homebrew wondrous items 5e

This black cane is made of gnarled wood and has a silvered raven's skull at its top. While holding it, you can use a bonus action to transform it into its scythe form. The only way to permanently destroy the weapon without freeing the entity is to gather the original three creatures that bound the entity to the weapon and boil it in a pool of their combined blood over a source of Primordial Fire. You are unable to attune to Oathkeeper until you have completed this quest and proven to the blade that you are a paragon of virtue; dedicated to honesty, integrity, and helping others. This ability can be used once per long rest. When you use this effect you can no longer benefit from the vision benefits, can no longer cast any spells from Lux, and it deals regular piercing damage rather than radiant as Lux dims and loses its radiance. Finally you can use your action to cast the Arms of Hadar, Hunger of Hadar, Dimension Door, Evard's Black Tentacles, and Plane Shift spells once each per long rest. While within the area of bright light, you and any creatures friendly to you are under the effect of the bless spell and can't fail death saving throws by rolling. For after all, what self respecting archmage would dare risk ruining his silk tunic straight from the islands of Morsen and their legendary silk worms. A 15-foot-radius sphere of crushing force forms around the arrowhead when it impacts something. Ointment applied to the face will produce a thick full beard. Ancient arcane binding barely prevents it from shattering on impact. This dagger has a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. The blade of this glaive crackles with potent electrical energy. This deeply curved weapon has been stained with the essence of hundreds of different poisons used to coat it over the years of it's use. You gain these benefits while attuned to the spellbook. A creature that succeeds on the required saves is immune to this effect for 24 hours. You gain a +1 bonus to ability checks and saving throws. The flask magically restores one charge per day. This ominous looking bag is stitched out of human flesh and appears empty. This sky-blue scroll flutters in a magical breeze and is written in Elvish. When the object lands, it transforms into a . While attuned to this amulet, the wearer gains a bonus to their AC whenever they Wild Shape into a beast. A creature that fails the save by 5 or more is permanently blinded and can only be healed by a Greater Restoration spell or similar effect. Over the first few days the creatures physical appearance will begin to change; their eyes will yellow and develop slits like a snakes, their skin will begin to grow patches of scales, and their hair will begin to fall out. If the target is made of stone, you deal an additional 2d8 force damage and attack rolls score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. Additionally a creature attuned to Authority is immune to the charmed and frightened condition. Creatures affected by this gas can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn, ending the effect on a success. It uses the Flying Sword stat-block with the following changes; it's to-hit modifier equals the attuned creatures, it deals 1d12 bludgeoning and 1d12 necrotic damage on a hit, it gains the Multiattack feature allowing it to attack twice on its turn, it has 18 AC and 32 (9d6) hit points, and it does not have the Antimagic Susceptibility feature. Mage Forge Magic Items for 5th Edition includes the artifact wand Taphos. Additionally, when you roll a 20 on an attack roll with Void, roll an additional d20, if you roll a second 20, you lop off one of the target's limbs, with the effect of such loss determined by the DM. Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. Venom has a +2 modifier to attack and damage rolls. Creatures within 20 ft. of that location must succeed on Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 16), taking 8d6 fire damage on a failure, and half as much damage on a success. Rupture can hold up to 5 charges, and it starts with 1d4+1 charge. Lux regains the lost abilities when you finish a long rest during which Lux has been exposed to direct starlight. When you grapple a creature their movement is not reduced to zero but they cannot move further than 15 feet away from you and when you grapple a structure the whip and grapple point can support up to 300 lbs before slipping, so long as the physical structure can also support that weight. Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster). The Lantern of the Rat Lord can also be used to ritual cast the spell; Find Familiar. No matter what poison is contained, a creature attuned to the weapon may replace the poison with another over a long rest. This ring is found with 1d6 + 1 charges and can hold a maximum of 20 charges. Devouring Acid: The target must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC 16) taking 4d6 Acid damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. The weapon is classified as +1 Longsword and initially deals 1d4 damage rather than 1d8/1d10. If you have the extra attack feature, make as many attacks as each action will allow. When the weapon is reduced to 0 hit points, or if it kills the creature attuned to it, it loses sentience and falling to the ground. If you act in direct conflict with that bond you may lose some or all functionality of the Spriggan Plate at the DM's discretion. As a bonus action, you can summon the spellbook, causing it to teleport instantly to your hand. This weapon has a +3 modifier to attack and damage rolls. Additionally you know the Druid Craft and the Decompose cantrip. Winter's Heart is the still beating heart of a white dragon. Regenerative: While wielding Valor you regain 1d6 hit points every 10 minutes, assuming you have at least 1 hit point. Its curves, its construction, its true name and purpose. Once per dawn, as an action you can cause a surge of thorns to erupt from the ground in a line 5 feet wide and 60 feet long. The Arrow of Slaying is a single-use magic item in D&D 5e that loses its magic after it is used to damage an enemy. This iron circlet has a magical pearl at its center and can hold up to 4 gemstones. Creatures of the wearers choice must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or take 66(12d10) fire damage. This ring has 4 charges. Additionally, a creature attuned to this amulet can use their action to expend and roll a single hit die to heal a creature within 5 feet that is at 0 HP for the amount rolled plus the attuned creatures Constitution modifier. You can expend three charges to cast the Summon Undead spell, creating a Putrid undead composed entirely of blood that drains from the dagger. Nothing against the creator, items like these just turn me right off. On a hit, the target takes force damage equal to 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier. Anything put into the pouch other than the darts or your hand is violently ejected. The dice have advantage (or automatically succeed depending on DM) on any gambling check made by someone attuned to them. As an action you can expend a number of charges to cast one of the following spells: Create or Destroy Water (1 charge), Wall of Water (2 charges), Water Breathing (2 charges), Water Walk (3 charges), Control Water (4 charges), and Watery Sphere (4 charges). Other creatures cannot interact with the space within this coat if you do not allow them to, including moving items in and out of the space or entering and exiting the space itself. It has 3 charges and regains all expended charges daily at dawn. Phyrexians are infectious, biomechanical horrors from Magic: the Gathering, and are inspired by the works of H.R. Top 10 Homebrew D&D Magic Items: Wondrous Items Nerdarchy dives back into the world of D&D Beyond Homebrew. This golden crown has been crafted from the pure gold scales of a gold dragon with a solid red ruby created from the solidified tears of a red dragon. When you attack a creature that is 10 feet away from you the weapon deals 1d10 slashing damage rather than 1d4 slashing damage. On a successful save, any flying speed it has (or similar means of flight) is halved for 1 minute instead. Each card bears one of four types of dragons: black, red, bronze, or silver. Oaths, Remade. While wearing it, you gain the following benefits: Weapon (glaive), legendary (requires attunement). These changes finish manifesting after 7 days and slowly fade over another 7 days if the armor is no longer attuned to. While the cleric of death laughed at his attempts to cast within the ball of silence, Oscar cocked his head, gripped his wand, and, without a word or a gesture, disintegrated the villain where he stood. Once per long rest, the attuned Paladin can, as an action, consume all of the charges currently contained in the weapon to deal a single attack to a creature, dealing 1d12 damage per charge consumed. Any creature on the same surface as you that is caught in this area must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spellcasting DC. If they do have it, their multi-attack increases by one. Additionally, while attuned to this weapon you cannot be surprised while asleep. Once you've used this bathrobe to get the best rest you've ever had, you literally cannot sleep without it. This dagger deals an additional 1d6 cold damage on a hit. If you hit a target with this weapon that is either resistant or immune to cold or fire damage, that target loses that resistance or immunity until the end of your next turn. He missed the man's self-satisfied smile as he turned the corner. This light is sunlight. The curse remains for 1 minute or until the creature is reduced to 0 hit points. The bag can communicate with any creature that comes into physical contact with it and can understand any language. Capsaicin High. Our own experiences creating magic items points to wondrous items as the most abundant category by far. On a hit, a target takes 2d10 lightning damage. The items in this compendium are an assortment of items I have collected or created. This property cannot be used again until the next dawn, and on a success it can't be used on the same creature more than once. When the object lands, it transforms into a creature you . The poison coating lasts for a number of attacks equal to one half the attuned creatures proficiency modifier. You can only use this effect against a dragon who's breath weapon damage type is not already available to you. While you hold this weapon, you have resistance to damage dealt by beasts. A creature attuned to Kyzzierth's Renown has their Charisma and Strength score increased by 2, up to a maximum of 22. For more items and homebrew D&D content be sure to visit our Instagram! When found, the circlet has 2 gemstones. The first is named Thalia and the second is named Euthenia. In addition, the coat has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dusk. This padded armor is a billowing assemblage of earth-colored cloth that seems to flow with the wind as if made of sand itself. On a successful save, the creature attuned to this item may use their reaction to take the dash action and must move towards the target ally using the most direct path. Aura of Protection: The paladins Aura of Protection increases in radius to 20 feet. While the swords are summoned, you can take this special Attack action on each of your turns. Every decade that the creature stays attuned to Kyzzierth's Renown they must roll on the Indefinite Madness table, the result of which cannot be healed outside of an act of the gods. While attuned to Authority you can cast the Command, Calm Emotions, and Zone of Truth spells at will, each of which use a DC 18 saving throw. Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard). When dropped in water this weapon floats to the surface, refusing to sink. This lantern seems to have a spectral entity bound within that manifests in the form of a rat. Battle Plate of the War Chief Key of mimicry Mask of the Doctor The Hard Hat The Idol of Zeroth The Lich Skull This luxen lasts until the next dusk, at which point it dissipates. To whom it may concern, fondest greetings! Weapon (any), artifact (requires attunement). The charges must be expended to empower the attack before the attack is rolled. If you score a critical hit with a kinetic bolt, the target is pushed thrice as far and knocked prone. This sand can be substituted for the material component of a spell with a required value of less than 1,000 GP. This small glass vial contains 1 ounce of orc blood imbued with the might of Gruumsh. Creatures that succeed the saving throw take half damage and are not restrained. This dagger deals an additional 2d4 necrotic damage on a hit. A creature attuned to Kyzzierth's Renown can use their action to call for the fury of gold and red dragons, exhaling a blast of pure radiant fire that ignores resistance in a 60 ft. cone. Motherlode! Additionally while attuned to this weapon you know the Druidcraft cantrip with Wisdom being your casting ability. If you roll a 1 on an attack roll, roll a d20. When you attack a creature with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, that target takes an extra 11 (2d10) slashing damage. Curse. English (selected) . Bright light spills forth from the blade in a 60 ft. range, this light counts as daylight, and dim light spreads for an additional 60 ft. They might sell for a lot and look pretty, but they aren't the most useful. Wondrous Item (bracers), Artifact (requires attunement). Destroying The Devourer. This weapon is cursed, while attuned to it a creature becomes sickly in appearance, as if their life essence were being slowly drained away, however to the attuned creature they feel as hearty and hale as they normally do. When the book is opened to a page that contains a memory, the memory plays as a looping video without sound (literally a .gif book). If the curse lasts for its full duration, it rebounds; you take 4d10 fire damage, which can't be reduced or prevented in any way. When attuned to this amulet, a Dragonborn breath weapon becomes empowered. This finely crafted spellbook is bound in the leathery hide of an otyugh, and powerful wards have been placed upon it by an archmage to make it indestructible by nonmagical means, including fire. The pistol can be can be found on page 268 of the DMG, Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement by a spell caster). After two weeks the attuned creature will begin hearing the whispers of Zehir guiding their actions and calling them to seek him out to finish the transformation that has begun. When this ability is used the club gains a form of animalistic sentience and begins lashing out at any creature near, including the holder of the weapon. Wielding this small shield only grants a +1 bonus to AC. I have taken inspiration from many different sources, from Hatred Incarnate (which is based on Darius' Ultimate from League of Legends) to Archmage Clippents Magical Machine of Word and Phrase Finding (which is my take on Clippy from older versions of Microsoft Word) to Ring of Mocap (which is stolen almost directly from Dresden files) to the Bag of With-holding (which is the item I am most proud of being an original creation). Bathrobe to get the best rest you 've used this bathrobe to get best... Made of gnarled wood and has a +2 bonus to AC attunement by a sorcerer warlock... Can be substituted for the material component of a white dragon manifesting after 7 days and slowly fade over 7... Very rare ( requires attunement ) an assortment of items I have or. Have it, you gain these benefits while attuned to this weapon can. Critical hit with a required value of less than 1,000 GP can repeat saving. 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homebrew wondrous items 5e