was nineveh destroyed by a flood

The LORD is slow to anger and great in power, and the LORD will by no means leave the guilty unpunished. For about 340 years the Assyrians were the world power and they could arguably be called the most cruel and barbaric nation in all of ancient history. Nineveh over time, reverted back to their old ways however, and Nahum was then given a prophecy of the citys utter destruction. ABC 3 is a historiographical text from ancient Babylonia which records August 10th 612 BC as the date of this dramatic occurrence. God's wrath is His punishment of sin and evil and something He always said He would do. Click on the title of a post to go to that post. Test your knowledge about topics related to Education. 4,700-Year-Old Tavern Serves Up Surprises in Ancient Lagash, Iraq, Library in Stone: The Ica Stones of Professor Cabrera Part I, Two Sides to Every Story: The North American Martyrs Shrines and Indigenous/ Roman Catholic Relations, The Origins of the Faeries: Encoded in our Cultures Part I, Curse of the Buried Pearl: The Hunt for Ancient Treasures Part I, The Enigma of the Shugborough Inscription, Tragedy as militants bomb 2,700-year-old Nineveh Wall in Iraq, 3000-Year-Old Assyrian Reliefs Unearthed in ISIS Stomping Ground, Three ancient cities to rival London, Paris and New York. If you feel an answer is not 100% Bible based, then leave a comment, and we'll be sure to review it. Through his jaw I passed a rope, put a dog chain upon him and made him occupy a kennel of the east gate of the inner of Nineveh. Nahum 1:1 tn See note at Isa 13:1. For the Kings of Assyria rebelled against God and His rule and honored their man-made idols of silver, gold, and stone (2 Kings 18:3335; 19:822). And it happened in 612 BC with amazing accuracy. What if the Tower of Babel wasnot the unbelievably fanciful tower described to us as children that reached up into the clouds to try to reach Gods throne. by the Medes and the Babylonians. Sometime in the next 100 plus years the people of Nineveh slid back into their sinful evil ways. Isaiah 8:7; Daniel 11:26, 40); or it may be an allusion to the inundation which aided the capture of the city (see note on Nahum 2:6). What fascinated me is that God is reaching out too people that don't worship him who see him not as their God which is exactly what God is telling them I AM your God, also God may still have a Judgement rendered against Nineveh the fact that Isis did the destruction doesn't surprise me. (Grayson, ABC, no. Shouldn't that be "dependence"? The Medes, a people from the plains of northwestern Iran, marched south to take the Assyrians original home city of Assur in 614 bce, after which they too struck an alliance with Nabopolassar. The city fell when Nabopolassar's Babylonian army attacked. APN 118.06-2-13. View sales history, tax history, home value estimates, and overhead views. The infants in Thebes were dashed to pieces by the armies of Assyria, yet God brought justice to those responsible. Dear Ashley. Then the King, convinced that the oracle was accomplished and despairing of any means of escape, to avoid falling alive into the enemys hands constructed in his palace an immense funeral pyre, placed on it his gold and silver and his royal robes, and then, shutting himself up with his wives and eunuchs in a chamber formed in the midst of the pile, disappeared in the flames. But while paper books are destroyed by fire, the clay tablets were in most cases baked harder, making them among the best . Because of His holy mercy. It extended for 4 kilometers along the Tigris River and for 13 kilometers around the . Holy wrath and holy mercy were, are, and always will be co-existing attributes of God. Later, after Jonah the Assyrians turned back to their former ways of cruelty and evil, so in the end they were destroyed as Nahum predicts. The Euphrates Flood and the Ashes of Nineveh (Diod. City destroyed in 612 B.C.] In a minute, the storm vanishes miraculously. We know they also destroyed 46 walled cities in Judah and forced the king of Judah to pay heavy taxes. It was pillaged and burned, and then razed to the ground so completely as to evidence the implacable hatred enkindled in the minds of subject nations by the fierce and cruel Assyrian government. WHAT HAPPENED: About fifty years later in 612 BC it happened exactly as God told Nahum it would! They went into captivity, where? The prophet Nahum explained in great detail why the Lord decided to remove Nineveh as a power. He said the city gates would be destroyed, the Ninevites would be drunk during the final attack, Nineveh's wall and gates would be destroyed by a great flood, much of the city would be burned by fire, there would be a great massacre of people, a great quantity of plundertoo much too count, would be carried out of the city, the Assyrian . (Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin / CC BY-SA 4.0 ). The Destruction of Nineveh (For real this time), http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/df/Choghazanbil2.jpg, Click to Navigate Back to Parkview Website. From the path of sinfulness, they moved towards the path of virtues. He wanted the Babylonians to become powerful so that they could be used against the idolatrous Judeans. We have lost our identity, we are very small in numbers, we have been massacred by Muslims in Turkey, Iran, Iran & Syria and most recently when you read about ISIS killing Christians in Iraq and Syria, those were Assyrians, and not Arab Christians as the media identifies them. So Nineveh was likely founded on rebellion towards God. In the meantime, more information about the article and the author can be found by clicking on the authors name. . Black is Bible times. However in 2019, the BBC announced that since Iraqi troops recaptured Mosul in 2017, part of the Mosul Museum has been restored and reopened to exhibit contemporary art, while the rest of the museum remains closed to protect what is left, said the museum director. Assyria never rose to power again after they were defeated by the Babylonians. Picture taken from my The Complete Guide to the Bible by Stephen M. Miller, page 265 [5] (*affiliate link), WHEN: God told Jonah to go to Nineveh approximately 760 BC and tell them they would be judged. Because He is a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, and one who relents concerning calamity. We are redeemed by the cross. I keep hearing about how the people of Nineveh escaped judgement, but not the fact that later on many fell into sin and were judged by God. Jonah crosses a desert and gets to a seashore. Nineveh was the ancient capital of the Assyrian empire. As a result, the inhabitants of that city humbled themselves before God and repented of their sins. The city was the center of the ancient Sumerian civilization that brought us Cuneiform writing, the first recorded law codes under Hammurabi, and the Epic of Gilgamesh which included a similar version of Noahs flood. Although his successors clung to power for a while, the days of Assyrian ascendancy were gone. Sir Henry Rawlinson, who had been British Consul in Baghdad at the time of Rassam's nocturnal excavations at Nineveh . ", "I cut off their members and had carried about as an object lesson for all lands. The Pictures below are Ziggurats still standing today in modern day Iraq. While the world is destroyed in Bereshit, Nineveh is ultimately saved in Sefer Yonah. In the Book of Jonah, also known as the Book of Jonas, God asked one of his followers named Jonah or Jonas to inform the citizens of Nineveh that God will destroy their city in 40 days. Around the outside of the walls was a moat that was 150 feet wide and 60 feet deep! But about 50 years after Nahum spoke, God had enough. Why? The act of Jonah delivering the message of Ninevehs destruction is said to be set in somewhere around the 9th Century BC. The city was sacked, and Assyrias King Sinsharushkin killed. Brian, your concept of God or YHWH is small-minded and narrow. The LORD takes vengeance on His adversaries, and He reserves wrath for His enemies. Ive put so much effort writing this blog post to provide value to you. The original meaning of the name is unclear but may have referred to a patron goddess. How Long After Jonah Was Nineveh Destroyed (And Why)? The events of 631 B.C. These ziggurats are thought by some to be the architectural style used in the building of the Tower of Babel. Required fields are marked *. Aramaic nuna, "fish"). There are readings of religious texts that talk about history. Y. Amar3 suggests that the connections between the two stories highlight a progression in Hashem's management of the world: This topic has not yet undergone editorial review, " " ' . Think about how long of a time period that is! (3) Losing of the walls - destroyed by the flood. The Ninevites would be drunk. Anyhow, much later, their city sees a fall and gets destroyed. I always pictured Nineveh as a small or average sized town, but that is incorrect. The second is Nahum. So, he decides to move away from the city of Nineveh rather than going towards it. And we're pretty sure about that because we know pretty much exactly what happened, why it happened, and how it happened. That is where Nineveh was located. We've all heard the story of Nineveh repenting at the preaching of Jonah, but how many have read what ultimately happened to Nineveh when they regressed and . Around 627 AD the Babylonian general Nabopolassar defeated the Assyrians in a battle near Babylon and became king, marking the beginning of the Babylonian Empire which lasted until Nineveh was captured by the Persian Cyrus the Great in October 539 AD. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN: Nahum said the siege of Nineveh would be lengthy. About UsContact UsPrayer RequestsPrivacy Policy, Latest AnswersBible LessonsBibleAsk LIVEOnline Bible. Assyrian christians evangelized the whole of the Middle and Far east, starting from Syria-Iraq-Iran and eastward all the way to China, from the 700s through 1100s. Nahum isn't a fun book to read. as prophesied in the Bible. Who destroyed Nineveh in Nahum? In 2001, all of Sarah Feldman's books were destroyed in a flood, so her dad took her to a library to try to cheer her up. Battle of Nineveh, (612 bce). Top image: Assyrian soldiers carry beheaded heads of their prisoners as depicted on a wall in the South-West Palace at Nineveh, during the First Fall of Neneveh. Inside the stomach of the fish, Jonah thanks God and promises to do his task. Nineveh was located at the intersection of important north-south and east-west trade routes, and its proximity to a tributary of the Tigris, the Khawar River, added to the value of the fertile agricultural and pastoral . Why did God not destroy the city of Nineveh? This was in fulfillment of the prophet Nahum's prediction that God would completely destroy the city ( Nahum 1 ). The Sumerian "Flood"-tablet in the University Museum, excavated at Nippur more than seventy years ago. Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector Invented 2,000 Years Ago Really Worked! What happen to the remenant Assyrian peoples after the conquering of ninevah. They may have repented, but did they stop their harlotry and sorcery? Let us know. There were quite a few prophets who prophesied against Nineveh. Why did God judge Edom so harshly in the book of Obadiah. We must hold these attributes of His in tension and balance when reading the Bible, thinking of God, and praying to Him. Kindly, refer to Nabukodnazzar King of Babilon by the antropoligist Tabuois, Ed. It wasthe original Babylon. The LORD is slow to anger and great in power, and the LORD will by no means leave, The rest of the book of Nahum is about God's wrath. River Road in Nichols, NY, taken at approx. 2nd paragraph up from the bottom in the last line you wrote he (God) did the decided to judge them. Thank you for sharing the article about Nineveh now we'll see if they can find the spot where 185,000 angels slaughtered in a single night The Assyrian Army encompassed against the Kingdom of Judah this is when King Hezekiah ruled he was of the line of David. Image Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/df/Choghazanbil2.jpg. As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. II 27 . How Long Was Joseph In Potiphars House? Nineveh was destroyed apparently by fire around 625 BC, and the Assyrian empire came to an end, an event which changed the face of Asia. In such a world, the role of the "Yonah" is to rebuke and chastise so that sin itself is destroyed, but not the sinners. (See my post Ineligible for Forgiveness dated 7/23/18.). An article in The Guardian discussing the destruction of cultural heritage in Iraq by the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) described the destruction as a war crime. At the same time, the terrorist organization attempted to attract a sympathetic audience to gain new recruits in their homeland, while provoking reactions in the West. When Jonah preached the Ninevites repented (at that time). I kept being told to go to the old ways. The Amazing Collection, The Early Minor Prophets, Set 6 (Alpharetta, Georgia: Big Dream Ministries, Inc.), 2005, 117-139. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. On their voyage, they face a sea storm and, they lose control over the ship. The citys remains were found by A. H. Layard in 1845-1854 outside of Mosul,Iraq. Nineveh - Mashki Gate. I have only just discovered that Nineveh was destroyed. Picture taken off of my Then & Now Bible Maps [6] (affiliate link*). Both the story of the Flood in Bereshit 6-8 and the Book of Yonah revolve around Hashem's decision to destroy a group of degenerate people, guilty of violence (). And thus, they were saved (Jonah 1-4). Skin them alive and put their skin on the walls of the cities they conquered. Various Assyrian rulers continued this practice for many years. What is the study of light and color called? It did not fall for 150 years. Nineveh was the ancient capital of the Assyrian empire. It helped me a lot in understanding the Book of Nahum. In 626 bce, however, a new king, Nabopolassar, sensed that the hold of Assyrias rulers was weakening. Nineveh, the oldest and most-populous city of the ancient Assyrian empire, situated on the east bank of the Tigris River and encircled by the modern city of Mosul, Iraq. . Nineveh's workmen will work in vain: Nahum taunted the determined workmen, bidding them to do everything possible to spare the city: Which of the following is NOT a type of writing? The Assyrians removed the Northern Kingdom of Israel (10 tribes) from the map in 722 BC. They started to follow Gods teachings with all their heart. The Babylonians wrote extensively about defeating the Assyrians in 612 BC. Why did God allow David to live long when he brought disgrace to the land of Israel? Resistance was fierce, and it was three long months of fighting before it fell. As a matter of fact, God used the Assyrians to punish the Israelites for their sins. The Babylonians got close to the city and almost destroyed it, but the Assyrians managed to keep them tied up before they could accomplish this objective. May the good Lord continue inspiring more illuminations in you. Nineveh over time, reverted back to their old ways however, and Nahum was then given a prophecy of the city's utter destruction. This policy was used against Israel and Judah. I tell the students to read the Bible with. Together with the team at ExactlyHowLong, the aim is to provide useful and engaging content to our readers. No wonder Jonah didn't think his cruel enemies deserved God's mercy. In my class Connecting the Dots of the Bible class I go over the keyword "lovingkindness" and the concept of "the fear of God." My understanding is, after the Nineveh repented, many still continued to sin, so God used Nahum to prophesy against them. Your email address will not be published. This may be poetic justice for a people who dared God to try and send another flood to destroy them: ", For about 340 years the Assyrians were the world power and they could arguably be called the most cruel and barbaric nation in all of ancient history. Jonah had already uttered his message of warning, and Nahum was followed by Zephaniah, who also predicted the destruction of the city. Because of His holy mercy. I want to consider a second possible example: the destruction of Nineveh. Our aim is to share the Word and be true to it. The walls surrounding the city were 100 feet high and so thick that three chariots could go side by side of each other along the top of the walls! This opens the eyes of the people of Nineveh and, they beg for forgiveness from God. (*affiliate link), John H. Walton, Mark L. Strauss, Ted Cooper Jr., The Essential Bible Companion, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan) 2006, 64-65 and 68-69. As mentioned before this book is in any State library reserve. the city was destroyed and has since then remained a heap of ruins as Nahum predicted (Nahum 3:11). Why will God condemn some that perform miracles in His name? They would be destroyed by flood. I: iv: 2). What is the capital of the country France? The LORD is good, a stronghold in the days of trouble, and He knows those who take refuge in Him. The Horsemen of Oyo were legendary warriors who served the Oyo Empire of West Africa. The Bible doesn't go into too much detail on this. The whole entire book of Nahum outlines Gods judgment against the Assyrians. However, God forgives the people of the city of Nineveh and decides not to destroy them. At that time, Nineveh was the largest city in the world and the capital of Assyria.This all came to an abrupt end when Nabopolassar, the Chaldean king of Babylonia and a central figure in . as prophesied in the Bible. The word flood could refer to a literal flood or a massive army invasion. Tabuois was able to read and translate Babilon's geroglyphics. They built up their city by shedding blood, enslaving people, performing cruel acts of torture and by having a disregard for human life. Real Questions. It was destroyed around 612 BC which is when this event appears on the Old Testament Timeline. A virtually indestructible city, it was the center of the entire region during Jonah and Nahums time. At the same time the Euphrates and Tigris rivers flooded and part of Nineveh's wall was washed away. The Untersberg is a great mountain straddling the Austro-German border opposite Salzburg. Moreover, this information is with certainty, because Nabukadnazzar used to walk with a writter at all times. These articles have not yet undergone the rigorous in-house editing or fact-checking and styling process to which most Britannica articles are customarily subjected. WHO: The book of Nahum is about the words God spoke through the prophet Nahum regarding Nineveh. The theme of the book of Nahum is Nineveh's destruction because they had incurred God's wrath. 789. Nahum-Malachi, Holman Old Testament Commentary by Stephen Miller. It has even been claimed that Nineveh was the most populated city in the world for a period. we read the story of Jonah. From 612 BC on Assyria ceased to exist. He also said he would be revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach! Many historians have been trying to relocate the existence of such history-related acts. They brought on God's wrath themselves. The joint Medes-Babylonian army invaded Nineveh in May 612 AD the city finally fell in July. Wipe out the Assyrians!? God didnt leave the citys inhabitants without a warning. Soon, Nabopolassar was heading an army that included the people of Susaa city-state in the foothills of the Zagros mountainsand the Scythians, mounted nomads (and formidable cavalrymen) from the steppe. they rose to power and launched an assault against the Assyrian empire. Im looking for varifiable evidence. For the wicked counselor [the king of Assyria] shall no more come against you or pass through your land; he is utterly cut off.[Isa. . "The Assyrian Empire started to become unstable after the death of King Aurbanipal in 631 BC when the Babylonians ended their independence.". I am a descendant of those Assyrians. (*affiliate link), Stephen M. Miller, The Complete Guide to the Bible, (Phoenix, Arizona: The Steve Laube Agency LLC), 2007, 253-258 and 265-269. As a result Jonah has a change of heart and goes and tells the people of Nineveh that God is going to judge them. Questions or concerns? It is my understanding that it was Nabukodonozor a.k.a. The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. And the empire filled its cup of iniquity because of its idolatry, pride and crime. The people of Nineveh were sinners and did not follow God. Which of the following is NOT one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World? Assyrians remained there and became subjects of those governments, their culture and language was mixed with that of others. By praying to God and following his teachings, the people of Nineveh got rid of God destroying them. Learn facts that you cant learn just from reading the Bible The city, while under siege by its enemies, will open its gates and will be destroyed byfire: 3: 13 Behold, thy people in the midst of thee are women: the gates of thy land shall be set wide open unto thine enemies: the fire shall devour thy bars. On this day, 2,632 years ago, the ancient metropolis of Nineveh fell. 1 0 obj <> endobj 2 0 obj <> endobj 3 0 obj <> endobj 4 0 obj <>/Type /Page>> endobj 5 0 obj <> endobj 6 0 obj <> endobj 7 0 obj <> endobj 8 0 obj <> endobj 9 0 obj <> endobj 10 0 obj <> endobj 11 0 obj <> stream Sinners are to be destroyed completely from the land, allowing the "" to declare peace in the aftermath of their obliteration. He gives Gods message to the people of Nineveh. The other part of this article covers is how astonished the whole world; was at Nineveh's destruction, like Greece, for example, in fact the word marveled was used to describe the all of the Nations reaction. It took awhile, but nonetheless true! Nineveh opened its gates to the besiegers, but this tardy submission did not save the proud city. Does God like to judge? Thank goodness it is short. According to an article on Livius after the suicide of King Sin-ar-ikun, the looting of Nineveh continued until 10 August, when the Medes finally went home, and that the fall of Nineveh shocked the ancient world. From distant Greece, the poet Phocylides of Miletus reported of the destruction of this ancient city. 1: 10 For while they be folden together as thorns, and while they are drunken as drunkards, they shall be devoured as stubble fully dry. To do so is more examples of false prophecys. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. He was raised in Wick, a small fishing village in the county of Caithness on the north east coast of Read More. 11 Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, 12 And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same is a great city. We know the dates because Nahum mentions the fall of Thebes in Nahum 3:8 and we know that happened in 663 BC. He gets on a ship where shipmen followed their own god. There is a substantial presence of Assyrians in Chicago, Detroit, Indiana, NY, PA, California, especially in Turlock and San Jose, Arizona and Texas to name a few. TWITTER | FACEBOOK | SUBSCRIBE FOR EMAIL UPDATES, Website edited and maintained by Matt Davies | Nottingham, Jesus Christ his true purpose and mission, Death the end and not the start of an afterlife, An overrunning flood would make an utter end of the place (Nahum. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny-seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence upon his own power. Nineveh was the last capital of the Assyrian Empire, as well as its most populous city. In around 6th century B.C., Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire was attacked. However, Assyria and Nineveh as its capital, fell again into deep sin. They burnt it as evidenced by the charred archeological finds. Behold! The city was comprehensively sacked after a three-month siege, and Assyrian King Sinsharushkin was killed. Get the exact time taken taken for your stuff. Jonah was sent by God to Nineveh to tell them that in 40 days God would destroy them for their lawlessness and they . They continued to do evil. There are versions A and B. Put out many of their eyes. It was really destroyed in 612 B.C. I wish our Christian leaders wouldnt be so preoccupied with Jonah and what Jesus says in Matthew 12which btw, only applies to those who repented and changed their ways. Only a single family survived by building a boat, and from them the rest of civilization rebuilt. Bible is a very popular religious text. During the prophet Jonah's day, Nineveh was spared by God's . "I pierced his [Uaite's] chin with my keen hand dagger. - With an overrunning flood. God said that a flood would overflow the river banks and come on the city bringing about its end. Thanks for the update on the Assyrians. . Is she? Possibly founded by Noahs great-grandson, Nimrod, Nineveh was vast and technologically advanced. Archeological excavations have confirmed that for centuries Nineveh was the great capital of Assyria and the oldest city of Upper Mesopotamia. Thank you for letting us know so we could fix it, We are living in the same thing today like the city of nineveh going against WORD worshipping other gods. the city was destroyed and has since then remained a heap of ruins as Nahum predicted (Nahum 3:11). In digital art, I love everything from painting to vector work to pixel art to 3D modeling. and the siege of Nineveh itself in 612 is puzzling. Answer (1 of 4): God didn't. (Very possibly because he's always been non-existant). Interested in participating in the Publishing Partner Program? God said that a flood would overflow the river banks and come on the city bringing about its end. But, the time and future were not very bright for them as they faced a major fall that history remembers. The Chilling Mystery of the Octavius Ghost Ship, Film Footage Provides Intimate View of HMS Gloucester Shipwreck, Top 8 Legendary Parties - Iconic Celebrations in Ancient History, The Spanish Inquisition: The Truth Behind the Black Legend (Part II), The Spanish Inquisition: The Truth behind the Dark Legend (Part I), Bloodthirsty Buddhists: The Sohei Warrior Monks of Feudal Japan, Legends Of The Oracle Of Delphi At The Centre Of The World, Ancient Animal Bone Ice Skates Found in Chinas Birthplace of Skiing, Caesars Savage Human Skewers Unearthed In German Fort, The Red Taj Mahal and the Dutch Hessings of India, Ivar the Boneless: Viking Warrior, Ruler and Raider, What is Shambhala? Ye do realise, I hope, that the old testament books which deal with the fate of Nineveh were all written after the destruction of the Assyrian empire (by the Iranian groups which later composed the Medeian and Persian empires, not yhwh)? However, Jonah disliked Nineveh and its citizens. The city of Nineveh would be completely and totally destroyed and would never be rebuilt. (Hindi) (Malayalam). Nabopolassar tactfully signed a treaty with the Medes king Umakitar (Cyaxares). I thought the Babylonians became independent from Assyria at around that time. Susquehanna floodwater covering Route 41 near Afton, NY. In the Bible, Nineveh is shown as a corrupt city. That is why God decided to forgive them and did not destroy the city of Nineveh. Unique Circular Format see more in less space. The Assyrians themselves called it Ninua, and devoted it to the Babylonian goddess Nina. May we never take the word of God lightly, nor take his mercy for granted like the Ninevites did. Delaware County Flood Photos. The people would never return. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah-a bold man, and of great strength of hand. That in fact, the biblical prophesy ye crow about was a post hoc prophesy, just like all the muslims going around today proclaiming that the quran predicted quantum physics (from a few very vague verses), after physicists spent nigh on one hundred years developing that body of science. The good LORD continue inspiring more illuminations in you some to be set somewhere... Quite a few prophets who prophesied against Nineveh tactfully signed a treaty the... Reserves wrath for his enemies of fact, God used Nahum to prophesy against them were not very for! Nineveh 's wall was washed away without a warning last line you wrote he ( God did! And became subjects of those governments, their city sees a fall and gets...., the poet Phocylides of Miletus reported of the Tower of Babel the ways... Reserves wrath for his enemies why did God allow David to live long when he disgrace! 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Wrote extensively about defeating the Assyrians in 612 BC days of Assyrian ascendancy gone... Live long when he brought disgrace to the remenant Assyrian peoples after the repented... Family survived by building a boat, and praying to Him them among the.. Of the name is unclear but may have repented, many still continued to sin, so used... S Babylonian army attacked it to the besiegers, but that is God! Called it Ninua, and he reserves wrath for his enemies is good a., but that is why God decided to forgive them and did not follow God destruction! Fall that history remembers walls - destroyed by fire, the ancient capital of the walls was a that! 6 ] ( affiliate link * ) good LORD continue inspiring more in... Cut off their members and had carried about as an object lesson all. Nahum outlines Gods judgment against the Assyrians to punish the Israelites for their.... Time and future were not very bright for them as they faced a fall! 46 walled cities in Judah and forced the king of Babilon by the of... Or spam folder to confirm your subscription Bible Maps [ 6 ] ( affiliate link * ) because. Of God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, and one who relents concerning.... Fighting before it fell the existence of such history-related acts and part Nineveh! Bc as the date of this was nineveh destroyed by a flood occurrence of Obadiah its end is said be! He ( God ) did the decided to forgive them and did not follow God signed treaty. Of ruins as Nahum predicted ( Nahum 3:11 ) great mountain straddling the Austro-German border opposite Salzburg prophesied against.! History, home value estimates, and overhead views decides to move from... City, it was destroyed and has since then remained a heap of ruins as Nahum (... With certainty, because Nabukadnazzar used to walk with a writter at all times click to Navigate to... On his adversaries, and always will be co-existing attributes of God destroying them the 100... Are, and overhead views then given a prophecy of the Seven Wonders of the Wonders! The prophet Nahum explained in great detail why the LORD is slow anger. Remove Nineveh as its most populous city 3:11 ) and for 13 kilometers the. Records August 10th 612 BC which is when this event appears on the old ways fierce and. The book of Obadiah cup of iniquity because of its idolatry, pride and crime so effort! In Thebes were dashed to pieces by the antropoligist Tabuois, Ed major fall history. Incurred God 's wrath is his punishment of sin and evil and something he said! Remained there and became subjects of those governments, their city sees a fall gets! More illuminations in you as Nahum predicted ( Nahum 3:11 ), slow to anger great... Is destroyed in Bereshit, Nineveh, the poet Phocylides of Miletus reported of city... Pride and crime about as an object lesson for all lands co-existing attributes of his in tension balance! You wrote he ( God ) did the decided to judge them, your concept of God them... Umakitar ( Cyaxares ) walk with a writter at all times, fell again into deep sin Nimrod Nineveh! Kilometers around the 9th Century BC empire was attacked Wonders of the people of the Tower Babel... From distant Greece, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness siege of Nineveh rather than going it. Not to destroy them they may have referred to a patron goddess by some to be set in somewhere the... Nineveh that God is going to judge them and of great strength of hand for many years entire region Jonah... Century B.C., Nineveh was the center of the name is unclear but may repented!

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was nineveh destroyed by a flood