rise of kingdoms france and germany were both once part of what kingdom

The Castilian nobility were alarmed by this development because they knew a Spanish king would limit their power. He called this new territory Louisiana, in honor of France's king, Louis XIV. During the Caroline War, the French regained much of the territory lost during the Edwardian War. Other than that, if you value combat above all else, the German, Britain, Korea and Arabia civilizations are the ones for you. Diverse people lived within the territories. The ones to avoid are the Arabia, Ottoman and Byzantine civilizations. . Although it was a long and difficult journey across the entire Asian Half of the Armada was lost and so was Philip's dream of making England into a Catholic province. A middle class, consisting of merchants and bankers, was taking power away from noblemen. The church then sent Franciscans and Jesuits (members of Catholic religious orders) into Granada and Valencia to apply pressure on the Moriscos. The incompleteness of the fusion became fully evident in 870 when the Empire was split into the West Frankish Kingdom (which became France) and the East Frankish Kingdom (which gave rise to Germany and the other . The Renaissance also brought several technological innovations that made ocean exploration safer and therefore more likely to be undertaken. Frederick was married to James's daughter Elizabeth. The Jews were expelled and went mainly to North Africa. The group called the Gallicans supported the king, and the group called the Ultramontanes (meaning "over the mountains") cast their allegiance with the pope. The name Portugal comes from the ancient port city of Portus Cale (now Porto), at the mouth of the Douro River, where the Portuguese monarchy began. In September 1519 the Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan (c. 14801521), sponsored by King Charles I (Holy Roman Emperor Charles V) of Spain, set out from Seville, Spain, with five ships bound for the coast of South America. Complete disaster awaited Francis at Pavia, a city near Milan, in February 1525. Long years of fighting Habsburg wars in central Europe had depleted the Spanish treasury, despite gold and silver shipments from the New World. To many Europeans at the time, this was Philip's most impressive achievement. Please use CTRL+F to search for questions as well as answer, this table contains both English and Vietnamese QA pairs: 1. Government and church officials then debated what to do about Moriscos in the rest of Spain. Adrian sent a royal army to put down the revolt. put an end to the bloody French Revolution. In 1328 his nephew, Philip VI (12931350; ruled 132850), took the throne as the first king from the Valois (pronounced val-WAH) family, a branch of the Capetians. In addition, Charles would inherit lands in Burgundy (a region of France) that belonged to Maximilian I, and he was in line to become Holy Roman Emperor. He began organizing the famous "Invincible Armada," a fleet of 130 heavily armored ships that carried 30,000 men, for an invasion of England (see "Spain" section later in this chapter). The Anglican Church thus became an independent national body, based on some of the teachings of Protestant reformer Martin Luther. The rivalry between the English and the French over the throne of France resulted in the Hundred Years' War (13371453; see also "England" section later in this chapter). The revised Book of Common Prayer also ordered the destruction of stone altars associated with the Catholic Mass (worship service in which communion is taken). The marriage contract stated that Ferdinand and Isabella would rule their own kingdoms and that Aragon and Castile were not to be merged. Q: Which of the following is a phase of the Mightiest Governor event? They rarely called meetings of the Cortes (Parliament, or central law-making body) and they appointed middle-class people to government offices. A: Greek . Claiming the French crown, he sent troops to aid the Spanish in 1512 and was determined to invade France. Meanwhile, as the Reformation gained momentum in France, extreme bitterness developed between French families that had backed the Huguenot cause and those that had remained Catholic. In pursuit of the second he led France, in 1635, into the Thirty Years' War (16181648), a series of conflicts fought mainly in Germany over many social, political, and religious issues (see "Thirty Years' War" in Chapter 6). Beginning with Champlain in 1600, the French pushed their way down the Saint Lawrence River to the Great Lakes. The original settlers from North Africa were the Iberians, and the area now occupied by Spain and Portugal was named the Iberian Peninsula. Royal Family of United Kingdom. Which of these commanders carries a bow and arrows as well as a sword? This policy continued for more than twenty years. In a dozen voyages from 1603 until 1633, Champlain discovered the easternmost Great Lakes, Huron and Ontario; founded the city of Quebec; and served as commandant of France's new colonial territories, which were called New France. . Henry stated in his will that any of his three childrenEdward, Mary, and Elizabethcould succeed him to the throne, even though his daughters had earlier been declared illegitimate when he divorced their mothers. From 1609 until 1614, between 300,000 and 350,000 Moriscos were forced to leave Spain. Philip brushed his reservations aside, insisting that only a man of Medina-Sidonia's stature would be obeyed by the captains of the Armada ships. Juan de Padilla (c. 14901521), a representative from Toledo, organized leaders in other cities into a "Holy League of Cities." Henry and his advisers were fearful of a Catholic attempt to invade England. Under terms of the peace agreement, the Treaty of Brtigny (1360), the kingdom of France was divided and the southwest region was formally given to the king of England. Francia. Upon the death of Henry III in 1589, the government of France was taken over by Henry of Navarre (15531610; ruled 15891610), a Protestant, who became King Henry IV. Their efforts to find a sea route to Asia (then called the Indies) resulted in the European age of exploration, one of the great achievements of the Renaissance period. 22 Feb. 2023 . In late 1520, Francis secretly backed an assault on Luxembourg The Armada was doomed when a powerful storm, which the English called the "Great Protestant Wind," swept through the Channel. Among them were Leonardo da Vinci, Benvenuto Cellini, and Andrea del Sarto. Shortly after the death of Henry V, Charles VII (14031461; ruled 142261), who was Charles VI's son, slowly began to regain French territories from the English. In order to avenge the slight of not being named emperor, Francis initiated the first of five wars with Spain and the Holy Roman Empire (Charles was head of forces for both Spain and the empire). https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/rise-monarchies-france-england-and-spain, "The Rise of Monarchies: France, England, and Spain This movement, led by Hugh O'Neill (c. 15401616), earl of Tyrone, was designed to gain Irish independence from England. Yet the treaty was ineffective because the French almost immediately began giving aid to the Netherlands. During the Lancastrian War, the English allied with Philip III (called Philip the Good; 13961467, ruled 141967), the duke of Burgundy, to conquer most of northern and western France. The English, however, were soundly defeated at every turn by the superior Dutch navy. Francis openly challenged Charles and Henry for election to the vacant throne of the Holy Roman Empire. The English were weakened by their loss to the French during the Hundred Years' War. This left many members of Parliament feeling that they were being ignored. England was also dragged into several unsuccessful naval campaigns against Spain and France during the course of the Thirty Years' War. Anne came to England and married Henry in 1540, but the king found her unattractive. He had not secured all of the anchors, so some ships drifted in the water and left an opening for a squadron of English fire ships to move in and set the Armada ablaze. allowed Napoleon Bonaparte to establish a totalitarian dictatorship in France. Nationalism emerges During the first part of the Hundred Years' War, France and England did not have identities as separate countries. In 1266 King Charles I of France (Charles of Anjou; 12271285; ruled 126685), the youngest brother of King Louis IX, took the thrones of Naples and Sicily (called the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies). Pope Alexander VI (14311503; reigned 14921503) took the side of the Medicis and convinced King Ferdinand of Aragon to send in Spanish troops to fend off the Sforzas, the French, and the Swiss. Henry VIII is now considered the true Renaissance prince. The English made three assaults on the Spanish, but they did not inflict any serious damage. Renaissance ideas were still dominant in England when James died in 1625. Then, in a crowning victory, Philip's navy, under lvaro de Bzan (15261588), the marquis de Santa Cruz, smashed a combined English-French force off the coast of the Azores in 1582 and 1583. He took complete control of Naples by 1504. Nevertheless, Henry managed to recruit many able sea captains to go on his venture. Many Europeans were convinced that life was not supportable near the equator. Egypt, one of the most powerful and stylish civilizations in the world's history joins the fray in Rise of Kingdoms: THE EGYPTIANSPowerful, intelligent, strategic, and undoubtedly sophisticated, well known for their amazing craftsmanship ranging from the great pyramids and statues to innovative weapons and . Known as William the Silent, he was the ruler of Orange, a province in southeastern France. You can play in a way that suits your style,whether that be reckless military adventurism and dreams of global dominance,or quiet and unobtrusive statecraft and dreams of a happy populace. Question Posted by Guest on May 8th 2020 Last Modified: . Although the monasteries were reported to be corrupt, many historians believe Parliament used this as an excuse, in 1536, to order the smaller houses closed. England was still a Catholic country and the pope's consent was required before Henry could get a divorce. France allied with the Protestants and against the Austrians and the Spanish. Although the secretary had seen slaughter and bloodshed during Irish wars with the English, he reported that he had seen nothing like the carnage that awaited him that autumn day. The dispute over whether France or Spain had the right to rule Naples and Sicily had been going on since the thirteenth century. Although he lived in exile, he was considered the king. The conflict ended in 1571, when Philip's illegitimate half-brother, John of Austria (15451578), led a Catholic armada against the Turks in the great naval battle of Lepanto (Gulf of Corinth) in the Ionian Sea off the coast of Greece. The smaller English ships darted in and out of the flames, pouncing on stragglers. Richard was killed in the battle and Henry took the throne as King Henry VII (ruled 14851509). Henry therefore seemed to personify many attributes of the Renaissance. Charles V won his greatest victory as seventy thousand imperial soldiers annihilated the forces of the German Protestant princes at Mberg. France and Germany were both once part of what Kingdom? In a papal bull, or decree, Alexander drew a line from north to south one hundred leagues (approximately 240 miles, or 386 kilometers) west of the Azores Islands. to Europeans. timer. Trait 2: ++10% Wood Gathering Speed. The ships did not set sail again until July. He was married to the English princess Philippa of Lancaster. Soon the stability of England was threatened by complex internal conflicts over the question of who should be king. During the first twenty years of Philip's reign, the Ottoman Empire was the most serious threat to Spanish world power. Adrian did not respond to their demands, so the Comuneros formed an army under Antonio de Acua, bishop of Zamora. In 1587, even before the Armada could set out, the English seaman Francis Drake launched a surprise attack on the Spanish ships, which were anchored in the port of Cdiz, Spain. However, the date of retrieval is often important. The decision to seek a water route resulted in one of the most explosive and significant eras in the history of the world. Their fifteen-year-old grandson Charles (15001558), who was then king of the Netherlands, became King Charles I of Spain in 1518 (ruled 151858). Paris remained a stronghold of Catholicism, and on August 23 and 24, 1572, thousands of Protestants were slaughtered in the massacre of Saint Bartholomew's Day. By this time the Protestant Reformation, a movement to reform the Roman Catholic Church, was sweeping Europe. There were two main dynasties that ruled the Franks during the Middle Ages, the Merovingian Dynasty and the Carolingian Dynasty. At a Catholic church in Wittenberg, Germany, a German monk named Martin Luther presented a document called the Ninety-five Theses. Charles liberated thousands of Christian prisoners and soon thereafter captured the port of Tunis. One of his first acts was to execute 270 people who had been involved in the Comuneros revolt. official symbol of France, painted on his shield. They were usually connected with the Gym nasia, or schools for wrestling, and other exercises , and consisted of different apartments, generally separated from each other, and intermixed with other places of BAT 39 exercise ; so that it is probable they were adapted to the nature of the school of exercise to which they were joined. At the age of thirteen, Francis left his mother's household to reside at the French court, where courtiers referred to him as the dauphin. They were especially critical of "popish," or Catholic, features of the Anglican Church. They built the Great Mosque (Muslim house of worship) of Crdoba in 786 and the Alhambra (a grand palace) in Granada in the 1300s. 15281576). The meme disagrees with this statement and uses Israel as an example. A similar movement emerged in Andalusia. Edward died in 1553 at the age of sixteen, probably from pneumonia (a disease of the lungs) and possibly tuberculosis (a bacterial infection of the lungs). At Bicocca in April 1522, the French suffered a major defeat and lost the duchy of Milan. Answer (1 of 13): But they didn't, not really. Yet there was a darker side to the gallant French king. John IV ushered in Portugal's silver age, the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when the wealth of Brazil once more made Lisbon one of the most brilliant European capitals. Philip III reigned during a glorious Renaissance period that produced such great figures as the novelist Miguel de Cervantes (15471616), the dramatist Lope de Vega (15621635), and the painters El Greco (15411614) and Francisco de Zubarn (15981664). Henry's sixth and last wife was Katherine Parr (15121548), a young widow whom he married in 1543. All ROK Peerless Scholar answers are provided below so that you can pass the Preliminary, Midterm, and Final Exams. He also knew that Joanna experienced bouts of emotional instability and might not have control over Philip. In 1356 French forces were defeated at Poitiers. A pet project was the renovation of the royal palaces at Blois, Chambord, Fontainebleau, and the Louvre. A learned man himself, James wrote two studies of political theory, The True Law of Free Monarchy (1598) and Baslikon doron ("Royal gift"; 1599). Francis corresponded with the Dutch humanist Desiderius Erasmus and sponsored a royal lecture series that supported promising scholars. Philip was challenged by Edward III (13121377; ruled 132777) of England, whose mother was the daughter of Philip the Fair. Philip the Fair quarreled with the popes (heads of the Roman Catholic Church) over control of the French clergy and other aspects of the monarch's sovereignty (independent rule). The end of the Mongol empire may have been the most significant factor that drove Europeans to the seas, but it was by no means the only one. The Moors established a new culture on the Iberian Peninsula. Henry succeeded in restoring prosperity Spain and France signed the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrsis in 1559. February 3, 2023. Ten years later, France declared bankruptcy (a lack of funds to pay bills). The Dutch troubles worsened in 1578 when Philip approved the assassination of Juan de Escobedo (died 1578), John of Austria's dangerous and ambitious secretary. For six years, Francis remained in France, where he became an enthusiastic patron of the arts. King John II of Portugal therefore decided to have his captains circumnavigate (sail around) the African continent and reach India by way of the ocean. How would Germany most likely have been different between 1848 and 1871 if Prussia had not belonged to the . And sponsored a royal army to put down the revolt them were Leonardo da Vinci, Benvenuto Cellini and... Later, France and England did not set sail again until July dominant England... 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rise of kingdoms france and germany were both once part of what kingdom