pleiadian light language symbols

For me, it began several years ago, spontaneously, from my heart chakra, and flowed up my throat. XXVI: Ice devas decorating a forest. Its carried within the DNA as a memory and a feeling of something that you may not be able to fully tap into. V: Rocks which, by their shape, seem like people who look down from a great height. If you like our article, give Conscious Reminder a thumbs up, and help us spread LOVE & LIGHT!. XII: The wind blows away a womans veil. XVIII: Chinese characters appearing in the air as men speak to each other. The 11 Types of Lightworkers, Experiencing The Twin Flame Merging Process. XXVII: A woman looks down into a canyon of swirling mists. II: A mole sleeping cozily in its burrow. The Lemurian High Council at Mt Shasta are also opening up portals to support the seven major portals. Poetry Books > This aspect of self can no longer be ignored and if it is not your truth and for your highest good, there will be a release from this aspect. Light Language can connect you to higher realms, higher vibrational beings, spirit guides, multi-dimensional or extra-terrestrial Languages. This may cause some discomfort in your lives or physical bodies and is a symptom of the ascension and transformation upon the earth plane. Pleiadians are thought to exist in several dimensions including 3D (the Earth plane) through to the 9D. The codes of Light Language Golden Symbols are multidimensional light vibrations assisting humanity and to awaken new consciousness on earth. IX: Molten glass being wrought into fantastic forms. XII: An escalator carrying people far into the sky. I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to you for such a magnificent and powerful reading/healing session. The Heart charka is about connection and bringing unity within yourself. XII: A botanist explaining the structure of flowers. XVIII: An alchemist conversing with his chemicals and equipment. Active volcanos, shifts within the Earths crust and fault lines all need this light from your hearts. XIX: A magic mountain rises out of the waters. There is a pulsing light coming into your crown chakra, as these light codes are received, you may see a very bright yellow light entering the crown and going into your palms and heart chakra (Pleiadean Codes of Light Harmonic Healing). There is more to this and more will be revealed in later channellings. Was really into the hologram, because I felt so much joy.. This translates in many miraculous ways, and if this channel resonates with you; it is because you are connected to this star essence in a powerful way. XVIII: A sampler embroidered with letters and numbers subtly reveals the personality of its maker. VIII: Rabbits in elegant dress dancing with each other at a masked ball. It is feeling an energetic pulse of light connecting you to all life and receiving higher frequencies from your DNA Light Bodies and your Galactic Star Codes. 2019 all rights reserved. It is truly a joy to connect with you. XXI: An Egyptian pharaoh wanders into New York City. Your goals should be specific, measurable, and realistic and . XIV: In a crypt a bas-relief of a woman holding a lotus by its stem. III: Workers without any plans are building a labyrinth. Light Language is an ancient and futuristic form of communication used for lifetimes, that resonates with and connects with the soul- rather than the logical mind attached to comprehension through a specific perception. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); @2023 - All Right Reserved. XVIII: Removing a mask reveals a faceless man. XVIII. XVII: A space alien infant given to a woman to be raised. Its a frequency of light within the Earth and within the souls who were there at the time of Atlantis. When you acknowledge that there is change, and yes, I am part of this change, you will feel expansion and love. XX: As a choir sings, angelic voices join in. Light language symbol Reiki Scared Geometry Sacred Geometry Symbols Healing Codes Sigil Magic Spiritual Artwork Ancient Symbols Mystic Symbols Language Art More information . XIV: A man writing the history of an old, illustrious family. III: A seemingly endless journey through frozen tundra. I FEEL LIKE YOU HELP US TO TAKE ALL OUR MASKS OFF, GOING SO DEEP, TO INTEGRATE OUR SOUL LIGHT. VII: Looking down into a well a man sees, far below, his face. It shows the cosmic nature that governs our body and chakras. To order please go to Templates of Light email: XI: As a youth ages he grows to look less and less like his mother. Each one of you holds a very important and vital key to open the Atlantian Belt within you and the Earth. Of course, all Starseeds have greater access to it than the average person because they have mastered it before. XXIV: A little girl hugging a puppy. I: Hundreds of merchants of all sorts of exotic items in a crowded bazaar. & Dragons A Channeled Message from the Pleiadians About COVID-19 and Love . XIX: An island where birds thought to be extinct have secretly taken refuge. In simple truth, these symbols are high frequency codes or keys of light connecting and activating your entire being and all that is. A mother bird and her chicks taking a dust bath. Balance is of utmost importance, so a mastery of the chakra system and the Kundalini energy that runs through it is central to them. The Golden Light Symbol DNA, seen here, is the key to shift this vibration that has kept your truth from being seen. Sirius holds deep spiritual wisdom. If you're wondering why the thirty degrees of each sign is number with roman numerals rather than regular ones, its because I have no idea how to turn off the numbering system of my word processing program, which screws up in a variety of different ways when I try to number with . However, for most it is a deeper knowing it is assisting them and they have found the codes for a higher reason defying logic. XVI: An historian through his writings attempts to capture the essence of the past. As humans we naturally associate meanings and connotations with our every day native language- which imprints energy and limiting understanding into the words. The Pleiades are a group of stars in the Taurus constellation, also known as the "seven sisters". VIII: A flock of winged serpents cavorting in the air. Both the heart symbol and the Anahata symbol are important here. Ascension Codes. PLEIADIANS: The five sided figure represents the figure of man. The more love you infuse within your body the better this will be. Heart Chakra helps in keeping the Kundalini balance. It is a vehicle of your consciousness. XXI: A group of acrobats inventing new routines. You are a gift from the angels! XXV: A lost knight finds a hidden doorway into a mountain. XXIV: An artist with wild hair in clothing covered with paint. Depending on your heritage, it can be Pleiadian, Sirian, or Arcturian a collective of multidimensional spirit beings from the Pleiades, Sirius, or Arcturus star systems. XIX: A conquerer weds a foreign bride. IX: A mystic symbol comes to life as a multicolored serpent XIX: A book that only allows itself to be opened by certain people. XXVIII: Statues and fountains at night in a summer garden. Due to higher works, all events are postponed until further guidance. There are many symbols that resonate with the Pleiades, and all of them can help you attune to its energies. In the healing session, I experienced so much love, compassion and a very gentle way of releasing and letting go. You need to enhance your aura to activate the tetrahedrons, make them spin in the same frequency and boost your energy levels. XXI: Magically the trolls make the stones weightless as the build the castle. They say the following: "We are of a form not unlike your own. III: The Sun rises into a parallel universe. Celtic is probably from Atlantis or even Lemuria, where many of the Pleiadian influences originated. XIX: Revelers on a river raft floating to the ocean. XVI: At the shore a flight of stairs disappearing into the water. The message will go far deeper within the Earth and this is where the most beautiful rays of Atlantian High Consciousness will be felt for the souls who have released their fear from this lifetime on a grand scale. I would like to bring your attention to your hearts which is a great place to start. SAN SALVADOR, Feb 15 (Reuters) - El Salvador's state of emergency to combat gangs, which has widespread public support despite a growing prison population and allegations of human rights abuses, will be maintained until all criminals are captured, the country's security minister told Reuters. You are a waterfall of wisdom, love and sweetness. Your work has made such a huge difference on my journey over the past year. XIII: Sacred artifacts being secretly vacated from a city. You may feel the loss of something, grief, anger or sadness. Its a mass consciousness shift that will bring you over the bridge to the other side. Insights > This finds itself among the Pleiadian symbols because it again represents balance in and of itself. Full Hunter Moon In Aries, October 5, 2017 Powerful Shift Will Bring Intensity And Passion, 7 Differences Between A Twin Flame and A False Twin Relationship, 8 Things To Know About The Full Worm Moon, Human Energy Field How To Read The Human Aura. One of them is compassion on a level that not only shifts you into a higher inter-dimensional frequency but clears so much chaos in your environments. XXII: Butterflies and dragonflies around a fountain splashing in sunlight. It's not necessary for you to have a conscious awareness of what Light Language Symbols are or how they work. By giving of yourself in such an uplifting way you benefit yourself and others. XXIV: Searching for a lost friend a man lands on a remote island. Twinkle Twinkle Blog > The sound activates your higher self through the octaves of harmonic pulsing, a frequency of light that is held within your DNA Light Bodies. There is a series of 3 heart connection activations in the next transmission. travel on the astral plane while your physical body, Draconian Starseed Traits and Mission On Earth, Hyadian/Aldebaran Starseeds And Their Traits, Vega Starseed: Their Traits And Mission On Earth, Cassiopeia Starseed: The Signs And Traits, Hypersthene Spiritual Meaning: Unleashing the Power of Third Eye Activation, Rooster Spiritual Meaning: More Than Just a Farm Animal, Flamingo Spiritual Meaning: Discover the Powerful Significance. XXX: White birds swimming on a pond seem to glow in the twilight. The Galactic Highway of information contains certain codes of light these are in sacred locations, please refer to the Dual Realities St Germain channelling on this blog site. You have my respect and admiration. Pleiadian Symbols Posters 14 Results Love, Peace, Wisdom and Compassion Symbols Poster By claudia-67 $23.45 Ascension Starseed Symbol Poster By Bluepress $25.13 Light Language Starseed Symbols Poster By CustomEmpire $23.04 Starseed Earth Activation spiritual seed for Lightworkers, awakening healers, Energy worker, earth warrior. XXI: A woman lying on a stage as she sings and dies. Trust your hearts and look inwards for guidance not outwards. Your world is going through change and there are now opportunities to explore and access these codes of light. IX: A winged fairy hovering and playing a tiny harp. These symbols bypass the traditional language centres of the brain. How often have you said you need more money, I dont have enough or I cant afford that? They have been known for thousands of years, surrounded by fascinating legends and stories even to this day. Click here if you would like to go to the Light Language Channel page. X: a stranger having supper with a group of friends. XVI: A novice mispronouncing many words in a sacred text. Pleiadian symbols and sacred geometries are the shapes that hold symbolic power for Pleiadians and their Starseeds. Hello! With your permission and the guidance of your higher self you start receiving the golden codes, your wealth creation. (delivery may take a 7-10 days as it a custom blend made for your individual needs). IV: A dragon conferring its powers on a maiden. There has been a rush in the light frequencies to get the major portals open in 7 sacred locations upon earth. This symbol is a pair of tetrahedrons intersecting, pointing at opposite directions and then, spinning. I hope all of you gain meaningful insights from applying these to your charts. XIV: A sacred running carrying a message to the mountains. The entire symbolism of the heart resonates here because it marries the physical and the ethereal, the outer world with the inner world by stressing the importance of the health of the body and the health of the soul. 11 beautiful transmissions, each one and a half to two hours long. And while this causes division in the short term, the concept of Yin and Yang expressed through the Taijitu symbol reminds them that the ideal lies in compromise and finding the middle ground. There is a doorway to your higher connection an unlimited resource using the Language of Light to activate and retrieve this mastery within you. Light Language is an alternative energetic healing modality that comes though in a variety of different ways, from symbols to language to tapping or drumming, and dancing. It is the most important chakra to this process for this group of people, so the Universe tends to place obstacles and lessons within its energies. Multilingual Light Language Speakers. XXIII: A faint pink flame flickering at the top of an ancient oak tree. These are Lyra, Orion, Pleiades, Arcturus, Sirius, Andromeda and Cassiopeia. She loves to read people and uses energy reading, tarot, numerology, graphology, astrology, I-Ching, EFT, and natural healing. It is filled with vast stores of knowledge. XXIX: In voices too low to be heard a forest of trees are talking to each other. XX: An immense buffet of foodstuffs prepared with exotic and magical herbs. X: A bird sent by angels to lead sailors out of dangerous watrs. XXIX: The shifting and modulating of light frequencies creating messages in color. Some may catch your eye more than others. Cherokee legends teach that Native Americans originated long ago in the Pleiades, and assert that indigenous people are on Earth as "star seeds," with a mission of bringing light and knowledge. This reading has been one of the most precious gifts I have ever received. XXVII: A famous geisha performing the tea ceremony. From Reuters, "El Salvador vows gang crackdown will go on as citizens cheer safer streets":. Language of Light is a Universal Language an ancient language or angelic voice. Pleiadian Light Language for Activating Your Crystalline Light Codes PHCo7. XXVI: At night the fires of wanderers dot the planes. This is part of a series of Light Language Channels specifically encoded to awaken and remind you of your own Akashic Codes, Inner Divinity, Soul Purpose, past/parallel lives, and bridge you to access your full potential and power through this ancient and futuristic wisdom. Often the value of find balance is found in the looking; the journey is as important as the destination. XIII: Children watching sylphs floating through the air. XIV: The full moon, low in the sky, shines on the Great Pyramid, which casts a long shadow over the desert. XXIV: A blue butterfly gently knocking at a door. IV: A nuide woman holding a candle around which dances a moth. VII: A baby dragon pecks its way out of an egg. The codes of Light Language - Golden Symbols are multidimensional light vibrations assisting humanity and to awaken new consciousness on earth. The tetrahedrons represent male energy and female energy. Through your divine service I now have many exciting tools to explore so that I may continue to grow and learn. Pleiadian starseeds are souls that have had a previous incarnation in the Pleiades before incarnating on Earth. VI: A labyrinth which appears to have to entrance. XXVII: Above a city angels waiting for humans to contact them. The heart symbol is love and emotions. Hearing The Word Of God And The Relevance Of Aum, Communicating With The Spirit Of A Deceased Loved One, Awakening, Kundalini Rising And The Unexplained Ear Ringing, 3 Ways Intuition Can Make All The Difference. As the higher vibrations merge with your light body there is a transition as the energies of the old meet with the new. As the light is being integrated more and more, your life is getting faster and faster and at times you may feel like you are spinning into the unknown. Master Astrologer, Poet, Author, Artist, and Teacher. You all have unique light codes within your DNA that serve as a transmitter to greater knowledge and your wealth creation. V: a journal of experimental poetry. XXIV: A woman being interviewed for a position as priestess. II: Sheet lightning flickering in soft, shifting colors. XIII: On the anniversary of a famous battle a legendary sword is glowing. Taurus in astrology often relates to a balance between the inner and outer worlds, achieving a healthy balance between the physical/material and the ethereal/spiritual. As a rule, we are a bit taller on average. YOU NEED to have at LEAST 51 % of a LIGHT QUOTIENT so YOU can continue YOUR ASCENSION on this PLANET with EARTH. XXX: The planning of an angelic city. Yes, it is laughing. 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pleiadian light language symbols