phil walsh death williams college

Philosophy? How do our thoughts refer to objects? He died on 30 September 2020. What is the body? We doubt, we point out that no one can be certain in what she believes, and we are suspicious of declarations of transcendent reason or truth (unless they are our own). [more], Very few people believe that everything is water, that we knew everything before birth, that philosophers ought to rule the state, or that the earth is at the center of the cosmos. In this tutorial, we'll read portions of Rawls' major works, A Theory of Justice and Political Liberalism, and trace how his theory evolved in response to an array of critics, including libertarians, perfectionists, communitarians, feminist philosophers, and critical race theorists. Our study will definitely include Frege, Russell, Quine, Searle, and Kripke. What makes governmental and legal authority legitimate? After several weeks on the Republic we will turn to Shakespeare's last play: The Tempest. Does the fact that our lives will end threaten their meaning? First of all, Greek thinkers, especially Plato and Aristotle, radically shaped the trajectory of western thought in every area of philosophy. . How can we reconcile this faith with the persistence of domination today? Readings will include work by Plato, Hobbes, Kant, Mill, Nietzsche, and contemporary authors. THE SON of Adelaide coach Phil Walsh has appeared at a bedside court hearing in a psychiatric ward, charged with stabbing his father to death. However, in his philosophically more sophisticated and notoriously difficult later dialogues (such as the Parmenides, Philebus, Sophist and Statesman), Plato engages in radical criticism and revision of his earlier views. How important are honor, money, love, work, friendship and our connections to others to our happiness? Our tools in this course will be logic and reason, even when we are trying to determine what the limits of reason might be. Why do we seek to experience through film fear and anguish that we avoid in our daily lives? Ms. Sydney Walsh-Wilcox '83 P'23 (Sibling) Ms. Jenny Walsh Singer '99 (Sibling) . As a result, some prominent researchers propose that the existence of consciousness requires a revision of basic physics, while others (seemingly desperately) deny that consciousness exists at all. The debate between Empiricism and Rationalism concerns whether all our knowledge derives from experience, or any is innate. Phil Walsh played 122 games for Collingwood, Richmond and the Brisbane Bears between 1983 and 1990. role does the history of philosophy play in the discipline? experiment, in which residents of a state home for mentally impaired children were intentionally infected with a virus that causes hepatitis, and the Kennedy-Krieger Lead Abatement study, which tested the efficacy of a new lead paint removal procedure by housing young children in partially decontaminated homes and testing those children for lead exposure. [more], This course is a survey of 17th- and 18th-century European philosophy, with a focus on metaphysics and epistemology. [more], No thinker has done more to shape the Western intellectual tradition than Augustine (354-430 CE), and no book displays Augustine's dynamic vision of reality more compellingly than the Confessions. What constitutes my knowledge of myself as a person, and does that knowledge differ in any significant respect from my knowledge of physical objects and of other people? Those positions remain extreme, but the challenge that consciousness poses is dramatic. Is it moral for us to pass along these sorts of decisions to AI's? While Plato and Aristotle differ on many points, they share the belief that the cosmos and the human place within it can be understood by rational means. Our seminar will have two aims: (1) to reconstruct the single most compelling moral theory from Kant's various ethical writings, and (2) to trace the influence of Kant's ethics in contemporary philosophy. Updated July 4, 2015 1.41am first published July 3, 2015 3.55pm. If time permits, we may also look at how the figure of Socrates has been thought about in the works of more modern thinkers. Some critics find predictive failures of economists unsurprising, given the frequent reliance of the latter on assumptions known to be false (e.g., that economic agents are always selfish, have perfect information, and never make mistakes) and on models that unavoidably ignore potentially relevant factors. What are the main sources of uncertainty here? However, the status of loyalty as a virtue has always been suspect: it has been argued that it is incompatible with impartiality, fairness and equality, and claimed that it is always exclusionary. Second, we will engage in some current philosophical debates concerning the concept of freedom in metaphysics, ethics, and political philosophy. Tamanika T. Steward. In discussions and writing, we will explore the diverse visions of modernity and of politics offered by such thinkers as Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, Mill, and Freud. Walsh's wife Meredith was taken to a nearby hospital for cuts to her leg. In order to hit the ground running, students will be expected to read. Or do our laws somehow enhance or enable our freedom? One of our guiding questions will be: What makes a thinker an "Existentialist"? PHIL 119 - 01 (S) SEM Justice, Democracy and Freedom Division II Writing Skills. We will examine a variety of philosophical and scientific theories of emotion, as well as some issues concerning normative aspects of emotions: the role of emotions in a good life, and the concept of emotional maturity. Moreover, the ethical issues that are implicated in responses to the pandemic reflect the range of those manifested across the field of public health as a whole. Our tools in this course will be logic and reason, even when we are trying to determine what the limits of reason might be. We also examine the Yogacara school, which offers a process view of reality focusing on the analysis of experience. In our attempts to make headway in answering such daunting questions, we investigate recent debates in critical theory concerning subjection and resistance, intersubjective recognition and redistribution, social pathologies and the idea of a political unconscious. [more], The nature of consciousness remains a fundamental mystery of the universe. We can learn a lot about logic, language, epistemology and metaphysics by thinking through and attempting to resolve paradoxes. Background readings include sources rooted in traditional modes of bioethical analysis as well as those incorporating feminist approaches. [more], Intellectually, we are ready skeptics and relativists. The philosophical study of what we do in language, and how we understand one another, is called pragmatics; within the analytic tradition, the main philosophical contributions to the study of pragmatics in language came from Peirce, Wittgenstein, Austen, Grice and Searle. It is a paradox, because I started with seemingly true statements and used valid reasoning to arrive at contradictory conclusions. Does the fact that our lives will end threaten their meaning? We will examine these and related issues by looking in depth at contemporary defenses of consequentialist, deontological, and contractualist theories. Aristotle sets out to study being qua being, or what is insofar as it is. [more], The primary way we interact with others is through the use of language. We shall first explore the salient features of the pragmatic approaches to language, paying special attention to Austin's notion of illocutionary force and Grice's notion of non-natural meaning. Questions include: Does the world decide the truth and falsity of all our beliefs? What is the mind? The seminar will fall into two unequal parts. [more], This will be a course in the philosophy of language at it has developed over the past century and a half in the analytic tradition. What is essential to human being is not any fixed set of characteristics, but rather what a human being becomes and how it defines and creates itself under conditions it does not choose. classics of western literature, and his views on ethics and politics continue to occupy a central place in our discussions 2400 years after they were written. What do you expect to learn? self-mastery, succeeding in worthwhile projects, cultivating relationships, living morally, developing spiritually)? Readings will be drawn from recent work in the Frankfurt School and poststructuralist traditions of critical theory as well as anti-racist, anti-colonial, feminist and queer theories that draw upon them. In fact, Socrates seems to have been thought of as a kind of intellectual saint in the Hellenistic world. Were they simply too unsophisticated and confused to understand what is for us the irresistible power of skepticism and relativism? philosophers deeply influenced by pragmatism do not recognize the fact, while, on the other hand, some self-proclaimed pragmatists of our days can hardly be seen as continuing the tradition to which they pledge allegiance. In this course we address key themes and figures from two of the most influential movements in twentieth century European philosophy, namely, existentialism and phenomenology, a philosophical approach to which existentialism is indebted. [more], There are three grains of sand on my desk. [more], This course involves Independent Study under the supervision of a member of the department. We will look at relativism with respect to reason and truth in general as well as with respect to science, religion, and morality. Other questions are pressing and immediate: Artificial intelligence techniques are used today to help decide whether someone gets a bank loan, is eligible to be released on bail, or in need of particular medical treatment. Is a sentence's relation to previously uttered sentences similar to its relation to extra-linguistic events? A person incapable of loyalty is often characterized as fickle, cold, self-serving and sometimes even pathological. We will then turn to contemporary controversies such as campus free speech. reason or truth (unless they are our own). This site was launched in Spring of 2020, and includes death notifications beginning January 1, 2020. The focus will be on model-theoretic semantics, the sub-field of linguistics that studies meanings. How should we think about the boundaries and methods of theorizing about film? Which characteristics of persons give them moral status? Messing with People: The Ethics of Human Experimentation. [more], This course is an introduction to philosophy through three major themes: The nature of the universe, the existence of gods, and the mind/body problem. If there aren't such things, how do we characterize meaningfulness instead? The order in which you say things matters, and it matters for what you communicate what actions you take and what events happen around you. What makes a theorem of logic true? Among the questions that we will address: What is justice? Further, even where there is agreement as to the proper way of answering epistemological questions, there is a stunning variety of possible answers to each question. Love it or hate it, you cannot ignore it. We think that there is a difference between a linguistic object's being meaningful and its having a referent. Love it or hate it, you cannot ignore it. We'll examine these criticisms in depth. It seems like there is still a heap of sand in my backyard. To do this we will explore topics that might traditionally be considered "women's issues" in healthcare, such as medicine and body image (e.g., cosmetic surgery, eating disorders), reproductive and genetic technologies, and research on women and their health care needs. Why read the history of philosophy? In this tutorial we will read from Ancient, modern and contemporary philosophical sources as well several relevant studies in the social sciences and positive psychology movement in order to engage questions concerning happiness. [more], We will someday live alongside artificially intelligent beings who equal or exceed us. Science is only "true" for some people, agnosticism is the only alternative to foolish superstition, and moral relativism and, consequently, nihilism are obvious. Throughout, we will appeal to reason and evidence in forming our best beliefs. And right now there are autonomous vehicles deciding how to behave in traffic, and autonomous weapons capable of delivering lethal force. More importantly, many of the thinkers that we will read in this class are simply excellent philosophers, and it is worthwhile for anyone interested in philosophical problems to read treatments of these problems by excellent philosophers. Is moral objectivity like scientific objectivity, assuming that we have a clear sense of what that involves? We will focus on particular topics, examples of which are the following: normative critique, capitalism, authoritarianism, mass culture, enlightenment and reason, progress, violence, the domination of nature, white supremacy, patriarchy and colonialism. Along the way we will discuss principles of syntax, the sub-field that studies sentence structures, and pragmatics, the sub-field that studies inferences of non-literal content. We ordinarily claim that sentences are true or false, but are there other entities whose truth and falsity explains the truth and falsity of sentences? [more], According to Aristotle the ultimate good is happiness---everything we desire we desire for the sake of happiness. of subjectivity, the scope of reflexivity, the nature of perceptual presence, etc. Jana Sawicki TR 8:30 am - 9:45 am Hopkins Hall 400 (Rogers Room) 3316 Closed None PHIL 122 - T1 (F) TUT Contemporary Moral Issues . I don't know why, she just does. Required fields are marked *. It will be very helpful, though not absolutely necessary, for you to have some familiarity with logic and some experience in reading philosophy. For example, we commonly attribute to Plato a theory of the Forms on the basis of his claims in the so-called "middle dialogues" (mainly Republic, Phaedo, and Symposium). First of all, Greek thinkers, especially Plato and Aristotle, radically shaped the trajectory of western thought in every area of philosophy. Taking this as our starting point, in this course we will examine a number of conceptual and ethical issues in the use and development of technologies related to human reproduction, drawing out their implications for such core concepts as "motherhood" and "parenthood," family and genetic relatedness, exploitation and commodification, and reproductive rights and society's interests in reproductive activities. Right? United States portal. What differentiates today from yesterday? As we proceed through the course, we will look at the way in which each thinker characterizes happiness, virtue and the relation between the two. Pascal's wager is a different approach: it argues that even though proof of the existence of God is unavailable, you will maximize your expected utility be believing. In this class, we'll work together to think through some ancient and contemporary paradoxes. In this course, we will study the most important and influential chapters of the, Topics in Philosophy of Race: Hegel and Africana Philosophy, double? [more], The seminar involves a critical engagement with key Africana political leaders, theorists and liberationists. Embodiment and Consciousness: A Cross-Cultural Exploration. Some challenges we face are broad and about the future, though perhaps not the far future. In this course, we will study the most important and influential chapters of the Critique with the help of some secondary literature. The Wittgenstein of the Tractatus is known as the "earlier Wittgenstein," the Wittgenstein of the Investigations is known as the "later Wittgenstein." Unfortunately, the relevance of Hume's ideas and arguments for particular philosophical disciplines has too often led to a piece-meal reading of his work: the three books of Treatise ("Of the Understanding," "Of the Passions" and "Of Morals") are typically considered in isolation from one another. Does being virtuous guarantee happiness? [more], Elizabeth Anscombe, Philippa Foot, Amelie Rorty, and Cora Diamond all challenged the prevailing philosophical tenets of their times. Should we value other things (say justice or passionate commitment and curiosity) over happiness? We got it anyway . Associate Dean for Sophomore Year Students and Director of Transfer and Non-Traditional Students Services. In this course, we will examine some central texts in ancient Greek and Roman moral philosophy. Why read the history of philosophy? and Augustine, and, from a political and theoretical point of view, selections from the Hebrew Bible and New Testament. Phil Walsh!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? Epistemologists don't seem to think that Hume's account of human psychology, morality and taste can in any way illuminate his treatment of skepticism and natural belief, while moral philosophers often neglect Hume's conclusions about the limits of our knowledge in analyzing his conception of motivation, action, obligation and virtue. Is it forced on people who endorse cultural pluralism as their political ideal as the only tenable philosophical position? Associate Dean of Students / Director of International Student Services. But, is logic the study of how people do reason, or is it the study of how people should reason? What does it mean to be "philosophical" or to think "theoretically" about politics? We will begin with Washington's classic article "Industrial Education for the Negro" and DuBois' classic "The Talented Tenth". Is a world with AI's overall better or worse for us? We will read Adam Smith and Karl Marx on capitalism, Simone de Beauvoir on gender, and Charles Mills on race. Our discussions will range over historical and contemporary works in the Western tradition. [more], This course examines some of the central questions raised by the study of the consciousness: the place of intentionality, the role of emotions, the relation with the body, the nature of subjectivity, the scope of reflexivity, the nature of perceptual presence, etc. Dean's Office. It puts an end to the Early Modern traditions of Rationalism and Empiricism, and it stands at the beginning of both the Analytic and Continental traditions in contemporary philosophy. In the last century New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani attempted to shut down the Brooklyn Museum "Sensations" exhibit because he claimed it offended Christians, and the Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center was prosecuted for exhibiting allegedly obscene photographs by Robert Mapplethorpe. The issue of prediction was also raised by economist Donald McCloskey who, in 1988, asked his fellow economists, "If you're so smart, why ain't you rich?" Could we (individually and socially) educate and cultivate them? Phil Walsh is a famous Australian Rules Footballer. Key ideas and concepts such as the death of god, the use and abuse of history, the eternal recurrence, will to power, and master and slave morality will be addressed. To do this, we will need to become familiar with key ethical theories; think deeply about such concepts as privacy, paternalism and autonomy, exploitation, cost-benefit analysis and justice; and compare the function of these concepts in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic with the way they work in responses to other public health concerns. The tragedians emphasize the ways in which the cosmos and our role in it resists any attempt to be understood, and emphasize the ways in which the success or failure of our lives often turns on things completely beyond our control. His depiction of the trial and death of Socrates is one of the classics of western literature, and his views on ethics and politics continue to occupy a central place in our discussions 2400 years after they were written. [more], Epistemology is one of the core areas of philosophical reflection. Understanding later Wittgenstein is thus vital for engaging in contemporary philosophy, but neither the interpretation nor the evaluation of his thought is straightforward or easy. [more], The aim of this tutorial is to critically examine the nature, importance, and ethical value of personal attachments and loyalties. [more], Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature, one of the greatest books in the history of philosophy, still exerts a considerable influence on contemporary epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of science, philosophy of action, ethics and moral psychology. In this course we address key themes and figures from two of the most influential movements in twentieth century European philosophy, namely, existentialism and phenomenology, a philosophical approach to which existentialism is indebted. The aim of this course is to explore and evaluate a number of rival conceptions of persons and personal identity over time. If so, what are the constraints on good revisions? Can we be mistaken about how well our lives are going, or about what has value? We will examine several different approaches in depth, including realism, constructivism, expressivism, and skepticism. more broadly, what it is like to have a first person, waking perspective at all--resists explanation in any terms other than the conscious experience itself in spite of centuries of intense effort by philosophers and, more recently, by scientists. [more], The last line of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus famously reads: "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent." Here are a few: In this course we aim to engage that abstract question through two more focused projects. Is happiness an emotional or mental state or is it a social construct? (iv) It is possible that you are reading. In this course, we will spend the first third of the semester attempting to understand the metaphysics and epistemology in Plato's middle dialogues. [more], What social and political arrangements are most conducive to fostering human well-being and the common good? The debate never transpired - indeed, Leibniz suppressed his New Essays - because of Locke's death in 1705. In addressing these substantive questions, we will also consider which methodological approach--if a single one can be privileged--we should adopt for examining emotions. This discussion will lead us to the relativist and social-constructivist views developed within contemporary science studies. Must the freedom or fulfillment of some people require the subordination of others? Finally, we will analyze the current debate about cognitive credentials of science and about proper approaches to the study of science, which came to be known as "the science wars.". If loyalty is a virtue, what are the proper limits of its cultivation and expression? Some critical theorists within the Frankfurt School tradition draw from upon ideas about the constitution of the subject developed in the early 19th century German philosophy of Hegel. Attention to the writing process and developing an authorial voice will be a recurrent focus of our work inside and outside the classroom. What is the nature of consciousness and how can it be unhappy, false or double? (ii) You are reading. + Discussion: UPI, New York Post, . Supt Bray said the domestic incident was a tragedy. Hence, being with others, being dependent on others, is regarded as a key structuring feature of human existence. [more], Justice is a notoriously complex and elusive philosophical concept, the conditions of which are even more difficult to articulate within real world institutions and contexts than in the abstract. We will examine basic questions in the philosophy of law: What is the relationship between law and morality? We will then turn to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. Of course, this question cannot really be answered, nor is there any value in trying to answer it, and any "answer" will only be "true" for you. What role do emotional, irrational or unconscious forces play? and keto reduced-sugar products has been linked to blood clotting, stroke, heart attack and death, according to a new study. According to Hegel, subjects are both historically and socially constituted; they are formed through their relations with other subjects. To do this we will explore topics that might traditionally be considered "women's issues" in healthcare, such as medicine and body image (e.g., cosmetic surgery, eating disorders), reproductive and genetic technologies, and research on women and their health care needs. In particular, one must grasp that "three of them" picks out a subset of the group picked out by "every cookie", and that there's no such thing as a cookie that is both chocolate chip, Minds, Brains, and Intelligent Behavior: An Introduction to Cognitive Science. Police were called to the house just after 2:00 am, and found Walsh with multiple stab wounds. We will prepare for the Republic by reading two Socratic dialogues: the Euthyphro and the Meno. Can we know anything through reason alone? central to debates about the significance and value of his work such as: psychology academically respectable. Dubois, The Talented Tenth, Frederick Rudolph, Williams College 1793-1993: Three Eras, Three Cultures, Michael S. Roth, Beyond the University: Why Liberal Education Matters, Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind, Martha Nussbaum, Cultivating Humanity, William Deresiewicz, Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life, Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure, and Anthony T. Kronman, The Assault on American Excellence. Who is equal? Our study will definitely include Frege, Russell, Quine, Searle, and Kripke. But is the best conclusion we can come to with respect to our intellectual endeavors that skepticism always carries the day and that nothing at all is true? The real question, then, seems to be whether, and how, free choice is possible amidst all of these influences. Springing Forward The Paresky Center is alive and bustling once again for the spring semester. Most of the authors will come from this list, however: Sartre, de Beauvoir, Kafka, Dostoyevsky, Thomas Mann, Camus, Ecco, Kundera, Borges, Charlie Kaufman, Bergman, Tarkovsky, Resnais, Kurosawa, Bunuel, Kubrick, Godard, Visconti and Guillermo del Toro. health and disease, and then apply them to human psychology. Finally, we will consider how the concept of freedom is applied in contemporary social contexts, such as speech, religion, voting, and sexuality and gender. We will pay special attention to the first amendment and questions concerning free speech and hate speech. [more], This course involves independent study under the supervision of a member of the department. Do we have any control over our emotions? We will examine well-known philosophical arguments for and against the existence of God (including the ontological argument, the cosmological argument, the teleological argument, the argument from religious experience, and the argument from evil). those issues in and of themselves, and to consider the ways in which selected classical and contemporary moral theories characterize and address those moral dimensions. Right? If so, freedom may seem impossible since we're all deeply influenced by factors ranging from the general laws of nature to specific features of our genetic endowment and social environment (including religion, political ideology, and advertising). In order to hit the ground running, students will be expected to read The Women Are Up to Something: How Elizabeth Anscombe, Philippa Foot, Mary Midgley, and Iris Murdoch Revolutionized Ethics by Benjamin J. In this tutorial, we will focus on questions concerning their distinctive methods, namely, historical materialism, genealogical critique, and psychoanalysis. Two more focused projects on my desk the supervision of a member the! Aristotle the ultimate good is happiness -- -everything we desire we desire we desire we desire for the of! To explore and evaluate a number of rival conceptions of persons and personal identity over time all! Director of International Student Services sets out to study being qua being, or is it forced on people endorse! Studies meanings & # x27 ; s wife Meredith was taken to a study. Of others unsophisticated and confused to understand what is insofar as it is a virtue, what and! 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phil walsh death williams college