why didn't steve downs get custody

I think DD is guilty, but I also think her trial was far from due process, and that is the important issue. Im not arguing the facts of the trial, and Im not about to. I hope they have. I would also like to express my disbelief that the same judge presided over both the child welfare case and the criminal one. The lawsuit against Ann Rule was thrown out as unfounded because after reading her book they could find no inconsistencies She sat thru the entire trial AND used actual court transcripts. I encourage you to read all the facts before being so sure that she was guilty or that she acted alone. You said yourself that the title was revealing. It was such a high profile case and she was found guilty by the media and the court so people are afraid to touch this one. The role of Diane Downs was played by none other than Farrah Fawcett and her lover was played by Ryan ONeal who had been Farrahs love interest in real life. The chief prosecutor adopting the children beggars belief! But saying that you are not very smart is useless. The most recent tape of her daughter is not admissible because it is never allowed to bring out tapes that were obtained this way. Did CK shoot at car when DD drove away? I look forward to reading your other blogs. Also, aside from her original mental state, which may or may not excuse her aloofness (doesnt prove shes a killer by the way! Most were married because Diane had no desire to remarry. Right after the shooting, little Danny would ask the nurses, , Even Ann Rule in her book, keeps mentioning that, Every time, she said she did not know, they told her to think again and made suggestions. Everyone in the world can believe something. Lise,,,,, yes you did. That is the reason effective trial counsel challenges the competency of a nine-year-old child to testify in a court of law. It deserved as much attention as a Unicorn, a song or all the other hearsay floating around because at least, they came from real people signing official documents. but later you claim Diane was inside the car and shot the kids in the car and that that BECAUSE she was inside the car she should have had blood splatter on herso WHICH IS IT, I dont know which it is Libby. Yes Gigi, the same judge who had removed the children was also presiding over her trial. Whether or not Steve Downs was in some way behind the shooting, the man who fired the weapon was a stranger to Diane. ), years in solitary confinment Whats wrong with us?! Any thoughts on that? She did not have the opportunity to clean her hands with the right product to erase all traces and she was tested pretty fast, contrary to many other cases. It seems that not being American might help us view the case and Rules narrative with more objectivity. Again thats opinion, and neither balanced nor objective. The unicorn, the song, her personality. There is no way that a jury would convict Diane today, based on the clearly coached testimony of Christie. I never read the Ann Rule book, but saw Small Sacrifices as a kid and have had an interest in this case ever since. The most frequent remarks I hear about the case when confronted by the state misconduct and the lack of evidence are gut feelings I dont buy it Shes guilty She did it I know she did it Her story makes no sense Shes evil Shes crazy. It had to be her.. Diane followed the detectives to their car. How was DD able to get away from CK and get the keys back into the ignition without there being more attempts on her life? I found nothing. I must humbly admit that I had not questioned the facts of the case before readily accepting this image of Diane as a cold blooded killer. The man you have listed as Fred Hugi is actually Dianes attorney Jim Jagger. I dont care what Diane Downs says at the parole board hearing, except if she is innocent or guilty. I dont know either if she is guilty or not, but I believe there is a reasonable doubt surrounding the circumstances. This is not the reason she is still locked up. But people never want to touch the high profile cases where the defendant is not likable. What was the rationale behind this? But you sure did comment like a true asshole, huh? After graduation, Steven joined the Navy and Diane was sent to Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College where she failed miserably at remaining pure and chaste, not unlike most girls of her generation who rejected their strict religious upbringing. 3) You have a photo of Diane before the parole board. He knows as he was in court and must have photos. Posted by October 30, 2021 apush gilded age test on why didn't steve downs get custody The way it was. this is your 2nd quote which contradicts the first one .. Lets not forget that she was presumed to have fired a gun 6 times at close range within the confines of a small car. Lise do you know if the kids have ever reached out to the grandparents/family in the last few years? A demonstration in court strongly suggested: Suggested, not confirmed. Bannon, a former adviser . When I hear some people say that they would have liked to smack that smirk off Dianes face when she interacted with the cops or the media, I sayreadthis to understand accounts of people laughing at the wrong time and how it is related to their personality disorder. She talked to Diane for 15 minutes, there was thebizarre and partialOprah interview that was basically a lets bash Diane event and she wrote to Diane in jail to ask her what she thought of Hugi adopting her children. The absence of the gun or gun powder residues on Diane is fact. This happened in 1983, not 1893. Either way he could NOT have seen who shot him unless he has eyes in the back of his head. They are set in stone and people refuse to see it any other way. Yes, dad relinquished his rights but he knew that they loved their grandparents and had allowed Diane to take them for a visit without telling the authorities. In fact, watching that was the first time I heard her voice and saw her presence, it was a year or so later that old interviews showed up on YouTube. Yet that didnt stop Knick from asking Mr. Frederickson for a job and for Dianes hand in marriage (Appendix 81, page Case History Page 25). Downs wanted to get rid of the kids because her new boyfriend didn't want . Her power to manipulate is why she is where she is to begin with. ABC MOVIE FOR TV Small Sacrifices 1989 Farrah Fawcett, Ryan ONeal. Further: Wonder about Justice in Nation with world wide highest prisoner rate. Of course. So move on. Her children were obviously more severely injuredbecause being captive in the car while a shooter aimed at them gave them less of a chance to wiggle out of the situation than an adult outside the car. Or that the sketch did not resemble the suspect enough? What I believe doesnt matter at all. My comment wont change their opinion on the barbarity of the American legal system, media influences and Ann Rules input. This is a scenario pretty hard to believe, but as they say, reality can sometimes be stranger than fiction. They never tried to reunite them with family. Weve become friends. The notes taken daily by the nurses became a point of contention at trial. The fact that she took the kids to the nearest hospital, andtwo of them survived kind offlies in the face of their murder at all costs theory. They went after Diane at trial for tapping her foot when they played Hungry like the wolf. Most people described Dianes injury as minor or superficial but in reality, it was a very serious injury. The bushy haired stranger that police had gotten a lead on worked at the country club he was at work at that time and had a sever speech impediment. Why? As for Diane, give me a break. Gregory Foote who had denied access to the children by all blood relatives and given their care over to the State, was promoted from juvenile to senior judge to preside over the trial of Diane Downs.. I do not declare her innocent. Her husband James Krauseneck was charged with her murder in November of this year. The lousy men in their lives never took a hit because after all, it was these witches fault. Theybrought out the big guns to unload on the public, their idea of the truth: Diane Downs was a horrible creature and a jilted lover who shot her three children in cold blood to be free to pursue a relationship with the man she was obsessed with. Click to read The Case of Liysa Northon Who Said True Crime Does not Pay? The tape is real and probably not admissible, but it seems to indicate that her testimony was coerced. They should have taken the time necessary to find enough evidence. The State had the same gut feeling and made sure she would pay. I removed the dumb and crass part of your comment. I had never heard of this case before I read her book (Im not from or do not live in the USA), but I found myself constantly despairing at the authors unfounded judgements and wild suppositions. I see that Downs had a parole hearing in late 2020 but I cant see the outcome. This coercion came to Dianes attention in January 1989 (Appendix 39). Page 41 of case history. I enjoyed your take, and agree their are several reasons with this, and lets be honestevery other case ever prosecuted, to take pause and question but Diane continues to lie, make up brand new stories about people after her, and has made no moves to better herself in any way shape or form while shes been in prison, by her own admission. Can you imagine your little boy growing up to beat to death (with his bare hands and boots) Is she referring to her ex husband? The GSR? Her three small children, Christie, 8; Cheryl, 7; and Danny, 3 . Knick never signed the premarital agreement and Diane never married him. No excuse there. Mr. Jagger said it wasnt t enough to know a witness had lied, but she would have to prove it. Meaning a trial where lying or failing to disclose exculpatory evidence by prosecutors is not happening. Diane needs some serious spiritual advancement and atonement before she ever will have or deserve peace. Do you remember a couple of days after that, December Or can have an accomplice. Thanks again. What got her convicted was two things the towel and Christie. TIL On May 19, 1983, Diane Downs shot her three children and drove them at 5-7 mph to the hospital. The first two children were Diane's kids with her ex husband Steve Downs. If the answer is, revenge, then it has been achieved. She has been denied parole 2x and is up again in 2020. Some 287 errors and falsehoods were documented by Liysa and verified by official sources. According to Oregon law, this would have to be supported by a psychiatrists report or a Wardens letter and Diane provided both. Likewise, Charlene had no intention of letting Knick divorce her (Appendix 81, page 1518, line 15). Oh my. Lockdowns in . The interpretation of blood splatter is different than no blood splatter. Like in their movies. Diane Downs and Alice Crummins were considered sluts and cold-blooded women and were judged on their unusual character. Teams of people and detectives combed the area for months looking for the gun but it was nowhere to be found. You mention that her attorney should have raised objections. How could Christie say anything but the things they told her to say with that kind of influence? The whole blog claims the trial was flawed. You do not debate the content of the blog which you probably did not read anyway. Are her parents still living (I know they were a few years ago)? If you had, you would clearly know that I do not claim her guilt or innocence. Her 7-year old daughter Cheryl died but her 3-year old son Danny and her 8-year old daughter Christie survived. That makes no sense. Needless to say, you seem to have a problem with the American justice systemnot each individual case. Knick had NOT signed the premarital agreement, but that didnt stay his pursuit of Diane, knowing she was moving 1200 miles away. Do you REALLY believe she expected them to live especially since she drove at less than 10 mph. Not giving you free reign here. In the nurses notes, she is described as in shock and unable to grasp the situation. Basically then at that I followed the trial. She was a first time offender who has shown no violent tendencies and is afflicted with a mental illness. Steve Downs had allegedly stolen this gun from a friend named Billy Proctor, but after it was found and the ballistics did not match, Bill suddenly remembered keeping it only for a day before exchanging it for another Ruger automatic at a gun show in Mesa; which now meant that the gun that Diane allegedly used to shoot herself and the children, was still apparently nowhere to be found. The definition of deviant sociopath does not even exist in the DSM-HI, which is the official psychiatric diagnostic manual. It can safely be presumed, other children told their parents, and that some of those parents reported the disturbing revelation to states Attorney, Prosecutor Fred Hugi. A slightly humorous observation is that you said, and others have, that James Haynes physically resembled the sketch. But Diane couldnt do that. In 1991, David Brewer, a juror who deliberated Dianes fate in her 1984 trial, came forward to say he and another juror had decided to acquit Downs by the close of the States presentation. Being bipolar, she had no impulse control so it should not have surprised anyone. ?.the fact you are ignoring something SO OBVIOUS is a red flag. There was never a real motive for the crime even if the State insisted that Diane wanted to be free to pursue her love interest; using her journals to support theirclaim. (Appendix 3). Leslie Van Houten is an example of a woman who probably will never see the light of day because of her high profile status. Hardly circumstantial or coincidental what are the chances that a bushy haired stranger, masked men, or someone that knew her (take your pick from Dianes ever shifting account) would have the exact same bullets matching to bullets from a gun owned by Diane ? Diane herself stated Cheryl was asleep on the front floorboard completely covered up with Dianes jacket how the hell did a stranger or a hitman(one of Dianes OTHER stories) KNOW Cheryl was there. They hardly investigated any other lead after a couple of weeks. They rarely are, especially in the US. If it was not such a high profile case, Diane Downs would have been paroled a long time ago: speculative, Ill stop there. Up. It is not, as the blogger frequently refers to, evidence. The tape is real and probably not admissible, but it seems to indicate that her testimony was coerced: Why is it not admissible? Their theory was very shaky. From the time Diane was a teenager, when a physician ordered visterol in an emergency room situation, it has been documented again and again that sedatives ingested while Diane is in pain, provoke a chemically induced hysteria in her. So yes I think she did it, I think ration left her a long before she did itI think post pardum played in this, I think, she was scattered all over the map.againjust hearing it in her own words. 1st, you came back from a trip? Maybe because of her notoriety and the victims were children. WTF? Diane didnt ask Knick to leave his wife. That testimony was left unchallenged by Mr. Jagger. 6. I think that Van Houten was recommended for parole by a system that assessed that after 40 years, she was not a threat to society and a reformed woman. Doing it without witnesses when she was so sick is underhanded. It was also said at trial that the shooter would have been left handed, which was not the case for Diane. Diane asked for proof that her ex husband was behind the shooting. The reason Im harsh is because Ive detected that youve paid for this site and therefore cant be wrong. She may be highly vulnerable to losing control of her emotions in emotionally charged situations, creating faulty judgment and ineffective and inappropriate behavior. I have no dog in this race. Not speculative? 2. The next day, on June 16, 1983, CSD terminated Dianes visitations with her children altogether. Page 10 of Case History. ..maybe it was lack of Internet and cellies *shrug)..years later, my Co worker at burger King (I was 16)told me about the small sacrifices movie she watched the night before. CK allowed DD to drive away despite the fact she could identify him and he had a gun? N u pleaded guilty of murdering ur husband. But the high profile nature of the case might hinder the process. Conflicting reports say Downs also acted as a surrogate during her fourth pregnancy, giving birth to a daughter after her trial in 1984. If you had commented on one of the elements contained in the blog, it might have been enlightening. I did not shoot my children.. But people never want to touch the high profile cases where the is! Was not the case for Diane the towel and Christie refuse to see it any other lead a! Still living ( i know they were a few years ago ) had lied, but it was these fault! But people never want to touch the high profile status have surprised anyone ), years in solitary confinment wrong... Had removed the dumb and crass part of your comment during her fourth pregnancy, giving birth a! The answer is, revenge, then it has been denied parole 2x is! Control of her emotions in emotionally charged situations, creating faulty judgment and ineffective and inappropriate.... 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why didn't steve downs get custody