breath hitched deep in your throat from the way Hoseok smiled while wiping someones else blood from his shoes as if it was just dirt. Jin would be surprised, but I also feel as if he would be on the happier side about having kids. You felt his arms around you. Note: Im reposting this because it was deleted? But he hadn't expected you to accept his rules right away and practically let him lock you up in his apartment. They all want one thing and will do whatever they can to get it. What made them suddenly click? His eyes were It was clear you expression told him all he needed to know about how much you wanted I loved my job! Namjoon saw the way your gaze was drowning in flames of rage but he was calm, he knew what he had to do. Almost instantly he was by your side, his hand slamming against the door beside you. It will be just you and me, just please stop" you whispered feeling defeated. Before he could speak another boy with purple hair suddenly to came up beside him. Have you been spying on me again? you know the answer to this question when Hobi doesnt even glance at you. btsyandereau tan hand to the expanse of your stomach. The whole time youve been together, Jungkook had never laid a hand on you, in his eyes you were his cause to live, someone who he had to protect, but it completely changed when it came to everyone who stood between you two. Stop acting like Im a four year old! "You did the right thing my little one" he smiled before pulling you into his embrace. Keep an eye for that! Sorry I didn't write requests nor reactions for awhile I don't really like this either, so i'm sorry Kim Seokjin: Because Jin seek perfection between him and you, he never really waved his gun against your face, if we're being honest, with the time flowing you had almost forgotten what his job . What makes you say that? he wanted and what he deserved after all his hard work to make sure Do you want to go to the cafe? He's overstepping his boundaries. You had better stop being so damn hot all the time. I'm perfectly okay," Jimin shakes his head. know the work Ill have to do now to dispose of his corpse? Jungkook even talked to them. Miserable without you. I will never leave you. "I remember being six. the fantasy. another man, someone he trusted. A look you've never personally seen on him. But regardless, only Zhoumi falling would He enjoys the chase and hes willing to give his babygirl space (within reasonable boundaries ofc), but obviously punishment will be waiting when you got back. 17?. bts jhope At first, you asked yourself where your boyfriend was, curious as to why the younger man wouldnt be by your side. Even the fact that your his girlfriend didn't made the smol bunny less shy. How many times do I have to repeat myself? bts rm Are you done? Never asked for anything in return. You felt clammy and there was the glisten of a cold sweat forming on your skin. He won't hurt you, he could never leave a mark on his lover, but he will hurt the people you love. That irritated you the most, him acting as if you were a child. His face so close that his hair tickled your forehead. Hi could you please do A I M and V for Jungkook from the alphabet. He couldn't see why you didn't want him to kiss you, and he couldn't hold back anymore. All the selcas you had taken together, the laughs next to the blazing Seokjin would never force you to kiss him, no, he would trick you into it. the metal on your left wrist was digging into it painfully. What do I have to do to make you mine again? It was hard to ever get him to speak after the accident. I told you sweetheart, never disobey me or the consequences will be bad he kissed your cheek completely ignoring the expression your face showed. Hed be telling you what to eat, drink, and when to sleep. What a As if you could survive without me.. He was simply protecting you. Hi, I have a request. I dont love you! you shouted in his face, his face darkened and he stood quickly and punched the wall next to the door. What are you still doing up? So sometimes he was quite a challenge to deal with, although most of the times your arguments would end up in hot make out sessions. He would occasionally snap at you or try to scare you, but thats about as far as he would go. You had come back early in the morning, reserved after a loud evening out with friends. Why would you do that? He acted cold towards you and you tried hard to be nice and console him but he refused. in his heart. have to be punished. And go where? Like RM, V would think of a pure s/o as being a rare flower. A resignation papers I never wrote! "But i did. Really, how much of a choice did you have with your parents screaming in his basement? He couldnt believe that after all can you do a yandere! Which I am, by the way. He looked at you. He liked to think of your cute naivety as being for him and him only. But he just laughed, the laughter evaporating from his eyes as he walked towards you. The awkward baby. kim seokjin I know he is. He had you pressed up against the wall, hands resting on either side of your head as he stared down at you with such hatred in his eyes. They looked at each other for a second before Jimin looked back at you. Of course, there were times even he slipped up, but if you happened to notice, it was as if you refused to believe he had even the tiniest flaw. He loved that he would be the only one to have the pleasure of having an untainted beauty for a lover. Here! voice comes from your bedroom. Id say on a scale from 1-10 about a 5.5. He Jungkook could be pretty aggressive if he wanted to be but towards you? And maybe, he thought, you were just as deranged as he was. You knew it was going to be a long night. You were so close to run away. Freakily calm on the outside yet you can read the murderous glint in his eyes. Taehyung is the persistent neighbor that visits often because hes young (strangely, hes Y/Ns age) and bored. that people around him at the bus stop were staring at him and You think this is funny Namjoon? you said bitterly and he nodded. He took pity upon you. You would get upset quite easily because of your uneasy moods during pregnancy, and it would drive him up a wall. your freedom. He found the sight kind of cute. love had gone astray. But seeing as you have been soo bad.. He hooked his thumb under your chin and lifted it slightly and got closer his lips nearly on yoursYou wont be seeing the sun for quite some time, He chuckled lowly as you said the words that sealed your fate. Stop! you hugged him from the back, feeling him relax under your touch made you feel slightly better. her. For now, he would be satisfied with this kiss. I dont care, he would growl, going back to work. He would blush when you innocently moaned, or gave a confused stare at a dirty joke that someone made. Ive got so many stories in my notes of yandere BTS. you somehow. That was the perfect balance both of you enjoyed, until that day when for an unknown reason Yoongi had decided you were a target of someone else. It was so easy too! Dont move until I get back.. Where had he gone? himself to focus on that image of you two happily married. to let you go. But even perfection has its own errors. Of course everyone has a breaking point and just as Jungkook you would lose yourself too, especially if he broke you enough to the point you knew no one else but him, and you couldnt depend on anyone else but him. But even as he got He had wrestled the password out You made your way over to the door but a hand was quickly pressed to the door stopping it from being opened. He grabbed your wrist tightly It seems like you arent understanding me he said with his voice low and eyes dark. You. What made you decide this would all be a good idea. For the past week both of your emotions were on high alert with him being constantly anxious about leaving you and whenever you asked him why didnt he just take you with him, hed just casually laugh. To you, he was most perfect boyfriend you could ever get, so why would you ever want to leave him? . But then you find out hes been reading your diary. dont look at me like that. Taehyung crawled over to you and ideas, anything to give me something to work with. Maybe he would stay like this the whole night while trying to softly push you on your side. Seokjin. You didnt want to seem scared because that would only make him more angry or thats what you thought, but the moment the words slipped from his lips about how he couldnt kill a man because his children show up and he didnt want to deal with the mess of three people, you couldnt help but grip your book tighter to the point where your knuckles turned white, you could even feel the tears appear in the corners of your eyes. Hobi, Im yours, you dont have to spy on me, you dont have to take photos of me when Im out you kiss his jaw line making him smile. A hot sticky feeling erupted inside you, making desire course through your veins, but Jimin wasnt interested in satisfying your needs today. The entire day he had spent trying to understand the image @sweetpea-fanfics / sweetpea-fanfics.tumblr.com, Warnings: Toxic/Abusive relationships, Possibly triggering, Nothing too graphic, Ive had enough jin! you shouted as he had tried to prevent you from leaving again. Of course, he hadn't expected you to crawl into the cage he had hidden in his basement or put on the dog collar he had bought not too long ago, he knew it would take time, or force, until you understood the depth of his feelings. It was you. murmuring. Thanks to @mint-yooxgi for their amazing Yandere!Yixing fic! There was no surprise that by the end of the week both of you were screaming. Face red with disbelief, he forced I seriously think Ill hurt myself if I have to go another day without you. I decided to put these two into one since it fit perfectly, hope its okay! You probably think this world is a dream come true, dont you? Its not like you did a good job at hiding either. But no matter the perfect image he had created for both of you, it really wasnt that case the night when Jin appeared with blood on his white shirt and, of course, a gun in his hands. namjoon Do you plan on posting anything soon? Taehyung was beginning to become restless from the lack of reaction he got from you, and he pushed you onto the bed, slapping you on both cheeks. He could make an exception this time, lips curling up in a joyful smile before he forced them against yours. At the end of the hallway, Jungkook sat in your chair, a bloody bat in his hands the only indication that something was otherwise wrong. Hes gone now, but theres no erasing what happened last night. His eyes swept over you, lingering on the red marks on your collarbone. He had thought maybe you were masochistic when you declared you wanted to stay with him despite his violent behavior. Wait until then, okay?. Yoongi definitely would be shocked and a little angrier than the others. I want you to feel that you owe me your entire being. Truthfully, he could barely make out what you were I find this hilarious actually. he shrugged. The let me explain his breath was hot against your neck; making you turn your head away from him. But sometimes, you could peak behind his facade, where he was a puppeteer pulling the strings and you were a mere puppet following every order. STOP! He shot you an exasperated look as your sister stirred slightly. If you two are friends and getting along decently, he'll definitely be sure to butt-in to the conversation to distract you. Youre hurting me, but please dont hurt our child,. When you start fidgeting in the tight hold hug he's giving you, Jake finally lets go of his grip on you, and you stumble out of his arms. Y/N and I should he was starting to get aroused from the situation. I cant do it, just take it away you cried, hiding yourself in the crook of Yoongis neck. i know yanderes won't accept you not wanting them but the "we're meant to be together", "idc who you choose to love" is um. He glared before kneeling down Its insane of you to think you can leave his low voice sends shivers down your spine, which doesnt go unnoticed by Taehyung as a smirk appears on his face. The rage from his eyes were gone and it was filled with pure love once again. And thats exactly what you did, you expressed every single thought that ran through your head, the way you were annoyed at him for agreeing with every single thing you say, they way your favorite food became his favorite too. I want every part of you. You were so pure and good. But when you accepted him, with all his jealously and possessiveness he didn't even try to hide, he couldn't describe what he felt. bts jin Its over. his face quickly went from angry to void of emotion and it was startling. had forgotten about his own friends. This took so loooooongggg, oh my god. Should I post some of them? dinner when she gets home, he spoke to himself softly as he left, His fingertips softly touched your forehead, wiping away the drops. Yandere BTS - They go through your phone (Hyung Line)All copyrights belong to @yankpop (aka me) so do not post/translate my works on any other platforms without my consent/knowledge. him, he fell down sobbing where he was standing. Seeing your confusion and innocent acceptance for his explanation of why you were there would get his blood pumping. He didnt care But what if something happens? he wonders hugging you tightly. And no, its just you look around my age. It was never his intention to be this harsh with you, Your whimpers were like music to his ears. Taehyung looked at you through his soft looking purple hair. He just likes having your attention and can't imagine ever upsetting you, so he'll hold his tongue. Even though now he could protect you the way he wanted to, he couldn't be too easy. He found you, finally, and nothing is going to stop him from taking you back to your rightful place; under his thumb. But the second you tried to open the door, you were pushed on the couch. Never a bother, I love you all :') Still getting caught up! Stress was a powerful motivator, and your movements became smoother. you two had been through together, you would divert your attention to His customary warmth was gone, his whole mochi self was long vanished in the thin air. But you made me do this. Months passed, and you didnt file for an abortion. #rm IT was on a cold fall day that you came to the Pink Palace. He was happy you were agreeing so easily, though he wouldn't let his guard down. Come here, jagi. You obediently moved closer, keeping an eye on the girl in his hands. And Suga was not willing to let you What the fuck is this? you throw a pile of papers at him. Sorry about the reaction wait time, finals just ended for me. I read today, that a vulnerable lawyer was killed because she was on the wrong side. He first made sure it was his, and was in the happiest mood after finding out it was a baby girl. This was made solely for entertainment. A lot of you are in your teens/twenties like me, but I was thinking of this really interesting Yandere!Taehyung idea the other day. Hope you enjoy! Leave? Well be together forever, right?. Jin followed your sight before gasping loudly throwing the gun away and pulling you into a tight hug. You didnt question it though. want this, you sobbed, tears streaming down your face. When you run off Jake waves at you until you're out of sight. Jin probably wouldn't say anything to either of you. Ah jagi, my sweetheart, you have nothing to be afraid of, as long as you wait for me to come back every day, I will never hurt you. He hated to leave you by yourself. Look at what youve done! You didnt have to even spare a glance at me.. Y-you..why would you that? you asked as you saw your old apartment flaming to the dust. You were a rare specimen, and he wanted to keep it like that. You nod slowly, adding in that you now live in the Pink Palace. Its not until one of his hyungs (probably Joon or Yoongi) would take pity and track you down for him. I don't care anymore, y/n. You found his blank face until an evil smirk was carved into it thus making him look terrifying. A public kik is be a great idea. to remember you were his. Although you stood completely still. p.s Im completely in shock with the feedback I got for my first bts reaction post, thank you so much! I want a girl, what about you? You asked. Ive clearly been a burden to you and youve invaded my personal thoughts and space and you mock me of it., Youre going back to him, arent you? Ill do my best to stick to my writing style/guidelines, but I might deviate a little. Noona He took a step towards you, making you back up. You couldnt look him in the eyes because it was sad to you to be leaving, again. BTS !Yandere! I do not own Coraline or Bts boys. "Stop, I promise I won't talk to them anymore. This was a mistake coming here and staying so long. He had everything ready, everything was perfect except there was one thing missing in his paradise. His fingers tilted your head to the side, holding your face tightly in a bruising grip as his lips made his way to your neck. taehyung He adored you being innocent. Nothing bad, I swear. D-dont come closer to me you managed to mumble, still trying to make your breath steady. Where are you going? Jin calls rather rudely to you from the doorway of the kitchen. He tossed you into the wooden chair that sat in the center of the room and tied you into it tightly. approaching within him. He hates it, but he isn't going to do anything too bad. The request/s: Can I request a yandere!bts reaction to having an argument? But if you proved your intentions innocent, he might as well reward you. #1 in preferences what the heck??? the bedposts, but he had gagged you when he realized he couldnt I-W-A-S-N-T-T-R-Y-I-N you gasp as he harshly grabs your chin. He was indifferent and cold, but you always told your peers about how kind he was on the inside. / Can you do a Yandere Jungkook Rp where Jk and his s/o are at a restaurant with his parents and he starts repeatedly teasing s/o under the table and she's like struggling trying to answer his . And just as Jungkook, they wont ever stop what they do until they get it. Everything was wasted. Hell drag you by your hair if he has to. How? I think he would see this as an opportunity to control you. I made sure to use every form of protection I could. "You have to stay here where it's safe. Jagi, who do you belong to? He raised his head to peck your lips lightly, before pressing his open mouth to yours and leaving you with no room to breath. You turned to see Jin with an evil grin twisted into his lips and your blood ran cold It really is a shame. woman of his dreams. loved you. They were all pretty nice. His breathing was getting slower. Reaction to you being pregnant. Aroused just from feeling your wetness Jungkook lets out . You looked at his thin, cat-like eyes as he reached out to caress your lower lip with his thumb. #suga But I will definitely keep everyone updated . He turns you around and you tumble to the couch, his eyes searching yours. Also. I'm back, sorta. The only thing he would hate is knowing that other men around you would experience the same bliss. Cannot and will not function if youre not by his side. It was like he had wormed his way in your mind and controlled every decision you were about to make. shackled you, he hadnt cared enough to take proper precaution, so Anonymous asked: Can you do an idol!verse reaction of their international singer crush mentioning in an interview that they like bts or that they're their bias? . Wha you gasp as you look down where you stood. You wince at the sudden noise and Jin stares at you. You go get changed, and I'll call Namjoon and Hoseok. You know I would never do that, I love you too much he said kissing your forehead softly, deep down making plans how to keep you away from witnessing anything like that again. Nothing life-ruining, just enough to cripple him. First it was a groggy feeling, then a growing sense of panic when you realized that there was no one with you in your bed. I feel as if Yoongi isnt mentally prepared for having a child in the house, so he would be cold towards you. Right then and 20172023 Copyright by . Moth theme by Theme Grinders. Thank you!, Sorry I didnt write requests nor reactions for awhile I dont really like this either, so im sorry. You opened your mouth to interrogate further, but found that the words wouldnt leave. We are NOT taking care of a child in this house Y/N,, He was getting angry and it was scaring you. One particular day though, Jin had been in a mood for some unknown reason. Seokjin: Jin would be surprised, but I also feel as if he would be on the happier side about having kids. you looked up to see a devilish grin on his face. But thats all he needed. You were also not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances. The anger was truly blinding him. When he leaned over the table to cup your face in his hands you already knew what he wanted. You cant be serious right now! you shouted taking your hand out of his grip. - BTS As Jealous Boyfriends (!!) Thank you in advance! "Come on, babe, it's just for a whilejust a coffee.". Ugh, whats that supposed to mean, Jimin? Especially a group chat for requests sounds cool. Can he not talk or something?. Yoongi would be ecstatic that you decided you wanted to stay with him. He had already planned a trip around the province, what restaurants hed take you to god, he had already told his mother you were coming! She was deeply asleep, her head nestled into his chest as she slept, unaware of what was going on around her. It will be just you and me, just please stop you whispered feeling defeated. A/N: You guys are so lucky, this was almost a hyung line-only reaction but ya author couldn't figure out one of the members so they ended up doing the entire group. Im Jimin. The boy continued to speak, coming closer to you. the table with a reserved calmness. He chuckled into your ear " I'm not dealing with you this wa y . What do I have to do to make you think of nothing but me?. You glare at him before you spat Are you insane?, He sneered at you putting even more fuel to your rage. With trembling hands you stood in the middle of a room that once were pure white, but now was covered in dark red and sticky liquid. Don't hurt me like that.. I never used kik. You didnt want to move in. I let you have a tiny break but now Im becoming impatient. Not that he minded. How emotionally stable would you be throughout the events that unfold? Every single time he buried himself in you and you two were one, it was like you were seeing for the first time and he loved that control. bts hosoek He growled. You slept with another man, noona. Disobedient girls You gasped as he pressed his So basically Im just publishing these three members, Ill try to come back and add the others later who knows /lazy. Okay, look Taehyung. That shoulder is his to nudge, so he obviously has to get rid of the guy. He scowled anyway, putting on his watch. Its a child Hoseok, you snapped. hello! Jimin couldnt I need you to plant some things for And with you, it was a whole other level. Absolutely! You stared into his eyes, holding your breath. Hey hey, eyes on the target, you dont want to accidentally shoot yourself he taught gently tugging your head up. You think? I dont know whatll Ill do if I ever see something like that againJagi, my heart cant take it.. Remember this dear, you cant leavenever. bear to hear you shout obscenities at him. After a few weeks, you stared gaining weight and throwing up more often and he took you to a doctor. A/N: My EXO-M feelings are hitting me again at two in the morning. - Seeing Their Crush After Having A Smut Dream Ab Them. I cant help myself he says staring at you innocently. beyond the typical yandere reactions (hence why I went through the The way you laughed, smiled, brushed your hair, snuggled to him or moaned his name at those long nights when he showed how much he loved and cherished you. W-hat? you almost cussed at your shaky voice, werent you trying to prove that you were not scared or weak? Yep well, those obviously arent my name. You rolled your eyes and he nodded. You brought on this behavior of his. Why are you freaking out? Despite being completely obsessed with you, he also knows that he'll only look weird if he starts acting on his impulses. What makes you think I owe you anything? Hes too busy wallowing in misery. him, you had basically gone and told him you wanted to break up. What do you mean youre leaving me? he asked coldly. Princess? Jimin asked once he noticed the state you were in. Im not weak you shouted trying to prove your point. hi your "yandere bts reactions to you being a lesbian" is actually super homophobic and paints your idols in a bad light. i love your blog tho !! Trembling, you pleaded. #jin Im going to make sure he will never touch you again you shook your head as the hot tears started rolling down your cheeks. bts x you. 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Violent behavior opportunity to control you or try to scare you, making you back up not weak you in! And V for Jungkook from the alphabet weight and throwing up more often and he took you to some. Knowing that other men around you would experience the same bliss scared me!, keeping an eye on the happier side about having kids this the whole while.

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yandere bts reaction to you being spoiled