the ogdoad and the ennead

For that matter, consider this quotation on the Temple walls of Hibis: You are Amun, you are Atum, you are Khepri, you are Re. During the reigns of Rama-Tut (2950-2940, and 2937-2920 BC) and Akhenaten (1351-1334 BC), the Ennead were angered as worship shifted from them to Rama himself and back to Ra/Atum/Aten, respectively. Story of Creation. a reading of the discourse on the ogdoad and the ennead nag hammadi codex vi6. [1] Atum either spat or masturbated, producing air personified as Shu and moisture personified as Tefnut. 312. Millions years ago, Atum battled his uncle, the Elder God Set (Apep). 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. The Ogdoads membership includes four sets of gods and goddesses: Atum, AKA Ammon Ra,and air goddess Amaunet; Huh and Hauhet, who represent infinite space and visible matter; Keku, AKA Kuk,andKauket, who represent darkness; and Nun, AKA Demiurge,and water goddess Naunet. The Ogdoad were eight primordial deities worshiped in Hermopolis within Egypt. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Taking a multidimensional analysis of the Ankh we see that she is holding the Ankh because it represents pre-creation, creation, and afterlife and that the Chaos Deities Amen/Amenet, Nun/Nunet, Heh/Hehet and Kuh, Kuhket all have dominion. [4] The term was a calque of the Egyptian name, written pst and also meaning "the Nine". Ogdoad may refer to: Ogdoad (Egyptian) Ogdoad (Gnosticism) See also. Fearing Sets power, Gaea summoned Atum for protection. [1] Upon the mound sat the self-begotten god Atum, who was equated with the sun god Ra. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. It only takes a minute to sign up. The "logos" is a "holy word", coming forth from the Light of the Divine Nous, the Ninth Sphere of Being, situated between the Decad of God Himself and the Ogdoad of the blessed souls, fixed stars and the Deities. Required fields are marked *. (3) The symbol for the Ankh is the symbol with the Circle on top of the cross hairs followed by the Mdu Ntr sounds of N and KH. The Ogdoad are defined as "a group or set of 8" each one having a masculine and feminine pair and . The ennead mentioned in the Egyptian calendar of lucky and unlucky days,[5][full citation needed] may reference the Pleiades.[6]. The Ennead or Great Ennead was a group of nine deities in Egyptian mythology worshipped at Heliopolis: the sun god Atum; his children Shu and Tefnut; . The Ennead sometimes includes the son of Osiris and Isis, Horus. Except very very thinly. Lastly, there's the most famous duo of the Ogdoad - Amun and Amaunet, the gods of the unknowable and hidden nature of the world. In addition the KH sound is also used in Khepherra Khepherra is the Dung Beetle that often symbolizes life as its young mysteriously appears from out of the dung in a flurry of life. Mythology & Folklore Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for enthusiasts and scholars of mythology and folklore. "We have seen that The Ogdoad and the Ennead culminates in a silent noetic (comm)union with the Source - a perception that is no perception, an experience that is no experience, and a vision that is no vision either, because there is no subject to perceive or experience or see and no object to be perceived or experienced or seen." Osiris is often the Enneads representative but his son, the sun god Horus will occasionally act as his proxy. Furthermore, examining other aspects of Kemetic thought reveals more about the Ankh as well. Who is the old man in the Coptic Apocalypse of Paul? The Ennead gods were predominantly worshiped in Heliopolis, a major religious center of ancient Egypt. At first glance, it may appear that the proof of the Secret of the Ankh might come from phonetic inspirations alone, as much as it might not come about with linguistics entirely. I have seen! No, it is not. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. the Lord's Day the Ogdoad Sibylline Oracles book 7. I am hopeful this will not be the end. (6) The Ankh not only is a symbol of Life but the elements that create life. In the 11th century BC, Keku (now a darkness and chaos god) bent sorcerer Heka-Nut to Chthons service. A mound of earth rose from Nun and upon it Atum (later Amun or Re) created himself. You [the Eight] have made from your seed a germ, and you have instilled this seed in the lotus, by pouring the seminal fluid; you have deposited in the Nun, condensed into a single form, and your inheritor takes his radiant birth under the aspect of a child (Edfu VI, 11-12, and Esna V). Those qualities are Order, Justice, Righteousness and Truth. A version not listed below, at Elephantine, has a potter as the creator god. Horus engaged Seth in a cataclysmic battle lasting centuries, ending when Seth finally defeated Horus circa 31 BC. Atum and Set fought savagely for untold millennia until Atum transformed into the monstrous Demogorge and drove him off. What occurred in Khemenu is closely related to modern Quantum Physics. Millions of years ago, Gaea realized that dinosaurs had reached an evolutionary dead end and shifted her favor to mammals. [2] As close as Memphis (also within modern Cairo), the priests of Ptah celebrated him as superior to the Nine. [1] In Egyptian mythology, the Ogdoad ( Ancient Greek: "the Eightfold"; Ancient Egyptian: mnyw, a plural nisba of mnw "eight . With this, we can appreciate that Ancient Kemet was both Scientific and Spiritual. Back in the days only seven "celestial objects" were known (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the sun and the Moon), that added to the eighth sphere, the stars themselves. The gods were often depicted with frogs heads, while the goddesses had the heads of serpents. The Ogdoad, or the Eight, or the Hehu, or the Infinities, or the Chaos Gods are aspects of the Kemetic cosmology based on the philosophy of the Ankh. Next we will examine entheogen-use by some of the main religious sects of the ancient Mediterranean world as part of their liturgical practice between c. fifth century BCE and the third century CE. According to the theology of the Ogdoad the universe was formed from the interaction of eight elements (instigated by one of a number of possible gods including Thoth, Amun, Horus, and Ra); water, nothingness or invisibility, darkness, and infinity.. Water was represented by Nun (or Nu) and Naunet (the female form). In this case, I could still prove interesting that, although the sphere has the smallest surface in relation to its volume, the shape of balls absorbs more energy than other forms of the same volume and weight. The Ennead are a race of superhumanly powerful humanoid beings who were once worshipped in the region known as Ancient Egypt from around 3200 BC to 395 BC when the land was conquered by the Ancient Greeks. I remember that night; I remember every night.. The fourth myth is similar, except it held that a scarab beetle (Khepri the symbol of the rising sun) was revealed when the petals opened. The two other major creation myths were the Memphite creation myth (with Ptah as the creator god) and the Hermopolitian/Ogdoad creation story. The Ennead, AKA the Pesedjet, Heliopolitans or Egyptian gods, cease aging at adulthood and cannot die by conventional means. Both Tehuti (Vibration) and Maat (Order), and the four pairs themselves have their own forces. The Ankh means more than life it is the most ancient symbol of a code of sounds and primordial deities. When they died they took up residence in the Duat (or Tuat the Underworld). Throughout the myths the entirety of Egyptian gods are referenced as the Ogdoad. (2) Aspects of this story are used in the creation of Ptah, Ra, Amen, Aten in the other creations stories. Shu). Ammit devoured the heart and soul of those whose sins outweighed their good. Other names of the Ennead were the Great Ennead and the Heliopolitan Ennead. An interdimensional nexus between Heliopolis and Earth is located in Egypt. Some have frog heads and others have serpent heads. Ennead. Alternatively, the egg was laid by a celestial goose called the Gengen Wer (the primeval goose who was associated with Amun who took this form as a creator god). You have entered an incorrect email address! 87: renaissance hermeticism and the concept of western esotericism. These are key elements of the symbol of the ANKH or NKH. Osiris and Isis represent fertility and order, while Set and Nephthys represent chaos to balance out Osiris and Isis. They ensured that the Nile continued to flow, that the inundation would come every year and caused the sun to rise each day. This is another way to look at the ankh. The symbol Ankh is connected to the Ogdoad and it is believed to get its name from the Odoad. This is essentially a proven theory well attributed to Dr. Oyiboe, as part of his GAGUT Grand Unifying Theorem. He is a public intellectual from the Sankor School of Critical Theory, where he trained and was awarded the highest degree of Warrior Philosopher at the Temple of Narmer. I have searched high and low for evidence of what I came to conclude about the ankh. The gods eventually became less involved in mortal affairs and established a palace on a small planetary object in the extradimensional realm Celestial Heliopolis, a small dimension adjacent to Earth. Imbuing Odin with the Atum-Force, the trio hoped to use him to defeat Seth. Egyptologists have traditionally theorized that the Heliopolitan priesthood established it to establish the preeminence of Atum over the others, incorporating some major gods in lesser positions and omitting others entirely. [2] Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis, is often included in this creation tradition. After the Asgardian Sky Father Odin perished battling the demonic Surtur, Osiris attended a Godheads Council that determined that Thor was not yet ready to replace his father on the Council. The principal ennead was the Great Ennead of Heliopolis. To begin self-mastery of Kemets systems of knowledge and of knowing, one must understand how everything began first. And I greeted my fellow spirits. Hailing from the celestial city Heliopolis, the Ennead are cosmic beings worshipped by the Egyptian people on Earth as gods. Mercer, Religion of Ancient Egypt, 276, n 9. This expression is no different than the Big Bang Theory and the resulting God Particle or Higgs Boson Particle Theory. Ennead flesh and bone are two and a half times denser than human tissue, and average gods and goddesses can lift about 30 and 25 tons, respectively. So, it seems coincidentally that we get ANKH. Coptics are Christians and Greeks, they are not fond of Egyptian mythology. Posts about The Ogdoad and the Ennead written by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova Skip to content USA Election 2016 -Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions to :Jeb Bush,Hillary Clinton,Donald Trump,Bernie Sanders,John Kasich,Rick Perry,Martin O'Malley: All Rights Reserved. In the Hermetic cosmological scheme, the One rests in the Decad, the 10th level of the spiritual universe, above the Ennead, Ogdoad, and the 7 planes of the planets. He represented the burning blazing emblem of masculine virility the Sun. Egyptologists conventionally transcribe it as Pesedjet.. History []. to the four pairs. Centering layers in OpenLayers v4 after layer loading. Only dispersal of a major portion of an Enneads bodily molecules will cause death, and even then resurrection via other gods may be possible. These resolve into the ANKH. What is the Ogdoad? What are the punishments for the seven deadly sins? The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The Pyramid Texts of the . The names of Kekui and Kekuit are written with a determiner combining the sky hieroglyph with a staff or scepter used for words related to darkness and obscurity, and kkw as a regular word means "darkness", suggesting that these gods represent primordial darkness, comparable to the Greek Erebus, but in some aspects they appear to represent day as well as night, or the change from night to day and from day to night. I see a fountain bubbling with life. Over the next millennium, Hathor joined Gaea in seeking a peaceful alternative, gathering humans representing mankinds highest ideals. 217: It is the aim of this paper to establish a temporal and cultural link between entheogen-use 1 in Classical mystery cults and their possible use in a segment of the early Christian Gnostic Church. The ancient Egyptians created several enneads as their . Egyptologists conventionally transcribe it as Pesedjet. The most common usage of the Ankh the N water ripple and the KH Matter follows effortlessly. When it opened, it revealed the bird of light, an aspect of the sun god Re (occasionally the egg was said to contain air, associated with Amun and Amaunet). Some pharaohs established enneads that incorporated themselves as gods. [2] The Egyptians believed no specific myth was more correct than the other, rather that some combination of these myths was correct. Remember also that in the Book of John, now a vital addition to the Christian Bible, we have: 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. For 10 becomes as it were again the monad. Following the end of the Hyborian age, circa 8000 BC, Seth posed as and usurped the worship of Set, establishing a large following in the pre-Egyptian civilization. An egg was on this hill, and from it, the god Atum - the father of all - was born. An ogdoad (literally four, doubled) is a group of either four or eight deities that are worshiped together. The third creation story says that a lotus flower emerged from the waters of a lake called "the Sea of the Two knives ". What does a search warrant actually look like? Anyone who is even marginally acquainted with the pictorial history of ancient Egypt saw the frequently on papyrus displayed figure of Pharaoh, who holds in his hands something of metal that resembles a Christian cross. The fourth pair has no consistent attributes as it appears with varying names; sometimes the name Qer is replaced by Ni, Nenu, Nu, or Amun, and the name Qeret by Ennit, Nenuit, Nunu, Nit, or Amunet. Adaptational Backstory Change: The manga describes Apophis as having been created by the Ogdoad to watch over the Earth in their steady, with Atum-Ra having been born from him. Equally important, the religion, history, spirituality and the philosophy of Kemet stood on this cosmological understanding of the Ankh. When Thor was dejected after being duped into killing his grandfather, Bor, Seth sent his minions Gog, Magog, Grog, and Scarab to attack him, but Thor rallied to drive them off. The Ennead join the Council of the Godheads when the space-beings the Celestials and other menaces threaten Earth. Drawing of a representation of the Ogdoad in the temple of Philae. ago. Then, offer guidance on how to be successful in solving problems that exist inside these boundaries that is, offer a model for problem solving. Starting anew, Ra sired the first of the Ennead on Earth, the next generation of Egyptian gods, including the twins, air god Shu and rain goddess Tefnut, and later Bast the Panther God, Sobek the Crocodile God,and Sekmet the Lion God. , has a potter as the creator god ) and Maat ( Order ), the. Darkness and chaos god ) and Maat ( Order ), and it. Godheads when the space-beings the Celestials and other menaces threaten Earth sorcerer Heka-Nut to Chthons service the century. Can appreciate that ancient Kemet was both Scientific and Spiritual Gnosticism ) See also ) bent sorcerer to... Out Osiris and Isis ( literally four, doubled ) is a symbol life. Those whose sins outweighed their good is believed to get its name from the Odoad inundation would come every and! 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the ogdoad and the ennead